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1、 Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.考研英语作文模板范文:Governments should definitely spend more money on improving all forms of public transportation. These include buses, subways and trains. This is the best way to preserve natural resources and reduce pollution.As a planet, were dealin

2、g with a finite amount of natural resources. Once theyre gone, they cant be replaced. They cant fill our need for oil and gasoline forever. But we seem to forget that and consume them at an incredible rate. In wealthier counties, some families have two or three cars. As soon as teenagers get their d

3、rivers licenses, theyre given cars so their parents wont have to drive them places.Public transportation hasnt been sufficiently developed. Because of this, suburban areas surrounding cities have been allowed to sprawl more and more widely. This means that people cant even go to the store without ha

4、ving to hop into the car. Everything is too far away from where they live. If there were better and more frequent public transportation, people would be able to give up their cars for local driving.As a result of all the cars being driven, were dealing with terrible pollution problems. In big cities

5、, there are days during the summer when the elderly and people with respiratory problems are advised not to leave the house. Ten years ago this was unheard of! Now its the norm. Public transportation would cut down considerably on air pollution.Public transportation also encourages a sense of commun

6、ity. People who travel to work together all the time get to know each other. Car isolate us from neighbors. However, people feel they need to drive because they cant depend on public transportation to fit their schedules. If more money were available, buses, subways and trains could run 24 hours a d

7、ay. Then they would be available all the time to the people who need them.I always try to take public transportation whenever possible, and I encourage friends and neighbors to try it too. I think we must support public transportation in order to create a better world.范文二人口问题Directions:A. Study the

8、following graphs carefully and write and essay in at least 150 words.B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET II.C. Your essay should cover these three points:1. effect of the countrys growing human population on its wildlife2. possible reason for the effect3. your suggestion for wildlif

9、e protection考研英语作文范文THE UPS AND DOWNS OF POPULATION GROWTHThe two charts show that the increase in the U.S. population has been accompanied by a corresponding decline in the number of wildlife species. Far too many species have been lost already. This poses a danger to ecological balance.As the huma

10、n population expands, more and more wild animals are hunted for food, or because they are thought to present a threat to man. But studies show that one of the primary causes of the disappearance of wildlife is pollution, which is one of the consequences of population growth and economic development.

11、 This makes us wonder if man is able to share this planet in harmony with other life forms.In my opinion, it is imperative to take steps to reverse the disturbing trend illustrated in the charts. One measure would be to forbid the building of cities in areas where wild life is threatened with extinc

12、tion. But, more imporantly, man must learn to stop polluting the environment, or he himself will become extinct.范文三怎样改变家乡If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.If I could change one thing about my h

13、ometown, I think it would be the fact that theres no sense of community here. People dont feel connected, they dont look out for each other, and they dont get to know their neighbors.People come and go a lot here. They change jobs frequently and move on. This means that they dont put down roots in t

14、he community. They dont join community organizations and theyre not willing to get involved in trying to improve the quality of life. If someone has a petition to put in a new street light, she has a very hard time getting a lot of people to sign. They dont feel it has anything to do with them. They

15、 dont get involved in improving the schools because they dont think the quality of education is important to their lives. They dont see the connection between themselves and the rest of their community.People dont try to support others around them. They dont keep a friendly eyes on their children, o

16、r check in on older folks if they dont see them for a few days. Theyre not aware when people around them may be going through a hard time. For example, they may not know if a neighbor loses a loved one. Theres not a lot of community support for individuals.Neighbors dont get to know each other. Agai

17、n, this is because people come and go within a few years. So when neighbors go on vacation, no one is keeping an eye on their house. No one is making sure nothing suspicious is going on there, like lights in the middle of the night. When neighbors children are cutting across someones lawn on their b

18、ikes, theres no friendly way of casually mentioning the problem. People immediately act as if its a major property disagreement.My hometown is a nice place to live in many ways, but it would be much nice if we had that sense of community.范文四西安人的生活水平Writing (提纲图表式作文) Study the following table careful

19、ly and write an essay of 160 - 200 words within 30 minutes.Statistics in Peoples Daily Expenses in XianWhat is shown in the table above indicates that dramatic changes have taken lace in the peoples daily expenses in Xian from 1995 to 1999. The expenses on food have declined by 30% while those on cl

20、othing and recreation have increased respectivily by 9% and 7%. The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to one another.There are two factors accounting for these changes. Development in economy is an essential one in the five years. The increased income resulti

21、ng from economic growth plays an important part in the less expense on food. Hence, a small percentage of total income is enough to cover food expense. Another one is the changes in life style. When foods presents no worry to the average, people begin to focus more of interest on handsome appearance

22、 and happy leisure time. As a result of such a shift, spending on clothing and recreation increased year after year.From the analyses made above, we may come to the conclusion that peoples living standards in Xian have been constantly improved between 1995 and 1999. With the further growth in econom

23、y and more changes in life style, the tendency indicated in the table will continue in the table will continue in the better direction.译文:上表中显示的数据表明,从1995年到1999年,西安人的日常支出发生了很大变化。食物支出下降了30%,服装和娱乐支出分别上升了9%和7%。上下波动的数据似乎独立存在,但是相互之间却紧密联系。造成这些变化的因素有两个。这五年中的经济发展是一个不可或缺的原因。经济发展带来的收入增长,对食物支出的减少起到了很大的作用。因此,工资

24、总额的一小部分足以支付食物的费用。另一个因素是生活方式的改变。当普通人不再担心食物时,人们开始把的兴趣集中到漂亮的外貌和快乐的休闲时间。这种转变的结果是服装和娱乐的支出逐年提高。根据上面所做的分析,我们可以得出这样的结论:西安人的生活水平在1995年和1999年期间一直在改善。随着经济的进一步增长和生活方式的改变,表中显示的趋势将继续向好的方向发展。范文五吸烟问题最新大纲样题: Widespread tobacco consumption has led to grave consequences, yet the tobacco companies still claim that they

25、 make a valbuable contribution to the world economy.There is a discussion in a newspaper on the above two viewpoints.Write an essay to the newspaper1) criticizing their view and2) justify your stand.In your essay, make full use of the information provided in the pidctures printed below.You should wr

26、ite about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.The majority of people would agree that cigarette smoking has caused serious problems. But the tobacco companies insist that they contribute greatly to the world economy by paying taxes to the government and employing hundreds of workers.Personally, I believe th

27、at cigarette production and consumption threatens to do more harm than good. Firstly, smoking is responsible for many fatal diseases such as lung cancer, heart diseases and so on. According to the survey, tobacco consumers account for about 20% of the world population, and among them, three million

28、people die from smoking-related diseases every year. The fact that the output of tobacco production is reduced from 143.64 billion pounds in 1994 to 142 billion pounds in 1995 also suggests that people have come to realize the negative effects of smoking. Secondly, tobacco consumption is extremely w

29、asteful of money. As is indicatd in the pictures, 200 billion US dollars is lost due to smoking each year. Obviously, the total loss of money around the globe substantially exceeds the gain in the industry.In conclusion, as the economic development aims at making our life better, we cannot sacrifice

30、 our health for short-term financial benefits. If we have to spend more and more money providing medical services for those who suffer from smoking-related illnesses, the notion of promoting economy via tobacco production is not justifable. It is high time that we fought for the total tobacco ban. 【2015考研英语备考】

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