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1、has arguedhas been arguinghave arguedhave been arguing have been arguing3、All that can be done _.has donehas been donehave donehave been done has been done4、Every man, woman and child _ some history, enough at least, to survive in the world. knowsknow is knownare known5、_ is to attend our eveningbot

2、h the singer and the dancerEither the singer or dancers The singer or dancers The singer and dancer第三章1、Both _ houses were destroyed by fire last week.the tailors and the bakerthe tailor and the bakerss and the bakerthe tailor and the baker the tailor2、In ten years time, all those youngsters will be

3、come_.grown-upsgrowns-upgrowns-upsgrown-up grown-ups3、_ is a well informed man.This Johns old friendThats JohnThis old friend of JohnThis old friend of John This old friend of John4、They are just like a _ of wolves. swarm herd broodpack pack5、Please give my _.regard for your parentsregards toward yo

4、ur parents regard to your parentsregards to your parents regards to your parents第四章1、They paid _ money for the machine than I expected.little less muchfewer2、Have you got _ copies to go round?the otherenough a littlemuch enough3、They are not likely to agree to _ propositions.other anyother all all o

5、therother these4、The additional work will take _ weeks. the otheranother fiveother fivethe more another five5、 _ factors should be considered.These all Such allAll suchSome these All such第五章1、Most mystery stories dont end the way you expect ( ) to.itthem B2、Something strange happened, didnt ( )?they

6、 A3、 Everybody, including ( ), failed the test.Ime4、The child ( ) we thought was lost was found in the text block.whowhom5、I wouldnt trust ( ) judgment.anyones elseanyone else第六章1、India _to the south of China. lieliesis lyinglied2、I wish it_ spring all the year round. has beenhad been3、Great changes

7、 _ in the city, and a lot of factories _.have been taken place, have been set uphave taken place, have been set uphave taken place, have set upwere taken place, were set up4、There_ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.will be going towill going to beis going to bewill go to be C5、I hoped Tina _ to my birthd

8、ay party next comeis comingwill comewas coming D第七章1、 I thought you _ like something to read, so I have brought you some books. maymightcouldmust2、You_ lead a horse to the water but you _not make it drink.will, canmay, canmay, daredare, can3、He _ the examination _ he wasnt careful enough

9、.would pass; becausecould have passed; ifshould have passed; buthad passed; so4、There _ some flowers in the garden.were used to beused to beuses to beused to be having5、Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They _ from South America on rafts.must have sailed can sailmight have saileds

10、hould have sailed第八章1、_, I would have ended up dead.Were he got not come to the rescueHad he not come to the rescueIf he did not come to the rescueShould he not come to the rescue2、He handled the instrument with care for fear that it _. is damagedwas damagedshould be damageddamaged3、If only we _ a p

11、hone. Im tied of queuing outside the public phone box. hadwould havehad hadhave had4、If I _harder at school, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.workedwere to workhad workedwere working5、The owner and editor of the newspaper _ the conference.were attendingwere to attendis to attendare to

12、attend第九章1、The criminal even threatened_( murder) the president. to murdermurdering2、 I dont like these apples. They are getting ( ).rottenrottingrottedrot3、Now, George, I will not have you_(shout) at me that shout shouting4、You cant miss _(see) the statue on your way to the bank.seeingto see

13、5、Jim seems ( ) on becoming a musician.bended bentbending 第十章1、There are times_ everyone needs to be alone.whosewhen2、In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _she could turn for help.thatfrom whoto whom3、After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _he grew up as a chi

14、ld.whichwhere4、It was the most interesting film _I have seen. thatwhat5、He often helps students_ he thinks are not quick at their studies. whom where第十一章1、It is known to us _ where there is pollution, there is harm. what2、You must do well _ the teacher asks you to do.3、My suggestion is _ we should t

15、urn the land into rice fields.4、 The problem _ it is right or wrong has not yet been decided. whetherif5、We think it possible _ the local government will be able to solve the housing problem.forhow第十二章1、In France dogs can go _ their owners can because people there love pets very matter where

16、anywheresomewherenowhere2、we had been invited to the party, we wore our best clothes.ThoughIfEven ifAs3、You will be late_ you leave immediately.unlessuntilOr4、We wont give up _ we should fail ten times.even ifsincewhether5、 He whispered to his wife _ he might wake up the sleeping thaton cond

17、ition thatfor fear thatso long as第十三章1、Mary realized she_ . was making fun ofwas made funwas being made fun ofwas being made fun2、The house_my belong tobelong tobelongs tois belonged to3、 Some of the hotels in my hometown_.have now been rebuildingare now rebuildingare now being rebuiltare rebuilt now4、If city noises from increasing,people shout to be heard even at dinnerare not kept;will have tohavedo not keep;have to5、That suit _ over 60 dollars.had costedcostedis costedcost

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