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1、动词不定式的否定式是在不定式符号to前加not;不带 to的不定式则在动词前加not。 如:_ the train, wed better hurry to the station by taxi.(miss)为了不错过火车,我们最好打的赶往车站。答案是In order not to miss4、动词不定式的句法功能 动词不定式在句中不能独立作谓语,但可以作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、表语和状语等多种成分。如:(2013湖北高考) As time is pressing, I think _ is the best way to get from here to the conference

2、 centre. (take)由于时间紧迫,我认为从这里去会议中心最好的办法是乘出租车。答案是to take a taxi/ taking a taxi。不定式作主语,同时注意也可用动词ing形式作主语。 (2009湖北高考)When you are finished with the electric iron, dont forget _. (turn) 用完电熨斗后,不要忘记关掉它。不定式作宾语答案是to turn it off。武汉九月调研)I found it very interesting _ kids playing hide-and-seek. (watch)我发现看孩子们玩

3、捉迷藏是非常有趣的。答案是to watch。不定式作宾语,it是形式宾语。Tom is always saying his dream is _. (be) 汤姆总在说他的梦想是成为一名医生。答案是to be a doctor。不定式作表语。(2012武汉调研)The teacher often teaches us _ the history of our country. (forget) 老师经常教导我们永远不要忘记祖国的历史。答案是never to forget。不定式作宾语补足语。_, we need to reduce costs in production and thus we

4、ll be in a strong position. (adapt)为了适应市场经济,我们需要减少生产成本,这样我们将会处于很强的位置。答案是To adapt to the market economy。不定式作目的状语。He arrived at the meeting room at 11:30, _ that everyone had left. (only)他十一点半到达会议室,结果发现大家都走了。答案是only to find。不定式作结果状语。(2010湖北高考)After she completes the project, shell have _. (worry) 做完这个

5、项目后,她就没什么要担心的了。答案是nothing to worry about。不定式作定语。5、“疑问词动词不定式”结构 Having taught at a middle school for about 30 years, Mrs Gao has gained a great deal of experience on _. (educate)在一所中学教了三十年,高老师在如何教育学生方面获得了大量经验。答案是how to educate a student well。二、完成句子1. _ the train, wed better hurry to the station by ta

6、xi. (miss)2. In many peoples opinion, the young man is hard _ . (get)在很多人看来,这位年轻人难以相处。3. It happened _ when I got there. (rain)当我到达那儿时,碰巧在下雨。4. He _ the film, but in fact he doesnt even know who stars in it. (pretend)他假装看过那部电影,但事实上,他甚至不知道是谁主演的。5. Im sorry _ on my way home. (lose)对不起,我在回家的路上把你的钥匙弄丢了。

7、6. Tom asked for some advice from his teacher on _ quickly.(adapt)汤姆向老师询问如何快速适应新学校生活的建议。7. I have something important _ now. Can you tell dad that I will be out for a while? (attend)我现在有重要的事情要处理。告诉爸爸我要出去一会,好吗?8. After some discussion, it was agreed _ regarding that part of the enterprise. (consult)讨

8、论之后,一致认为关于企业的这一部分决定请教经济学家。9. Tom could do nothing but _ that he was wrong.(admit)汤姆别无他法只好向老师承认他错了。10. During his last lecture, the scientist found _ the theory to those whit some background knowledge. (explain)在最后一场讲座中,那位科学家发现对有些背景知识的人解释这理论较容易。完成句子(三十二)(M1 Unit 2)在含有不定式的被动式的句子中,如何做完成句子题?不定式修饰的名词或代词和

9、不定式构成逻辑上的动宾关系,即当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示动作的承受者时,不定式一般使用被动式。1、动词不定式被动式的构成和意义被动语态to be done 表示在谓语动词之后或同时发生的被动动作 to have been done 表示发生在谓语动词之前的被动动作 武汉调研)George returned after the war, only _ that his wife had left him.(tell) 乔治战后回到家,结果被告知妻子已经离开他了。答案是to be told。(2011湖北高考)A number of paintings in this castle are

10、believed _ in a fire in 2009. (destroy)人们认为这座城堡里的大量油画在2009年的一场火灾中被毁了。答案是to have been destroyed。2、动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义的常见结构 (1)动词不定式在名词后面作定语,不定式和名词之间有动宾关系,同时又和句中另一名词或代词构成主谓关系时,不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。I have a lot of things to do this afternoon. (2)在某些“形容词不定式”作表语或宾语补足语的结构中,句子的主语或宾语是动词不定式的逻辑宾语时,常用不定式的主动形式表达被动意义。这些形

11、容词有nice, easy, fit, hard, difficult, important, impossible, pleasant, interesting等。This problem is difficult to solve. (3)在too . to .; enough . to结构中,不定式前面可加逻辑主语,所以应用主动形式表示被动意义。This book is too expensive (for me) to buy. 但是,在作定语时,重点是所修饰的词,仍用不定式的被动形式。武汉调研)Roads signs have letters large enough _ easil

12、y from a distance. (see) 路标上的字母很大,从远处就容易看见。答案是to be seen。(4)在there be .句型中,当动词不定式作定语修饰名词时,用主动形式,重点在人;用被动形式,重点在物。There is no time to lose (to be lost)(用to lose可看成for us to lose; 用to be lost,重点在时间。) (5)be to blame用主动形式表示被动意义。Who is to blame for starting the fire?1. Generally, we enjoy our friends comp

13、any, but there are occasions when we hope _ for a while. (leave)一般来说,我们喜欢朋友的陪伴,但是有一些场合我们希望暂时不要被打扰。2. It is an honor for me _ to speak here.(invite)受邀在这儿讲话是我的荣幸。3. The Norman cathedral is said _ in seven years (1070 1077)(finish)据说这所罗马大教堂是用七年时间完工的(10701077)。4. Generally, _ a college in the USA, a for

14、eign student needs to prove their strong ability to use English. (admit)一般来说,为了上美国大学,外国学生需要证明他们运用英语的突出能力。5. The farmer told me that his dream was _ to sing a song at the CCTV Spring Festival Evening Show.(invite)这位农民告诉我,他的梦想就是受邀在中央电视台的春节晚会上唱一首歌。6. There are many factors _ in deciding which universit

15、y you want. (consideration) 你决定要进入哪个公司,有许多因素要考虑。7. This maths problem is too difficult _ .(work)这道数学题太难了,我做不出来。8. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears _ everything. (tell)一定要让你妈妈知道一切真相。她似乎已经什么都知道了。9. His book _ next month is based on a true story. (publish)他下个月(即将)出版的书是根据一个真实故事改编的。10.

16、The worst enemy of human race is human himself; he is bound _ with his own hands unless he realizes this.(kill)人类最大的敌人就是人类本身除非他认识到这一点,否则人类注定会自我毁灭。完成句子(三十三)(M7 Unit 3)在含有动词-ing形式被动式的句子中,如何做完成句子题?1、动词ing形式被动式的构成一般式 being done 表示一个被动的动作正在进行,或与谓语表示的动作同时进行 完成式 having been done表示一个被动动作在谓语表示的动作之前已经完成了2、动词i

17、ng形式被动式的语法功能 动词ing形式被动式在句中可作主语、宾语、宾补、定语、状语和表语。武汉调研)He has loaded a new software to keep his computer _. (attack) 他安装了一款新软件以防止他的电脑受到攻击。答案是from being attacked。湖北高考)_ red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.(paint) 油漆成红色,这栋楼房在其他建筑物中显得很突出,看起来非常引人注目。答案是Having been painted/Pa

18、inted。3、在动词ing形式的被动式前加否定副词not便可构成其否定形式 He was unhappy for _ the party. (invite)没有被邀请参加聚会,他感到很不高兴。答案是not having been invited to。4、使用注意事项 1在want,need,require等动词后,常用动名词的主动形式表示被动含义。The radio needs repairing. The radio needs to be repaired. 这台收音机需要修理了。2be worth后常跟动名词的主动形式表示被动含义。The book is worth reading

19、again. The book is worthy of being read again. 这本书值得再读一遍。1. Hes a very nice person. I hate to see _. (mistreat)他是一个好人。我不愿意见他受到虐待。2. For years we were afraid of _ while fetching water and collecting firewood in the mountains.(attack)多年以来,我们担心到山上取水和拾柴火时遭到攻击。3. _ for several days, these flowers finally

20、 died.(water)由于好几天没浇水,这些花儿最后都死了。4. _ health issues your kid faces today is one of the many challenges of being a parent.(aware)意识到你孩子如今面临的健康问题是当父母的的挑战之一。5. Puppies need to be exercised and they also enjoy _ for a walk.(take)小狗需要锻炼,它们也喜欢被带到户外散步。6. _ our cottage, we were left in peace to enjoy our hol

21、iday.(show)参观了我们的别墅,我们留下来安宁地享受我们的假期。7. The factory was fined for piping waste water into the river _ . (deal)这家工厂因将未经处理的废水排入河流而受到了处罚。8. It has been suggested that much should be done to prevent the river _ . (pollute)有人建议应该做许多工作以防止这条河流遭到污染。9. _ by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a b

22、ad experience.(misunderstand)当你没做错什么事却遭人误解是个相当不愉快的经历。10. If the babysitter cannot come tomorrow, do you mind Fred _ doing his homework? (leave)如果保姆明天不能来,你介意福奈特独自留在家中做课外作业吗?完成句子(三十四)(M7 Unit 4)1、解题指导: 考查要点:考查关系代词和关系副词的选择 关键词:指代、成分和类型,主句、从句都完整。1. 指代:关系词要与先行词保持一致。2. 成分: 关系词要以其在定语从句(决不是主句)中所充当的句子成分而定。如果

23、充当状语,还要具体看是时间、地点、原因还是方式状语等。3 完整:主句和从句都必须是完整句子。不可缺少成分也不能有多余成分。使用关系副词when/where/why时, 不仅要看先行词是否指时间、地点和原因,同时还要看它们在从句中所充当的成分;只有作状语时才可以使用关系副词,否则选用关系代词.例如:1. This is the village _ last year. 这是我们去年参观的村子。解析:关系词指代先行词村子在定语从句中做宾语,则我们选择关系代词(which/that) 故答案为(which/that)we visited ( which/that作visited 的宾语)2This

24、is the village _ twenty years ago.这是我爸爸二十年前住的村子。先行词是village,在定语从句中,我爸爸居住my father lived l,live是不及物动词,故定语从句缺少状语,而不是宾语,又因为village表示地点的状语,所以我们选择 where在从句中作状语,答案为where my father lived例句3. Ill never forget the days (which/that) I spent in Beijing. ( which/that作spent 的宾语)Ill never forget the day when I me

25、t the famous singer. (when在从句中作状语)二 完成句子1. The city _is very hot and damp in summer. (grow) 我成长的城市夏天又热又潮湿。2. Perhaps we have met with such a difficult problem_ . (deal) 也许我们遇到的这个难题没有人可以处理。3. My mother was so proud of all_ that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do) 我妈妈为我所做的一切很自豪,为此她奖励我去北京旅行。4.

26、 Life is like a long race_(我们与他人竞争的) to go beyond ourselves. (compete) 人生犹如一场比赛,我们与他人竞争以超越自己。5. No matter how hard you try, working towards a career _ is not going to get you there. (suitable) 无论你多么努力地尝试,做不适合你的工作是不会取得成功的。6. Those_ fled to a safe place before dark. (aware) 那些意识到危险的人们都在天黑前逃到安全的地方了。7. We had to interrupt the boy _

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