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1、Article 1 These measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Peoples Bank of China, the Administrative Measures on the RMB Bank Settlement Account (issued by PBOC order 2003 No.5) and other relevant laws, administrative regulations and rules in order to

2、expand the use of RMB in cross-border trades and investment and to regulate the RMB settlement business of banking financial institutions (the Banks) relating to foreign direct investment.第二条 银行办理外商直接投资人民币结算业务,适用本办法。Article 2 These measures shall apply to the Banks RMB settlement business relating t

3、o foreign direct investment.第三条 境外企业、经济组织或个人(以下统称境外投资者)以人民币来华投资应当遵守中华人民共和国外商直接投资法律规定。Article 3 Offshore companies, economic organizations and individuals (the Offshore Investors) investing in China in RMB shall abide by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China relating to foreign direct investment.

4、第四条 中国人民银行根据本办法对外商直接投资人民币结算业务实施管理。Article 4 The Peoples Bank of China regulates the RMB settlement business relating to foreign direct investment in accordance with these measures.第二章 业务办理Chapter 2 Business Processing第五条 境外投资者办理外商直接投资人民币结算业务,可以按照人民币银行结算账户管理办法、境外机构人民币银行结算账户管理办法(银发2010249号文印发)等银行结算账户管

5、理规定,申请开立境外机构人民币银行结算账户。其中,与投资项目有关的人民币前期费用资金和通过利润分配、清算、减资、股权转让、先行回收投资等获得的用于境内再投资人民币资金应当按照专户专用原则,分别开立人民币前期费用专用存款账户和人民币再投资专用存款账户存放,账户不得办理现金收付业务。Article 5 Offshore Investors may apply to open RMB bank settlement accounts of offshore institutions in accordance with the administrative regulations on bank s

6、ettlement accounts such as the Administrative Regulations on the RMB Bank Settlement Accounts and the Administrative Regulations on the RMB Bank Settlement Accounts of Foreign Institutions (issued through yin fa 2010 No.249). In particular, special deposit account for upfront expenses in RMB and spe

7、cial deposit account for reinvestment in RMB shall be opened, in the principle of special account for special use, to deposit respectively (i) the RMB funds of upfront expenses relating to the investment project and (ii) the RMB funds acquired through profits distribution, liquidation, capital decre

8、ase, equity transfer, early recovery of investment, etc. and used for onshore re-investment. Those accounts may not be used for receipt and payment of cash.第六条 银行应当在审核境外投资者提交的支付命令函、资金用途说明、资金使用承诺书等材料后,为其办理前期费用向境内人民币银行结算账户的支付。外商投资企业设立后,剩余前期费用应当转入按本办法第八条规定开立的人民币资本金专用存款账户或原路退回。Article 6 Banks shall proc

9、ess the payment of the upfront expenses into the onshore RMB bank settlement account for the Offshore Investor after reviewing the materials submitted by Offshore Investor such as the payment order, the explanation on the use of funds and the letter of undertaking on the use of funds. After the fore

10、ign-invested enterprise is established, the balance of the upfront expenses shall be transferred into the special deposit account of RMB capital funds in accordance with Article 8 of these measures or returned through the original route.第七条 外商投资企业(含新设和并购)在领取营业执照后10个工作日内,应当向注册地中国人民银行分支机构提交以下材料,申请办理企业

11、信息登记。(一)外商投资企业批准证书复印件;(二)营业执照副本、组织机构代码证。外商投资合伙企业无需提交前述第(一)项材料。外商投资企业注册地中国人民银行分支机构应当在收到申请材料之日起10个工作日内完成企业信息登记手续。已登记外商投资企业发生名称、经营期限、出资方式、合作伙伴及合资合作方式等基本信息变更,或发生增资、减资、股权转让或置换、合并或分立等重大变更的,应当在经工商行政管理部门变更登记或备案后15个工作日内将上述变更情况报送注册地中国人民银行分支机构。Article 7 A foreign-invested enterprise (either newly established o

12、r established through merger or acquisition) shall, within 10 business days after obtaining its business license, submit the following materials to and apply for the enterprise information registration by the branch of the Peoples Bank of China where the enterprise is registered:(1) photocopy of the

13、 approval certificate of the foreign-invested enterprise;(2) duplicate of the business license and the organizational code certificate.A foreign invested partnership does not need to submit item (1) of the above-mentioned materials.The local branch of the Peoples Bank of China where the foreign-inve

14、sted enterprise is registered shall complete the enterprise information registration process within 10 business days after receiving the application materials.If a registered foreign-invested enterprise incurs any change of its basic information such as the change of its name, operational term, form

15、s of capital contribution, joint venture partner and form of joint venture or other material change such as increase or decrease of capital, equity transfer or swap and merger or acquisition, the foreign-invested enterprise shall report such change to the local branch of the Peoples Bank of China wh

16、ere the enterprise is registered within 15 business days after such change is registered or filed with the administration for industry and commerce.第八条 外商投资企业应当按照人民币银行结算账户管理办法等银行结算账户管理规定,向银行提交营业执照等材料,申请开立人民币银行结算账户。其中,境外投资者汇入的人民币注册资本或缴付人民币出资应当按照专户专用原则,开立人民币资本金专用存款账户存放,该账户不得办理现金收付业务。Article 8 A foreig

17、n-invested enterprise shall, in accordance with the administrative regulations on bank settlement account such as the Administrative Measures on RMB Bank Settlement Accounts, submit materials such as its business license to the bank to apply to open a RMB bank settlement account. In particular, a sp

18、ecial deposit account for RMB capital funds shall be opened, in accordance with the principle of , to deposit the RMB capital funds remitted or contributed by the Offshore Investor. This account may not be used for receipt and payment of cash.境外投资者以人民币并购境内企业设立外商投资企业的,被并购境内企业的中方股东应当按照人民币银行结算账户管理办法等银行

19、结算账户管理规定,申请开立人民币并购专用存款账户,专门用于存放境外投资者汇入的人民币并购资金,该账户不得办理现金收付业务。If a foreign-invested enterprise is established through an Offshore Investors mergers or acquisition in RMB of an onshore enterprise, the Chinese shareholders of the target onshore enterprise shall, in accordance with the administrative re

20、gulations on bank settlement account such as the Administrative Measures on RMB Bank Settlement Account, apply to open a special deposit account for mergers and acquisitions in RMB to deposit the RMB funds remitted by the Offshore Investors for the mergers and acquisition. This account may not be us

21、ed for receipt and payment of cash.境外投资者以人民币向境内外商投资企业的中方股东支付股权转让对价款的,中方股东应当按照人民币银行结算账户管理办法等银行结算账户管理规定,申请开立人民币股权转让专用存款账户,专门用于存放境外投资者汇入的人民币股权转让对价款,该账户不得办理现金收付业务。If the Offshore Investor pays the price of equity transfer in RMB to the Chinese shareholder of the onshore foreign-invested enterprise, the

22、Chinese shareholder shall, in accordance with the administrative regulations on bank settlement account such as the Administrative Measures on RMB Bank Settlement Accounts, apply to open a special RMB deposit account for equity transfer to deposit the RMB funds remitted by the foreign investor as th

23、e price of equity transfer. This account may not be used for receipt and payment of cash.第九条 境外投资者在办理境外人民币投资资金汇入业务时,应当向银行提交国家有关部门的批准或备案文件等有关材料。银行应当进行认真审核,可以登入人民币跨境收付信息管理系统查询有关信息。对于房地产业外商投资企业办理外商直接投资人民币资本金汇入业务时,银行还需登陆商务部网站,验证该企业是否通过商务部备案。Article 9 Offshore Investors shall submit to the Bank relevant

24、approval or filing documents issued by the relevant authorities of the state for remitting offshore RMB investment funds into China. The Bank shall review the documents prudently and may access to the cross-border RMB receipt and payment system to search for the relevant information.For the remittan

25、ce of RMB capital funds relating to the foreign direct investment in the real estate industry, the Bank shall further check the website of the Ministry of Commerce to verify whether the foreign-invested enterprise has passed the filing of the Ministry of Commerce. 第十条 外商投资企业应当根据有关规定,委托会计师事务所对境外投资者缴付

26、的注册资本、出资和股权收购人民币资金的实收情况进行验资询证。会计师事务所在向账户开户银行进行询证后,可以出具验资报告。Article 10 A foreign-invested enterprise shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, engage an accounting firm to verify the actual receipt of RMB funds paid by the Offshore Investor for the registered capital and the equity acquisition.

27、 The accounting firm may issue the capital verification report after enquiring with the opening Bank.开户银行应当积极配合会计师事务所的工作,在收到银行询证函之后,认真核对有关数据资料,明确签署意见,加盖对外具有法定证明效力的业务专用章,并在收到询证函之日起个工作日内回函。The opening Bank shall actively assist the accounting firm to prudently and, after receiving the bank enquiry let

28、ter, verify the relevant data and material, clearly issue its opinion, duly seal its business chop evidencing the legitimate authority and reply within 5 business days after receiving the bank enquiry letter.第十一条 银行应当依据相关外商直接投资业务管理规定,监督外商投资企业依法使用人民币资本金,审查通过人民币资本金专用存款账户办理的资金支付业务。银行不得为未完成验资手续的人民币资本金专用

29、存款账户办理人民币资金对外支付业务。Article 11 The Bank shall, in accordance with the relevant administrative regulations on foreign direct investment, supervise the legitimate use of RMB capital by foreign-invested enterprises and review and approve the payment under the special deposit account for RMB capital. The

30、Bank may not process the payment of RMB funds through the special deposit account for RMB capital in respect of which the capital verification has not been completed.第十二条 境外投资者将其所得的人民币利润汇出境内的,银行在审核外商投资企业有关利润处置决议及纳税证明等有关材料后可直接办理。Article 12 Where an Offshore Investors remit its RMB profits out of Chin

31、a, the Bank may directly process the remittance after reviewing the relevant materials such as such as the resolution of the foreign-invested enterprise on profits disposal and the evidence on tax payment.第十三条 境外投资者将因减资、转股、清算、先行回收投资等所得人民币资金汇出境内的,银行应当在审核国家有关部门的批准或备案文件和纳税证明后为其办理人民币资金汇出手续。Article 13 Where an Offshore Investor remit out of China their RMB funds acquired through decrease of capital, equity transfer, liquidation, early recover of investment, etc, the Bank shall process the remittance of RMB funds after reviewing the approval

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