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1、11. 连环漫画杂志 _ _ comic n.12. 录像 _ _ video n.13. 游乐场所 _ _ arcade n.14. 参加;入学;注册 _ _ enroll n.15. 介绍 _ _ recommendation n.16. 侦探 _ _ detective n.17. 因素 _ _ factor n.18. 解决办法 _ _ solution n.19. 速度;进度 _ _ pace n.20. 方便的 _ _ convenient adj.21. 学位 _ _ degree n.22. 事业 _ _ career n.23. 使感兴趣 _ _ interest v.24.

2、 来往信件;通信 _ _ correspondence n.25. 录音的 _ _ audio adj.26. 碟片,磁盘 _ _ disc n.27. 邮政;邮递 _ _ mail n.28. 评论 _ _ comment n.29. 网络教育 _ _ e-learning n.30. 软件 _ _ software n.31. 互联网 _ _ internet n.32. 自由 _ _ freedom n.33. 自律能力 _ _ self-discipline n.34. 成就 _ _ achievement n. Phrases1. 掌握;运用能力_ command of2. 赚钱 _

3、 make money3. 被迫做某事 _ be forced to (do something)4. 由于,作为结果_as a result(of) be willing to (do something)5. 愿意(做某事)_ 6. 把称为 _ describeas7. 按照自己的节奏_ at ones own pace8. 方便的 _ be convenient for9. 提出意见 _ make comments10. 独立地 _ on ones own11. 使适应 _ adaptto12. 成就感 _ sense of achievement13. 满足感 _ sense of s

4、atisfaction【词汇精讲】1. reasonable 解析:adj. 通情达理的,讲道理的例句:Our mother is always very reasonable. 我们的母亲总是非常通情达理。He gave me a reasonable explanation. 他对我作了合理的解释。【拓展】副词: reasonably adv. 适度地, 相当地, 合理地, 有理性地 名词: reasonability2. qualified adj. 具备必要条件的;合格的;胜任的+to-vShe is qualified to do the job. 她能胜任这一工作。【必背】be q

5、ualified foras胜任There is only one man qualified for the job. 仅有一个人能胜任这个工作。A person with patience is well qualified for nursing the baby有耐心的人能胜任护理婴儿的工作。 After the traininghe will be qualified as a driver培训后他能成为合格的司机。【拓展1】qualify V. 使合格;使胜任After three years here youll qualify for a rise. 你在这里三年就可获加薪。【

6、拓展2】qualification n资格;合格证书 例句:What kind of qualifications do you need for the job? 做这项工作需要什么资格? He didnt get promoted for lack of qualifications因为没有文凭,他没有得到晋升。3. sincereadj. 衷心的,真诚的,诚实的,正直的Henry was sincere about getting on well with his brother. 亨利真心愿意与兄弟好好相处。He was decent, sincere - a good man. 他为

7、人正派诚实-是个好人。【拓展1】sincerely 副词 真诚地;诚恳地;由衷地 sinsiliI sincerely hope youll come with us. 我真诚希望你和我们一起去。4. confidence 解析:n. 自信,信心,把握He lacks confidence in himself. 他缺少自信。She answered the question with confidence她很有把握地回答了那个问题。. 【拓展1】信赖,信任(+in)We have confidence in the mayor. 我们信任这位市长。【拓展2】confident adj. kn

8、fidnt 有信心的,自信的+(that)【必背】befeel confident ofaboutthatHe is quite confident that he will pass the examination. 他很有信心通过考试。He is confident of passing the examination. 他有信心通过考试。Through my hard work,I feel confident that I can achieve the desired result我自信通过努力获得预期结果。【拓展3】confidence n信心;把握【必背】 have confid

9、ence in对充满信心 lose confidence in对失去信心 lack confidence缺乏信心 restore confidence恢复信心【词语辨析】confidential k:nfidenl adj. 秘密的, 机密的A doctor who gives away confidential information about patients is not behaving professionally. 医生把病人的私人资料透露出来是违反职业道德的。5. cheat v. 哄骗(+into)The salesman cheated me into buying a f

10、ake. 那个推销员骗我买了假货。【拓展1】cheat sb(out)of sth. 骗取某人某物They cheated the old woman of her house and money. 他们骗取了老妇人的房屋和钱财。She cheated him out of his money. 她骗走了他的钱。【拓展2】v 行骗;作弊(in)He never cheated in exams. 他考试从不作弊。6. attend v. 出席,参加例句: He did not attend the meeting yesterday. 昨天他没有参加会议。【拓展1】attend on 照料 J

11、ane has been attending on her sick mother for years. 简多年来一直在照料她那有病的母亲。【拓展2】attend to注意;致力于 She didnt attend to what I was saying. 她并不注意听我所说的话。 You should attend better to your studies. 你应该更专心于学习。【拓展3】attendance 名词 n. My attendance at school is excellent. 我在学校的出席情况极好。7. supplementary adj. 增补的;补充的;追加的

12、(+to)Journalism in which a news story is presented primarily through photographs with supplementary written copy. 摄影新闻(工作), 摄影图片报道主要通过照片和附加书面注释来报导新闻的报刊杂志。【常用】supplementary reading 补充读物8. enroll v注册:报名参加It is required that you should enroll before the end of August.按照规定,你应在八月底之前注册入学。 Ive enrolled oni

13、n a computer course我报名参加了一个计算机课程。9. recommendation n. 推荐【必背】on ones recommendation经某人推荐On the recommendation of my English teacher, I bought this dictionary在英语老师的推荐下,我买了这本词典。He gave her the job on her uncles recommendation. 经她叔父介绍,他让她担任了这工作。【拓展】recommend v推荐, 建议, 劝告Would you please recommend me a re

14、ference book on ancient Chinese history?你能不能推荐一本有关中国古代史的参考书给我?The doctor strongly recommended that he take a holiday. 医生竭力劝他去休假。 【必背】recommend somebody somethingrecommend something to somebody 向某人推荐某物10. factor n. 因素;要素(+in)He analyzed the various factors. 他分析了各种因素。Time is the limiting factor. 时间是限制

15、性的因素。11. solution n. 解答;解决(办法) It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。 The solution of the problem requires a lot of time. 解决这个问题需要很多时间。 【注意】solution后面的介词用to【拓展1】介词to其他的固定用法有:the answer to the question 这个问题的答案 the key to the door 门的钥匙the response to the ques

16、tion 对这个问题的反应 the reply to the letter 这封信的回复the entrance to the cinema 电影院的进口【拓展2】solve v. 解决If both sides communicate well,I believe all the problems will get solved.如果双方沟通得好,我相信所有问题都可以解决。With the help of his friends, he finally solved the problem. 在朋友们的帮助下,他终于解决了问题。12. pace n. 步速;速度;进度 一步跨出去的长度The

17、 work progressed at a slow pace. 这项工作进展缓慢。 There were perhaps ten paces between me and the bear. 在我和熊之间相距大约有十步。【必背】按照自己的节奏 at ones own pace13. convenient adj. 方便的;便利的(+for/to)Please come whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的时候,请随时来。【必背】it is convenient (for sb) to do .或sth is convenient to sb. Will

18、it be convenient for you to come in the morning? 你上午来方便吗?14. career n. (终身的)职业He wasnt interested in her stage career. 他对她的演戏职业不感兴趣。15. interest vt. 使发生兴趣;引起.的关心Chemistry interests him. 他对化学感兴趣。【拓展1】n. 兴趣,爱好 感兴趣的事物或人 利益;利害I have lost my interest in chemistry. 我对化学已不感兴趣。 His two great interests in li

19、fe are music and painting. 他生活中的两大兴趣是音乐和绘画。 We work for our common interests. 我们为共同的利益而工作。【拓展2】adj interested interesting Im not interested in politics. 我对政治不感兴趣。 It is an interesting book for children. 那是一本有趣的儿童读物。16. correspondence n. 符合的,一致的(+with) 通信,通信联系(+with), 信件The outcome of the election wa

20、s correspondent with my prediction. 选举结果与我的预计一致。 Your account of the accident has little correspondence with the story the other driver told. 你描述的事故情况与另一位司机讲的不怎么相符。I had kept up a correspondence with him until the war broke out. 在战争爆发之前我一直与他保持通信联系。The letter had been among his correspondence that mo

21、rning. 这封信就在他那天早晨收到的信件之中。17. comment n. 提出意见 【必背】make comments 发表议论He made no comments on our idea. 他对我们的想法没有作评论。The minister refused to make any comments on the event部长拒绝对此事件发表任何评论。【拓展】comment v. 进行评论;发表意见He did not comment on what I said. 他对我的话未作评论。18. freedom n. 自由;独立自主 (使用,行动等的)自由权(+of)The rebel

22、s fought for freedom. 反叛者为自由而战斗。You have the freedom of my house and gardens. 你可以随意到我家和花园来玩。19. achievement n. 成就, 成绩The invention of the computer is a great achievement. 发明电脑是一大成就。Effort and achievement are always in full accord. 努力和成就总是相辅相承的。【必背】成就感 sense of achievement 满足感 sense of satisfactionI

23、felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。【注意】satisfaction满足,为名词,指达到希望时所感觉到的较强的满足感,其形容词为satisfactory(指事物,不可用人作主语)或satisfied(可用人作主语)。His success gave me great satisfaction. 他的成功令我非常满意。Your work is satisfactory.你的工作令人满意。I am satisfied at your success

24、.我对你的成功感到满意。20. be forced to (do something) 被迫做某事 The boy was forced to practise the violin three hours a day这个男孩被迫每天练习三个小时的小提琴。【拓展1】force n. 力;力量They used great force to break open the door他们用很大的力气把门撞开了。 【拓展2】be willing to (do something) 愿意(做某事)He cherishes friendship and is willing to do anything

25、for his friends. 他珍视友谊,为朋友他什么事情都肯做。21. as a result(of) 由于,作为结果as a result of由于;因为 The school sports meeting will have to be put off until next Friday as a result of the heavy rain由于大雨,学校运动会将不得不推迟至下周五举行。【比较】as a result 结果;因此 It is raining heavily, as a result, the school sports meeting will have to be Put off until next Friday雨下得很大,因此,学校运动会将不得不推迟至下周五举行。22. describeas 被描述为,称为Vienna vien , the capital of Austria , is described as the city of music奥地利首都维

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