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小学英语总复习内容 全册Word格式.docx

1、this s这,这个a,ann一个no n不pencilpensl铅笔pencil boxpensl bks文具盒 bookbk书penpen钢笔 show 出示pencil pensl sharpener :pn(r)铅笔刀eraser rez(r) egg e蛋 flower fla(r)花 girl:l女孩hatht帽子 inkk墨水elephant elfnt大象 goat ut山羊firefa(r)火 insectnsekt 虫This is Danny Deer .This isnt Mocky .What a Lovely deer !Show me a pencil .A: N

2、ice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you , too .who hu:谁that t那 she她 he h他 from frm来自Canadaknd加拿大 Chinatan中国Britainbrtn 英国Americamerk美国poor p:(r) 可怜ouchat哎呦 jeepdi:p吉普kitekat风筝 lemon lemn柠檬 moon mu:n月亮 noodles nu:dlz面条kangaroo kru:袋鼠 moneymn钱 nest nest鸟窝 jacketdkt夹克Whos this?Whos that?This is cathy.Thats

3、 Tommy.Shes fromCanada.Hes fromBritain.ready red准备 smilesmal微笑 familyfml家 motherm 妈妈father f:爸爸sister sst(r)姐妹brotherbr(r)兄弟memi:(宾格)我 grandmothergrnm(r)奶奶,姥姥grandfatherrnf:(r)爷爷、姥爷 aunt :nt阿姨,婶婶 unclekl叔叔orangernd桔子 queenkwi:n女王 pandapnd熊猫 rat rt老鼠roosterru:st(r)公鸡octopus ktps章鱼 peacock pi:kk孔雀rabb

4、itrbt兔子puppetppt木马 quilt kwlt被子 Thats my father.mommm妈妈daddd爸爸 her h(r)她的room ru:m房间bikebak自行车hishz他的boatbt小船 cark:(r)小汽车friendfrend朋友bag b包computerkmpju:t(r)电脑sun sn太阳saladsld沙拉umbrellambrel伞taxitks出租车violinvaln 小提琴 turtlet:tl乌龟video vd录像带tea ti:茶snakesnek蛇Whos she?Shes my mother.Thats her boat.三年级

5、下册banana bn:n 香蕉 nutnt 坚果 pearpe(r) 梨is z是it t 它strawberrystr:br 草莓 yesjes 是watermelonw:tmeln 西瓜kiwifruit kwf猕猴桃pineapplepan菠萝Whats this?Is it a pear?Its a nut.Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.arer是 thesei:z这些 theye他们 tomatoestm:tz西红柿thosez那些 beansbi:nz豆角mushroomsmrmz蘑菇cabbagesbidz卷心菜onionsnjnz洋葱potatoespte

6、t土豆Look lk看come back km bk回来cucumbers kju:kmbz黄瓜cauliflowerskliflauz花菜eggplants epl:nts茄子peppers pepz辣椒What are these/those?They are beans.Are these beans?Yes, they are.Are those potatoes?No, they arent.bird b:d鸟how many hau meni多少there那里 tootu:也helphelp帮助,救命look outluk aut小心smallsm:l小crocodilekrkda

7、l鳄鱼big b大onewn一two二three ri:三four f:四 five fav五sixsks六sevensevn七eightet八ninenan九 tenten十zero zr零How many birds are there?There are seven birds.butterflybtfla蝴蝶colorkl(r)颜色look atluk 看 all:l全部nowna现在redred红blueblu:蓝 greenri:n绿 yellowjel黄blackblk黑 brownbran棕色 orangernd橘红色 whitewat白pinkpk粉红purplep:pl紫

8、grey re灰色bear br 熊fishf鱼 crab krb螃蟹What color is it?Its blue.What color are they?They are yellow.What color are these / those frogs?They are green.cann能,会climbklam爬treetri:树cantnt不会,不能seesi:看见househas房子all rightl rait好,好吧catcht抓carryr背,运 listenlsn听 runrn跑 dance d:ns跳舞swimswm游泳 sings唱 readri:d读writer

9、at写walkw:k走talkt:k谈话jump dmp跳drawdr:画画 morem:(r)更多mattermt(r)事情butbt但是once upon a timewns pn tam从前I/You/She/He can /cant run .Can you read ?Yes, I can .Can you climb this tree ?No,I cant.Whats the matter ?I cant walk .四年级上册leftleft左边 rightrat右边again en再;又litterlt(r)乱丢;乱扔very goodveri ud很好 thank youk

10、 ju:谢谢你touchtt接触;触摸move mu:v移动;搬动worrywri烦恼crykra哭 Parkingp:k公园;停车场 food fu:d食物smokingsmk吸烟,抽烟 cameramr照相机Dont touch不准摸 Dont walk不准走 Dont Litter不准仍No Parking不准停车No food不准吃东西No smoking禁止吸烟No Cameras不准照相 Stand up起立Sit down坐下Take out your books .拿出你的书。Put up your hands .举起你的手Turn to page 7 .翻到第七页。Close

11、 your books. 合上你的书。toy t玩具 train tren火车 how muchhau mt多少altogether:ltge(r)全部 robotrubt机器人 changetend零钱,找零stop thiefstp i:f抓贼Well done(英)wel dn干得好elevenlevn 11twelve twelv 12 thirteen :ti:n13 fourteen f:ti:n 14fifteen ffti:n 15sixteensksti:n 16 seventeen sevnti:n 17eighteeneti:n 18nineteen nanti:n 19

12、twenty twenti 20How much is the ball?Its eleven yuan.How much are they?They are nineteen yuan.Here is the money.Here is your change.studystd学习,书房whosehu:z谁的CD光盘televisiontelvn电视机sorrysr对不起 walkmanw:kmn随声听cassettekset磁带radio red收音机diskman diskm光盘播放机tabletebl桌子keyboard ki:b:d键盘mousemas鼠标Whose radio is

13、 this?Its Bobbys.Whose CDs are these/those?They are Anns.knocknk敲doorwelcome welkm欢迎living roomlivi ru:m客厅bedroombedru:m卧室sleepingsli:p睡觉bathroomb:ru:m洗手间,浴室 washing w洗 hereh(r)这儿riverrv(r)河intont进入kitchenktn厨房 eating i:t吃cookingkk做饭studyingstdi学习 playingple玩 drinking drk喝paintingpent画画What is he do

14、ing?He is sleeping.What are you doing?I am eating.This is the kitchen.Teachers Day ti:tz de教师节playgroundplerand操场theirer他们的officefs办公室 oura(r)我们的 schoolsku:l学校greatret伟大的mathm数学 classroomkl:sru:m教室Englishgl英语 musicmju:zk音乐 art美术 Chinesetani:z语文P.E.体育Christmaskrisms圣诞节 Merry Christmas圣诞节快乐partyt晚会gif

15、tft礼物parentspernts父母亲openpn开Are these our/your/their/books?Yes, they are./No, they arent.四年级下册restaurantrestrnt饭馆 menumenju:菜单 likelak喜欢 cornk:n玉米chicken tkn鸡肉面条 vegetablesvedtblz蔬菜fruitfru:t水果d食物 hot doght d热狗 fried ricefraid rais炒米饭French friesfrent fraz炸薯条 hamburgerhmb:(r)汉堡包Do you like vegetable

16、s?Yes, I do.Do you like noodles?No, I dont.What do you like?I like fruit.I dont like chicken.He likes oranges.Does he like noodles?Yes, he does. /No, he doesnttalll高 short:t矮,短bigb大smal lsm:l小 youngj年轻oldld年老 bad b坏goodd好longl长fatft胖 thinn瘦fat ft胖 tree树 turtletl乌龟womanwmn女人 man mn男人 animalnml动物He is

17、 tall .Is she a short girl ?Yes, she is ./No, she isnt.Its a fat bear.a hot hamburger一个热汉堡a cold ice ream一个冰淇淋a sweet orange一个甜橘子a sour lemon一个酸柠檬some hot soup热汤some hot rice热米饭some cold water凉水some hot noodles热面条some fresh fruit新鲜水果some fresh vegetables新鲜蔬菜some hot French fries热的炸薯条some cold milk凉牛

18、奶Im thirsty.Have some orange juice.Im hungry.Have some fruit.Is it fresh?Yes, it is. /No it isnt.storest:(r)商店 wantwnt想 newnju:新 clock klk钟表watchwt手表magazinemzi:n杂志 sellsel卖thing东西cap kp帽子newspapernju:zpep(r)报纸 umbrella mbrel伞comic kmk漫画书 T-shirtT恤衫pursep:s女式钱包I want a book.We have caps.She has a bl

19、ue umbrella.Do you have a watch?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Can I have the blue one?Here you are.Can I help you?I want a camera.berryber浆果 wellwel身体健康的stomach stmk肚子hurth:t疼todayde今天 betterbet(r)(指身体)好一些;康复的hairhe(r)头发headhed头 eyea眼nosenz鼻子 sayse说mouth ma嘴巴 tonguet舌头 chest test胸ear(r)耳朵armm胳膊 m胳膊 shoulderld(r)肩face fes脸handnd手 fingerf(r)手指 knee ni:膝盖leg le腿toet脚趾footft脚How are you today?Im not well.Whats the matter?My head /leg/mouth hurts.Hi

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