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1、It s a small, small world.歌曲中出现的连读现象以下:Step 2. ConversationsConversation 1 Expressing encouragement1.Listento a conversationand complete thefollowing sentenceswithwhat you hear.Pay attention to the function of these expressions.2.againand decidewhether the followingstatements aretrue(T) or false(F).

2、ScriptsI really feel nervous about facing so many people.Take it easy. You are thehostess of tonights English party.Yes. But Im afraid I would make a mess of it.Mary, you should have more confidence in yourself.You know, I ve never hosted such a big party in English. And the students willdefinitely

3、have high expectations.Please lighten up and be more confident,Mary. You have hosted many Chinese partiesbefore, right? And you can speak English quite well!I know that, Ben, but I still feel nervous.I m sure you will do it well. Come on!Well, anyway, its good to have your support and encouragement.

4、3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the followingsituations.1.Listen to a conversation and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false (F).2.Listen again and complete the following conversation with what you hear. ScriptsGabriel, theyare abouttointroduceyou.You a

5、rethenextperform.Are you ready?No. yes. no!You dont look so well. Are you alright?I dont know, Simone. My hands are wet; Im starting to sweat; and my legs feellike jelly.Dont be so nervous. You did a great job in rehearsal.I know, but now I cant calm down and my mouth feels dry.Why dont you believe

6、youcan do it? Take a deep breath and you will feel fine.Oh, Gosh! If I go out there, Im sure I will forget my lines!Just have confidence. You are well-prepared so you will youll perform well. Ok,they ve just announced your name. Get out there.3. Role-play a conversation in pairsaccordingone offollow

7、ingYou may refer to the Functional Language.Functional LanguageStep 3. Passage1.Listen to a passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).2.Listen again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1.B 2. B 3. C Scriptssat on the bench. They said he w

8、as going to play zero minutes. But heGilbertArenasbelieved he was a talented basketball player and that they didn t see the talent he had. Instead of sitting there being bitter, Gilbert Arenas kept on practicing.Everyday he competed intenselyinone-on- one ororganizedteam matches,and didn tgo home un

9、til late at night. For him, it wasnt even about basketball any more,it was about proving them wrong. Now hes a hero instead of a zero in the fieldof basketball, but he still chooses to wear No. 0 jersey, the reason for which is to remind himself that he needs to go out there and fight every day.4.Su

10、ppose you were Gilbert Arenas, please introduce your story. The story may include the following points.Part Two ReadingPassage A Never too old to live your dreamStep 1. Lead-in1.Video appreciation2.Pre-reading questions Pre-reading questionsWork in groups to discuss the following questions.Which two

11、 qualities below aremost importantfor realizingyourdream? Can you support your choices withyour ownexperience?Step 2. Text studyText readingOrganization of the textStructurePart I (Para. 1) Getting to know Rose.Part II ) A speech made by Rose at the football banquetPart III (Para. 6) The death of Ro

12、se.Language points1. On the firstday of school,afterour professorintroduced himself to ourchemistryclass he challenged us to get to know someone new.开学的第一天,教授向化学班的全体同学作了自我介绍,以后他鼓舞我们结纳一位新同学。someone new 在这里意为“某个新同学”,形容词new 修饰不定代词someone。需要注意的是,形容词修饰不定代词时往常置于不定代词以后。不定代词包含something , somebody,anything ,

13、nothing等。2. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady smiling at me.我转过身来,看到一个满脸皱纹、个子矮小的老太太正冲着我浅笑。turn around / round转身丹尼尔转过身 , 隐蔽他的惧怕。Daniel turned around, hiding his fear.find sb. doing sth. 某人正在做某事警察 一个年 人正在 西。The police found a young man at sb.冲着某人笑 珊冲着她的孩子笑了笑并 手。Susan s

14、miled at her child and waved.3.“Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked.“你 什么在 么年 、 么 真的年 上大学?”我 她。文中的老太太已 87 ,作者 她 成心用了“ at such a young, innocent age”, 种修辞手段 irony (反 法),即便意图思相反的 来 真实想 的内容。4.“I always dreamed of havinga college education and now I m getting one! ” shetold me

15、.“我向来以来的梦想就是接受大学教育,此刻,我 于如愿以 了。”她告 我。dream of / about doing sth.梦想做某事;希望做某事她年 梦想着成 一名芭蕾舞演 。She dreamed of becoming a ballet dancer when she was young.5. At the end of the semester we invitedRose to speak at our footballbanquet, .在学期马上 束之 ,我 斯在我 的足球宴会上致辞,invite sb. to do sth.邀 某人做某事我 邀 了 位有名的作家 我 。We

16、 invited this famous writer to give us a lecture.6. Frustrated and a bit embarrassed she leaned into t he microphone and simply said,她有点沮 ,也有点 尬,她向着麦克 了 身子,坦言道:frustrated和 embarrassed是形容 , 表示陪伴。 作状 。形容 作状 的 象也很常 , 形容 一般用来 明主 的状况,经常能够 独或许惹起一个短 作状 ,可表示原由、陪伴、 等。克 索 着脚迹 , 心里充 了惧怕。Crusoe stared at the fo

17、otprint, full of fear.lean into sth.凑近lean后边 常跟介 on或许 against,意 “倚靠” 。文顶用介 into,表示凑近。 开的很快,撞到了 上。The car drove quickly and crashed into the wall.7. I ll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.我没法按准 好的去演 ,那就 我和你 我所知道的事情吧。get sth. back in order把从头按 序整理好你的玩具整理好了 ?Did you

18、get your toys back in order?8. We have so many people walking around who are dead and they dont even know it!我 身 有好多好像行尸走肉的人,而他 自己殊不知道。walk around四 走 句中的walkingaround是 在分 短 作定 ,修 先行 people 。 who aredead 定 从句,先行 也是people 。我 出去四 逛逛吧。Let s go outside and walk around.9. The elderly usually dont have reg

19、rets for what they did, but rather forthingsthey did not do.老年人常常会感觉 憾,并不是 自己已做的事,而是 自己还没有做 的事。the elderly老人;上了年 的人定冠 后边跟某些形容 能够表示一 人,如:the young, the richnot. but rather不是而是 不是他 缺 ,而是他 缺少 。The problem is not their lack of money, but rather their lack of experience.10. She concluded her speech by co

20、urageously singing“The Rose”a song abouthaving the courage to love and never being afraid to dream.最后,她英勇地唱起了歌曲玫瑰花,以此 束了她的演 。conclude. by.以而 束她提出了好多 ,并以此 束她的演 。She concluded her lecture by (proposing) a lot of questions.英文中的歌曲名字在文章中出现往常加引号,英语中是没有书名号的。该句中的破折号起解释说明的作用。11. Over 2,000 college students a

21、ttended her funeral to show respectto thewonderfulwoman who taught by example that it is never too late to be all you can possiblybe.有两千多名大学生参加了她的葬礼,他们用这一行动来表示对这位优异女士的敬意。她用自身经历告诉我们:实现梦想,永久不会太迟。attend参加;列席只有 100 人参加了这个美好的音乐会。Only 100 people attended this wonderful respect to sb.向某人表示敬意我们

22、应当尊敬年长的人。We should show respect to those who are older.teach by example言传身教;躬亲示范我们最好言传身教来教育我们的孩子。Wed better teach our children by example.句中的 that指引了一个宾语从句,作who 指引的定语从句中taught的宾语。最后一句话借用了一句谚语,即Itis never too oldto learn(活到老,学到老) 。 “tobe all you can possibly be” 中包含了一个定语从句you can possibly be,先行词为all,

23、定语从句中省略了指引词whom。 stimulate or test the ability of sb.激发;激励短语: challenge sb. to do sth.激励某人做某事教师应当激励学生去思虑社会问题。Teachers ought to challenge their students to think about social issues.13.innocentadj.1. not having much experience of life,especiallyso that you are easilydeceived涉世不深的;天真的

24、当时她只有 16 岁,天真无邪。At that time she was only 16 and sweetly innocent.adj.2. not guilty of a crime清白的;无罪的他确信 个人是无辜的。He was sure that the man was innocent of any crime.14.curiousadj.wanting to know or learn about sth.好奇的短 :be curious about 感觉好奇名 :curiosity好奇心不要 你不 知道的事情太好奇。Dont be too curious about things you arent supposed to know.Step 3. Exercise1. Comprehension1. Complete the following table.2. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).2. Vocabulary & St

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