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考点06 完形填空记叙文解析版Word下载.docx

1、8Acame along Bgot in Cstood out Dgave in9Ainteresting Bdeveloping Csurprising Ddisappointing10Arare Bsimple Ccommon Dloyal11Abright Blight Cworthy Dvaluable12Awounded Bhealthy Csick Dviolent13Acontrolled Bpuzzled Cworried Dabandoned14Asensitive Bconsiderate Cspecific Dreliable15Aeducated Bdetermined

2、 Cexperienced Dfocused【答案】1D2A3B4A5C6A7A8C9C10A11D12B13D14C15C【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一对夫妇在花园发现一只野生动物,然后拍照在网上发帖,最后被确认是稀有动物银狐,送与专门人员喂养。1考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们走近蹦床时,他们看到了一个影子。A. attacked攻击;B. inspected检查;C. introduced介绍;D. approached靠近。根据后文“they saw shadow”语境和常识可知,他们走近了,才能看到那东西。故选D项。2考查动词词义辨析。不,它在动。A. moving移动;B. s

3、haking摇晃;C. standing站立;D. gathering聚集。根据后文“There was a wild animal”可知,“影子”是个野兽,根据后文“walking through Davids garden”可知,它在移动。所以故选A项。3考查副词词义辨析。有一只超过两英尺高的野兽正穿过大卫的花园,危险地离孩子很近。A. instantly立刻地; B. dangerously危险地;C. happily快乐地;D. cautiously谨慎地。根据前文“There was a wild animal, over two feet tall, walking through

4、 Davids garden”及后文“close to the child”等信息可知,有个野兽穿过花园,所以对婴儿是有一定危险的。故选B项。4考查动词词义辨析。小学教师Anna和丈夫一起到院子里。A. joined加入;B. interrupted打断;C. protected保护;D. warned警告。根据前文“David reacted how most people would: by shouting.”可知,有个野兽穿过花园,危及婴儿,David大声喊叫,所以妻子安娜也加入进来一起到院子里。故选A项。5考查名词词义辨析。这家人不知道这是什么动物。A. proof证明;B. pla

5、n计划;C. idea想法;D. intention意图。根据前文Anna 所说“I thought it was a dog at first. But with a bushy tail, I thought it might be a wolf.”可知,他们不知道这是什么动物。have no idea=dont know“不知道”,符合句意。故选C项。6考查动词词义辨析。这只野生动物会伤害他们年幼的儿子吗? A. harm伤害;B. surround包围;C. bother打扰;D. accept接受。根据前文语境以及后文“As the animal approached, the co

6、uple could only fear for their child.”可知,他们担心这只野兽会伤害他们的孩子。7考查动词词义辨析。虽然很多人都回复了Anna在脸书上的帖子,但有一个答案脱颖而出。A. responded回应,回复;B. submitted提交;C. attended出席;D. referred谈及。根据前文“Anna took photos of the animal, posted them on Facebook and asked people for help.”以及后文“one answer _8_.”可知,此处指“回复”。8考查动词短语词义辨析。A. came

7、 along过来;B. got in进入;C. stood out突出;D. gave in屈服。根据本句“While many people _7_ to Annas Facebook post, one answer _8_.”的转折语义以及后文“According to the RSPCA, the animal was a silver fox.”可知,有一条回复很突出。9考查形容词词义辨析。这是皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA)发来的,他们给Anna带来了一些令人惊讶的消息。A. interesting有趣的;B. developing发展中的;C. surprising令人惊讶的;

8、D. disappointing令人失望的。根据后文“According to the RSPCA, the animal was a silver fox.”可知,这是Anna没有料到的消息,所以说“令人惊讶”。10考查形容词词义辨析。银狐非常稀有,尤其是在英国,因为它们经常被猎杀,以获取其珍贵的皮毛。A. rare稀有的,罕见的;B. simple简单的;C. common普通的;D. loyal忠诚的。根据后文“because they are frequently hunted for their _11_ fur.”和常识可知,这种动物经常因其皮毛被猎杀,应该是“稀有的”。11考查形

9、容词词义辨析。银狐非常罕见,尤其是在英国,因为它们经常被猎杀,以获取其珍贵的皮毛。A. bright明亮的;B. light轻的;C. worthy值得的;D. valuable有价值的,珍贵的。根据前文“because they are frequently hunted”以及常识可知,银狐的皮毛肯定是珍贵的。12考查形容词词义辨析。斯特佩利格兰奇野生动物中心检查了这只动物,确认它很健康,只是“有点超重”。A. wounded受伤的;B. healthy健康的;C. sick生病的;D. violent暴力的。根据后文“As a result, it was believed that he

10、 was a lost or _13_ pet.”可知,这只银狐应该是走失的,或者是某人的宠物,进而推知,应该是健康的,其它选项如“受伤的;生病的;暴力的”文中均无线索,故排除。13考查过去分词转化的形容词词义辨析。因此,人们认为他是一只走失或被遗弃的宠物。A. controlled受控制的;B. puzzled迷惑的;C. worried忧虑的;D. abandoned被遗弃的。根据常识可知,宠物离家出走一种可能是自己走失的,另一种情况是主人遗弃的。14考查形容词词义辨析。像“影子”这样的狐狸需要特殊的照顾,而一般的宠物主人是无法提供的。A. sensitive敏感的;B. consider

11、ate体贴的;C. specific特殊的;D. reliable可信赖的。根据后文“the average pet owner is not able to provide”以及“they would hand Shadow over to a specialist owner”可知,一般的宠物主人无法照顾银狐,所以需要特殊照顾,要交给专业人员。15考查形容词词义辨析。这些专家知道如何正确地照顾狐狸,而且他们经验丰富。A. educated受过教育的;B. determined坚定的;C. experienced有经验的;D. focused专注的。根据上文“These specialist

12、s understand how to take care of foxes properly”可知,这些专家知道如何正确地照顾狐狸,从而推知,他们很有经验。Passage2 (2021天津高三一模) This afternoon I was driving home after visiting my mom. I took the route that was more like a canyon (峡谷) drive with beautiful sceneries. 16 I heard a pop. I knew what happeneda big flat tire! I 17

13、to the side, but this was a canyon drive with not much shoulder space. Whats worse, it 18 to be around a bend that people couldnt see me, which made the situation 19 .Cars were passing me with no 20 of slowing down. I got 21 in the car, feeling very 22 . After what seemed a few hours, I 23 a car sto

14、pping at a distance behind me. A gentleman 24 out and signaled to other drivers. With his help, I 25 to walk out of the car very carefully. Then he moved my car a bit out of the way while I was 26 AAA to seek help. After much back and forth, they said 27 they gave me priority (优先权) since I was in a

15、dangerous place, they needed at least 20-30 minutes to send 28 . The gentleman offered to check my spare tire while I was making the call. 29 , by the time I was done with AAA, the gentleman had changed my 30 ! I felt a wave of 31 coming over me. I told him if he hadnt stopped by and helped me, I wo

16、uld have felt 32 . He just laughed.Even after we 33 , I saw in my mirror that the car just followed me to 34 I was OK. I thought how 35 I was to be the receiver of such kindness in a hot dry afternoon.Bad things can happen, but life will bend toward goodness.16ACarefully BSuddenly CPatiently DFreque

17、ntly17Apulled over Bset up Cbroke down Dgot away18Aused Bseemed Cought Dhappened19Adangerous Bsafe Cwonderful Dtypical20Away Bbackground Csign Dreward21Alocked Btrapped Cfastened Dinjured22Arelaxed Bdetermined Cdelighted Dworried23Anoticed Bfelt Cimagined Dmissed24Afell Btook Cstepped Dblocked25Adar

18、ed Bfailed Cdesired Dhesitated26Ainterviewing Bcontacting Cinvestigating Dchallenging27Aas if Bif only Cin case Deven though28Ashelter Bmedicine Cequipment Dassistance29ASurprisingly BSlightly CUnbearably DDoubfully30Alights Bhandle Ctire Dwheel31Aconfidence Bgratitude Cpassion Dpanic32Aboring Buniq

19、ue Cworthless Dhelpless33Atalked Blaughed Cparted Dquarreled34Aensure Bdefend Cevaluate Dsupport35Asatisfied Blucky Cproud Dreliable16B17A18D19A20C21B22D23A24C25A26B27D28D29A30C31B32D33C34A35B【分析】这是一篇记叙文。“我”在山路上驾驶时车胎爆了,在无助时“我”得到了一个陌生人的帮助。16考查副词辨析。突然我听到砰的一声。A.Carefully仔细地;B.Suddenly突然地;C.Patiently耐心地

20、;D.Frequently频繁地。根据“I took the route that was more like a canyon (峡谷) drive with beautiful sceneries.”(我选择的路线更像是一条风景优美的峡谷车道。)可知,此处是指突然听到砰的一声。故选B。17考查动词短语辨析。我把车停在路边,但这是一条峡谷路,路肩空间不大。A.pulled over靠边停车;B.set up建立;C.broke down抛锚; away逃离。根据“ but this was a canyon drive with not much shoulder space”可知

21、,此处是指把车停在路边。故选A。18考查动词辨析。更糟糕的是,它碰巧在一个拐弯处,人们看不到我,这使情况很危险。A.used过去常常;B.seemed似乎;C.ought应该;D.happened碰巧。根据“to be around a bend that people couldnt see me”可知,碰巧处于拐弯处,人们看不到我。故选D。19考查形容词辨析。A.dangerous危险的;B.safe安全的;C.wonderful精彩的;D.typical典型的。根据“people couldnt see me”可知,这使情况很危险。20考查名词辨析。汽车从我身边驶过,丝毫没有减速的迹象。

22、A.way方法;B.background背景;C.sign迹象;D.reward奖励。根据上文“ people couldnt see me”可知,人们看不到我,因此司机没有减速的迹象。故选C。21考查动词辨析。我困在了车里,很担心。A.locked锁;B.trapped困住;C.fastened 使固定;D.injured 伤害,损害。根据后文“With his help, I dared to walk out of the car very carefully. ”(在他的帮助下,我才敢非常小心地走出汽车。)可知,因为只有在他的帮助下,“我”才敢非常小心地走出汽车,所以“我”是困在汽车里

23、了。22考查形容词辨析。A.relaxed放松的;B.determined坚定的;C.delighted高兴的;D.worried担心的。根据“With his help, I dared to walk out of the car very carefully.”可知,“我”很担心。23考查动词辨析。似乎过了几个小时,我注意到一辆车停在和我有一段距离的地方。A.noticed注意到;B.felt感觉;C.imagined想象;D.missed思念。根据“a car stopping at a distance behind me”可知,此处是指“我”注意到一辆车停在和“我”有一段距离的地方

24、。24考查动词辨析。一位绅士走了出来,向其他司机示意。A.fell掉落;B.took拿走;C.stepped走;D.blocked阻塞。根据“With his help”可知,他从车里走出来帮助了“我”。25考查动词辨析。在他的帮助下,我敢非常小心地走出汽车。A.dared敢于;B.failed失败;C.desired希望;D.hesitated犹豫。根据“With his help”可知,在他的帮助下,我才敢非常小心地走出汽车。26考查动词辨析。然后他把我的车挪开了一点,我联系汽车协会寻求帮助。A.interviewing采访;B.contacting联系;C.investigating调查;D.challenging挑战。根据“while I was making the call”(在我打电话的时候)可知,此处是指“我”在联系汽车协会。27考查连词辨析。经过反复的交涉,他们说尽管他们给了我优先权,因为我在一个危险的地方,他们至少需要20-30分钟来援助。 if似乎;B.if only要是就好了; case万一;D.even though尽管。“they gave me priority (优先权) since I was i

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