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1、(4) 她太累了,不能连续往前走了。 She is too tired to walk on.(5) 他兴奋得讲不出话来。 He is too excited to say a word.(6) 这女孩太小,不能骑自行车。 The girl is too young t ride a bike.*第二种结构:两个句子的主语不同,第二个句子的主语是第一个句子的宾语。主语+ be + too + adj + to do +其它。 主语+ 谓语动词+ too + adv + to do +其它。(7) 这箱子太重,我搬不动。The box is too heavy for me to carry.(

2、8) 这道物理题太难,我人算不出来。 The physics problem is too difficult for us to work out.(9) 这鞋太脏,她不能穿。 The shoes are too dirty for her to wear.(10) 这房间太暗,我什么了看不见。 The room is too dark for me to see anything.(11) 他讲话太快,我们听不清晰。 He spoke too quickily for us to hear clearly.(12) 他跑得太快, 我们跟不上他。 He runs too fast for u

3、s to catch up with.*句子改写。同义句改写(13) She is very young . She cant go to school. She is too young to go to school.(两个句子的主语相同用的第一种结构)(14) Her mother is very old .She cant do housework Her mother is too old to do housework.(15) The bag is very heavy . nobody can carry it . The bag is too heavy to

4、carry. The bag is too heavy for anybody to carry. (两个句子的主语不同,第二句的宾语是第一句的主语,又因为有nobody ,因此有两种改法)3. international adj 国际的, 世界性的(1) Our school is an internation school.我们学校是国际学校。(2) LuiXiang is also international sports star.刘翔也是国际运动名星。(3) He knows three international sports stars. How many interenatio

5、nal sports stars does he know? 他认识三个国际名星。他认识几个国际名星?4record n 记录 break a record for 打破的记录 hold a record for .保持、的记录 have the world record for 有、的世界记录(1) He had the world record for flying acroos Atlantic .他有飞越大西洋的记录。(2) Who broke the school record for weight lifting?-He did。谁打破了校举重记录?他。(3) DengYapeng

6、 holds world record for ping-pong . 邓亚萍保持了乒乓球的世界记录。* record v 记录 记载(4) The book records our country history. 这本书记载了我国历史。5. hiccup v 打嗝-hiccupping hiccupped?(1)- Who has the world record for hiccupping? -Charles Smith does. -How long did he hiccup ? -He hiccupped for 69years and 5 months. -When did h

7、e start hiccuping? -He started in 1922. -When did he stop hiccupping? -He stopped in 1990. -谁有打嗝的世界记录?- 查尔斯. 史密斯-他打嗝多久了?- 六十九年零五个月。- 他什么时候开始打嗝的?- 1992年-什么时候停止打嗝的?-1990年。6. sneeze v 打喷嚏-sneezes sneezing sneezed have world record for sneezing (1) Use a handkerchief when you sneeze. 你打喷嚏时要用打帕。(2) Donna

8、 Green has world record for sneezing. 丹娜. 格林有打喷嚏的世界记录。7golf n 高尔夫球 play golf 打高尔夫球 (1) His fatherhobby is to play golf. -When did he start playing golf? -Ten years ago. 他父亲的业余爱好是打高尔球。他什么时候开始打高尔夫球的?十年前。(2) Does he enjoy playing golf ? -Yes , he does. 他喜爱打高尔球吗?喜爱。8Brazilian adj 巴西的,巴西人的,巴西人 (1) Ronald

9、o is a Brazilian football player. 罗纳尔多是巴西的足球运动员。(2)What do you think of Brazilian?-Theyre very friendly .他们专门友好9.national adj 国家的, 全国的(1)The National Day of the PRC is on October 1st. 中华人民共和国国庆节是十月一日。(2)Ronaldo ,the great Brazilian soccer player ,played for his national team when he was seventeen.杰出

10、的巴西运动员罗纳尔多,17岁的时候变为国家队踢球。(3) He hopes to join the national football team. 他期望加入国家足球队。10achievement n 成就,成绩 即可数也不可数具体指一件事可数。(1) Edison was a man of great achievement.爱迪生是一个具有伟大成就的人。(2) Flying across the Altantic for the first time is a great chievement .首次飞越大西洋是一大成功。 make (great) achievement 制造杰出的成就(

11、3) What great achievement he made for China all his life.他毕生为中国制造杰出的成就。11 perform v n 演出,表演 (1) Miss Wang was very pleased with their perform 王老师对他们的表演专门中意。(2) The seals performed well at the aquarium. 海豹在水族馆表演专门杰出。(3) MeiLanfang first performed Beijing Opera when he was ten. 梅兰芳十岁时第一次表演京剧。12. gymna

12、st n 体操运动员13medal n 奖牌 奖章14champion 冠军15Championship 锦标赛(常用复数)16gold n 金子, 黄金(1) LiuXun ,the Chinese gymnast ,won a gold medal at the World Championships when she was seventeen.刘弦,中国体操运动员,十七岁时获得世界杯锦标赛的一枚金牌。(2) She started ice skating when she was four and she became a skating champion when she was t

13、en.她四岁的时候开始滑冰的,十岁时成为滑冰冠军的。(3) Her mother bought a gold ring for her as a gift for her twentieth birthday. 她二十岁的生日她的母亲给她买了一枚金戒指作为礼物。17. too 前含有never, but , only ,not 时, tooto 的不定式表示确信意义,用来加强语气。(1) You are never too young to start doing things. 不管你年纪多小,都能够开始干一番事业。(2) Never too old to learn.活到老学到老。(3)

14、Im only too happy to see you.我见到你真是太快乐了。18golfer n 高尔夫球运动员*Tiger Woods老虎 伍兹- Who is Tiger Woods ?老虎. 伍兹是谁?-He is a golfer他是高尔夫球运动员。-When did he start golfing? 他是什以时候开始打高尔夫球的?-When he was ten months old.十个月的时候。19.became v 成为 变成-becomes becoming became(1) He started ice skating at the age of four and

15、became a skating chompion when she was ten. 他四岁时开始滑冰十岁时成为滑冰的冠军。(2) He wants be a sports star when he grows up. 他长大的时候想当一名运动名星。* become 连系动词+ adj (3) It is becoming colder and colder when winter comes.冬天来的时候天气变得越来冷。(4) It is becoming smaller and smaller when you take a piece of ice into a warm room.

16、当你把一块冰拿进温顺的房间它会变得越来越小。20. enough n 足够 充分 adj 足够的, 充分的 adv 足够地, 充分地*enough n 足够 充分 (1) Has he had enough? 他吃饱了吗? * enough adj 足够的, 充分的 修饰名词前置或后置 (2) I have no time enough to do housework. 我没有充足的时刻干家务。 * adv 足够地 充分地 修饰动词,副词,形容词后置。(3) Have you played enough?你玩够了吗?(4) The problem is difficult enough.这道题

17、真难。(5)He runs fast enough.他跑得够快地。* enough to do sth. 能干.句子结构:主语+be +adj +enough +to do sth.(6) Im lucky enough to have such a good friend. 我真幸运有如此的朋友。(7) He was kind enough to help me.他好心来帮我。(8) Her sister is old enough to go to school. 她妹够上学的年龄了。(9)You know well enough when I mean. 你因此明白得我的意思了。*not

18、 enough to do sth.不能干相当于 的句型,它们的形容词互为反义词主语+be +not +形容词+enogh +to do sth.=主语+be +形容词(反义词)+to do sth.(两个句子的主语相同)主语+be+not +adj +enough for sb.+to do sth.=主语+be +adj (反义词)enough for do sth.(两个句子的主语不同)(10) The boy is too young to drive a car. The boy isnt old enouhg to drive a car.(11) The

19、box is too heavy for me to carry. The box isnt light enough for to carry.(12) The problem isnt easy enough for us to work out. The problem is too difficult for us to work.(13) The skirt is too small for her to buy. The skirt isnt large enough for her to buy.21 . at the age of .在、岁时,与when引导的表示年龄的时刻状语

20、从句进行同义句型转换。(1) Jim beccame famous when he was fiften. Jim became famous at the age of fifteen.吉姆十五岁的时候出名的。(2) He began selling newspapers when he was twelve.=He began selling newspapers at the age of twelve.他十二岁时开始卖报纸的。22call v 把、叫做。称呼。为、取名(1) What do you call for this in English? 那个你用用英语讲是什么?(2) Hi

21、s name is Richurd ,but we call him Dick. 他叫查里德,但是我们叫他迪克。*call ones name 点名(3) May I call your name ?=May I know your name?我能够点名吗?* call 能够用过去分词作定语后置。(4) The man lived in a town called Xiaottang ten years ago.十年前他住在一个叫小溏的城镇。23. talented adj 有天赋的,天才的 the tlent 有天才的人们(1) He was already a talented music

22、ian at the age of twenty.他二十岁的时候已是一人有天才的音尔家了。(2)I think youre a talented singer. 我认为你是一个有天赋的歌手。(3) The talent in the university take an active part in activities.在这所大学了的才子积极参加各项活动。24loving adj 慈爱的(1) His grandmother is a very loving person. 他的祖母是一位慈爱的人。(2) Arthru is loving grandfather. He spends all

23、 his free time with his grandson.亚瑟是一个慈爱的祖父,他把自已所有的闲暇的时刻都用来和孙子在一起。25. creative adj 有制造力的,制造性的,启发想像力的-more creative most creative(1) Children should play with creative toys. 小孩们应该玩有启发想像力的玩具。(2) I think Arthur is as creative as Daved.我认为亚瑟和大卫一样有制造力。(3)He is a creative artist.他是一个具有天赋的艺术家。(4) I dont th

24、ink he is so creative as Mozart.=I think he is less creative than Mozart.我认为他不如莫扎特有才华。26.outstanding adj 杰出的,杰出的(1) He became an outstanding singer when he was fourteen.他十四岁的时候就成为了一名杰出的歌手。(2)Abraham Lincoln was an outstanding president in the Untied States.亚伯拉罕.林肯是美国杰出的总统。(3) People were very please

25、d with the dolphins outstanding perform.人们对海豚杰出的表演感到专门的中意。27. kind adj 和气的, 仁慈的,友好的,亲切的 be kind to sb.=be friendly to sb .对某人好(1) She is a kind and loving grandmother. 她是一位和谟而慈爱的祖母。(2) Our headmaster is very kind to us .我们班主任对我们专门好。28. unusual adj 不平常的,罕见的,专门的(1)Such a man is quite unusual .如此的人少有。(

26、2) Such cold weather is quite unusual . 如此冷的天气是少有的。(3) I like that painting,its most unusual.我喜爱那副画,它独树一帜。(4) Its unusual for a man to live to the age of 200. 一个人活到200岁是不平常的。29. grandson 外孙,孙子(1) He is a loving grandfather.He spends all his free time with his grandson. 他是一个慈爱的祖父,他把他闲暇的时刻都和孙子在一起。(2)

27、No one likes his grandson because he always tells lies.没有人喜爱他的孙子因为总是撒谎。30.violinist n 小提琴手(1) She was already a talented violinist when she was eight.他八岁的时候已是一个具有天赋的小提琴手。(2) The violionist was born in 1971. 这小堤琴手生于1971年。31 skate v 滑冰,留冰-skates skating skated *go skating 去滑冰 ice skating 滑冰(1) His cou

28、sin started ice skating at the age of ten and became a skating champion at the age of seventeen.他表哥十岁的时候开始滑冰的十七的时候成为滑冰冠军的。(2) Whats he doing for vacation? -Hes going skating with his friends. 他假期打算干什么?他打算和朋友一起去滑冰。32 tour v 在、旅行,观光-toured *tourist n 旅 游(1) They toured the countryside in a car two year ago.两年前他们乘车去乡下旅行。(2) Many tourists come to Hainan every year. 每年有许我游客来海南。33. the U. S.=the United States 美利坚合众国,美国(1) She toured the United States when she was fourteen. I saw her play when I was eight.他十四岁时旅行了美国。我八岁时看她表演过。34. well-known a

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