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1、 Youre probably not married since youre so young. Do you have a girlfriend? Tommy:Ummiss, we are almost at Chong-Shan East Road. Do you want to have a look?Oh! Not here. By the way, dont you feel tired after driving all day long? Maybe I can help you relax. Tommy:Whatwhat do you want to do? Take you

2、r hands off me or Ill scream!I did nothing! You just missed a nice chance. Stop the car, I want to get off. Tommy:(Relived) Great! The total is 155 dollars, Thank you. Betel nut girl:Um! Take it! Pregnant woman:Hey! Taxi!Thanks. You are real a very kind man. Tommy:Where are you going?Hospital, pleas

3、e. Tommy:Youre going to the prenatal checkup, right? It must be very tiring carrying a baby. Pregnant woman:Yeah. Its almost nine months. Tommy:Woo. Congratulations. Pregnant woman:Thank you. Pregnant woman:(screaming) Tommy:Are you ok?Is it time now? Are you going to deliver your baby now? I will d

4、rive as fast as I can. Stay down. Pregnant woman:Were almost there. Pregnant woman:Here we are. Pregnant woman:Are we at the hospital? Well, how much is it?Arent you going into labor?Me? Are you kidding? Its still a long time before the expected date of childbirth. Tommy:What? Well, what were you ju

5、st doing?Oh, I was just practicing! This is my first time to have a baby, you know. Practice makes perfect! I need to be ready so it will go smoothly. Tommy:Practice! All right well, the total is one hundred twenty dollars. Tommy:This woman was so strange! I thought she was going to deliver the baby

6、 in my car! Robber:Get out of here, quickly!A strange pregnant woman just got off my car and now here comes a robber. Tommy:Where do you want to go?Shut up! Just drive!HeyHey. Be careful, theres no eye in bullets. Robber: Just drive your car. Tommy:Ok! Ok! You are the boss. Robber:Humyour gold neckl

7、ace is very good looking. If it were on my neck, that would be nice. Tommy:Ohcomcome on, dont do this to me. This is a fake one. I just try to look tough by wearing it. Robber:STOP nonsense! Dont treat me like a fool, I warn you! I will shoot you!OK! OK! Take it easy. My mouth is sealed. Robber:. I

8、dont want to do this really but I have 6 brothers, 7 sisters and 8 kids to feed. I even have to sell chewing gums, raise pigs. The worse of all, my husband just got out of the jailI really have no choice. Tommy:Dont be so sad. Here is tissue. Robber:Thank you. Now give me your gold necklace! Hurry u

9、p! Do you want to eat bullets!Butbutbut. Just hand it to me or Ill become a really bad guy!I dont want to die yet. The police:BeepBeep stop the car. OH! Thank God! I am safe now! Hey, cop, a robber wants to rob me and. Police officer:Show me your license and registration. Butsir.I got a robber in my

10、 back. I only watch out for traffic! The public security is not my business. Tommy:Not your business? But Heres your ticket. You were speeding. But I got a robber in my car! She told me if I couldnt drive fast enough, shed shoot me. And where is the robber?Just right over.what! Shes gone; she was he

11、re just now. Police officer:See.your lie is stupid Remember to take the ticket. Tommy:Sir! Sir!Im so unlucky. Today is not my day! Oh, no! How did I come to this middle-of-nowhere? Someones waving at me. Who would take a taxi in this strange place?Hello! Serving you is my honor. Where do you want to

12、 go? Ghost student: To my home, please. Tommy:Umcan you say it more clearly? I dont know where your home is. Ghost student:Oh, my home is located on Ta-Du Mountain. Tommy:No problem. Um its an unusual place to live. Ghost student:Yes. Its very special. My ancestors all lived here. Tommy: Youve lived

13、 here for a long time, right?Thats right. Here we are, but I dont see any houses around. By the way, its so dark here. Ghost student:Dont be so surprised. Were in the mountain. Tommy:Are you sure your home is here?Yes. How much is it?UmThe total is 100 dollars. Ghost student:I only have a 500 dollar

14、s bill. Tommy:Thats OK, I can give you change. Ghost student:There you go. Tommy:Um. Whats this?Money. Tommy:But.where did he go?This isghost money(screaming)本文来自: 教客网剧本大全( 详细出处参考:第二篇:6人有趣英语话剧剧本6人有趣英语话剧剧本:愚人节的故事foolfool 索尼亚跳刁青琅 6人有趣的剧本,讲他们愚人节怎么整人的。 人物 塞西莉:苏老板 信仰:苏的朋友 朱迪:警察 苏:苏 维姬:客人 佐伊:苏的朋友 - 今天是三月三

15、十一日。信仰,维姬,佐伊,塞西莉和朱迪说话。信仰和Zoe想给自己的好朋友,苏,“愚人节快乐”。 信念:我认为我们要准备很多。佐伊:你是对的。因此,我们有维姬和朱迪。她是我的朋友,她是一名警察。噢我几乎忘记了,我们也有苏的老板塞西莉。 维姬;那么我能做点什么呢?信仰:嗯,我想你只是做你通常做的事情。干嘛?她意味着你将不必改变自己。明天你要去塞西莉的咖啡店买东西。哦,我明白了。刚买的东西?佐伊说你需要找到苏(Sue的照片拿出来给维姬和朱迪也看它)。看,这是苏。从她买东西。我认为你可以做得很好。(拍拍维姬的肩膀。) 朱迪,然后,轮到你了。明天早上,你必须给苏罚款,因为 朱迪:我知道我知道,接下来呢?

16、 佐伊:接下来,她会迟到。 塞西莉:我可以减少她的工资。哈哈哈。(笑) 维姬:你是多么想砍下来?半天?不,不,不行,半个月。 信仰,维姬,佐伊,朱迪是笑。好的,在她的工作,她要回家,和朱迪,再次,你知道我的意思吗? 朱迪:是的,我看到了。它的样子?哦。“,有人坐在你(她)他甚至没有头。我吗?在哪儿?(害怕) 信仰:是的,是的,好的工作。 塞西莉和维姬都笑了。 维姬:那么,这一切?是的,基本上是的。但我们也需要打个电话,让她很快就要回家了。怎么谈论她,“你的房子着火了。“我会让她早点回家。但谁会打电话给她吗?别担心,她会做的。好的。最后,记得明天上午9点在苏家。我们将等待可怜的宝贝。 维姬,信仰

17、,塞西莉,朱迪:可怜的孩子。来源教育城外语网 第三篇:初中生英语话剧剧本(6人)6人初中生英语剧本 A Play:Buying Medicine Characters: X - Xiao Fei S - Shopkeeper D- - Doctor Li O- -Others ( O1, O2 O3 -) Ws - Wounded soldiers ( W1, W2,W3 -) H -He zhenwu, a Japanese spy W- - Woman J - Japanese Scene1 ( At an old temple lie some wounded soldiers. D i

18、s examining their wounds.) D: Good evening, everyone. Ws: (Together) Good evening, Dr Li. D:Hello,letme examine you. W1: Im all right. Theres no need to do so. ( W1 is about to fall down.) D: (Helps him up) Your leg discloses you! Let me have a look. Ah, its going worse. Let me put somemedicine on y

19、ou. W1: No, it isnt necessary. There is little medicine left. Go to look after that young man. He has a highfever. He seems fainted. D: ( Takes W2s temperature. ) So he has! He needs an injection but we have none. Feed him these last three pills with warm water. What else can I do? Theres no medicin

20、e left. W3: Dont worry, Doctor. I am young and strong. I am all tight now. Ill go and buy some medicine. D: No, you are not all right. Your leg will bleed when you move. Lie down and have a good rest. W4: So you can let me go . I can run very fast. The enemy cannot catch me. ( Just then, Xiao Fei co

21、mes in.) X: Be quiet everybody. You must have a good rest. This is order, you know. W1: But theres no medicine left. X: Thats why Im here. Ive come to fetch the list . Ill go to town to buy medicine. D: Have you got any money? X: No. D: ( Takes off her gold ring.) Take this with you. Perhaps you can

22、 change it for medicine. X: No, I cant take it , because it is given to you by your future husband who gave up his life to the revolution a few days ago. It mustnt go to other peoples hands. D: But how can you get the medicine without money? Dont worry. Ill manage. Goodbye. D and Ws: Be careful! Sce

23、ne2 ( Music) ( Xiao is walking on the way like a businessman. He sings as he goes. When he Passes a corn field, he sees He Zhenwu the Japanese spy robbing a woman) W: Help! H: You neednt cry. Theres nobody else here. Let me marry you and make yourself noble. W: You Japanese spy! No one will marry yo

24、u. H: Otherwise Ill kill you! ( He raises his gun and the woman catches hold of his wrist . They start a fight. Finally, H knocks W down. Just then X arrives) X: Stop! Dont bully Chinese woman! Its none of your business! Go away. I would rather stop you. ( H raises his gun towards X. X kicks it away

25、. They begin a fight. W puts on his clothes W and begins to pull Hs leg. X knocks H down) X: (To W) Quick! Help me tie him up. W: You are bleeding. Let me do first aid. X: It doesnt matter. Pull him into the corn fields. H: Please spare my life. I wont do that again ( W takes up the gun and is about

26、 to shoot.) X: Dont do that. If the Japanese hear the shot, theyll come. H: Thank you, sir. But please let me go. X: Let you go? Youll continue to kill and bully Chinese! ( X puts his socks into Hs mouth.) Wait here . And lend me your pass and bike. Dont try to run away. (They go down.) Scene 3 (Music) (X is riding a bike

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