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1、Movie Nights at tn加油he Museum brings you clasn加油sic movies in a classn加油ic location. Each filmn加油 has been chosen for itn加油s connection to an area of our kn加油nowledge.We start this movie season wn加油ith ocean-inspired cinn加油ema to celebrate the arrin加油val of the noble blue whale inn加油 the Museums typ

2、ical hall, the site n加油for the series.So get your pn加油opcorn, take your seat, and sn加油ettle in for Movie Nightn加油s at the Museum.JawsDidn加油 you know that great whites actn加油ually find the taste of human flesh notn加油 tasty? However, this legendarn加油y Steven Spielberg thriller sees a n加油giant great wh

3、ite shark causen加油 destruction on the shores of n加油a New England beach town in the mid-19n加油70s.Free WillyDid you know that the n加油killer whale is not a whale? In加油ts actually a dolphin. In this n加油heart-warming 90s classic, orphan Jn加油esse makes friends with a trapped kin加油ller whale and does whn加油

4、atever it takes to ren加油turn him to his family and ocen加油an home.Finding NemoContrarn加油y to popular belief, fish are actually n加油good at remembering things. Follow n加油young clownfish Nemo, taken unexpecn加油tedly from his Great Barn加油rier Reef home, and his father ann加油d forgetful partner who gon加油 on

5、 a brave journey ton加油 find him, in this charming Disney an加油dventure.The Little MermaidIn this n加油classic Disney tale of n加油a mermaid princess whn加油o dreams of becoming human, Ariel n加油falls in love with a handsome prin加油nce, much to the sadnen加油ss of her father and long-sufferingn加油 friends. But d

6、id you know tn加油hat a fish is actually bron加油wn and flat, with both eyes on one sn加油ide of its body?Ticket: 28, Member:n加油 25.1. In which movie do fish memorizen加油 things well?A. Jaws. n加油 B. Free Willy.C. Finding Nemo.n加油 D. The Little Mermn加油aid2. Who helps a whale return to n加油his home?A. Ariel.B

7、. Jen加油sse.C. Nemo.D. Steven.3. Whn加油o will most likely ben加油 interested in the passage?A. A scienn加油tist on farming.B. A director n加油of war movies.C. A teenager liking on加油cean life.D. A farmer hating cruel anin加油mals.BMany experts say tn加油hat Billy Wilder changed then加油 history of American movies.

8、 He is ofn加油ten called the best movie makern加油 Hollywood has ever han加油d. He was known for making movies than加油t offered sharp social commen加油nt. Wilder was one of the first dn加油irectors to do this.Billy Wilder was bn加油orn in 1906 in the formn加油er Austro-Hungarian n加油Empire. Billy Wilder started ln加

9、油aw school in Vienna, Austria. Howevern加油, he began reporting forn加油 a Vienna newspaper aften加油r graduation. By the 1920s, he was writin加油ng movies in Germany. Hown加油ever, the Nazis had risen to power inn加油 the nation. Wider was Jewish, and he rn加油ecognized that he had no fn加油uture in Nazi Germany.

10、In 1933,n加油 he went to Paris. There he directen加油d a movie for the first time. In加油t was called “The Bad Seed”.n加油 Then he received word that n加油producers in the Unitn加油ed States had accepted n加油one of his scripts. Bn加油illy Wilder left Europe fon加油r America.In America he forn加油med a writing team wit

11、h Chan加油rles Brackett. The two writers creatn加油ed many films together. Wilder and n加油Brackett wrote several successful mn加油ovies. One was the nineteen thin加油rty-nine movie, “Ninotchka”, starringn加油 Greta Garbo. Ernst Ln加油ubitsch directed the film. Wildern加油 always praised this man as n加油a friend and

12、 teacher whose hun加油mor and expert direction greatlyn加油 influenced his works.In 195n加油4, Billy Wilder becan加油me an independent producer. The n加油nest year, Wilders first movie as an加油n independent filmmaker was a huge n加油success. It was “The Sevn加油en Year Itch”. In 1959, Wilder mn加油ade a funny movie

13、that was very popular.n加油 I.A.L. Diamond joined n加油Wilder in writing “Some Like It Hn加油ot”.By the 1980s, Wilder no longn加油er was considered the most unusn加油ual, creative movie-maker in Hollywoon加油d. In recent years, howen加油ver, Billy Wilder ren加油ceived many more awards and n加油honors. Critics praised

14、 his giftn加油s to movie making. In 1987,n加油 the Academy of Motion Pictun加油re Arts and Sciences gave n加油him the Irving G. Thalberg Memorian加油l Award. It is the highest award a produn加油cer can receive.4. Whin加油ch is Wilders first successfun加油l movie as an independent n加油filmmaker?A. Ninotchka.B. Thn加油e

15、 Bad Seed.C. Some Like It n加油Hot.D. The Seven Year In加油tch.5. What can we n加油know about Wilder accordinn加油g to the text?A. Hen加油 intended to be a lawyer at first.Bn加油. He starred a movie for n加油the first time in Paris.n加油C. He is the first directorn加油 to make realistic movies.D. He hn加油as been accep

16、ted as the mon加油st creative movie-maken加油r.6. Why did Wilder leave Gn加油ermany?A. He was Jewish and n加油couldnt develop there.B. The Nazn加油is were searching for him everywheren加油.C. He was invited to produce hin加油s script in America.D. He expecten加油d to go to Paris to form a writinn加油g team.7. What wo

17、uld be the bestn加油 title for the text?n加油A. The Maker of History of Americann加油 MoviesB. Billy Wilder a Best Movien加油 MakerC. An Autobiography of n加油a DirectorD. The Best Directn加油or and ProducerCThe sixth mass extincn加油tion of life on the Earth is unfolding n加油more quickly than feared, scientists h

18、n加油ave warned. More than 30 percent n加油of animals with a backbn加油one fish, birds, amphibian加油ns, reptiles and mammals an加油re declining in both range and pon加油pulation, according to the first n加油comprehensive analysin加油s of these trends.Around a decade ago,n加油 experts feared that n加油a new range wipeo

19、ut of specien加油s was appearing. Todan加油y, most agree that it is underway bn加油ut the new study suggestn加油s that the die-out is already grn加油owing fast.The loss of biodivern加油sity has recently accelern加油ated. Several species of mammn加油als that were relatively safe one or n加油two decades ago are now end

20、angered, incln加油uding cheetahs, lions and girn加油affes, the study showed.There is n加油no mystery as to why: our on加油wn ever-expanding species which n加油has more than doubled in nn加油umber since 1960 to 7n加油.4 billion is eating, n加油crowding and polluting its planetan加油ry cohabitants out of en加油xistence.

21、By comparison, thern加油e are as few as 20,000 lion加油ns left in the wild, less than 7,000n加油 cheetahs, 500 to 1,000 gian加油nt pandas.The main drivn加油ers of wildlife decline are habn加油itat loss, over-consumption, n加油pollution, other species, diseasn加油e, as well as hunting in the cn加油ase of tigers, eleph

22、ants, rhinos andn加油 other large animals prizedn加油 for their body parts.Climate cn加油hange is thought to become a major thn加油reat in the coming decades, with some n加油animals most famousln加油y polar bears already in decn加油line due to rising temperatures andn加油 changing weather pattn加油erns.8. What does t

23、he underln加油ined word “accelerated” in Pan加油ragraph 3 mean?A. Made up. n加油 B. Put up.C. Sped up. n加油D. Used up.9. Why has the loss of biodn加油iversity sped up?A. The man加油nkinds population is growing fast.B. n加油The air pollution is too severe.Cn加油. There are fewer species in largn加油er areas.D. Man ca

24、uses wider watn加油er pollution.10. Whn加油ich is not the main dn加油river of wildlife decline?An加油. Outside animals.B. Loss of n加油living areas.C. Various illnessesn加油.D. Lack of water.11. How is the futn加油ure of polar bears?A. Un加油ncertain. B. Hopeful.C. n加油Doubtful. D. Unsatisfyingn加油.DWhen your child l

25、ien加油s to you, it hurts. As parents, n加油it makes us angry and we take it n加油personally. We feel liken加油 we can never trust our child agan加油in. Why does lying cause sn加油uch anger, pain and worry for parents?n加油Parents are understandablyn加油 very afraid of their chin加油ldren getting hurt and getting int

26、o n加油trouble, but they have very little prn加油otection against these things as they sn加油end their kids out into the word. Kidsn加油 learn from other kidsn加油 and from external mn加油edia, and this makes parents n加油feel unsafe because thn加油ey cant control the infon加油rmation and ideas that their cn加油hildren

27、 are exposed to.When n加油your kid lies, you start ton加油 see him as “sneaky(卑鄙的)”, especially in加油f he continues to lie to you. Yn加油ou feel that hes going behind n加油your back. You begin to n加油think that your kids are “bad”. Ben加油cause, certainly, if lying isn加油 bad, liars are bad. Its just that simpn加

28、油le. Parents need to make thn加油eir kids responsible n加油for lying. But the mistake parenn加油ts make is that they start to blamn加油e the kid for lying. Its cn加油onsidered immoral to lie. Bun加油t when you look at your kid liken加油 hes a sneak, its a slippery slopn加油e (滑坡谬误)that starts with “You lin加油e” and

29、ends up at “Youre a bad person加油n”.Kids know lying is forbin加油dden. But they dont sn加油ee it as hurtful. So a n加油kid will say, “I know its wrongn加油 that l eat a sugar sn加油nack when Im not supposed to.n加油 But who does it hurt?” “I n加油know its wrong that I trade my drn加油ied fruit for a Twinkie.n加油 But

30、it doesnt really hurt anybody. I cn加油an handle it. Whats the bn加油ig deal?” Thats whatn加油 the kid sees.So I think than加油t parents have to assn加油ume that kids are going to tell themn加油 lies, because theyre immaturn加油e and they dont undn加油erstand how hurtful these thn加油ings are. Theyre all drawn n加油to

31、excitement, and theyll all n加油have a tendency to distort(歪曲)thn加油e truth because theyn加油re kids.12. Why do parentn加油s worry about their kids and feen加油l unsafe?A. Nobody trusts thein加油r kids in the world becausn加油e of lying.B. Lying alwan加油ys causes their kids to get hurt or getn加油 into trouble.C. Their kids are exn加油posed to outside worln加油d without their control.D. Thn加油ey cant protect their kids n加油from other kids and externan加油l media.13. Whats the authn加油ors attitude towards parenn加油ts seeing kids as bad n加油if they lie?A. Immoral. B. Negativen加油.C. Supportive. Dn

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