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学案UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE 泛读 技能初养成 含答案.docx

1、学案UNIT 4 BODY LANGUAGE 泛读 技能初养成 含答案阅读教材P44课文,选择最佳答案。1How does the writer know what is going on in the students minds?ABy asking them questions.BBy having oneonone conversations.CBy watching their body language.DBy learning about their habits.2How did the students feel when they lean forward and look

2、 at the writer?AConfused. BInterested.CSurprised. DBored.3What do students usually do when they are worried?AHave their arms crossed.BHave their legs closed.CWear a frown.DBrush their hair.答案13CBCWords and Phrasesassessment n. 评价;评定(教材P40)We make assessments and inferences from body language.我们从肢体语言

3、进行评估和推断。例1What is your assessment of the situation?你对时局的看法如何?例2There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.几乎没对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。知识拓展assess vt. 评估;评定assess 评估某物(多少钱)be assessed as. 被评定为assess从句 评定;估定即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子After the flood, they assessed the loss at 10 million yuan.M

4、any of the adults were assessed (assess)as having learning difficulties.The government will make a strict assessment (assess)of the food safety.这是对失败原因的分析评估。This was an assessment of the reasons for the failure.小片段填空We have also found that a team doing its own self assessment, rather than being asse

5、ssed by those outside the team, is highly effective.我们还发现进行自我评估的,而不是接受团队外的人评估的团队是十分高效的。in other words换句话说;也就是说(教材P43)In other words.换句话说例1In other words, she must give up singing.换言之, 她必须放弃唱歌。例2In other words, the ice begins to melt.换句话说, 冰开始融化了。知识拓展in a/one word 总而言之have a word with sb. 与某人说(私)话hav

6、e words with sb. 与某人吵架keep/break ones word 遵守诺言/失信beyond words 无法用言语表达in words 用语言word came that. 有消息说即学即练完成句子总之,成功很重要,失败也很重要,因为它是成功之母。In a/one word, success is important, and so is failure, because its the mother of success.有消息说中国女足在世界杯比赛中获得第二名。Word came that the Chinese Women Football Team won the

7、 second prize in World Cup.我无法用言语来表达我的情感。I cant convey my feelings in words换句话说, 他成了一位伟大的英雄。He became, in other words, a great hero.小片段填空He is such a man that he cant always keep his word, in other words, he always breaks his word, because of which his friends often have words with him.他是这样的一个人,总是不能

8、遵守诺言。换句话说,他总是食言,正是因为如此,他的朋友们经常和他吵架。名师点津(1)与in other words意思相同的表达有:namely, that is, that is to say, in another word。(2)word表示言辞、语言时通常用复数words;表示新闻、消息时是不可数名词。occupy vt.占据;占用(教材P44)With their chins on their hands, they occupy themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.双手托着下巴,他们专心于盯着窗外

9、或天花板。例1Mr.White occupies an important position in the Ministry of Education.怀特先生在教育部里担任要职。 例2He occupied himself in collecting stamps.他忙于集邮。知识拓展(1)be occupied in doing sth./with sth. 忙于做某事occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth. 忙于某事;专心于某事keep sb.occupied 使某人忙碌(2)occupation n. 占用;职业即学即练单句语法填空/一句多译Occu

10、pied with his homework, he cant go out to play football.She needs things to keep her occupied(occupy)so she doesnt get into trouble.我进来时,那个男孩正忙着做作业。When I came in, the boy was occupied (in) doing his homework.When I came in, the boy was occupied with his homework.小片段填空When the enemy occupied the cit

11、y, the scientist was occupying himself in doing his research.In fact, he had been occupied with the research for many days.当敌人占领这座城市时,这位科学家正忙于做他的研究。事实上,他专心于这项研究已经有好几天了。distinguish vi.& vt.区分;区别;辨别(教材P44)While it is easy to perceive when students are interested, bored, or distracted, it is sometimes

12、much harder to distinguish when students are troubled.尽管学生们何时(对讲课)感兴趣、何时感到无聊或精力不集中是容易察觉的,但要发现学生何时有困扰有时会难得多。例1We can distinguish between gold and silver. 我们能区分金和银。例2He distinguished himself in physics.他在物理方面享有盛名。知识拓展(1)distinguish between.and. 区分/辨别和distinguish.from. 使有别于的特征; 区别/辨别和distinguish onesel

13、f by. 通过显示自己或使自己扬名distinguish oneself for. 因而出名distinguish oneself (as.) (作为)表现突出(2)distinguished adj. 卓越的;著名的;杰出的be distinguished for. 因而出名即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子My brother is a most distinguished(distinguish)mana great actor.她以清晰地表达她的思想的能力而著称。She was distinguished for her ability to make her ideas clear.这

14、个人因其在治疗癌症方面有了重大突破而扬名。The man distinguished himself for a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.真正的成年人能辨别出什么是该做的事和什么是想做的事。True adults are able to distinguish between what they have to do and what they want to do.这种成年鸟很容易根据橘黄色的喙识别出来。The adult bird can be easily distinguished by its orange beak

15、. (教材P44)They may also hide their faces in their hands like they are embarrassed or ashamed.他们也可能用手掩面,就像他们感到尴尬或羞愧一样。(1)embarrassed adj.尴尬的;难堪的例1A parrot can sometimes make you embarrassed 鹦鹉有时候会让人很尴尬。例2He became embarrassed when a journalist asked him pointed questions about his finances. 一名记者对他的经济情况接连提出尖锐的问题,他很是尴尬。知识拓展(1)be/feel embarrasse

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