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1、15. What is my temperature 我的体温有多高16. It is C. (thirty-six point seven degree Celsius. ) 你的体温是三十六度七。17. Dont worry. It will be OK right after applying some medicine. 别担心,上点药就好了。18. It will be OK right after applying the bandage. 贴上创可贴就好了。19. It will be OK right after giving an injection. 打一针就好。20. K

2、eep your wound dry when washing. 洗手时别弄湿伤口。21. Say bye-bye to your MummyDaddy. 和妈妈爸爸说再见。22. Please take off your coat. 请把外套脱掉。23. Take a chair and sit there. 搬把椅子坐在那里。24. Play with the toys, do you 玩会儿玩具,好吗25. Read the book, do you 看看书,好吗26. Please water the flowers. 请浇浇花。27. Please help me clean the

3、 table. 请帮我擦擦桌子。28. What a pretty dress you are wearing. 你的衣服真漂亮。29. Who bought it for you 谁给你买的30. Who has been to Beijing 谁去过北京31. Who took you to Beijing 谁带你去的32. Where else have you been 你还去过哪33. Tom is on duty today. 汤姆今天值日。34. Lets call the roll. 我们来点一下名。35. Louder, please. 请大点声。 In classroom

4、教育活动36. Lets begin. 我们开始吧37. Mary and Tom, please exchange your seats. 请玛丽和汤姆交换一下座位。38. Listen carefully. 注意听。39. Look at me. 注意看我这里。40. Touch 摸一摸 41. Point to 指一指 42. Lets play a game. 我们来做个游戏。43. Lets sing a song, together. 我们一起来唱支歌。44. Follow me, please. 请跟我学。45. Have a try, please. 请试一试。46. Lets

5、 draw it. 我们来画一画。47. I am going to tell you a story. 我要给你们讲个故事。48. Look, who are in the picture 看,图片上都有什么人49. Who are they 他们都是谁50. Where are they 他们在哪51. Guess what they are talking about 猜猜他们在说什么52. Why is the little boy crying 小弟弟为什么哭了53. Whats up with the little boy 小弟弟怎么了54. Who will retell the

6、 whole story 谁能把故事完整的讲一遍55. Stand up, please. 请站起来。56. Sit down, please. 请坐下。57. Please raise you hand. 请举手。58. Please come here. 请过来。59. Please go back to you seat. 请回到你的座位上去。60. Listen to me. 听我说。61. Are you clear 明白吗62. Understand 明白吗 63. Please repeat it after me. 请跟我重复。64. Think it over. 再想一想。6

7、5. Good, very good. 好,很好。66. You are great! 你真棒!67. Good job. 做的不错。68. Well done. 干的好。69. Wonderful. Excellent. Terrific. Amazing. 真好。70. Good idea. 好注意。71. You are so great clever smart. 你真聪明。72. I believe you. 我相信你。73. What a good memory. 记的真好。74. Good boy girl. 好孩子。75. The boy is so lively. 这个男孩真

8、活跃。76. You are right. 对了。77. Clap your hands. 拍拍手。78. Lets clap for 让我们为 拍拍手79. Just Wait a moment. 等一会。80. Please be quiet. 请安静。81. Please get your ready. 请把你们的准备好。82. Are you ready 你准备好了吗83. Anything else 还有什么吗84. Lets count read dance act. 让我们来数一数读一读跳个舞做个动作。85. Music, please. 请,奏响音乐。86. Who wants

9、 to play the big bad wolf 谁想演大灰狼87. Face the class audience when speaking acting. 说话表演时请面向大家观众。88. So much. 可以了。89. Is that all 结束了吗90. Thats all for the activity. 活动结束。91. Turn over the picture. 把这幅画翻过来。92. What a pity shame 多可惜啊!93. Act with the music. 随着音乐做动作。94. Group one first. Now group two. 第

10、一组先做。现在第二组做。95. Match two parts with a line. 用线把相配的两部分连起来。 Area corner 区域活动96. Please find your area. 请选择你喜欢的活动去区。 (幼儿:I like the OK 我想去,好吗)97. Do you like the English corner area 你喜欢英语角吗98. (Construction area performance area book area language area discovery area intelligence building area dolly h

11、ome clinic restaurant McDonalds KFC post office hair-dressers shop supermarket music area chess area art area number area)99. (建构区、表演区、图书区、语言区、科学区、益智区、娃娃家、医院、餐馆、麦当劳、肯德基、邮局、美发店、商店、超市、音乐区、棋类区、美工区、计算区)100. Please get your area card. 请拿你的活动卡。101. Need me help 需要我帮忙吗102. Whats this 这是什么103. Guess. 猜一猜104

12、. Whats inside 里面有什么105. Lets have a look. 让我们看一看。106. Lets talk about 让我们谈一谈 107. I agree with you. 我同意你的想法。108. What is your Mummy Daddy 你的妈妈爸爸是做什么的109. This is for you. 这是给你的。110. Please put away your toys. 请把玩具手好。111. Please take good care of toys. 请爱护玩具。112. Color your picture. 把你的图片涂上颜色。(二)1.

13、Stick part 1 to part 2. 把第一部分贴到第二部分上。2. Put up your artwork. 把你的美工作品挂起来。3. Show your artwork to your friends. 把你的作品给小朋友看一看。4. Let me write your name on your artwork. 我来把你的名字写在你的作品上。5. Take your work home. 把你的作品带回家。6. Pass it, one by one. 一个一个往下传。 Outdoor 户外活动7. Downstairs. 下楼。8. No hurry. We are wai

14、ting. 别着急,我们在等你。9. Line up, please. 请站队。10. Please make a circle. 站成一个圈。11. Hand in hand. 手拉手。12. At ease 稍息。13. Attention. 立正。14. Quick time, march. 齐步走。15. Halt. 立定。16. Turn left right. 向左右转。17. Lets run around the circle. 围着这个圈跑。18. Lets run in a circle. 让我们跑成一个圈。19. Turn round. 转身。20. Be careful

15、! 小心!21. Come on. 加油。22. Lets go. 开始吧。23. One, two, three. Go! 一、二、三。 开始!24. Touch and come back. 摸摸再回来。25. Be brave! 勇敢点。26. No pushing. 别推人。27. No cutting in. 别插队。28. Whats wrong with you 你怎么了29. Whats the matter with you 你怎么了30. What happened 发生了什么事31. Dont be afraid. 别害怕。32. Try it again. 再试一次。3

16、3. Once more. One more time 再来一次。34. Lets form 2 teams. 让我们组成两个队。35. Lets have a match. 让我们来比赛吧。36. You are the winner. 你赢了。37. Who is the first 谁得了第一38. Sorry. 对不起。39. Its OK. 没关系。40. Hands up. 举手41. Hands down. 手放下42. Arms out. 两臂外伸43. Arms in. 两臂放下。44. Move forth. 向前走45. Move back. 向后推46. Turn ro

17、und. 转身47. Bend your body. 弯腰48. Kick your leg. 踢腿49. Step your feet. 踏步50. Squat down. 蹲下51. Run walk jump hop crawl to 向跑 走 跳 单脚跳 爬.52. Bend your knees. 曲膝。53. Shake your body. 摇动身体。54. Buckle tie your shoes. 扣好系好鞋带。55. Go there. 到那边去。56. Come here. 到这边来。57. Lets play together. 我们一起玩吧。58. Lets pla

18、y with the ball hopper. 我们一起来玩球羊角球吧。59. Lets walk on stilts. 我们一起走高跷吧。60. Lets play on the seesaw junglegym rocker swing merry-go-around slide. 我们一起玩跷跷板 攀登梯 摇床 秋千 转椅 滑梯吧。61. Lets play in the sand pool water area. 我们到沙池 水区去玩吧。62. No throwing the sand up! 不要扬沙。63. Be carefully! Keep your eyes away fro

19、m the sand. 小心!别让沙子进到眼里。64. No splashing. 不要互相撩水。65. Keep your clothes dry. 保持衣服干爽。66. Sands got in my eyes. 我迷眼了。67. Lets go to see the doctor. 我们去看医生吧。68. Shake sand off your clothes and get sand out of your shoes. 抖抖衣服,把鞋里的沙子倒出来。69. Jump up. 向上跳。70. Bounce the ball when it goes high. 皮球跳起来你再拍。71.

20、 Back to our classroom. 回教室了。72. Take care, please. 请小心。73. Go on. 继续吧。74. Are you tired 你们累了吗75. Join us, come on. 和我们一起来玩吧,来啊。 Have a break 休息76. Lets have a break rest. 让我们休息一下。77. Go there come here with your chair. 拿着椅子到那里去 到这里来。78. Pass me 把递给我。79. You are lovely. 你真可爱。80. Who wants washroom 谁

21、想上厕所。81. Lets drink some water. 我们喝点水吧。82. Drink more, children. 孩子们多喝点水。83. Wash your hands. 洗洗手。84. Take down the towel and wipe your hands. 摘下毛巾擦擦手。85. Shake your hands three times over the sink after washing. 洗完手甩三下。86. Palm, finger, rub, rub, rub. Back, wrist, rub, rub, rub. 手心、手指、搓搓搓。手背、手腕、搓搓搓

22、。87. Save water, please. 请节约用水。88. Soap your hands down. 在手上抹肥皂。89. Put up your towel. 把你的手巾挂好。90. Please use hand cream. 请涂护手霜。91. Put your cup on the shelf. 把漱口杯放到架子上。92. Turn on the tap, please. 请打开水龙头。93. Turn off the tap tight. 关紧水龙头。94. Speak in a low voice. 小声点说话。95. Go to the toilet. Go pee

23、pee Go poo poo. 上厕所 去小便 去大便。96. Get some paper for 给拿点纸来。 Take a nap 午睡 97. Its time to take a nap. 睡午觉的时间到了。98. Take off your shoes. 脱鞋。99. Take off your clothes. 脱衣服。100. Fold your clothes quilt up. 把衣服 被子叠好。101. Put your shoes in order. 把鞋子放好。102. Cover yourself with the quilt. 盖好被子。103. Cover yo

24、ur tummy with the coverlet. 用被单盖好肚子。104. No nibbling nails. 别吃手。105. No biting the quilt. 别咬被子。106. Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛。107. Sweet dreams. 做个好梦。108. Wake up, please. 请醒醒。109. Get up. 起床。110. Dress yourself, please. 请自己穿好衣服。111. Put on your shoes. 穿上鞋。112. Wake up the children beside you. 把旁边的孩子叫醒。113. Do you need help 需要帮助吗 Eat 用餐114. Are you hungry 饿了吧115. Its time for breakfast lunch dinner supper snack. 该吃早饭 午饭 晚饭 午点了。116. Clean the table, please. 请擦桌子。117. Give out the tableware bowls chopsticks plates spoons, please. 请发餐具 碗 筷子 盘子 勺。

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