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1、The Jones-Klenow method can be illustrated by a cross-country example. Suppose we want to compare the economic welfare of citizens of the U.S. and France in 2005.In 2005, as the authors observe, real consumption per person in France was only 60% as high as the U.S., making it appear that Americans w

2、ere economically much better off than the French on average. However, that comparison omits other relevant factors: leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality. The French take longer vacations and retire earlier, so typically work fewer hours; they enjoy a higher life expectancy, presuma

3、bly reflecting advantages with respect to health care, diet, lifestyle, and the like; and income and consumption are somewhat more equally distributed there than in the U.S. Because of these differences, comparing Frances consumption with the U.S.s overstates the gap in economic welfare.Similar calc

4、ulations can be used to compare the U.S. and other countries. For example, this calculation puts economic welfare in the United Kingdom at 97% of U.S. levels, but estimates Mexican well-being at 22%.The Jones-Klenow measure can also assess an economys performance over time. According to this measure

5、, as of the early-to-mid-2000s, the U.S. had the highest economic welfare of any large country. Since 2007, economic welfare in the U.S. has continued to improve. However, the pace of improvement has slowed markedly.Methodologically, the lesson from the Jones-Klenow research is that economic welfare

6、 is multi-dimensional. Their approach is flexible enough that in principle other important quality-of life changes could be incorporatedfor example, decreases in total emissions of pollutants and declines in crime rates.全文翻译及命题分析从经济上讲,我们的生活比十年前或二十年前更好吗?评论员从美国人口普查局最新的一份报告着手,渴望在这个问题上找到证据。该报告发现,2015年的家




10、介绍了一种衡量经济福祉的新方法Jones-Klenow method。它包含了影响生活质量的更多因素,比美国人口普查局所采用的方法更全面更灵活。【试题详解】46. What does the author think of the 2015 report by the Census Bureau?A) It is based on questionable statistics.B) It reflects the economic changes.C) It evidences the improved welfare. D) It provides much food for though

11、t.【题干译文】作者是如何看待美国人口普查局2015年的报告?【选项译文】A. 它基于有问题的统计数据。B. 它反映了经济变化。C. 它证明了福利的改善。D. 它提供了许多值得思考的事情。【定位信息】将题干中2015以及Census Bureau等作为向导词,定位到第二自然段。也可以结合顺序法定位,该题作为本阅读文章第一题,阅读点一般在文章开头或靠前的位置。【答案详解】答案是A。第二自然段第二句话“Unfortunately, that conclusion puts too much weight on a useful, but flawed and incomplete, statist

12、ic.”意思是:该数据有缺陷且不完整,自然是有问题的数据。【干扰分析】本题为细节题,定位信息明确,其它选项干扰性较小。47. What does the author say about the Jones-Klenow method?A) It is widely used to compare the economic growth across countries.B) It revolutionizes the way of measuring ordinary peopled livelihood.C) It focuses on peoples consumption rather

13、 than their average income.D) It is a more comprehensive measure of peoples economic well-being.【题干译文】作者对琼斯和克勒诺提出的方法有什么看法?【选项译文】A. 它被广泛用于比较各国的经济增长。B. 它彻底改变了衡量普通百姓生计的方法。C. 它关注的是人们的消费,而不是他们的平均收入。D. 它是衡量人们经济福祉的更全面的指标。【定位信息】将题干中人名Jones、Klenow作为向导词,结合顺序法,定位到第三自然段。【答案详解】答案是D。第三自然段第二句话“While by no means pe

14、rfect, it is considerably more comprehensive than average income, taking into account not only growth in consumption per person but also changes in working time, life expectancy, and inequality.”意思是:很明显,作者在此发表自己对琼斯和克勒诺提出的方法的看法;虽不完美,但更全面。【干扰分析】本题为观点态度题,需要将第三自然段第二句话充分理解。48. What do Jones and Klenow th

15、ink of the comparison between France and the U.S. in terms of real consumption per person?A) It reflected the existing big gap between the two economies.B) It neglected many important indicators of peoples welfare.C) It covered up the differences between individual citizens.D) It failed to count in

16、their difference in natural resources.【题干译文】琼斯和克勒诺是如何看待美国和法国在真实人均消费方面的比较?【选项译文】A. 它反映了两个经济体之间存在的巨大差距。B. 它忽视了许多重要的人民福利指标。C. 它掩盖了公民个人之间的差异。D. 它没有将自然资源方面的差异计算在内。【定位信息】将题干中comparison between France and the U.S.以及 real consumption per person作为向导词,结合顺序法,定位到第四、五自然段,这两个自然段主要讲美、法两国在真实人均消费方面的比较。【答案详解】答案是B。第五自

17、然段第二句话“However, that comparison omits other relevant factors: leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality.”意思是:很明显,B选项中neglected和importantindicators分别与该句中omits和relevant factors对应。【干扰分析】本题为观点态度题。A选项明显与文章主旨不符,而D选项中美、法两国在自然资源方面的差异文中根本没有提到,可以轻易排除。C选项有很大的迷惑性,国民个人之间的差异比较含糊,到底指的是美、法两国公民之间的个体差异还是

18、两个国家内部公民之间的个体差异或两者兼而有之?相比较而言,B选项意思更为明确,而且该选项中的相关表述与对应的阅读点之间存在明显的对应关系。49. What is an advantage of the Jones-Klenow method?A) It can accurately pinpoint a countrys current economic problems.B) It can help to raise peoples awareness of their economic well-being.C) It can diagnose the causes of a countr

19、ys slowing pace of economic improvement.D) It can compare a countrys economic conditions between different periods of time.【题干译文】琼斯和克勒诺提出的方法有什么优势?【选项译文】A. 它能够准确地指出一个国家当前的经济问题。B. 它有助于提高人们对经济福祉的认识。C. 它可以诊断出一个国家经济发展速度放缓的原因。D. 它可以比较一个国家在不同时期的经济状况。【定位信息】将题干中Jones-Klenow method作为向导词,结合顺序法,定位到第七自然段。第七自然段第一

20、句话“The Jones-Klenow measure can also assess an economys performance over time.”意思是:琼斯和克勒诺提出的衡量标准可以用于对比国与国之间的经济业绩,也可以用于评估某个国家在某个时间段的经济业绩,显然是该方法的一个优势。【干扰分析】本题为细节题,其在文中对应的阅读点明确,其他干扰项迷惑性较小。50. What can we infer from the passage about American peoples economic well-being?A) It is much better than that of

21、 their European counterparts.B) It has been on the decline ever since the turn of the century.C) It has not improved as much as reported by the Census Bureau.D) It has not been accurately assessed and reported since mid-2000s.【题干译文】下列有关美国人民的经济福祉方面的推断正确的是哪一个?【选项译文】A. 美国的经济福祉比欧洲国家的经济福祉好得多。B. 自从世纪之交以来,

22、美国的经济福祉一直在走下坡路。C. 美国的经济福祉改善情况与美国人口普查局的报告有出入。D. 自本世纪中期以来,美国的经济福祉一致没有得到准确的评估和报告。【定位信息】将题干中American以及economic well-being作为向导词,结合顺序法,定位到最后两个自然段。该题作为本阅读文章最后一题,阅读点一般在文章结尾或靠后的位置。【答案详解】答案是C。根据第七自然段最后三句话,我们可以得知:本世纪初到本世纪中期,美国的经济福祉比其它大国都要好。自2007年以来,美国的经济福祉持续改善,然而改善的速度明显放缓。虽然美国的经济福祉持续改善,但改善的速度明显放缓,这明显与美国人口普查局的报

23、告有出入。【干扰分析】本题为推理判断题,需要通篇考虑。A选项中much better与实际程度不符,B选项与美国经济福祉持续改善的事实不符。D选项有一定的迷惑度,但since mid-2000s与文中的实际时间不符。Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.If youve ever started a sentence with, “If I were you.” or found yourself scratching your head at a colleagues agony over a dec

24、ision when the answer is crystal-clear,theres a scientific reason behind it. Our own decision-making abilities can become depleted over the course of the day causing indecision or poor choices, but choosing on behalf of someone else is an enjoyable task that doesnt suffer the same pitfalls.The probl

25、em is “decision fatigue,” a psychological phenomenon that on the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making, says Evan Polman, a leading psychologist.Physicians who have been on the job for several hours, for example, are more likely to prescribe antibiotics to patients when its unw

26、ise to do so. “Presumably its because its simple and easy to write a prescription and consider a patient case closed rather than investigate further,” Polman says.But decision fatigue goes away when you are making the decision for someone else. When people imagine themselves as advisers and imagine their own choices as belonging to someone else, they feel less tired and rely less on decision shortcuts to make those choices. “By taking upon the role of adviser rather than decision

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