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新生代英语基础教程1 Unit 5电子教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、Unit 5 “Do you live around here?”主 题 Transportation and places课 时安 排8教学内容 Show Time“Do you live around here? ReadingGetting around San Francisco Chat TimeWhat a coincidence! WritingDescribing a place GrammarPresent simple tense My StoryThe town where I live教学目标教学活动建议Warm-upTo get students to talk ab

2、out the main topic of this unit in a comfortable and relaxed manner First, tell students they will listen to a song called First Turn Right at the Light. Explain words and phrases like turn left/right, block, at the corner, avenue, direction and so on so that they could understand the song. Then, pl

3、ay the song. Ask students to put sentences in the correct order. Play the song again. Ask students to draw the route to Greenwich Village. Play the song again and let students sing together.Vocabulary BuilderA and BTo teach students new vocabulary related to transportation and places Have the studen

4、ts listen and repeat the words. Students should be familiar with the words mall, hospital, town, college, and street. For the word schedule, make sure you teach the correct pronunciation, and have students practice by echoing you. Note that schedule has two official pronunciations. In British Englis

5、h, it is pronounced and in American English, it is pronounced. For the word missed, remind students that this word has two meanings as a verb, for example, it can mean to “not do something” or “to think about someone you havent seen for a long time.” Make sure that students understand this distincti

6、on by asking them which meaning of “missed” is being used here (its the first). For the word expert, you can begin by telling students that an expert is a person who knows everything about something. Ask students what they are experts in, or what is the thing they know the most about. You can also a

7、ccept amusing answers such as “I am an expert at shopping,” or “I am an expert at sleeping.” When students seem comfortable with the vocabulary, have them fill in the answers, checking for any mistakes. C and DTo improve students listening and comprehension skills Tell the students they will hear tw

8、o people talking at the bus station. Make them understand that Jack is the male speaker and Mrs. Wilson is the female. Play the dialogue and ask students to finish Exercise C. Check their answers. Students practice new conversations in pair, one as a newcomer and the other giving directions. For exe

9、rcise D, ask students to watch pictures and words below. Have them make sentences with these words. After they finish the exercise, have them ask each other how they get around or how often they use public transportation.Show TimeATo teach students listening and speaking skills through the use of vi

10、deo First, have students match the pictures to the sentences. Ask basic comprehension questions such as, “Who are the main characters in this video?” “Where are they?” “What are they doing?” “Why are they doing that?” “How are they doing it?” Next, have students take turns in making up a conversatio

11、n for each picture. You can do the first picture, and then have a more confident student try the second one. To make it more fun, you could choose two students, and then have them race to explain what is happening in the picture. The student with the fastest and best explanation wins. B, C and DTo i

12、mprove students listening comprehension through the use of video Watch the video. Now look at Exercise B, and ask students if they can remember the bus routes, destinations and times. Tell students that the word “route” refers to the bus number and destination means the place that bus goes. Check th

13、eir answers. Refine the conversation according to Exercise B. Next, have students read through Exercise C and guess the missing information. Play the video again and students can complete the dialogue in Exercise C. Have two students read out the dialogue with one student playing the role of Hector

14、and the other as Naomi. Another way to do this is to have half the class (for example all the boys) read Hectors lines and half the class (all the girls) read Naomis lines. It may also be fun to have the boys read Naomis lines and the girls read Hectors lines. Finally, have students put the sentence

15、s in order to make a conversation in Exercise D. check their answers. Students read the dialogue in pair.ReadingA, B and CTo improve students reading comprehension First, have students go through the text quickly and finish Exercise A. Check their answers and invite students to correct the wrong sta

16、tements. Ask students to read out words in the boxes from Exercise B. Correct pronunciation. Check their answers after they finish the exercise. Read the text carefully and finish Exercise C. Ask students to brainstorm other advantages and disadvantages.DTo get the students comfortable when speaking

17、 English Students draw a picture of “a vehicle of the future” in groups. Then each of them takes turns to describe this vehicle. The teacher monitors their performance and provides help. Invite volunteers to make a presentation.Chat TimeTo improve students listening, speaking, writing and acting ski

18、lls through the use of conversation First have students go through the dialogue and guess what they are talking about. Explain to students that they will hear a conversation between two people discussing the location of a building. Introduce the key vocabulary words for this conversation. Tell the s

19、tudents to listen carefully and write down what they hear in the blank spaces. If necessary, pause the recording so that students have time to write. Check their answers. Now have students read through the “Language Note,” teaching the expression “what a coincidence”. Ask students to give examples o

20、f coincidences they have encountered. Students practice the conversation in pair. Then, students practice questions from Exercise C in groups. The teacher may prepare several pictures of different places. Ask representatives of each group come to the front and pick one picture. Then students speak o

21、ut the place and write the word on the blackboard. Students can practice new conversations about asking for directions based on the map and useful language. Monitor their performance and provide help.WritingTo improve students writing skills and learn to describe a place Students brainstorm in group

22、s what points should be included in a description. You may do this in several steps. First, have students finish Exercise A. then analyse the structure of and information in this paragraph. Finally students can conclude what a description is. For Exercise B, first students fill in the blanks. Then h

23、ave them make sentences with the phrases and words. Finally write a short passage using the sentences. Exercise C provides many useful expressions.GrammarTo teach students how to use the present simple tense First ask students to finish Exercise A. Check their answers. Explain to students that we us

24、e the present simple to talk about things that happen often or for a long time. A good way to do this is to write the words “always,” “often,” “usually,” “sometimes” and “never” on the board. You can then go around the class asking students what they do for each one and write it on the board. This i

25、s also a nice way to reinforce the fact that we add s to the third person singular. For example, you may ask John, “John, what do you always do?” Lets say John answers “I always watch TV.” Now, you can write on the board “John always watches TV,” emphasizing that we add s. Adding s to the third pers

26、on singular is the most common mistake for ESL learners using the present simple. Once everyone in the class has answered a present simple question, have them complete the exercises, correcting any mistakes. Guide students to change affirmative sentences into negative and interrogative sentences. Al

27、low students to move freely in the class and ask each other “What do you always/often/usually/sometimes/never do?” or “Do you always/often/usually” Students finish Exercise B. check their answers.My StoryTo improve students listening comprehension and speaking ability through the use of video Have s

28、tudents go through Exercise A and B and guess what they are talking about. Remind them to pay attention to key words like pizza shop, neighbourhood, across from the super market, and hometown. Make them understand they will see a video in which real people talk about their neighborhoods. Now watch t

29、he video and have students complete the true or false statements. In some cases, you may need to pause the video to help the students. Now have students tell you the answers, correcting any mistakes. Watch the video again and have students write in the missing words, pausing the video if necessary.

30、Check the students answers, correcting any mistakes. Students read the dialogue in Exercise B. You may conduct Exercise C in several ways. You can say “In Natalies neighborhood, there is a pizza shop.” And then ask them about shops in their neighborhood. Practice the next two questions in the same w

31、ay. Or you can allow them practice short conversations in pair; or allow them move freely to ask their classmates.课后学习设计作业 Finish all the exercises in Unit 5. Read the text in this unit again and summarise its content. Describing your favourite place.课后总结与反思补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER 参考译文杰克:你好啊,威尔逊太太,您在这儿干嘛呢?威尔逊太太:嗨,杰克。我在等车。您要去哪儿?去医院看我哥哥。他腿受伤了。哦,真遗憾。您坐几路车去?9路。时刻表上说2点会来。您可以坐21路,也到医院,1:50就来。哦,好的,谢谢你啊!SHOW TIME 语言解析1. Youll get used to it pretty soon. 你很快会习惯这儿的。get used to习惯,适应e.g. I have got used to working

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