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1、19秋西南大学0089专业英语作业复习资料答案西南大学 网络与继续教育学院课程名称:专业英语 课程代码:0089 学年学季:20192单项选择题1、Which company is the largest E-business dominator in ChinaPDDAlibaba/【正确】TencentJD2、A VPN is physically but virtually none of the abovepublic; hybridprivate; publicpublic; private/【正确】3、 is a secure protocol jointly designed b

2、y Mastercard and Visa with the backing of Microsoft, Netscape, IBM, GTE, SAIC, and other companies.SSLTCPSET/【正确】IP4、The physical components of a computer are collectively called _.hardware/【正确】softwarememoryboards5、AI can not apply for the following fieldgave birth to baby/【正确】Computer visionAuto d

3、rivingNatural language processing6、2.The term payment card refers to C. Charge cardCredit cardA and B only/【正确】Charge card7、The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,_ and perfected now.D. will have been developeddevelopedare being developed/【正确】have developed8、which language is o

4、bject-oritendBasicPascalPython/【正确】C9、Which language is not object-oriented languageA. javaPythonC/【正确】C+10、the core element of the first generation computer is as follows:ICVacuum tube/【正确】Electronic tubeChip11、The basic input device on a small computer is a _.keyboard /【正确】printerA display screenc

5、ard reader12、Alan Turing is fromGermanyUSAUK/【正确】FRANCE13、You _ her in her office last Friday; shes been out of town for two weeks.neednt have seenmust have seen/【正确】cant have seenmight have seen14、The ability to store knowledge makes computers different from every other machine _ invented.A) ever B

6、) thus C) yet D) asbr/brever/【正确】thusyetas15、The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,_ and perfected now.developedhave developedare being developed/【正确】will have been developed16、 is an electronic payment system developed by Dr.David Chaum, who is widely regarded as an inventor

7、of digital cash.DigiCashE-cashA and BA or B/【正确】17、Transaction changed to your telephone bill are called virtual pin paymentsInternet-bill card paymentsE-charge payments/【正确】18、 are cards that look like credit cards, but store information on a microprocessor chip instead of magnetic

8、strips.Magnetic cards.Small cardsCredit cardsSmart cards/【正确】19、P is a free service that earns a profit on the , which is money that is deposited in PayPal accounts.Floatcommissionscriptransaction cost/【正确】20、7. This ticket _ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.B. entitles /【正确】grantsgivescredi

9、ts21、2. Program that can destroy another computers programs are called_.bugsbugsviruses/【正确】games22、the origion of Internet is fromWANLANARPNET/【正确】LRN23、Data and program instructions are stored in_E. outputthe processorstorage /【正确】program24、 that store digital certificates are particularyly handy

10、when you shop at a site that requests user authentication information.A. Electronic CashB. Electronic checksC.Electronic walletsD. None of the aboveNone of the aboveElectronic checksElectronic wallets/【正确】Electronic Cash25、The percentage of times an ad is clicked on based on the number of times its

11、viewed is called CPMCTR/【正确】impressionshits26、The purpose of input device is _.A. to enter commands B. to hold instructions C. to input data D. both a and cboth a and c/【正确】to hold instructionsto input datato enter commands多项选择题27、which belong(s) to input deviceMouse/【正确】ScreenKeyboard/【正确】Printer28

12、、which companies belong to O2O modelDIDI /【正确】taobaoMeituan/【正确】ctrip29、E-business can be categoreid as the following models:B2B/【正确】C2C/【正确】B2C/【正确】O2O30、The business model of Didi isC2CO2O/【正确】B2CB2B31、The business model of Taobao isB2CC2C/【正确】O2OB2B32、The business model of Jd isB2C/【正确】B2BO2OC2C3

13、3、TCP/IP protocol include_IP protocol/【正确】HTTP protocolTCP Protocol/【正确】Ftp Protocol34、An E-commerce shopping cart_ stores information about your purchases/【正确】allows you to change items quantities/【正确】Keeps a running count of items/【正确】keeps a running total of items/【正确】35、_ are E busimess modelsC2

14、C/【正确】B2C/【正确】B2B/【正确】O2O/【正确】36、The main components of computer includeMemory/【正确】I/O/【正确】CPU/【正确】Hard disk/【正确】37、which is(are) E-business companyBaiduAlibaba/【正确】Amazon/【正确】Google判断题38、The abbreviation of Centeral processing unit is CPUA./【正确】B.39、TCP/IP protocol is the Internet protocolA./【正确】B.40、Windows is a GUI-based operating systemA./【正确】B.41、The components ofpersonal computer include CPU, input device, output device and memory.A./【正确】B.42、Amazon is thefirst B2B companyA./【正确】B.

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