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1、IIChoose the right answer.选择正确的答案。( ) 1. Mr. White and his family live in _. A. England B. America C. France D. China ( ) 2. There are _people in Mr. Whites family. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( ) 3. Kens aunt comes to see _. A. Ken B. the baby C. Mrs. White D. the Whites ( ) 4. Ken doesnt go to

2、 school because he _. A. is four B. is only three months C. likes staying at home D. doesnt like school她还不会说话怀特先生住在纽约,他是一名医生。他妻子在一所中学教数学。他们有两个孩子,一个是儿子,名叫肯。另外一个是女儿,她才三个月大。肯四岁了,非常喜欢妹妹,经常让客人来看她。因为肯还小,所以没有上学,就待在家里帮妈妈照看小妹妹。一天,肯的姑姑来看他们。她在另外一个城市工作。她第一次看到这个婴儿。因此,肯很自豪地让她看这个婴儿。 “看这个小宝宝,姑姑。”肯说,“她很漂亮,我觉得她长得像我。”

3、“你说得对,肯。”他姑姑说道,“但是她叫什么名字呀? “我不知道。”男孩回答道,“她还不会说话呢。答案: : 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F : 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A Passage Two:It was very difficult to find jobs in the northeast of England, and when Bob lost his job, he found it impossible to get a new one. He had soon spent all his money, so he decided to go down to the so

4、uth of the country, where he heard that things were better, and that it was easier to get a job. The best way to go was by train, so he went to the railway station and got on a train which was going to London. He was the only passenger in his compartment when another man came in carrying a gun and s

5、aid to him, “Your money or your life?” “I havent got a penny.” Bob answered. “Then why are you shaking so much?” the man with the gun asked angrily. “Because I thought you were the ticket-collector and I havent got a ticket.” answered Bob.northeast nrist n. 东北部impossible mpsb()l adj.不可能的passenger ps

6、nd n.乘客compartment kmptm()nt n. 隔间gun gn n. 枪penny pen n. 便士ticket-collector 售票员( ) 1. It was easy to find jobs in the northeast of England. ( ) 2. Soon he had no money.( ) 3. He went to London by train.( ) 4. The man wanted to kill Bob.( ) 1. Which is wrong?A. He didnt want to get a job in the nort

7、heast. B. Deciding to go to the south, he had no money. C. Bob lost his job. D. It was easier to find jobs in the south. ( ) 2. Before the man came in, Bob was _. A. alone B. joking C. reading D. talking ( ) 3. Bob was shaking with fear because he _. A. found the man a robber B. found the man very s

8、trong C. was afraid of the mans gun D. was afraid of the ticket-collector我没有票在英国东北部地区很难找到工作,当鲍勃丢了自己的工作时,他发现根本不可能找到一份新工作。没过多久,他就花光了钱,所以他决定南下。他听说那儿情况要好些,找工作也容易些。去那儿最好的方法是坐火车,所以他去了火车站,坐上了一列开往伦敦的火车。他的隔间里只有他一个人,有一个人拿着枪走进来,对着他说:“要钱还是要命?“我一个便士都没有。”鲍勃回答。“那你为什么抖得那么厉害?”这个持枪的人气愤地问。“因为我以为你是售票员,我没有买票。 : 1.F 2.T

9、3.T 4.F 1.A 2.A 3.D Passage Three:Miss Lucy teaches two-year-old children at preschool. Miss Lucy was pregnant with her third child. Miss Lucy thought there was no reason to tell her class because they were so young. As the year was coming to an end, Miss Lucy belly grew quite large. One of her litt

10、le students came up to her and said: “Miss Lucy, your belly is getting very fat!” Miss Lucy asked this little boy if hed like to know why, and he said yes. Miss Lucy told him she had a baby in her tummy. He walked away and said nothing. The next day, this happy child who never cried started to cry w

11、hen his mother tried to leave. She pulled him aside and they talked for a few minutes and the little boy calmed down, and the mom was smiling from ear to ear. Miss Lucy asked what happened and she said, “My little boy thought you might eat him because youve already eaten a baby!preschool priskul n.

12、幼儿园pregnant pregnnt adj.怀孕的belly bel n.腹部tummy tm n.胃( ) 1. Miss Lucy is a teacher at a preschool. ( ) 2. Miss Lucy had already had three children. ( ) 3. The boy thought that Miss Lucy had eaten a baby. ( ) 4. The boy cried because he was afraid of me.( ) 5. Miss Lucy became fat because she ate too

13、 much. ( ) 1. What is Miss Lucys job? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A farmer.( ) 2. How many children does Miss Lucy have? A. One. B. Two. C. Four. ( ) 3. Is Miss Lucys belly getting very fat? A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, she is.( ) 4. Has Miss Lucy already eaten a baby? A. Yes, she has. B

14、. Yes, it is. C. No, she hasnt.肚中婴儿露西小姐在学前班教两岁的小孩。当她怀上第三个孩子的时候,她觉得没有必要告诉她的学生,因为他们太小了。到年底的时候,她的肚子已经变得很大了。一个学生走过来对她说:“露西老师,你的肚子变得很胖。”她问这个小男孩是否想知道为什么,他回答是的。她告诉他肚子里有一个小婴儿,他什么也没说就走开了。第二天,这个从来不哭的快乐小孩在他妈妈准备离开的时候开始哭了。他妈妈把他拉到一边,两个人说了几分钟,小男孩平静了下来,这个妈妈大笑着。露西小姐问她发生什么事情了,她说:“我的小孩认为你可能会吃了他,因为你已经吃了一个婴儿! 1.T 2.F 3.

15、T 4.T 5.F 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C Passage Four:The car was invented just a century ago. You may know all kinds of car names, but many people dont know who the inventor of the first car was. The first car was invented not by a German, but by an American. His name was Henry Ford. Henry was born in a poor fami

16、ly. He was the eldest of six children. When he was a boy, he became interested in fixing watches and machines. When he was twelve years old, his mother died. Soon he had to work in a machine shop for two dollars and fifty cents a week. In the evenings he repaired watches for another dollar a week. T

17、he hard life made him strong and able. At that time, there was another interest in the life of the young Ford. He dreamed of making a machine that could run without horses, so he named it “horseless carriage”. He overcame a lot of difficulties and in April 1893, the “homeless carriage” was finally f

18、inished: it was the first car. Later Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company. He was really the first inventor of the car in the world. invent nvent vt. 发明century sentr n.世纪inventor nvent n.发明家fix fks vt.修理machine min n.机器homeless carriage 无马之车( ) 1. The car was invented one hundred years ago.( )

19、2. The first car was invented by an American.( ) 3. Henry had to work in a machine shop when he was twenty years old.( ) 4. Henry finished the first car in April 1893. ( ) 1. Who really invented the first car? A. A German. B. An American. C. A Frenchman. D. A Japanese. ( ) 2. From the story we know

20、the car was invented _. A. more than 100 years ago B. 50 years ago C. less than 100 years ago D. just 100 years ago ( ) 3. Henry Ford must have _. A. five brothers and sisters B. six brothers and sisters C. five or six younger brothers D. three twins ( ) 4. How many dollars did young Ford earn (挣) e

21、very week? A. 2. 5 dollars. B. 3. 5 dollars. C. 3 dollars. D. 4 dollars. ( ) 5. The car has a history of _. A. about 100 years B. 80 years C. 100 years D. 150 years亨利福特汽车是在一个世纪前发明的。也许你知道所有汽车的名字,但是很多人并不知道谁是第一辆汽车的发明者。第一辆汽车不是德国人发明的,而是一个美国人,他的名字叫亨利福特。亨利出生在一个贫困的家庭,他是六个孩子中的老大。当他很小时就开始对修理手表和机器感兴趣了。他12岁时,母亲

22、去世了,不久他就在一家机械店工作,一星期挣两个半美元。晚上他得修理手表,一星期再挣一美元。艰苦的生活使他坚强、能干。那个时候,在年轻福特的生活中还有另一个兴趣,他梦想着能做一个没有马就能跑的机器,所以他称之为“无马之车”。他克服了很多困难,终于在1893年4月完成了这辆“无马之车”,它就是第一辆汽车。不久,亨利建立了福特汽车公司。他是世界上真正的第一位汽车发明者。 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5. APassage FiveEdison had a quick mind about inventions, but not always about other

23、 things. One day he got a notice. It said he must pay some money to the government in the next day. If he was late he would have to pay still more money. Edison went to the city office, many people were waiting there in line to pay. While he waited, his mind was busy with ideas about a new invention

24、. When he arrived at the little window, the man in it said to Edison, “Young man, whats your name?Edison looked at the man, surprised. “III dont know. ” he said. “Then I cant help you. ” the man said and told him to leave. Other people paid the man, Edison stood there and tried to remember his name.

25、 The day ended, and he met a friend. He had to ask the friend what his name was. notice nts n.通知government gv()n,m()nt n.政府surprise spraz vt.惊奇( ) 1. Edison was always clear in mind in doing everything. ( ) 2. One day he was asked to send a notice to the city. ( ) 3.The next day after he received the notice he went to the office and waited in line to pay the money. ( ) 4.When he was waiting in front of the city office, he try to remember his name. ( ) 5.As Edison couldnt tell his name, the man behind the window told him to leave there. ( ) 1. Did Edison

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