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届高三英语一轮复习课件+练习 46Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、1. n.小说;虚构或想象出来的事2. n. 额外津贴;奖金;红利3. n.同情(心)4. n. 围裙5. n. 售货员;职员;旅馆接待员6. n. 柜台;计数器7. n. 事务;事情;暧昧关系8. n. 烹饪(风味);菜肴9. n. 扶手椅;单座沙发10. n.收件人;接收机;电话听筒11. n. (由他人撰写的)传记;传记文学12. n. 全体员工;手杖13. n. (书中的)章;回;篇14. n. 框架;结构,构架15. vt. 细看;仔细检查;粗略地看;浏览;扫描16. vt. 与离婚;与脱离 n.离婚;断绝关系17. vt.嫉妒;羡慕18. adj. 超重的;体重超常的19. adj

2、.优雅的;高雅的;讲究的20. adj. 荒谬的;可笑的21. adj.极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的;(口语)糟透的22. adj. 数字的;数码的;手指的;脚趾的23. adj. 大的;豪华的;雄伟的24. adj.一定的;密切相关的25. adj. 神的;上帝的;圣洁的26. adj. 兼职的拓展词汇27. n.渴望;欲望;渴求vt.希望得到;想要desirable adj.渴望的;有欲望的28. n.满意;满足;令人满意的事物 vt.使满足;使满意 & adj.令人满意的 adj.满意的29. n.喜爱;恩惠vt.喜爱;偏袒 adj.赞成的;有利的 adj.最喜爱的30. n.喜爱;爱;感情

3、affect vt.感动;影响31. n.想象(力);创造力;幻想物imagine vt.&vi.想象;猜想 adj.想象的32. n.天才;特殊能力;才干talented adj.有才干的;有才能的33. n.思想;思考think vi.& vt.想;认为34. n.评价;评定assess vt.评价;评定35. vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n. 警报;惊恐 adj.害怕的alarming adj.令人害怕的36. vt.陪伴;伴奏 n.陪伴;伴随;公司 n. 伙伴;伴侣;同伴37. vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称declaration n.宣言;公告;布告;告示38. vt.& vi.服从;

4、顺从(反义词)disobey vt.&vi.不服从;违抗39. adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的; n.年少者;晚辈;(反义词)senior adj.年长的;级别高的 n.年长者;上司40. adj.理论(上)的;假设的theory n.理论;原理.短语检测动词及系表结构型1. 检验完;考验出2. 给打电话3. 转身;翻转4. 伸手去够5. 将放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间)6. 不管;别惹;让一个人待着7. 认真对待8. 陪伴某人到9. 爱上10. 有的天分11. 同情某人12.(=do sb a favour)帮某人一个忙 based 以为根据 bound 一定做15.b

5、e junior sb比某人资历浅或年轻介词短语及其他型16. 满意地17. 一共;总计18. 更确切地说.佳句再现A.核心语法考点句1.Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn􀆳t harm her or allow her (harm).2.It was going (test) out by Larry􀆳s wife, Claire.3.As he was not allowed (accompany) her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her

6、.4.She fell off a ladder and even though Tony was in the next room, he managed (catch) her in time.5.On the second morning Tony, (wear) an apron, brought her breakfast6.Asimov began having stories (publish) in science fiction magazines in 1939.7.It was then that Claire realized Tony had opened the c

7、urtains of the front window.8.As a favour Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home (elegant).B.经典写作背诵句1. morethan 与其说倒不如说His name was Tony and he seemed. 他的名字叫托尼,他看起来与其说像一台机器,倒不如说像一个人。2.副词there位于句首,句子要完全倒装As she turned around, Gladys Claffern.她一转身,就看到格拉迪丝克拉芬站在那儿。3. It􀆳

8、s/was+被强调部分+that+其他部分.his talent for writing became obvious.早在阿西莫夫11岁时,他的写作天赋就已经显露出来了。4. can􀆳t have sb doing sth 不能容忍或不允许某人做某事But even though Tony had been so clever,he would have to be rebuiltyou machines.但是,尽管托尼很聪明,他还得经过一番改造总不能让女人与机器相爱吧。【巧学助记】构词记忆前缀over-的三种意义表示“过度,过分”。 overweight adj. 超重的

9、;体重超常的; overcrowded adj. 过于拥挤的 表示“在之上”。 如: overlook v. 俯视;疏忽 ;overcome v. 战胜,克服 表示“翻转”。overturn vt. 颠覆; overthrow n.& vt.推翻 规律记忆“对感到惊讶”的几种表达be shocked at/by对感到震惊be astonished at对感到惊讶be amazed at对感到惊讶、惊异be surprised at/by对感到惊讶1 desiren. (a strong hope or wish)愿望;心愿;渴求 vt.(to long for; to wish; to hav

10、e a desire for)期望;希望(1)have a strong desire(2)desire to do sth 渴望做某事desire sb to do sth 想要某人做某事desire that(should) do sth 渴望(3)desirable adj. 想望的;可取的;值得拥有的温馨提示 desire 后跟宾语从句、同位语从句或表语从句时,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气形式,即“(should+)动词原形”。【活学活用】(1)Giving something of yourself without the desire for anything in return is

11、one of the most beautiful things in the world.世界上最美好的事情之一是付出而不求任何回报。(2)He has a desire for success though he has failed many times.尽管他失败了很多次,但是他仍然渴望成功。(3)We desire that immediate help the local villagers who have been trapped by the flood.我们迫切希望那些被洪水围困的当地村民们得到及时的救援。(4)语法填空。It is not easy to get a (d

12、esire) job that corresponds with interests.Following the divorce, the wife had a desire (open) a small shop.2 satisfactionn.满意;令人满意的事物(1)to one􀆳s satisfaction 使某人感到满意的是(2)(3)【语境助记】The teacher is satisfied with our satisfying performance in class, which can be seen from her satisfied express

13、ion on her face.老师对我们在课堂上令人满意的表现很满意,这可以从她脸上满意的表情看出来。(1)The greatest satisfaction comes from mastering something that is truly difficult.(人们)最大的满足来自掌握了真正困难的事情。(2)My father􀆳s face glowed with satisfaction when he saw my college grades.父亲看到我的大学成绩时,脸上露出满意的神情。(3)The smile on the customer𙧅

14、1;s face suggested that he our service.那位顾客脸上的微笑暗示着他对我们的服务感到满意。Every time I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full (satisfy).When people have their basic needs (satisfy), they begin to think of other things to fulfill their expectations.There􀆳s nothing more

15、 (satisfy) than creating something of lasting value.When she had finished her meal, she gave a (satisfy) smile.3 alarmn.(something that tells you about danger)警报 vt.(to give a warning or feeling of danger)使警觉(1)a fire alarm 防火警报器ring/sound the alarm 敲警钟;吹警报号(2)alarmed adj. 惊恐的be alarmed at/by 对惊慌be

16、alarmed to do 对做感到恐慌(3)alarming adj. 令人惊慌的(1)Small earthquakes are so common here that people don􀆳t feel very alarmed at them.这个地方小地震很常见,大家对地震都不太感到惊慌。(2)When the little girl woke up,she was alarmed to find she was in a completely strange world. 当小女孩醒来时,她惊恐地发现自己处于一个完全陌生的世界。(3)Thousands and t

17、housands stockholders the sharp fall of the stock market and sold out their stocks at a sacrifice.股市的急剧下跌使得成千上万的股东惊恐不已,亏本卖掉了自己的股票。The medical authorities are alarmed the rapid spread of the disease.She was just turning to stare back at me, her eyes as (alarm) as mine.Technology is destroying the tra

18、ditional letter as a means of communication at an (alarm) speed.4 favourvt.(to show more love to one person, group, etc. than to another)喜爱;偏袒 n.(an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual)恩惠;帮忙;偏爱(1)do sb a favour(=do a favour for sb)帮某人一个忙do sb the favour to do sth/do sb a favour by doing sth

19、帮助某人做某事(2)in favour of 赞成,支持in sb􀆳s favour 对某人有利(3)favourite adj. 特别喜爱的(1)The wind favoured us. As a result, we won the sailing race.风向对我们有利,结果我们取得了帆船比赛的胜利。(2)Do me a favour and turn the radio down while I􀆳m on the phone, will you?帮个忙(吧),我在打电话的时候把收音机的声音调低点儿好吗?(3)Most of them were f

20、or (=were ) my opinion while David was against it.他们大部分人赞成我的观点,而戴维反对。I wonder if you could do me favour by posting this letter in the post office nearby on your way home.You think your sex is against you; actually it is rather your favour.Tea has been a part of people􀆳s lives for thousands

21、of years, and today it is still one of the (favour) drinks in the world.Our products have good fame at home and abroad, deeply (favour) by customers.5 accompanyvt.(to go with sb, especially on a journey; to play a musical instrument, especially a piano while sb else sings or plays the main tune)陪伴;伴

22、奏(1)accompany sb to 陪某人到(to为介词)accompany sb at/on sth 用某物(尤指用钢琴)为某人伴奏be accompanied with/by 由陪伴/伴随(2)in company with 与一起keep sb company 陪伴某人(3)companion n. 同伴,伙伴【图形助记】Last night,my companions kept me company to see a film and then they accompanied me back to my home. 昨晚,我的同伴陪我去看了一场电影,然后他们又陪我回家。(1)Ch

23、ildren must be accompanied by an adult in the elevator. In case of an emergency, please press the emergency button.儿童乘坐电梯时须有一位成年人陪同。遇紧急情况,请按紧急按钮(求助)。(2)Mountaineering is attractive especially to young people because it is accompanied with hardship and adventure.登山很吸引人,特别是年轻人,因为它伴随着艰难险阻。(3)He𙧅

24、1;s a lonely old man who only has his dog to.他是一个孤独的老人,只有他的狗陪伴着他。While she danced wonderfully on the stage,her mother accompanied her the piano.With her parents(accompany), the little girl came to the police station and stated her experience.Wally, (accompany) by the nurse, was flown directly to a h

25、ospital for more intensive treatment.6 declarevt.(to say in order to show that one has no doubt)宣布;宣称;表明declare sth to sb 向某人表明declare for/against 声明表示支持/反对declare war on/against 对宣战【易混辨析】 announce与declareannounceannounce指正式地“公开;发表;宣布”,侧重人们关心或感兴趣的事情,尤指发布新闻之类的消息declaredeclare指正式地、明确地向公众“宣布;宣告;声明”,侧重“当众”发表,多用于宣战、议和、宣判等Our country has declared against any war between the two countries, which will be announced to the nation.我们国家已经声明反对两国间的任何战争,而且将会对全民宣布。(1)The popular actress

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