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1、 64.2ORDERS (订单) 74.3PACKAGING ( 包装 ) 74.4FREIGHT/SHIPPING ( 运费的承担 ) 74.5DRAWINGS / IP(设计图及技术产权) 85 - ADDITIONAL CHARGES & COSTS( 其它费用和成本 ) 85.1 M OLDS/TOOLING (模具) 86 - TERMS OF PAYMENTBETWEEN CLIENT AND SUPPLIER (C LIENT与 SUPPLIER之间的付款条款 ) 87 - AFTER SALES SERVICE ( 售后服务条款 ) 88 W ARRANTY (保修) 99 -

2、 PATENT AND COPYRIGHT I NFRINGEMENT ( 专利和版权侵权责任 ) 910 - PRODUCT COMPLIANCE TO STATE REGULATIONS (产品适应性与州规定) 911 - T ERMINATION (合同终止 ) 1011.1- W ITHOUT CAUSE (无因终止 ): 1011.2- WITH CAUSE(违约终止) :11.3 - FORCE M AJEURE(不可抗力) :12 - A DDITIONAL CLAUSES(其他条款) 1013 SIGNATURES (签字) 121- Date of Contract (合同日

3、期)This Manufacturing Contract (Contract) is entered into on this date:此制造合同自此日起生效:2013 年 09 月 02 日Between (介于) :(以下简称 Client )(hereinafter referred to as Client ) having its place of business at:办公地址:邮编 :Legal Representative: Name:Position:Office: 86- Office Fax: 86-Mobile:Email: 法人代表 : 姓名: 职位: 办公室电

4、话: 86- 办公室传真: 86- 手机: 86- 邮箱:And (与) : 有限公司(以下简称 _)Supplier Name (hereinafter referred to as Supplier AddressPostal Code: 办公地址: 邮编:Name:Office Fax: 法人代表:江培世 职位:总经理 办公室电话:手机: 邮箱:This contract is strictly confidential between Supplier and Client and not to be revealed or discussed inany way, shape or

5、form with any other people except the signing parties.Supplier 和 Client 应严格履行该合同的保密义务,除签署的双方外,不允许向任何人以任何方式泄漏合 同中的内容。2- The Work (合同标的)Supplier agrees to perform the work to source, supply and or manufacture the issued byClient . Manufacture shall mean to procure components, materials, equipment and

6、other supplies, and to manufacture, assemble, test and deliver products to detailed written specifications, workmanship standards and quality requirements for each such product which are provided by Client and acceptedby Supplier . Supplier will select approved materials and manufacturers and manufa

7、cture the product to a quality standard requested by Client and agreed by Supplier . 同意为 Client 就压铸铝盒所下订单进行资源搜集,供应或制造,制造包括严格按照 Client 提供 Supplier 同意的详细的、书面的规格要求、工艺标准和质量要求规定进行的零部件、材料、设备和其他 原材料的获取以及生产、 组装、 试验、交付产品等。 Supplier 会选择验证合格的材料与供应商, 按照 Client 所要求的且 Supplier 所同意的质量标准来制造产品。Supplier is granted by

8、 Client a non-exclusive license during the term of this Contract to use all ofClient patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property in the Products, solely in connection with and to the extent required to perform Supplier sobligations under this Contract.在合同履行期间, Client 授予 Supplier 非独占性许可, 限

9、于且仅限于许可 Supplier 为履行本合同使用 Client 的所有的专利技术、商业秘密和其它知识产权。2.1- Scope of Work ( 合同标的 ):Project Name: Products 项目名称:压铸铝盒 Contract Number: 合同号: ClientThe scope of the work is to manufacture (hereinafter referred to as “ ) as the OriginalEquipment Manufacturer ( OEM ) as per product specifications, quotatio

10、n and annual volume requirements.合同标的是生产压铸铝盒(以下简称压铸铝盒), Supplier 作 为初始产品供应商( OEM ) ,依据每件产品的规格、报价和月需 求量,生产压铸铝盒。Supplier agrees to source appropriate suppliers that will use the latest technology and machinery to perform the manufacturing of the Product. Supplier demands suppliers adhere to strict sup

11、ply rulesand standards and ensure manufacturing methods to insure workmanship and product quality meets or exceeds Client rse quirements.Supplier 同意选择合适的供应商, 使用最新的技术与设备来制造压铸铝盒。 Supplier 要求其供应商严格供 应体系与标准,确保制造流程的合理性以致能够生产满足或超出 Client 要求质量的产品。Supplier will provide Client :1.Complete product manufacture

12、d with the latest manufacturing machinery and know how according to Client sspecifications including:- Material Purchasing- New Design Assistance and Implementation- Assembly- Testing2.Complete packaging as per Client rsequests and specifications.3.Container configuration and stuffing. (Client will

13、provide configuration details and support until Supplier understands requirements.)4.Provide technical support.5.Complete Quality Control.6.Written Reports and Complete Documentation when requested.7.Constant Communication to insure product manufacturing and delivery satisfaction. Supplier 会向 Client

14、 提供以下:1.根据 Client 的详细要求使用最新的设备与技术所制造的产品,其中包括 :- 物料采购- 新设计的援助与执行- 组装- 测试2.按照压铸铝盒制造合同附属报告的要求完成产品包装。3.集装箱的空间计算与装箱。( Client 会提供具体的计算方法与相关信息直到 Supplier 理解 了详细信息与要求为止)4.技术的支持与提供。5.完整的质量检验。6.Supplier 须做出 Client 要求相应书面的完整报告与文件。7.为确保产品制造与交付的顺利性,双方应经常对产品生产情况进行沟通。2.2- Quantity Increases & Changes ( 数量的增长和变更 ):

15、Client shall provide Supplier purchase orders when required with ample lead time required for Supplier to produce the units. The Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) is units or assembliesunless otherwise agreed to.Client 须给 Supplier 下单且给予 Supplier 充足的制造时间来生产制造订单项下的产品。最小订货量 套。Client may request, in writing,

16、 that Supplier incorporate engineering changes into the Product. Suchrequest will include a description of the proposed engineering change sufficient to permit Supplier toevaluate its feasibility and cost. Supplier evaluation shall be in writing and state the costs and time ofimplementation and the

17、impact on the delivery and pricing of the Product.Client 也许会书面要求 Supplier 对产品进行工艺改换,此要求将包括足以让 Supplier 对其可行性和价格 进行评估的新工艺的描述。 Supplier 须对其在价格,执行时间与其可能对产品价格和制造及交货时间的 评估做出书面的报告。2.3- Lead Time Components ( 配件交货期 ):Supplier may be required to purchase Long Lead Time Components in order to achieve the sch

18、edule requirements for the purposes of this Contract, Long Lead Time Components shall mean components, subassemblies, materials and supplies that may require importing from abroad or some sort of custom manufacturing.为完成本合同进度,可能要求 Supplier 采购预购件。预购件是指需要进口或定制生产的零件、组件、原 材料和其他材料。Supplier may reasonably

19、 purchase minimum lot sizes or greater from suppliers Minimum Order Inventory (MOI) to meet the manufacturing and shipping requirements of this contract upon confirmation and agreement from Client . Client requires written confirmation from Supplier on all MOQs prior to Supplier purchasing such MOQ

20、s. After Client has approved Minimum Order Quantities (MOQ) on material required to manufacturer Client s product Client will accept fullresponsibility if the result is an excess inventory.在获得 Client 的确认以及许可后, Supplier 可以合理地从供方处采购最小批的或稍大数量的最小订单库 存量的预购件来满足生产和运输需求。 Client 要求在所有 Supplier 预购件最小订单量请求之前作书

21、面上 的确认。 Client 一旦对 Supplier 所提出的对做此产品的欲购材料最小订单量做出书面上的同意确认后, 将会对其负完全责任。3- Product Specifications ( 产品规格 )Supplier agrees that all Products manufactured and supplied to Client under this Contract will meetthe specifications below:1.Approved Bill of Materials (BOM)2.Approved Component List (In the BOM)

22、3.Drawings & Schematics Client provides.4.Approved Vendors List (In the BOM)5.Any Engineering Change Orders (ECO s) or Temporary Deviation Notices (TDN s)6.Quality Standards describedSupplier 同意,所有生产并提供给 Client 的产品必须满足下述规格要求:1.被批准的材料清单 (BOM)2.被批准的零件清单 (包含于 BOM 中 )3.Client 提供并确认的图纸4.被批准的原材料供应商清单 (包含于

23、 BOM 中 )5.任何技术改进要求或暂时的更改通知(作为合同附件)6.质量标准详见“ Product 质量保证与责任协议”Supplier agrees that there will be no changes to the approved BOM, components and or any material used to make this product without written notice from Client . Client may refuse payment or requestcomplete replacement at the full cost to

24、the manufacturer.Supplier 同意在没有 Client 书面通知的情况下,不得对已经验证认可的物料表,配件或任何材料作任何 改动。若不经 Client 同意但有任何改动, Client 也许会拒付货款或要求制造商承担退换货物。4- Product Pricing ( 产品定价 )4.1- Agreed to Price ( 议定价格 ) :Supplier and Client agree to price according to the latest quotations provided by Supplier . Materialpricing will be a

25、nalyzed and adjusted at the end of every three months from the signing of this contract.In the event that there are substantial changes between the scheduled quarterly review times (greater than +/- 5%), the price will be reviewed immediately. Both parties will mutually agree to theprice change in w

26、riting and add the change to this contract. Supplier will use its best efforts to eliminate increase in material cost by negotiating strategically with its suppliers.Supplier 和 Client 同意将如下价格作为本合同签订时的初始议定单价。 材料价格将在合同签订后的每三 个月的最后一天进行分析和调整。如果在两次既定的评审价格期间,材料价格有实质性变化(大于正负 5%),产品定价就要马上评审。双方同意产品定价的调整时间和将因

27、此共同书面协议产生的产品价格变 更。 Supplier 将与供方进行战略谈判,尽全力消除材料成本的增长。Client has agreed to quoted pricing but Supplier agrees to reduce costs on future orders bynegotiating with component suppliers to get better pricing on the current BOM. Supplier has identifiedseveral components that the price can be reduced as ord

28、ers are given and relationship is developed.Client expects cost reduction for future orders.Client 已同意上述的报价,但 Supplier 同意就当前物料表中物料的价格与其供应商在价格上进行谈判来 得到更好的价格。 Supplier 许诺随着订单的执行与商业合作关系的巩固,会降低产品价格。 Client 希望以 后的订单产品的报价会有所降低。4.2 Orders ( 订单 )The Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) for the Product is units or a

29、ssemblies unless othervolumes have been discussed and accepted.压铸铝盒最小订单量是 套。If Supplier fails to deliver the products under this contract on the specified delivery dates and volumes ordered on an order-by-order basis, Supplier will pay a penalty of RMB per day for every day late.若 Supplier 没有在合同规定的交

30、期交付合同规定下的货物或没有在合同规定的交期交付合同规定下的数 量的货物,则在延迟交货的日子里每日交付 元的罚款。Client is responsible to receive the order when complete. After the order is complete and ready to ship and Client for any reason delays shipment then Client will pay a penalty of RMB per dayuntil the order leaves the factory. The Client will not be held liable for delays do to situations in China. 当订单项下得货物完成后, Client 负责收货。订单项下货物完成后,若 Client 为任何原因延迟提货时间 则在延迟提

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