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1、西城区高三英语期末试题01终稿北京市西城区2009学抽样测试 21. There _ be any difficulty in passing the oral test since you have practiced a lot in school. A. mustnt B. shant C. shouldnt D. neednt22. - You were not listening; what troubled you? - I _ my coming math exam. A. am thinking about B. was thinking about C. had though

2、t about D. will think about23. - Shall Daniel come to the concert with us? - Not _ he has finished his paper. A. since B. once C. when D. unless24. Besides the Internet, television is another major way of communication, _ us to see the performer as well as to hear the voice. A. permitting B. to perm

3、it C. being permitted D. permitted25. The man had expected to see all his relatives when in hospital, but _ came to see him while many of his friends offered him their help. A. none B. no one C. someone D. anyone26. In some peoples opinions, the _ powerful the country becomes, the _ pleasant it is t

4、o live in. A. most; fewer B. more; fewer C. more; less D. most; less27. Profits in this company went up by 20% last year, and _ so far this year though the financial situation was bad. A. have not decreased B. werent decreased C. had not decreased D. havent been decreased28. Just like a voyage at se

5、a, our life journey, _ days are limited, is full of difficulties. A. which B. that C. its D. whose29. _ two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and enjoy it together? A. They have been given B. I have been given C. I am given D. They have given to me30. After ten y

6、ears absence she came back, only to find her old house was not _ it used to be. A. which B. what C. when D. how31. Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but _our work, we turned down the offer. A. not finished B. not having finished C. finished D. having finished32. Most highways

7、are lined with billboards of advertisement, which _ by passing car-drivers. A. are intending to read B. are intended to be reading C. are intending to reading D. are intended to be read33. Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school. A. of; into B. for; on C. o

8、f; for D. with; against34. So many uses have been discovered of this wood _ the supply of this special tree is becoming smaller and smaller. A. then B. what C. that D. which35. During the test the candidates are supposed to remain in their seats, keep their eyes on their work, _ to each other. A. an

9、d not speak B. but can not talk C. instead of speaking D. rather than speak第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One of my favourite films is Mr. Bean At a Fancy (化装) Restaurant. In the film, after being 36 at his table, Mr. Bean takes out a 37 , writes a fe

10、w words on it, signs his name, puts it into an envelope and 38 it on the table. After a moment, he looks at the 39 but this time he looks surprised, as if he did not know it was there. He opens it to find a birthday card and delightedly puts it on the table for everyone to see.When he looks at the 4

11、0 , an astonished look quickly 41 on his face. He takes all 42 out of his pockets, counts it and puts it in a saucer (碟子). He then looks from the menu to the money with 43 until he finds one thing that makes him smile. He 44 a dish called “steak tartare.” When the dish arrives, he is 45 to discover

12、that “steak tartare” is 46 a raw(生肉的) hamburger. He 47 an attempt to eat it, but it is 48 , from the look on his face, that he finds the taste really terrible. He cannot 49 his feelings, except when the waiter asks whether everything is OK. He smiles and nods, 50 that everything is fine. 51 no one i

13、s looking, however, he 52 himself hiding the raw meat anywhere he can 53 , inside a sugar bottle, a tiny flower vase and under a plate. He becomes so disappointed in the end that he 54 hides some inside the 55 of a woman sitting near him and throws some under the seat of the restaurants violinist!I

14、like to watch Mr. Bean on TV but I wouldnt want to meet someone like him in real life.36.A. treated B. invitedC. acceptedD. served37.A. magazine B. bookC. card D. wallet38.A. throws B. places C. removesD. spreads39.A. waiterB. watchC. envelope D. table40.A. customers B. tableclothC. surroundingsD. m

15、enu41.A. appearsB. growsC. turnsD. shows42.A. cardsB. moneyC. billsD. keys43.A. satisfactionB. careC. confidenceD. concern 44.A. buysB. orders C. washesD. breaks45.A. shockedB. pleasedC. movedD. frightened46.A. mostlyB. indeedC. actually D. nearly47.A. makesB. getsC. triesD. takes48.A. doubtfulB. su

16、reC. clear D. likely49.A. hideB. expressC. preventD. explain50.A. admitting B. recognizingC. indicating D. realizing51.A. Because B. When C. OnceD. Although52.A. pretendsB. helpsC. preparesD. busies 53.A. reachB. seeC. getD. arrive54.A. ratherB. almostC. exactlyD. even 55.A. hand B. purse C. blouseD

17、. hair第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Beijing The two-day Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is expected to sign important documents today when it closes in Beijing.The meeting is a timely call for leaders from the two continents to find a solution to lift their co

18、untries, if not the world, out of the present global financial crisis (dangerous situation).Europe has been more determined than the United States to get rid of the worlds present economic system. It wants to build a new, or second-generation system.Asia and Europe built a new, equal partnership in

19、1996 when the first ASEM was held.The ASEM has 45 members that account for 57 percent of the worlds population. Their foreign trade makes up more than 60 percent of the worlds trade.In 1997, when Asia was hit by a financial crisis, the second ASEM in 1998 attempted to support its Asian members. The

20、establishment of the ASEM Asian Financial Crisis Response Trust Fund helped these countries to rebuild financial system and remove the influence on their societies.The present financial crisis has affected more countries than the 1997 one. It is expected to inflict a heavy blow on the world.ASEM is

21、not good at dealing with financial problems. Still, developed and developing countries of the ASEM think differently about solutions to the financial crisis. It is widely known that the European Union is divided over the issue.As a result, it is unrealistic to expect a cure-all for the crisis from t

22、he Beijing ASEM. Ding Yuanhong, former China ASEM senior official, said that without the presence of the US no plans are practical. But the ASEM can serve as a platform for the two continents to communicate and exchange ideas.Their leaders can compare notes and pool their wisdom.The most important t

23、hing is the message of confidence the meeting is expected to deliver to the world. (China Daily 10/25/2008)56. When did ASEM come into being? A. In 1996. B. In 1997. C. In 1998. D. In 2005.57. What can we know about the USA from the passage? A. It will attend the next ASEM. B. It plays an important

24、role in ASEM. C. It helped the Asian countries a lot in the 1997 financial crisis. D. It hasnt been ready to change the present economic system yet.58. Which of the following words can replace the underlined word “inflict”? A. get B. give C. increase D. influence59. From the news we can conclude tha

25、t _. A. the EU countries think differently about the solutions to the financial crisis B. the second ASEM in 1998 tried to support its Asian members C. Ding Yuanhong is against the USAs participation in ASEM D. most of the ASEM members are Asian countries BStaring at the creature in the small cage a

26、t the shelter, Brain Gallagher six-foot-tall, 254 pounds knew hed met his match. The dogs black eyes stared back fearlessly and challengingly.“You dont want this one,” a salesman said, “nothing but trouble.”“Im a policeman,” Gallagher shot back. “Troubles my business.”“Yeah, well, this dog was leadi

27、ng a pack that was running wild. Nobody wants him.” The salesman pointed at a door to the room where animals are put to sleep.Gallagher looked at the card taped to the cage “King”. The dog barked(吠) and the hair stood out around his neck, making his large head appear even bigger.Gallagher took a tow

28、el from a paper bag, rolled it, and waved it slowly in front of the cage. Kings eyes watched the towel. When Gallagher held it closer, the dog put his powerful jaws(颚)on the heavy wire bar.“Told you,” said the salesman, “too wild.”“Unlock it,” Gallagher said.“You kidding?”“Go ahead. Hell be okay.”Th

29、e salesman shook his head, unlocked the cage and quickly stepped back.“Okay, boy,” Gallagher said softly, slowly opening the cage. Carefully he held out his hand. The dog smelled. Then he offered the rolled towel. At once, King caught it. Seconds later, the towel was torn into pieces. Gallagher move

30、d back, allowing King out of the cage. King jumped out. His eyes passed over the frightened salesman and focused on Gallagher, who threw another towel down 60-foot hall. King was off like a rocket. Half way down, he started running on the floor wildly. His backside crashed against the far wall. But he had the towel, which he raced back to Gallagher. “Hes got real spirit,” thought Gallagher as the two played tug of war (拔河). Then he tried to pull King back into the cage by pulling the towel hard. Immediately, King bi

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