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最新精品高考英语题型专项导练 任务型阅读江苏Word格式文档下载.docx

1、其命题特点可分为三类:捕捉信息题、组织信息题和归纳信息题。下面以2008年江苏高考英语科考试说明上的示例为例进行具体阐述(因篇幅所限,故省略原文)。Type 1: Type 2:The Internet The Internet offers information to us.The Internet enables us to (1) _ in a new way.We can (2) _ information throughout the world, because the Internet can connect millions of computers.The Internet

2、 is often called the “information super highway”, because vast amounts of information travel over it.Thanks to (3)_, we can keep in touch with others wherever we are.It has changed the (4) _ of talking. Through it, we can talk with our students in London about the weather experiment.It has also enab

3、led us to exchange information at (5) _ speed than traditional communicative methods. Within a short time, it lets us (6)_ another person who has interest in (7) _. Besides, it helps us to send information without leaving home.(8) _ the advantages, we should be (9) _ when using it, because it may no

4、t (10) _ if someone has access to our receivers computer.以上两种类型的表格是就同一篇文章进行的文章结构分析,虽表现形式略有差异,但同属于组织结构式,其显示的层次关系是:“大标题小标题细节”。只是Type 1 的图表看上去相对更直观一些。而Type 2 的表格则需要考生认真审题,才能弄清楚表格各栏与各列间的逻辑关系。这两种表格中,第(3)、(6)、(9)、(10)小题为捕捉信息题,即学生能通过阅读短文直接找到相关信息来填空,无须对信息进行加工。这类题属于基础题。表格中的其余小题均为组织信息题,即学生需要对捕捉到的信息进行加工,从而得到答案

5、。这类题属于活用题,对于学生的信息整合能力有一定的要求。如第(5)小题,学生从原文中的句子“In minutes, you can contact -”可知此处应该填表示速度快的词,进而想到该用“high”;但根据空格后面的“than”来推断,最恰当的形式是“higher”。这就要求学生在调动所学语言知识的基础上对阅读短文和表格所得到的信息进行准确的比较和推断。类似此类的考查还有对时态、语态、主谓一致、词性等表达方面的要求,故考生在作答时要注意表达的正确性。Type 3:Title: Change in todays childrenMain comparisonsContextsDiffer

6、ent (1)_Children in the past just did what they were (2) _ to.Children today (3) _ as if they were adults.Different (4)_Children in the past never experienced (5) _.Sometimes sadness (6) _ to children nowadays.Different (7) _ to get knowledgeChildren in the past: in a (8) _ and guided processChildre

7、n nowadays: by (9) _ TV without controlA phenomenon worth notingThe authors (10) _ to childrens changeHe prefers communication through print for children, which can control what children are to learn.这类表格属于网格式,其显示的层次关系是:“主题各个侧面或分析列举细节”。从对文章结构的体现来看,与前两种表格有异曲同工之妙。只是这类网格中所体现的文章层次更为复杂些。从表格的左栏看,第(1)、(4)、


9、若想高质量地完成这类题目,确非一日之功。Type 4: 此类图表属射线类,其层次表现形式为:“主题各个侧面或分析列举”。此表格中文字表述不多,只是就一个中心话题进行的呈太阳式发散的10个侧面或例子等。多出现在说明文、记叙文、议论文等中,表现对某一说明对象的不同角度的介绍或对某一论点的不同方面的论述等。根据考试说明中的短文内容与参考答案,本题所设计的前5个小题为捕捉信息题,后5个小题为组织信息题。此类题目作答时要注意所填的内容都要和中心话题紧密相关,切不可因其信息的显而易见而忽略了对细节信息的组织加工。综上所述,任务型阅读的命题特点可以归结为如下几点:(一)、突出体现文章结构与层次。从以上四种不


11、,从考查学生水平的角度上讲比较科学和客观。当然,具体在高考试卷中采用哪一种形式,即基础题、活用题和综合题的比例设置高低,也应根据整套试卷的难易程度而相机行事。(三)、兼顾阅读理解与文字表述的能力。 任务型阅读属于主观题范畴,故其在阅读理解能力的考查之外,适当向文字表述能力倾斜。所有的组织信息题,都需要考生对阅读所得的信息进行加工,同时兼顾空格前后的文字与句式来选择使用适当的单词。在这一过程中,所有文字表述需要的能力都会得到相应的考查,例如主谓一致、时态语态、非谓语动词、固定搭配等基础的语言知识。 基于此,任务型阅读的题型对于学生日常阅读与表达的习惯,教师学法指导的侧重点,英语基础与能力训练的到

12、位与否,都进行了扎实有效的考查。因此,也必将在今后的英语教与学的过程中起到深远的指导作用。任务型阅读作为一种新题型,由于其短文字数多,表格信息量大,对文章结构分析与文字表述能力要求高,而成为2008届考生面临的一个必克的难关。考生普遍的困惑就在于:不会分析文章结构,不会用适当的形式填空,不会概括,以及信心不足。因此,考生应该在平时的训练中着重从以下几方面入手: 一、在课本复习与词汇复习中,注重练习用词汇的适当形式填空。可参考以下途径: 1. International _ is part and parcel of preserving the historical sites. (recog

13、nize) 此题考查词性转化,答案是recognition。平时的词汇复习中,考生应该对同根词的各种派生和转换的形式多加注意,以确保使用时的准确性。 2. The bridge _ here is to be finished by next month. (build) 此题考查的是句子结构分析的能力,应该使用非谓语动词being built的形式。这类题目也应在平时的复习中多加练习,从而养成敏锐的观察与判断力。 3. He is to take her place when she is away. (句型转换,每空一词) He is to _ _ her work when she is

14、 away. 此题考查的是用近义词转换或替代原文中的词或短语。答案可以参考take over。这类题目的训练直接有助于任务型阅读中的填空的解题,尤其是那类要求“不得使用原文中的词”的情况。二、在日常的完形填空和阅读理解训练中,注意对文章结构的分析。每一份阅读素材,都是可以设计成任务型阅读题目的。因此,在阅读每一段文章时,都要带着这样的任务去读,即:文章的大标题是什么?分几点来论述的?每一点有什么关键词?长此以往,分析文章结构的能力必将得到大幅度提高。三、进行专项的限时训练。初接触时,每篇任务型阅读宜限时15分钟完成。以后随着熟练程度的增加,还可以把逐渐把时限缩短。要确保熟悉考试说明中提到的四种

15、题目类型,并在训练过程中及时总结自己薄弱的方面并加以有针对性的改进,在做题时做到快速识图,准确表达。任务型阅读的解题步骤可分为四步:一、略读。快速浏览全文(尤其是每段的第一句话,和首尾段),理清文章基本结构。二、扫读。扫读图表,分析表格结构,理清其显示的层次关系,准确定位其考查要求,如捕捉信息题可以去文中查读,其它问题则需要对信息进行加工处理。三、精读。深入理解文章内容,精读与空格中要填的信息有关的文段,仔细斟酌用词,确保填的是最恰当的词的最恰当形式。四、复查。通观全篇文章,复读检查所填内容。以下提供一篇文章给同学们按此方法练习。All major cinemas in China have

16、been showing director Feng Xiaogangs latest blockbuster Assembly - a drama about war and closure from the 1940s to the present. Many filmgoers have left theaters with tears rolling down their cheeks, a phenomenon rarely seen in the country in recent years.Looking at this phenomenon from an historica

17、l point of view, it shows the Chinese viewing public wants to accord the nations struggles in the past century, a cultural recognition through the most accessible medium - the cinema. From the psychological point of view, Assembly represents an artistic attempt to carry on a tradition born of the hu

18、miliations the nation has suffered as a weakling for decades before the founding of the Peoples Republic.As a matter of fact, Assembly owes its box-office success to daring experiments that have turned out to be a success - the script, acting, production design, pyrotechnics, and sound recording, to

19、 name a few.But what is the source of this?The source is first of all the liberation of the mind and affirmation of humanity, as well as humanism in artistic composition. Assembly is able to truthfully reveal both sides of a paradox(矛盾) and different facets of humanity. That is why it can connect wi

20、th audiences with a story of the past none of them has experienced.The film also owes its success to the learning experience of Chinese artists from their foreign colleagues. It is common knowledge the cultivation and development of the theme of an art film is impossible without innovative ways of e

21、xpression. In Assembly, Chinese viewers can see clearly what the creative minds behind it have learned or borrowed from foreign productions. There is also an extremely important factor behind the phenomenal success of Assembly: a new awakening of Chinese scriptwriters and directors. After years of t

22、entative experiments, more and more professionals realized that the largest and most solid market in terms of box-office earnings in China thrives (繁荣) on national conditions and popular sentiments. We can believe Chinese cinema will blossom as long as the creative minds remain free, always remember

23、 people first, and never treat humanity and humanism lightly. By Qin Xiaoying (China Daily 2008-01-15)Type 1:Type 2:The (1) _ of AssemblyThe rarely-seen (2) _:All major cinemas in China have been showing it; Many filmgoers have left theaters with tears.Its success lies in the daring (5)_ of the scri

24、pt, acting, production design, (6) _ and sound recording, etc. From an historical point of view, it shows a cultural (3) _ of the Chinese nations struggles. From a (4) _ point of view, it represents an artistic attempt to carry on a tradition of the humiliations the nation has suffered. Its success

25、is anchored in the liberation of the mind and the affirmation of (7)_ as well as humanism in artistic composition.The learning experience from foreign products is also an important factor of its success, especially in its (8) _ ways of expression.A new (9) _ of Chinese scriptwriters and directors hi

26、ghlights the national conditions and popular (10) _.Keys:1. success 2. phenomenon 3. recognition 4. psychological 5. experiments 6. pyrotechnics 7. humanity 8. innovative 9. awakening 10. sentiments以上两种表格所示的层次关系是“主题子论点细节”的关系,具体内容如下图:这两种表格的题目设计倾向于基础题,即捕捉细节题。所有10个空格中只有第(1)个需要进行归纳总结,其它部分的答案都在文章中,只要考生在答

27、题时耐心细致地去精读和复查就能做好。 同是这一篇文字材料,请同学们根据刚才的理解来完成下面的表格: (要求:) The (1) _ of AssemblyThe supporting (2) _ of its successAll major cinemas in China have been showing it. Many filmgoers have left theaters with tears.Causes of its successFrom an historical point of view, it shows a cultural recognition of keep

28、ing (3) _ of the Chinese nations struggles through films.From a psychological point of view, it represents an artistic attempt to (4) _ a tradition of the humiliations the nation has suffered.The successful (5) _Its success lies in the daring (6)_ of the script, acting, production design, pyrotechni

29、cs and sound recording, etc.(7) _ of its successThe (8)_ and the affirmation of humanity as well as humanism in artistic composition.The learning experience from foreign products.A new (9) _ of Chinese scriptwriters and directors highlights the national conditions and (10) _ sentiments.1. popularity 2. facts 3. pace 4. enhance 5. aspects 6. trials 7. Origins 8. open-mindedness 9. consciousness 10. well-received 这类表格虽然也保留了前两个表格中所示的大部分框架与设题的细节,但由于“不得使用文章中的词”的要求,所有的题目都成了组织细节题,即活用题。并在前

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