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1、负伤 adj.社交的;社会的society n.社会socialism n.社会主义socialist adj.社会主义的socialize v.交友,社交8.disadvantage n.缺点;不利因素,障碍advantage n.优势9.disabled adj.有残疾的disable vt.使残疾disability n.残疾10.reality n.现实,事实real adj.真实的really adv.真正地realize vt.实现;实行realistic adj.现实主义的11.electric adj.电的,电动的electricity n.电

2、 adj.安全的;有把握的 vt.获得;使安全security n.安全13.terror n.惊恐;恐惧terrify vt.使恐惧terrified adj.惊恐的terrifying adj.令人惊恐的14.printer n.打印机;印刷厂;印刷工人print vt.打印15.convenience n.方便,便利convenient adj.方便的联想记忆1.“”合成名词一览artwork艺术品network 网络paperwork 文书工作woodwork 木制品housework 家务homework 家庭作业2.“-ology”学科名词集锦biology 生物学ec

3、ology 生态学geology 地质学psychology 心理学sociology 社会学zoology 动物学physiology 生理学archeology 考古学3.“n.hood”名词荟萃neighbourhood 街坊childhood 童年boyhood 少年时代adulthood 成年manhood 男子气概brotherhood 手足之情parenthood 父母身份4.“连续不断的”各种形容词表达continuous 连续的constant 连续不断的running 连续的successive 连续的5.与“电”有关的词electricity n. 电,电流electri

4、c adj. 电的,电动的electrical adj. 有关电的electronic adj. 电子的wireless n. 无线电1.We must balance the rural and urban development.我们必须平衡农村和城市的发展。2.There are many advantages as well as disadvantages in his learning English.他学习英语有很多优势,也有很多劣势。3.You should tell the differences between active voice and passive voice.

5、你应当区分主动语态和被动语态。1.add to使增加,使增强2.connect with/to 与连接3.give out/off 公布;发出(声、光、气等)4.put forward 提出,提议 the convenience of 在方便的时候6.carry out 执行;实行;贯彻pared with 与比较起来 to 至于,关于9.set up 设立,建立 concerned about 关心,挂念11.speak of 说起,谈到 filled with 充满13.blow up 爆炸;使爆炸14.hold on to 紧紧抓住词块记忆1.deve

6、lopment in science and technology科技方面的发展2.the surrounding environment周围的环境3.virtual reality虚拟现实4.take a trip去旅行 a secure environment在安全的环境中 problem社交问题7.experience the world体验世界8.make a profit获取利润9.reduce the amount of rubbish减少垃圾数量10.update the computers更新电脑11.sit against a tree靠着一棵树坐着1

7、 into the future or the past穿越未来或过去 the long term/run从长远来看14.last but not least最后但同样重要的 terror惊恐地16.all of a sudden突然1.Not only will he or she feel every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma,but the user will also experience the cold,smells,sights and sounds of the surrounding environ

8、ment.使用者不仅能感受到攀登珠穆朗玛峰的每一步的艰辛,还能体验到周围环境的寒冷、气味、景观和声音2.In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can be a good treatment for people who have social problems.科学研究表明,观看VR电影还是社交障碍的有效治疗方法。3.This kind of urban planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical,compared with the way most urban pla

9、nning is done today.这种城市规划从长远来看与今天所做的多数城市规划相比更加经济、实用。4.He managed to keep fruit and vegetables fresh for three weeks using only two clay pots and some wet sand.只用了两个陶土罐和一些湿沙子他就将水果和蔬菜保鲜达三个星期。5.In my opinion,it is about time we had new computers.在我看来,我们应该有新的电脑了。6.At first,I thought that the Eloi had f

10、orced the Morlocks to do all of the work so that the Eloi could play.开始,我以为是艾洛伊人强迫摩洛克人去做所有的工作,以便自己可以玩乐。.单词拼写1.A month before my first marathon,one of my ankles was injured (受伤) and this meant not running for two weeks.(2018北京高考阅读A)2.I hope my lack of experience wont be to my disadvantage (不利因素).3.We

11、 bought this house for convenience (便利); its near the shops and the railway station.4.The function (功能) of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.5.Information must be stored so that it is secure (安全的) from accidental deletion.6.Passive (被动的) smoking means taking in someone else

12、s cigarette and it is also harmful to health.7.Joe gathered the boys and girls of the neighbourhood (街区) for a picnic.8.All of us should care more about the disabled (有残疾的) and give them as much help as we can.9.The reality (现实) is that young people will not go into teaching unless salaries are high

13、er.10.Scott is quite confident (自信的) that there will be no problems in achieving this project on time.词性变化练习1.Mail order is a convenience (convenient) for buyers who are too busy to shop.2.One disadvantage (advantage)of living here is the lack of safe places for the children to play.3.In particular,

14、security (secure)must be taken into greater consideration.4.With a firm vision we confidently (confidence) create our own future,and shape our own destiny.5.I didnt want to disappoint my father,but the disappointing exam result made him very disappointed.I found it hard to hide my disappointment whe

15、n I saw my father was sad.(disappoint)6.If it is difficult for you to digest the graphs I presented during the presentation,ask our market leader for more information.(present).选词填空last but not least,set up,give out,compared with,in the long term,carry out,put forward,add to1.The heavy rain added_to

16、 the difficulty in rescuing the buried people.2.She put_forward a proposal which shocked the people present.3.When Edison was only ten,he set_up a small chemistry lab of his own.4.This is a very special flower and it can give_out a strong sweet perfume at night.5.The investigation was carried_out un

17、der the direction of a senior police officer.6.One should treat the relationship between wealth and health in_the_long_term instead of in the short term.7.Last_but_not_least,our school has many good English teachers,who are willing to help us whenever we meet with difficulties.8.Compared_with adults

18、 learning foreign languages children do not have good conditions,but they can master mother tongue completely.完成句子1.Not_only_can keeping diaries help you to form a good habit of studying English but_it_can_also improve your writing ability and skills.写日记不仅可以帮助你养成一个学习英语的好习惯,而且它可以提高你的写作能力和技巧。2.If your

19、 hands are cold,keep_them_in_your_pockets.如果你觉得手冷,就把它们放在口袋里。3.Obviously its (high) time that we took/should_take_some_measures to solve the problem.很明显,我们现在应该采取一些措施来解决这个问题了。4.Compared_with_learning_ones_own_mother_tongue,the process of learning any foreign language well seems to be especially hard a

20、nd long.与学习母语相比,学好任何一门外语的过程都显得特别艰辛和漫长。5.When I was a little boy,I wanted to be a soldier with a gun so_that_I_could_defend_my_country.我小时候想当一名持枪的战士以便能保卫自己的祖国。 核心要点突破1.amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊诧(1)It amazes sb that.What amazes sb is that.使某人惊奇的是(2)amazing adj. 令人惊奇的(3)amazed adj. 吃惊的,惊奇的be amazed at/by. 对感到惊讶b

21、e amazed to do sth 做某事感到惊讶(4)amazement n. 惊奇,惊愕to ones amazement 令某人惊讶的是单句语法填空/一句多译You will be amazed (amaze) at the progress we have made in such a short time.使我惊讶的是,他把这首诗从头到尾背诵了出来。To_my_amazement,he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.What_amazed_me was that he was able to recite the who

22、le poem from memory.(what引导的主语从句)佳句背诵 Our school has an amazing gymnasium and playground with modern facilities,such as a lawn football field,plastic tracks.(2018全国卷书面表达)我们学校有一个令人震惊的体育馆和操场,拥有现代化的设施,比如草皮足球场和橡胶跑道。名师指津 可用于“to onesn.”结构的抽象名词还有:delight,surprise,satisfaction,astonishment,disappointment等。肯

23、定的,确信的,有把握的(1)be/feel confident about.对自信、有信心 对有把握(2)confidence n. 自信心,自信have/lack confidence in. 对有/缺乏信心一句多译汤姆自信有能力为自己找到一份好工作。Tom is_confident_of his ability to get a good job for himself.Tom has_confidence_in his ability to get a good job for himself.Tom is_confident_that he has ability to get a g

24、ood job for himself.佳句背诵 Having accumulated related experience by working part time,Im confident that Im well qualified for the job.(2018浙江高考书面表达)通过兼职积累了相关经验,我相信能很好地胜任这项工作。3.injure vt.伤害,损害(1)injury n.伤害,伤口do sb/oneself an injurydo an injury to sb/oneself 使某人/自己受伤害(2)injured adj. 受伤的get injured 受伤th

25、e injured 伤员单句语法填空These chemicals come from the injured (injure) parts of the plant and seem to be an alarm.Theres no denying that the attack has done a severe injury (injure) to his reputation.佳句背诵 But now,because my left foot was injured in the football game,I cannot go with you as planned.(北京高考书面

26、表达)但现在,由于我的左脚在足球比赛中受伤了,我不能像计划的那样和你一起去。4.disadvantage n.缺点;不利因素,障碍(1)at a disadvantage处于不利地位advantages and disadvantages 利与弊(2)advantage n. 优势;有利条件take advantage of 利用have an advantage over 胜过单句语法填空/完成句子Men usually have an advantage over women when hunting for jobs.Im going to take_advantage_of_this_

27、tour to explore the history of the castle.(2016天津高考单选)我打算利用这次观光的机会来探究这座城堡的历史。佳句背诵 They should learn from each other so that they can have more advantages than disadvantages.(广东高考满分作文)他们应该彼此学习,从而有更多的优点而不是缺点。5.accuse vt.控诉,控告;指责;谴责(1)accuse sb of (doing) sthcharge sb with (doing) sth指责/控告某人(做)某事accuse

28、 sb as. 控告/指责某人为(2)the accused 被告He was charged with cheating in the examination.That is,he was accused of cheating in the examination.The accused (accuse) was accused as a murderer,but the judge found him innocent.佳句背诵 She was upset,for the teacher accused her of carelessness.(江西高考书面表达)她很心烦,因为老师指责她粗心大意。名师指津 动词accuse可构成accuse sb of sth结构,类似的动词短语还有:remind sb of sth提醒某人某事rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物rid sb of sth 使某人摆脱某物inform sb of sth 告知某人某事cure sb of sth 治愈某人的某种疾病suspect sb of sth 怀疑某人做某事war

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