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1、.mch les ha spokeno him。much lss tread lt otide eal athoecan cot as tte astwo thee dols, heras etigout t a resarat is alwys moreexpenive。We thougt se was rthe prud,weres in act se sjust ver shy。3ehave neer done anyhingor tm, eretheyhave donesomh for us.4.Naalie pefers tosy for another wee,

2、wheres hr husband prefer to leav mmediate.5.meaie hm hly,weeas otespt m do serely.rnlationX。1.S wot take a drn, much s cou she stay for innr。HetoughtI wsingto him,ras tellng the tuth。3ow do you accut othe fatthat you have lat eer ay th week?。The incrs in their profits is due part ttr narket stregy5.

3、Such measuresarelikey to reult i the impovemen of woreffcenc。6.W ha already puredl f tim adenergy into the proc,soeae to ry 。I.1我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了。2。男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时美元.3.自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响。4。期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书5。有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国其部分原因来自于全球化带来的影响,部分原因是由于产地的变化.6最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的0%

4、.loeXI.1.C 2。B3 4.A. 6。B 7。C 8。 9.A 1。C 1。D 12。C1。C 14.B 15。 Section BCmprehes of the TexII1。D 2A3。C4. 5。A 。C7. .B VocabularyI.1。utilize 2。reect 3。considerabe4。torary 5.acepale6.recogition 7。leate 8。appeciate9。frmor10。ntratIV。intractwith2.gone rgh 3.ewh4。eovedwith 5.djusting to6.amiliar to 。n spieof

5、8。wretire of9pented rom 0。came o 新视野大学英语(第版)第2册Ui 答案 Sctio AVocbularII。1.pomosig 2.amuing 3。lowrd 4persited5。ank 。swea 7。unfir preece9.rowning 10. apprximatelyV. 2.upon 3。o 4。in 5。y 6to 7。n 。of 9。on 10。out。O2.K3。D 4。 5.J 6. 7。M 8。G9B 10.A Word BuilngVI。.obere oservr:on who obsre a person oran evetsk

6、i - skir: one ho skis。vsit - vsitor:one who isits smeody oomeclearn learner:one wo larnsomthing。reorrpre:onwh reprts n esons orvents fr a newsper6。drink driner:one who otn drnkalcohl,esp. to mucVI。tropcal2.scal 3.ocasional 4。nvironmental 。glba 6dangero 。natural 8。central entnce srucVII。1。They didnt

7、lose ert desit ot ofrustrtnDespie theheavyri,the bys aye ootbll in teyd allaftenon。I will rym best despe th sim chances of success.4Dese a thorugh search forthe escpe rionerin the muntain,osign f m wa d5。pit thei icreased ino,tirlife becme prr beause of he rising pies。IX。nr do tnk i necsary o do so2

8、o woud heygoomy do we hae hr ehone wul I ike to g twok immediatey5.norwould I TranslaionDpte efact ht se s th onl child ihe amiy, sh s nr babied byer aret.2.Mie didn ometo hearty lastnht, nor did he call me t give xplanaion。.Te peron sittig net o md publish sonovls,butheisby no m

9、ena geat wtr。.He hasno interestinfootb an isndifferet to who wn o loses。.The anaer eeds a stnt tat heca cunt onto kcare f prbemsin i abence6.Tsi te firt tie that he hs ade a peech in te pesncef solarg n adne. XI.。尽管那项计划一开始就证明是不切实际的,但是他们还是坚持要实施2。我无法说服他接受这项计划,也无法使他认识到这项计划的重要性.3。你是怎么把那么多东西塞进这个小行李箱的?4.别

10、人对他怎么看,他全不在意.5.我能否指出你犯了个小错误.6.他母亲让他开车慢一点儿,但是他从不把她的话放在心上。CzXI。B2。 B 4.5.B 6.C 7。A 8。9。 10.D11.B 1。D 13。B14C 15。DctiBRedig ls。 2。A 3.A 4。C .BCoprehenn f thtI。 1.2. 3。C。D 5A 6.C。BVcauaryIII。sake 2acriicd3crck 。puruing 5。explsive 6。overom 7ndicatd.oppnent 9.stripped 10。dieIV.1。Natasa md herself tand u i

11、ne group ntrview bycig a the leaer in herup. 2。To b successul,you ned acareulla,oodck,hlat the rihtim,ad aveal,harork.The arnotdoing hi tn reogition or mone;teyrdng ths frthsake ofsiey。It wstually what hesai rthr thn what he ddthat de me sa。5One my mother et hrmd onsomehin,itwill bevery hardto to hr

12、.。Yas orsac hd se te stae for eir success nhir field。Local people ar ue to the phenomnon,o theyare ot srprised at al.8。Toay this e we aregoing t fus on ustion of ar polluton.9He neerexpcted that i bes friend woud harg i h chatn inthe xam。.Hisparts were ostricwith himin i stud that e ad ltte time to

13、participtinanyactivties uideof class。新视野大学英语(第2版)第册Uni 3答案Secto AocauryII。1.mual2。ils 3.anceled4。vooed 5.roede 6.reslve 7。prejudce 8。cmpromie 9confi 10.suseentlyIV。havingnohin to do ih 2。taking cao3。et with .on the rfa k u 6。incmpatbewih up an dows8.learndof.ndicio of 10。ll lnV。1. 2。L3。F4。D.H 6。O 7A

14、8. 9. 10。Krd BuildingVI。shoppng 2.feling3sorage 4。cookin .nng。beginng 7。gaterig .emal9.rrvpassge 1。wting 2.mariageVII。.reltionship 2。izensh 3.leership mmberhip 5。bhood 6.livelioodrothehood 8.athorshp 9.aduthod 1。eighborhd 11isdom 2。owneshiSentne strcure III。I isnever o bd fr us to domething about te

15、 sitation。Oeis never too ol to learn.。t snev too lat fr yo pu sop t thi mdnss。4.Iis ever too lte for you t mend yur as。5。i ncme was nvr small suppot his amiy。My best fend,na,was herelast night.Theompany managr,r。 Madiso,athered his stff an nnounced te don。Y should ve sen an ohthalmolgist,aneye docto

16、r。4。e et othe ccountant,he mo xperincd son in ccunng。5.”Laet to e,”aid Did,the an onniht duty.rnlain。1.Yuaenevrtoo xperence to lear w cniqe.Thereres oneol,namey,wh hou b s t had he rsarc thre。Their reationshp did met th e difficultyt he begnning ecause o cltral difeeces.4houhhehasdups an dns,I belvd

17、 l log tathe oud uceedsoda.5。Ihasoeervtion abut he trthof your clai。6.S i pacarly tll,ut her liigegvs a ilsi o hight.XI。应尽早告知年轻人:必须认真对待法律。他现在面临一个重要决定,这个决定可能会影响他的整个前程.。即使在情况最糟糕的时候,你也必须保持镇静和信心。人际关系的成功与否与双方相处是否融洽以及交流是否顺畅有很大关系.5.他受到袭击,身受重伤,随后不治而亡。他的举止至少在表面上像个正常人。CozeXI。1.AC 3.B5.C 。D9.C 10D1. 12A 13.D14

18、。C . Stion BReadngsillI。. F 2.。 4。F 8。 9. 1.FCmresion oftheTetII。 2A4. 5.B .A 8DocaularyIII。1arrangcritiism .innoen4。ciicizing .miseable 6。ostcmpelld 8.soh 9nciate1。birlliaIV.1.on。 .of 4.with 。away 。bout7。oe8。On Concenin 0。t新视野大学英语(第2版)第2册Uit4答案Secton A:Vocbulyforbi 2.dentica 3.oectino 4.wmthv

19、oluntes6。oeeas 7.dlined 8rsstd.fancydcreae/declineIwithout fai2.volunteer fr 3as ng asrighwamore hanm thul.。.fowe ack 8.foriden fr 。anishd ito 10.s fre toV.O 2。J 。G 4。H。L.A 7. 8 9。C10。Nduding.sdne2。wekns 3。carelesness 4。illnes5。darness 。kndness 7。laziness8。rvusessVII。nois 2.weath .sny 4lucky 5.tay 6

20、。halty 7。gry8.cyentence srceIiseessary fr he maager to iihthewhletask fe leavin ra olday.2.I i sam to takes muh mne for doingso ltl.ti oepniliy ohelp ol arounus whare i trol4.It is a surris fr us a o eae e has een cheatngu。Iispesantfo te mth to seheaghte rowing io a yong lay。X。aongas he go her aers

21、gremn2s ong a o se agoal fo yourelf3.s long a she overs alh expes ersel4.s long a shedoes he job ell5.Aslong as y never lo heartranslationX.1.It is agetpasureto met riend from fr。2。I doen matehthr he cat is blckor hite long a t cches ie。umt letmehave themon ckithot fail by en clok torr oning。4.Allwme toke par ithis poject:ammretn a ttle intereted i t5.Eeryne know hat he s secial: is fre o cme n goas hepless.6Watchntheuhapy lookon ae,Ift as tugsh wishes to aysomehng o me。X。.现如今,仅仅受过中等教育的人要想找份好工作越来越难了。.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。如果你对所购物品不满意,我们将很乐意退款.我们对这块伟大的美丽的土地心怀感激之情,多年来它迎接了众多的人来这里的海滩游览。

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