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1、为促进双方贸易,特另封邮函寄去样品,供你方参考。(4) If you are interested in our line of business, we would be happy to send you our company catalogue.如果贵方对我公司的经营范围感兴趣的话,我方将非常高兴地给贵方寄去我公司的产品目录。(5) We foresee a bright prospect for your products in your market. We look forward to hearing from you and assure you of close coope

2、ration at all times.我方预料你方产品在我方市场有着广阔的前景,我方保证随时给予你方密切合作,盼速复。信2:敬启者:感谢你方2007年4月6日来信。我方很高兴与你方建立直接贸易关系。 我方从事该产品的进口业务已多年,并与本地的主要经销商有很好的关系。因此我方确信只要你方报价优惠,我方就能销售你方大量产品。期盼你方早日回复。 谨上Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 6 April, are glad to establish direct trade relations with you.We have been specializin

3、g in imports of this product for many years,and are well connected with local leading a result,we believe that we will sell your products massively as long as your price is reasonable.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,U5(1) 我方有意进口你方的产品,若能寄来目录、样品以及价格单将不胜感激。We want to import

4、your goods. we would appreciate it if you send us the catalog, sample and price list.(2) 我方希望你方的价格具有竞争力,我们之间的贸易能够实现双方互利。We hope your price be competitive and we can do business to our mutual benefit.(3) 我方一客户对你方的产品感兴趣,并希望你方寄如下所列商品的报价单来。One of my customers is interested in your goods and hope you sen

5、d the price list as per the following list.(4) 我方在广交会上看到你方的产品,请报皮手套的最低价格及最早交货期。We have seen your goods at Canton Fair. Please offer the lowest price and the earliest delivery of the leather gloves.(5) 请报下列各种商品的伦敦到岸价,包括我方百分之二的佣金。Please offer the following goods CIF London, including our 2% commission

6、.II (1) Please send us as soon as possible your proforma invoice by fax and hard copy in duplicate by airmail.请尽快以传真和航空邮递的一式两份的打印件的形式寄给我们你方的形式发票(2) We are我方对标题商品很感兴趣,而且如果你给我们报包括3% 佣金在内的纽约CIF价给我们,我们将不胜感激。(3) We have an interest in your waterproof garments and would like to obtain your quotation and i

7、nformation concerning the designs, colors, materials, etc. 我方对你们的防水服装很感兴趣,想要获得你方的报价和关于设计,颜色以及材料等方面的信息。(4) One of our clients has obtained an import licence to import US$20,000 worth of various kinds of wires. Please quote us your lowest prices with the best discount and the date of delivery.我方的一个客户已

8、得到进口价值20000美元的各种电线的进口许可证。请报给我们你最大折扣下的最低价格和发货时间。(5) We wish to inform you that we are well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles. 兹通知你方,我方和纺织业的主要经销商有良好往来。我方在上海秋冬交易会上看到了贵方的产品,并对贵方的女士运动衫以及儿童服装颇感兴趣。请贵方按照随函附上的清单中的项目向我方报来贵方的最低价,并同时告知最早交货日期、装箱方式、付款方式以及定期购买折扣。盼早日回复,不胜感激。We saw your range of p

9、roducts at the Shanghai Autumn and Winter Trade Fair this year and found your Ladys Sweaters and Childrens garments quite attractive.We should be grateful if you would quote your lowest price for the items in the enclosed list with the earliest date of delivery, packing conditions, terms of payment

10、and discount for regular orders.We look forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully, U6 1.贵方能尽快报一个伦敦港成本价运费价格么?Can you make an offer, CFR London at your earliest convenience?2.我方的报价是每台收录机300元人民币,天津离岸价。Our offer is RMB300 per set of tape-recorder, FOB Tianjin.3.很抱歉,你需要的货品暂缺,因此不能向你发盘。We regret to say

11、that the goods required by you are available for the time being, and for this reason we cannot make you an offer.4.本报盘以贵方复到时,货尚未售出为有效。The offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply.5.来信要求我方报雅加达CFR价,包括贵方佣金5%,我方已即时办理。In your letter you request us to quote you CFR Jakarta price

12、, including your commission of 5%, which has received our immediate attention.(1) We offer you firm our new product subject to your reply being received by May 10.我方向贵公司报新产品的实盘,以你方的答复五月十日寄达为准。As requested, we are pleased to quote you without engagement the following items.应你方要求,我方就如下商品进行报价,此报盘没有约束力。

13、(3) Please send us your proforma invoice in triplicate for 200 dozen the above mentioned “White Cat” Clocks if you agree to the bid.如你方同意递盘,请寄来关于上述200打白猫牌钟表你方的形式发票一式三份。(4) The prices quoted include packing and delivery and are subject to 5% trade discount of purchases larger than 30,000 items. 此报价包括

14、包装、交货以及购货超过3万份享受5%的同业折扣。(5) We wish to confirm our fax dispatched on June 18 offering without engagement the following. 现确认我方六月十八日发出的传真不受约束,报盘如下。 (1)感谢贵方5月28日的询价,现报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准。5000 吨糯米,每吨人民币6000元,哥本哈根成本保险费加运费价,包括4%佣金,七月或八月装船,支付条件是凭即期汇票支付的保兑的不可撤消的信用证付款。正如你方所了解的,近来市场对糯米有大量需求,而需求日增很有可能导致提价。如你方立即答复,就可

15、抓住行市上涨的机会。谨上Dear sirs,We thank you for your enquiry of May 28. As requested, we take pleasure in making you an offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows:5000 tons of glutinous rice, at RMB¥ 6000 per ton CIF Copenhagen, inclusive of 4% commission, shipment during July/August. The payment i

16、s to be effected by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.As you know, there has been a large demand for glutinous rice lately, and such a growing demand can only result in increased prices. However you may avail yourselves of the advantage of this strengthening market if you will sen

17、d us an immediate reply. (2)感谢贵方10月21日的来信,要求我方报24,000 打连衣裙的实盘。应贵方的要求,先报盘如下:商品:连衣裙 (各种花色,款式)尺码:大号(L)中号(M)小号(S)大号:7000 打中号:9500 打小号:7500 打 包装:塑料袋,标准出口硬纸盒价格:CIF墨尔本价含3%佣金,每打15美元装运:收到信用证后即装运付款:保兑的,不可撤消的信用证此盘为实盘,以贵方回复于北京时间11月1 日下午5:30 前到达为准。一旦本盘过期,货物即将出售。Thank you for your letter of October 21, which aske

18、d us to make a firm offer on our 24,000 dozen skirts. As requested, we are pleased to offer them as follows:Commodity: Skirts in different colors and pattern assortmentsSize: Large (L), Medium (M), Small (S)Large: 7000 dozenMedium: 9500 dozenSmall: 7500 dozenPacking: wrapped in plastic bags and pack

19、ed in standard export wooden cases Price: US$15 per dozen CIFC 3% MelbourneShipment: after receipt of L/C Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable L/CThe offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us before 5:30 PM, November 1, Beijing time. There is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once

20、 this particular offer has lapsed.U71.鉴于我们之间长期的贸易关系,我方才以这个价格向贵方做还盘。It is in view of our long-standing business relations that we make you a counter-offer at this level.2.感谢贵方3月25日对标题货物的报盘及随函附寄的样品。Thank you for your offer of March 25 for the captioned goods and for the enclosed samples.3.我方同意你方所报的价格,

21、但想知道订单值在5000美元以上时,贵方能否给4%的同行折扣。We agree to your price, but should like to know if you are prepared to grant us a trade discount of 4% for an order exceeding US$5000.4.我方报价是以合理的利润为根据的,也就是说符合当前市场的价格水平。Our price is based on reasonable profit, thats to say, it comes in line with the prevailing market le

22、vel.5.如果贵方坚持自己的价格,不做任何让步,那么我们就没必要继续谈下去了。If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion.(1) As we have cut our price to the lowest point, we regret being unable to accept your counter-offer. 我方价格已降至最低,很遗憾不能接受你方还盘。(2) Information indic

23、ations that the market is declining, we hope, therefore, you will consider our counter-offer most favorably. 有迹象表明市场正在下跌, 因此我方希望你方很好地考虑我方还盘。(3) Please keep us advised of your requirements. 请随时告知我方你方要求。(4) Our goods are the best-selling in the overseas market owing to their high quality and reasonabl

24、e price. 我方货物由于质量优良且价格合理,在海外市场销路很好。(5) In order to make the business concluded, lets meet each other half-way and make it 450 per set CIF London. 为了做成这笔交易,我们双方都作些让步,把价格定在伦敦港CIF价,每台450 英镑。(1)你方2007年5月6日有关1000 件雨衣的报盘及样品已经收到,谢谢。我方不能接受贵方的报价,因为每件5美元的CFR上海价与我方从别处所得到的相比太高了点。若贵方能将价格降低至每件 美元,我们也许能达成交易。期盼收到你方

25、同意的答复。We have received your offer of May 6, 2007 for 1000 raincoats and the samples. Many thanks for it. Your offer is not acceptable to us because the price of US5 per piece CFR Shanghai is too high, compared with those we get from elsewhere. If you could reduce the price to US per piece, we might

26、come to business. We expect your favorable reply.U8(1)?如果你方能给我方6%的佣金,我方将试购300台。If you can give us 6% commission,we will place the trial order for 300 sets。(2)?我方正在执行你方78号订单。请相信我方定将在你方所规定的期限内安排装运。(3)?由于大量承约,许多客户的订货都未发出,因此我方目前只能接受12月船期的订单。Due to a large quantity of commitments,many customers orders ha

27、ve not be sent we could only accept the order of the date of shipment in December at present.(4)?因为存货售罄,我方不能接受新订单。但是一俟新货源到来,我方即去电与你方联系。Because all the goods have been sold out,we couldnt receive any fresh once new supplies arrive,well contact you at once.(5)?该货须分三批装出,每月200吨,从8月份开始。The goods must be delivered in three lots,200 tons every months,starting from August.We are pleased of placing an order with you for

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