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1、一群建筑物a clumpcomplex of buildings 2、一丝点层片 一片草皮a chunk of turf 一丝睡意a wink of sleep 一丝怀疑a shadow of doubt 一点点工作a stroke of work 一线未来之光a glimpse of future 一缕月光a streak of moonlightamber(fig) 一丝绿意;一片绿色a tint of green 一片心意a small token of our hearts 一丝嫉妒;一阵窘迫a slight twinge of jealousyembarrassment 一丝恻隐之心

2、a sign of sympathy for. 一丝懊悔a slight twinge of remorse 一层霜雪糖霜a layer of frostsnowcream 一丝失望的眼神a flicker of disappointment (剩下)一口气一丝气a sparkbreath of life 一丝失望的情绪a taintfaint of disappointment 一片漆黑completely dark;dismal night;pitch dark 一片汪洋a flood of water 3、英译“一阵”,颇有学问,且看以下译例 (突然爆发出的)一阵哭泣喝彩炮击雷声 a b

3、urst of tearscheersgunfirethunder (量如洪水的)一阵泪雨瓢泼大雨夸夸其谈 a flood of tearsrainboasts 少量或稀疏的 一阵(小)雨射击a spatter of rainbullets 一阵稀疏的掌声喝彩a spatter of applausecheers 声响很大的 一阵隆隆的炮声雷声a peal of artillerythunder 突然而猛烈的 一阵暴雨狂风烈火a gustblast of rainwindflame 持续短暂的 一阵怒气激情咳嗽a fit of angerpassioncoughing 一阵呕吐a vomiti

4、ng fit 持续一段时间的 一阵厄运暑热a spell of bad lucksummer heat 一阵寒潮a cold spell of weather 一阵昏厥a fainting spell (针捻刀刺般的)一阵内疚牙痛风湿痛a twinge of remorsetoothacherheumatism 一阵尴尬a twinge of embarrassment (抽搐或颤抖的)一阵痛苦伤心咳嗽激动a spasm of paingriefcoughingexcitement 雹打雨淋般的 一阵轰炸打击咒骂a hail of bombsblowscurse 一阵弹雨批评a shower

5、of bulletscriticism 更多的例子 一阵欢乐an agony of joy 一阵子爱意a flush of love 一阵心脏病发作a stroke of heart attack 一点点满足a crumb of satisfaction 一种混乱的政治局面a chaos of politics 4、“一阵”为何有这么多不同的译法 其实原因很简单,汉语“一阵”这个数量词不含修辞色彩,可用于各类描述;而在英语中,“一阵”这个概念则是由许多不同的名词来表述的,而且这些词一般分别具有不同的修辞色彩。spatter “少量”,“稀疏”之义;peal 专指一阵响亮或轰鸣的声音;twing

6、e 特指肉体或心灵上的一阵剧烈的刺痛;burst 泛指突然爆发出的一阵,有突如其来之感;hail 和shower的比喻色彩也很浓,有雹打雨淋之感;spell常用于描述天气、疾病等,表持续一阵子;flood一词比喻色彩浓厚,给人以量如洪水,滔滔不绝之感;gust则专指风、雨、雹、火、烟等的突然而猛烈的一阵。也可用喻感情的猛烈进发;fit常指持续时间短暂的一阵尤指疾病的短暂发作或感情的短暂进发;spasm原指痉挛,抽搐,用于动作、感情的一阵突发时,表抽搐或浑身颤抖之感。由此可见,英译“一阵”,宜细心推敲,酌情翻译。5、其他类似的汉译英所用的修辞性的用法 a)暗喻Metaphor 一串香蕉a han

7、d of bananas 颗颗汗珠beads of sweat 一长串汽车a string of cars 很大的朋友圈a large circle of friends b)借代Metonymy 一串珍珠 a rope of pearls 一炉钢a heat of steel 一年三熟 three crops a year 一大群飞机a cloud of planes 林立的烟囱a forest of chimneys 一片沙滩a beach of sands c)夸张Hyperbole 多如牛毛的问题a sea of troubles 一大笔钱a pile of money 勃然大怒a w

8、ave of anger 开怀大笑gales of laughter 无数次heaps of times 小不点a dot of child 一小撮敌人a pinch of enemy 滔滔不绝的话语a flood of words 6、英语常用单位词及汉语对应词(Commonly-used unit nouns and their Chinese equivalents) piece块;片;段;项;件;篇;首;幅;张 a piece of breadpaperwoodfurniturelandadvicenewsmeatclothmusic. bit一点;一些;一片 a bit of wat

9、erwoodgrasstrouble. item条;则;项 an item of newsinformationbusinessprogramme. article件;条 an article of furnitureclothingluggageexport. grain粒;颗 a grain of riccewheatsaltsand. drop滴 a drop of wateroilrainblooddew. slice薄片 a slice of meatbreadcakeham. cake块 a cake of soapmudice. bar块;a bar of chocolateca

10、ndysoap. ear穗 an ear of cornricewheatmillet. loaf块;a loaf of bread. lump块;团 a lump of claysugarearth. spiral盘 a spiral of mosquito incense. card板 a card of buttons pack副;盒 a pack of cardscigarettes fistful(s)一把 a fistful of sandrice. handful(s)一把 a handful of soil. armful(s)一抱 an armful of flowers.

11、cupful(s)一杯 four cupfuls of jam. mouthful(s)一口 a mouthful of snowwhys. spoonful(s)一汤匙 a spoonful of sugar. spadeful(s)一铲 a spadeful of coal. bagful(s)一袋 a bagful of letters. 但an eyeful of的意思是“对大饱眼福” truckload一货车 a truckload of apples. shipload一船 a shipload of TV sets. lorryload一卡车 a lorryload of iro

12、n. fit一阵子 a fit of coughingfeverlaughteranger. ray一线 a ray of hopeintelligencesunlight peal一阵 a peal of thunderlaughterapplause. flash闪现一下 a flash of hopelighteningwit. display炫耀一下 a display of powercourageforcelearningskill. attack一疾病的发作 an attack of fevermalaria group组;群;批 a group of students. tea

13、m队:组 a team of expertsfootballersscientists. gang帮;伙;队;a gang of fourthievesrobbers. army大群;队 an army of beggarsantsbees. troop群;伙 a troop of soldiers. host大群 a host of friendsheroes. pack群;a pack of liarsthievesrascalshounds. band帮;a band of music(players)brigands. choir队;组;群 a choir of singers. bu

14、nch串;束;挂;帮;a bunch of bananasfoolsflowerskeysthieves bouquet束;把 bouquet of flowers string串;节 a string of beadspearlswordsthread sheaf p1sheaves捆;束 a sheaf of wheatarrowspapers crew帮;全体 a crew of sailorspilots party组;a party of guestschildren. batch批 a batch of letterstelegramsvisitors. gaggle群 a gag

15、gle of geesegirls. litter一窝 a litter of kittenslittle pigletspuppies. herd群 a herd of elephantsdeercattle.s swarm群 a swarm of antslocustsbeespeoplestars. cluster串;a cluster of flowersgrapesbeesislandsstars. a cluster of butterfliesgrapesberriesconsonantshouses brood窝;a brood of chickenspaintingsthie

16、ves. school群 a school of whalesdolphins. shoal群 a shoal of fishwhalespeople. flock群 a flock of geesebirdspigeonsducksvisitorscustomers. dozen一打 a dozen(of)pencilseggsred roses. gross一罗 a gross of nailspencilscan openers. pile一大堆 a pile of what-ifs一大堆假定 mound一大堆 a mound(mouthful)maybes满嘴的可能 clump一群 a

17、 clump of islandsbuildings school流派 the school of traditional grammar train一列 a train of cars一列火车厢 pot一锅 a pot of soupteawater. fleck片 a fleck of snow. 7、 汉英表量的对应名词(Quantity and amount in both languages) 中英文都有表量的手法,除了常见的平铺直叙的说法,还有一些修辞性说法。a sea of peopleflamesbloodflagsflowershappy faces如海般的如潮一样的人群;火

18、海;血海;旗海;花海;无数幸福的面孔 an ocean of troubletimespacecheering无穷的麻烦;无休止的时间;浩瀚的宇宙;欢乐的海洋 a scene of great rejoicing一片欢腾 a chorus of protestpraise一片抗议之声赞扬之声 a trove of Chinese porcelain一批中国磁器 a grove of coco(a)nutbamboo一片椰林/竹林 a blaze of lights一片灯火 a mountain of debtsrubbishmoneydirty clothes债台高筑垃圾如山;家财万贯;一大堆

19、脏衣服 a mass of imagesfactsfiguresdata大量的图像事实数据等 a rainstorm of tearsashesarrowsbullets嚎啕大哭;尘土蒙蒙;一阵箭雨,一阵弹雨 a storm of applausecriticismcheering一阵暴雨般的掌声;激烈的批评;狂热的欢呼 a gale of laughterexcitement阵阵欢笑;一阵激动 a flood of tearswords1ightterror泪如潮涌;滔滔言辞;一片光明;一片恐惧 a store of learningexperience知识渊博;经验丰富 a wealth

20、of experiencedatatroublesgoodgoods经验丰富;丰富数据;问题多多;大有好处;商品丰富 a surfeit of fooddrug dosage过量的食品;过量的药品 a succession of defeat接二连三的挫败 a world of goodsfoodpleasuremeaningto do sb a world of goodharm a forest of hillsflagschimneyshands 这些表量的手法也可用复数,像lots of,thousands of一样,如seas of,mountains of,stores of,sw

21、arms of,thunders of,showers of ,in showers,in stores,in numbers。a(great)number of books许多的书 numbers of peoples许多的民族 a quantity of energy大量的能量 quantities of oxidize大量的氧化酶 an amount of material大量的材料 small amount of water少量的水 The amount of energy possessed by a given quantity of radiation depends stric

22、tly on its frequency一定量的辐射所拥有的能量完全基于其频率。The total amount of radiation 辐射的总量 Whats the size? 尺码多少?s the linear size of the Galaxy?银河系的直线长度是多少?the linear dimensions直线尺寸 all sizes of gloves各种尺码的手套 (in)all shapes and sizes大大小小,各式各样 (in)life size(如)实物大小 What are the dimensions of the room?这房间的长、宽、高各多少?th

23、e dimensions of the solar system太阳系的范围 the dimensions of a building lot一座建筑物的准确面积 the magnitude of this angle这角度的大小 the value of the balloon气球的体积 the value of this correction修正值 the extent of a judges powerhis knowledge 法官的权力范围他的知识面 bein lengthwidthheightdiameterperimetershapesize bein quantityamountgreat numbersextentdimensionvalue欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求

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