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1、A persons cultural degree can represent a persons heart.8、贫农特别吃没有文化的亏,特别需要受教育。Poor peasants especially to eat not the loss of culture, special needs education.9、小企业看老板,中企业看制度,大企业看文化。Small businesses see the boss, see systems of enterprises, large enterprises culture.10、金钱永远不能征服人,文化才具备征服的力量。Money can

2、 never conquer the people, have conquered the power of culture.11、报刊是促进人民的文化和智育发展的强大杠杆。Newspapers are powerful lever to promote the development of peoples cultural and intellectual education.12、物质的解放是人类文化与精神解放的必要条件。Material of liberation is a necessary condition of human culture and the spiritual li

3、beration.13、不伴随力量的文化,到明天将成为灭绝的文化。Culture, without an accompanying power to tomorrow will be the culture of extinction.14、现在中国文化需要上课的人,比需要下课的人多。Now need to have a class, Chinese culture than the people who need the class.15、中国的长期封建社会中,创造了灿烂的古代文化。In Chinas feudal society for a long time, created the b

4、rilliant ancient culture.16、从城市保护的角度看,文物与文化不是一个概念。From the perspective of city protection, cultural relics and cultural is not a concept.17、智慧是知识凝结的宝石,文化是智慧放出的异彩。Wisdom is the gem of condensed knowledge, culture is the extraordinary splendour of wisdom.18、文化不会因为一个国家的贫穷,而失掉它的价值。Culture wont because o

5、f the poverty of a country, and lost its value.19、舞蹈跳的就是文化,跳的就是一个人的文化底蕴。Dance dance is culture, is a persons cultural background.20、人生来本是一个蛮物,惟有文化才使他高出于禽兽。To this is a pretty things in life, but the culture makes him above a beast.21、我们一起创建的是团队的文化,而不是抱怨的文化。We are creating a team culture together, in

6、stead of complaining about culture.22、知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出来的光泽。Knowledge is the crystallization of the precious gems, culture is the luster of the gem released.23、只有整个社会具有文化良心,我们的文化才有希望。Only the whole social cultural conscience, our culture is hope.24、他是有理想,没道德,有文化,没纪律的复合型人才。He didnt has the ideal, mo

7、rality, culture, discipline is the inter-disciplinary talent.25、既不是职业作家,也不是业余写手,见了文化绕着走。Is not a professional writer, or is not amateur, see culture around the way.26、只有读者有精神粮食可以消费,那文学才能一直活下去!Only the reader can have spiritual food consumption, the literature can survive all the time!27、文化不能从上向下压,因为

8、它应该是从下面高涨起来的。Culture cannot be from top to down, because it should be rising from the bottom up.28、劳动永远是人类生活的基础,是创造人类文化幸福的基础。Labor is the foundation of human life, forever is the basis of the creates happiness in the human culture.29、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉。Book is not only the life, and it is now

9、, in the past, and the source of cultural life in the future.30、真正的文化以同情和赞美为生,而不是以憎厌和轻蔑为生。The real cultural sympathy and praise for a living, instead of living with hate and contempt.31、品质不仅仅是团队,它还是文化,是制度,是一整套东西。Quality is not only a team, it is culture, is a system, is a set of things.32、为了把西方古典文明引

10、进中国,把我国古典文化向世界传播。In order to introduce the western classical civilization into China, the Chinese classical culture spread to the world.33、酒是没有国籍的,它是一种世界通用的特殊形态的文化语言。The wine is no nationality, it is a special form of world general language culture.34、没有钱,没有社会地位,没有文化,人很难掌握自己的命运。No money, no social s

11、tatus, no culture, its hard to take control of your own destiny.35、经济建设和文化建设,好像一辆车子的两个轮子,相辅而行。Economic construction and cultural construction, it is like a car two wheels, go together.36、在经济高速增长的同时,重视文化设施建设,这是值得称赞的。In the high-speed economic growth at the same time, attaches great importance to the

12、cultural construction of facilities, this is commendable.37、没有文化的军队是愚蠢的军队,而愚蠢的军队是不能战胜敌人的。The army without culture is stupid army, and foolish army cannot defeat the enemy.38、文化看上去无形无色,却决定了我们的社会从何处来,往哪里去。Culture seems colorless invisible, but it determines our society whence, and whither.39、所谓文化,比起文明

13、开化往往不过是掩蔽愚昧无知的一层裱糊纸。The so-called culture, the civilization than often but is a layer of pasting paper masking ignorance.40、劳动永远是人类生活的基础,是创造人类生活和文化幸福的基础。Labor is the foundation of human life, forever is the foundation of the create happiness of human life and culture.41、一个人只要有耐心进行文化方面的修养,就绝不至于蛮横得有可教

14、化。A person so long as has the patience to cultural accomplishment, is not as for the road to enlightenment.42、我爱中国固因他是我的祖国,而尤因他是有那种可敬爱的文化的国家。I love China is because he is my country, and he is the kind that ewing dear culture of the country.43、所谓文化,比起文明开化往往不过是掩蔽愚昧无知的最后一层裱糊纸。The so-called culture, th

15、e civilization than often but is pasting paper masking ignorance of the last layer.44、男人是孤独的,在孤独中创造文化。女人是合群的,在合群中传播文化。A man is lonely, creating culture in solitude. Women are social, in social culture.45、个人的体面与尊严,平等,自由等等概念,中国的传统文化里是没有的。Decency and dignity of the individual, equality, freedom, and so

16、 on, is not in the traditional Chinese culture.46、任何一个文化的轮廓,在不同的人的眼里看来都可能是一幅不同的图景。The outline of any culture, in the eyes of different people view is likely to be a different picture.47、世界上一切资源都可能枯竭,只有一种资源可以生生不息,那就是文化。All resources drying up in this world, only one resource can be, that is culture.4

17、8、没有文化的质量,就没有领导的质量;建设企业文化是团队合作的头等大事。Without the quality of culture, there is no leadership quality; The construction of enterprise culture is the top priority of teamwork.49、人生痛苦是文化人的流行话题,常佐以不那么痛苦的吃喝玩乐并给你看手相。Pain is well popular topic in life, beer and skittles Chang Zuo with less pain and give you

18、a palm reading.50、许多思想是从一定的文化修养上产生出来的,就如同幼芽是长在绿枝上一样。Many thought produced from a certain culture, like a germ is long on the green branches.51、远行,看不同的人、不同的风景,在不同的文化里总能收获不曾知晓的思绪。Travel, see different people, different scenery, in different cultures always knows the thoughts of harvest.52、在人类文化的本性中,我们

19、有着贪婪的欲望,即使是靠剥夺其他生物的性命。In the nature of human culture, we have the greedy desire, even deprive the lives of other beings.53、对于有文化的人,读书是高尚的享受。我重视读书,它是我一种宝贵的习惯。For a person with a culture, reading is noble enjoyment. I pay attention to reading, it is a kind of precious my habit.54、在这富有历史背景、富有高度私人秘密性的社会

20、,人类的文化应是多彩多姿的。In this rich history, rich high private secret society, human culture should be colorful.55、我们不能只留给下一代这么粗糙的东西,他们有享受祖国优秀文化遗产的权利。We cant just leave the next generation of anything so rough, they have the right to enjoy the motherland outstanding cultural heritage.56、旅行的目的是“看”。看就意味着增进对其他民

21、族、文化和地方的了解与评价。Look is the purpose of the trip. The means to improve understanding of ethnic, cultural, and other places and evaluation.57、人才教育不是灌输知识,而是将开发文化宝库的钥匙,尽我们知道的交给学生。Talent education is not knowledge, but the key of the development culture treasure, do we know to the students.58、人类在道德文化方面最高级的

22、阶段,就是当我们认识到应当用理智控制思想时。In the moral culture the highest stage, human beings is when we recognize that should use their heads to control their thoughts.59、文化修养的目的在于增强和提高鉴赏那些最高尚、最深奥的事物的真和美的能力。Culture to strengthen and improve the appreciation of the noblest and most profound things true and ability of

23、beauty.60、活的人才教育不是灌输知识,而是将开发文化宝库的钥匙,尽我们知道的交给学生。Live talent education is not knowledge, but the key of the development culture treasure, do we know to the students.61、生活在书的世界之中,意味着领略思维的美,享受文化财富,使自身变得更加高尚。Lives in a world of books, means thinking deeply, to enjoy cultural wealth, make themselves becom

24、e more noble.62、处于不同文化中的人可以互相了解,这就需要对各种文化给予不带偏见的完整说法。In different culture of the people can get to know each other, this will need to give unbiased full of all kinds of culture.63、无论是在*上还是在文化活动中,人总是靠狂热的偏见和狭隘的观念去赢得朋友。Both politically and in cultural activities, people always rely on enthusiasm of the

25、 notion of prejudice and intolerance to win friends.64、人类一切文化活动,均统属于一道德自我或精神自我、超越自我,而为其分殊之表现。All human culture activities, are all belong to a moral self or spiritual self, beyond self, and points for its performance.65、我们不仅要有*上、文化上的巨人,我们同样需要有自然科学和其他方面上的巨人。We must have not only the political, cultur

26、al giant, we also need to have on the natural science and other aspects of the giant.66、我很怀疑世人是否曾体验过幽默的重要性,或幽默对于改变我们整个文化生活的可能性。I wonder if the world has experienced the importance of humor or humorous for the possibility of changing our whole culture life.67、目的是让企业内部更和谐、更富有活力。是为改良企业工号文化,并按照员工自愿原则。Th

27、e goal is to make the enterprise internal more harmonious and more energetic. For the improvement of enterprises working culture, and in accordance with the principle of voluntary employee.68、一个组织要有不断创新的能力,一个组织的文化提供了这个公司能不能具有持续创新的能力。An organization must have the innovation ability, the culture of an

28、 organization can provide the company with the ability of continuous innovation.69、攀登科学文化的*,就要冲破不利条件限制,利用生活所提供的有利条件,并去创造新的条件。Climb scientific peak of culture, is about to break through the adverse conditions, the favorable conditions provided by the use of life, and to create new conditions.70、文化的交流与科学的交流不同,科学追求同一目标,文化追求多元形态,或者说各自独有的不可替代形象。Different cultural exchanges and scientific communication, science and pursue the same goal, pursue pluralism cultural form, or a irreplaceable image of their own.

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