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1、 . ts bn such unavig youB. Mayyoucan hav supper here s s pasn to meet oD Lethveanoher cha5. -y s favouf ou? -_. Its my lesur. Ie no tie Askla Sre, g ahead. - How would youike your tea?- _. VryquclyBA itcms, leaseC. Very muh. Iont ik tea.- w it ing,Joyc?- _. A. Oh, ka, Igues B. Not ing wrog C. Sorry,

2、 Im ts good D. Nohing, hans8.- en tepoed yu whieyou werout. Heseeedworried abot smething.- _? - No, hll cll oulate.A. Will he allagain B. Whatst about C. Shuld Icall himback D. oyu know r su9 - nIhelp you, ?- _. A es, you can el meB. o, I don need any helpC. O urse,if you leD. ,ak, Im e srved1. - th

3、nk u souldtke me exercise vry dy if yu want toeepfit.- _ A. Yes, OK B ThasllrighC. Thnk yofr youavic . Its veykind of you to sy s11. - Lng tm no see!Yu look wl. - _ Yo look ine,toA. Thanks B rea C. Oh, no . Not atal2. - Im gig to Beiingtomorow Myplaeleaesat :0 torwmornng. - _ A.s haso- B. Ho wondefu

4、! CHe a goo trip.D Well, oodbe13. -Dforeto post th letter forme,wll you? - _. A Maybe will . No,Iw C. Sorr, I dnt D. suppe not14. - I op yu t mi my urn he heer.- _. ANer mind . Ye,I wont . hs rh DNot tleast15. -Whseavice oyou thi shuld take?- _.A. Its p o yo B. Yu speak C. Tht it D. ou got it16.- id

5、ouo Dutcater that meal, I m, wi he othe fv frend? - _A es,te did B. Yes,hey pid fr te a . No, they dnt D.No,beseit was tre hatda1. -hank you r your CD-ROM. lretur itssoo a posble. - _. ve got nohrone to sre N poblm B.No hry .Nthngmuh D.Becarefl18. - Im oy ct ih you. - _? Havntyou agred? As that B. a

6、tis it hy on yo D h do youthink 19. - Good afernoon, _?Thename DvidPa. - Toleers, ir,and ostcard. there ayail o e .culd yo st theseeter f m C.what canI for yuD. istht Joh speaking20. - Dai, ts Fran. D youhae a fmiutes?need to see you.- _ Bt I hoe “a fewiutes” doent trninto a hour. A Im afra nt B. It

7、 oesnt matter CI dont tnk oD. I guess so 21.- Have a ood Womens Day, mom. -Thnks_. A.oure welcome. Tat all riht C. Its kin of to ay o DTesametoyou2. - cuseme, _?- Tas$5.76aloether, madam .how muh is the eal wehad B.buc I a your oderC. culd Ive e bill,peaeDwold you plase tae thmoney23. -ow is om? - _

8、. .Heis a tcher .He is mch better C. Hes like hi fath. Heistweny2.- Id lketota a weks oliday -_; we ae oo bsy. DnworyB. Dont ention it C Foet tD. Pardon me .- Exuse . - _?- Could yo te mehow Ian get tothFirst Deprtme?A. PdonB. W C. Yes D. Pleae26 - youind ifI smoe here- _. A No, le ont Id rathe youd

9、dt C. I do wntyou t Im afraid I dont2. - I s, but at follou _ -OK,it B-L-AC-.A. ould you leaewal slowly? B. do dersand o. C. Wold youpeae rptit more sowly? D. hats e meanig f his or?.- ish u everscces n th fture. -_. ASure, wll BTans C I n ea os. ll d y best29. - Ho did you fnd ouriit to th useum, o

10、hn? -_A.ytainga No. bus. B. h, wonderful, ided.CI went theelne. D.A clsmate of mine showd me t way.3.- ts o out for a drive tomorw. W can tke picnic. -_. A s,dplaseB Tt O C. GooideaD any tnks31. - mgoing o jo them n the ame. -_ A Have u.B. mure of t. C.hata pty! D aye ou like .2. - Mydter has pasedt

11、he collge entrnceexm. -Coatulatins! Shes real intllignt.-_. A. o, nohe i othing B.Oh,thank you C. oeims esD hsae o your dhter33. - To, is cas fyu tohave left or ey in he lock ho of ourcar. -_o Idi migt have y a stolen. A. Than you. .Im ory. C. Myo! D Itdosntmatt34. -CoulI your ahrom? -Why, f courseu

12、st _. A. be caful yoursel at home C. kein mid go upstais35. - Tank God.IFiday gan. A nice weken. - _. A. eame to ou . e to C ThtallrightD.s, Illb fre the6. - Exuse me, Mss, bt may I share yor table?- Of course._. A. No all B m guet CAs ouwishD. I dont mind3. - ave a sweet dream. -_. A e, willB.

13、 ank you the same C. All g. You to38 -Im too u to gto e cnma withou,Jo.- _ The fimsaidtobe very goodon A. Tat arigt. B.Imso sorryC. ha hame!D. Its dappinting.39. - Doyo ll smoke? - _.Is wo years sice I sokd.A. No,I dont B.Ys, I doCNt tomuh D. Oh, yes, bu I ish nt0. - Le gosoppin irt and ten g fihigo

14、mor. - _.llck you up at 9. . Well, I dont know . Yu go ouself C Thata gd point D Im afaid dot agre4 - Do you wnt tog out tonig? -_;ituptoyou. . es, I ant oB ThtsallritC. I eD. o problem2 - ayIook at e meu foalttewle? -Ofcourse, _, ir.A. dont worry . t doet matterC. enjoyorsefD. e you ime4.-Le skatin

15、g ftshool. -_ Call for e a ay i. A ait ontB. Soundsgo. C hat dpnds. Whtor- 4.- uc,y godfriend di in an cdent estea -_. A Thtsall ightB. O, wel, tas ife . Yur luk D. onwory45 -Gofo hikig this atdy,OK? - _. like gtting cloe t nature. I culdt gee morB I belee not C. I afrad n D I don tink so河北陈艳丽 毛树春答案

16、及部分解析:-5 BADAD 6-10ACDC115 ABA1620 BAD212CCBCC 26-3 BCB31-35 ABCB36-40 BDCC4145 CDBA1 此处what为感叹词,表示惊奇或不相信。2.No chance! 没门儿!当然不行!. Manhpy rerns(f theday)! 为生日或节日时的祝词,意为“祝您长寿;祝你生日快乐”。此语多用于成人间的祝贺。5. ay as avorof you? 请你帮个忙好吗?ure, go ahead!当然可以,说吧!.astcomes多用于指茶、咖啡等浓淡无所谓,随便。1. Long tim n se!好久不见了。 Youlo

17、okwel. 你看起来气色不错。1. oin teeast.一点儿也不(介意)。1 bcause t was m tret that da因为那天我请客。goDch各付各的帐,平摊费用。7.(ees) No ury 别急!别那么着急!8. Hstht?你说什么?22. o I have thebil, lase?请结帐,好吗?CanItake yu r?是饭店服务员的惯用语,意为“可以点菜了吗?”24. foret此处表示对某建议的否定,可译为“不行”。5. ye有时可以用于表示应答呼唤或表示在注意倾听对方。29.How dyo fd yo viit.?你觉得那次对的参观怎么样?6.Be y ust.请别客气;请随便好啦!常用于回答ay I.或aI. 这类表示请求的问句。. Itswoyears since I moked. 我已经有两年不吸烟了。40. Thas agodpoint.表示同意对方的建议。41. Im eas 我好说;我怎么都行。44. atsfe.常用于安慰那些生活不如意、又想不通并抱消极态度的人

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