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1、re welcome! 不用客气。Activity 3 Listen and say. 活动3 听,说。Turn left 向左转。Unit 2 Its at the station. 第2单元 在车站Activity 1 Listen,point and say. 活动1 听,指,说。s Sam? 汤姆在哪儿?Hes behind the door. 他在门后面。Activity 2 Listen and say. 活动2 听和说。s the train? 火车在哪儿?s up the hill. 它在山上。s down the hill. 它在山下。s near the house. 它在

2、房子附近。s at the station. 它在车站。Activity 4 Listen and say.Then chant. 活动4 听,说,然后唱。Left foot,right foot, 左脚,右脚,left foot,right. 左脚,右脚。Marching all day, 整日行军and marching all night. 整夜行军。Go straight on, 直走。now turn right. 现在向右转Left foot,right foot, 左脚,右脚。Come on, kids! 加油,孩子们!re doing all right! 你们做得很棒。Mod

3、ule 2 Unit 1 Shes reading a book. 第二模块 第一单元 她正在读一本书I like playing football. 我喜欢踢足球。She likes playing basketball. 她喜欢打篮球。He likes swimming. 他喜欢游泳。We like running. 我们喜欢跑步。Activity 2 Listen,point and find-ing 活动2 听,指,然后找“-ing”Look at these pictures. 看看这些照片。This is my friend Maomao. 这是我的朋友毛毛。Shes readin

4、g a book. 她正在读一本书。This is my friend Xiao wei. 这是我的朋友小威。s taking pictures. 他正在拍照片。This is my sister Amy. 这是我的朋友艾米。s watching TV. 她正在看电视。This is my little brother Tom. 这是我的弟弟汤姆。s playing with a toy train. 他正在玩玩具火车。s taking pictures. 他正在照相。Unit 2 What are you doing? 第二单元 你正在做什么?Activity 1 Listen and ch

5、ant. 活动1 听一听,并说唱。m reading a book. 我正在读书。s flying a kite. 他正在放风筝。s taking pictures. 她正在拍照。Theyre riding a bike. 他们正在骑自行车。Activity 2 Listen and say. 活动2 听一听,说一说。What are you doing ,children? 你们正在做什么,孩子们?m listening to music! 我正在听音乐。m talking to my friend! 我正在跟朋友聊天。Whats Tom doing? 汤姆正在做什么?Oh,hes read

6、ing a book about China! 哦,他正在读一本关于中国的书。Ha ha. 哈哈哈哈.Activity 3 Listen and match. Then say. 活动3 听一听,连一连,说一说。1.Hello, Im Tiantian. Im listening to music. 你好,我是天天。我在听音乐。2.2.Hi,Im Maomao.Im playing table tennis. 嗨,我是毛毛。我在打乒乓球。3.Hello,Im Lanlan.Im playing basketball. 你好,我是兰兰。我在打篮球。4.Hello,Im Xiaoyong.Im p

7、laying football. 你好,我是小勇。我在踢足球。Activity 4 Listen and say. Then sing and do the actions. 听一听,说一说。唱并做动作。ARE YOU DOING IT TOO? 你也在做作业吗?m listening to music. 我正在听音乐。m reading a book 我正在读书。m writing a letter. 我正在写信。Come here and look. 快来看一看。m playing football. 我在踢足球。m talking to you. 我在和你说话。m doing my ho

8、mework. 我在做家庭作业。Are you doing it too? 你也正在做(作业)吗?Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing? 第三模块 第一单元 他们正在做什么?Activity 1 Listen,point and say. 活动1 听一听,指一指,说一说What are the kids doing? 孩子们正在做什么?re listening to music. 他们正在听音乐。What are they doing? 他们正在做什么?re playing football. 他们正在踢足球 活动2 听一听,指一指,然后找“-ing”Lets

9、 get on the bus. 我们上公共汽车吧。We can see lots of interesting things. 我们能看到很多有趣的事。OK. 好的。Look at the people in the park. 看看公园里的人。re doing taijiquan. 他们正在打太极拳。Look at the people on the lake. 看看湖上的人。re rowing a dragon boat. 他们正在划龙舟。Look at the men between the big trees. 看看在大树之间的人。re playing chess. 他们正在下象棋。

10、Look at these girls. 看看那些女孩儿们。What are they drinking? 她们正在喝什么?re drinking Soya milk! 她们正在喝豆奶。Look at the clock. 看看钟表。s twelve now. 现在12点了。m hungry. 我饿了。Me too.Lets go! 我也饿了。咱们走吧。Activity 3 Listen and say. 活动3 听一听,说一说。 他们正在喝什么?re drinking milk. 他们正在喝牛奶。Module 3 Unit 2 Whats the elephant doing? 第三模块 第

11、二单元 大象正在做什么? 他们在做什么?re playing football. 他们在踢足球。What is it doing? 它在做什么?s drawing pictures. 它在画画。Activity 2 Listen and say. 活动2 听一听,说一说 大象正在做什么?s drawing pictures. 它正在画画。What are the tigers doing? 老虎正在做什么?re jumping. 它们在跳跃。s the bird doing. 小鸟正在做什么?s singing. 它正在唱歌。Look!The horse is running. 看!马在跑。N

12、o,its dancing. 不是,它在跳舞。Activity 4 Listen and say.Then sing. 活动4 听一听,说一说,然后唱ROW,ROW,ROW YOUR BOAT 划阿划,划阿划,划大船,Row,row,row your boat, 划阿划,划阿划,划大船,gently down the stream. 轻轻进入梦乡里Merrily,merrily,merrily,merrily, 好开心,好开心,好开心,好开心,life is like a dream. 生活仅仅是一个美梦Module 4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice? 第四模块 第

13、一单元 你要来点米饭吗?Activity 1 Listen and chant. 活动1 听一听,并说唱Noodles and rice are very,very nice. 面条和米饭,都非常非常美味。Juice with ice is also very nice. 果汁加冰也非常非常美味。Do you want.? 活动2 听一听,指一指然后找“Do you want.?”Look,Amy. 看,艾米。Chinese fast food! 中国快餐。Do you want some rice? 你想来点米饭吗?No,thank you. 不,谢谢。Look at that man. 看

14、看那个男人。What is he doing? 他在做什么?s making noodles. 他在做面条。Do you want some noodles? 你想来点面条吗?Yes,please. 是的,谢谢。Here are noodles with tomato and egg, 这里有西红柿鸡蛋面,and noodles with meat and potato. 和土豆肉面。What do you want? 你想要什么?Noodles with tomato and egg, please. 西红柿鸡蛋面,谢谢。Mm,its nice! 嗯,真美味!Activity 3 Liste

15、n and say. 活动3 听一听,说一说Do you want some milk? 你想来点牛奶吗?Unit 2 How much is it? 第二单元 这个多少钱?How much is it? 这个多少钱?Ten yuan. 十元。Oh no! The flower is ten yuan. 哦不。这花10元。(10元只卖花。)The flower? Ten yuan? 花?十元?What are you doing,Mum? 你在做什么,妈妈?m making dumplings. 我在包饺子。Can we help you? 我能帮你什么忙么?Can you go to buy

16、 some eggs? 你能去帮我买些鸡蛋么?Of course. 当然。Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗?We want some eggs. 我想买些鸡蛋。 多少钱?Six yuan for ten. 六元10个。Ten,please. 给我10个,谢谢。Here you are. 给你。Thank you. 谢谢。Activity 4 Listen and say.Then chant. 活动4 听一听,说一说,并说唱Make a cake, 做蛋糕Make a cake, 做蛋糕,put it in the pan. 把它放在碟子里。make me a cake, 给我做

17、一个蛋糕,as fast as you can. 请你以最快速度做。Module 5 Unit 1 Can you run fast? 第五模块 第一单元 你能跑得快吗?Activity 1 Listen and chant. 活动1 听一听,并说唱Look at the birds up in the sky! 看看天空的那些鸟!How can they fly so fast and so high? 它们怎么能非得这么快,这么高!can 活动2 听一听,指一指,并找出“can”Amy,can you run fast? 艾米,你能跑得快吗?Yes,I can. 是的,我能。Aah.Im

18、the winner. 啊!我是获胜者。You cant run fast! 你不能跑得快。Daming,can you jump high? 大明,你能跳高吗?Yes,I can. 是的。我能。t jump high. 你不能跳得高。Yes,you can jump very high! 是的,你能跳得很高。Can you jump far,Sam? 你能跳远吗,萨姆?Can you? 你能吗?No,I cant. 不,我不能。re the winner. 你是获胜者。Can you ride fast,Sam.? 你能骑得快吗,萨姆?Whoops! 哎哟!No,Im afraid I ca

19、nt! 不,我恐怕不能。Can you run fast? 你能跑得快吗?Can you jump high? 你能跳得高吗?Unit 2 Can Sam play football? 第二单元 萨姆能踢足球吗?Can you swim? 你会游泳吗?Can you fly a kite? 你会放风筝吗?Can you skate? 你会滑冰吗?Can you ride a bike? 你会骑自行车吗?Can Sam play football? 萨姆能踢足球吗?Yes,he can. 是的,他能。s strong. 他身体很强壮。Can Lingling play basketball? 玲

20、玲能打篮球吗?Yes,she can. 是的,她能。s tall. 她个子高。And she is our star. 她是我们的明星。Activity 4 Listen and say. Then sing. 活动4 听一听,说一说,唱一唱CAN I HELP YOU? 我能为你效劳吗?I cant do it. 我搞不定。We can do it together. 我们可以一起做。Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?第六模块 第一单元 我能吃点糖果吗?Activity 1 Listen, point and say.活动1 听一听,指一指,说一说

21、Do you want some soup?你想来点汤吗?No, thank you.不,谢谢!Do you want some sweets?你想来点糖果吗?Yes, please.是的,谢谢。活动2 听一听,指一指,然后找“can”Mum, Im hungry.妈妈,我饿了。Can I have some soup?我能喝点汤吗?Sorry, you cant.对不起,你不能。But Im hungry.但是我饿了。Can I have some sweets, please?我能吃点糖果吗?Can I have some bread?我能吃点面包吗?But Mum, Im very hu

22、ngry!但是妈妈,我很饿。Mm. Come here, Amy.嗯!到这来,艾米。Mum, I cant see.妈妈,我看不见s very dark.太暗了。Well, turn on the light.好了,打开灯。Happy birthday, Amy!生日快乐,艾米。Thank you.谢谢。Now you can have some sweets and some cake.现在,你可以享用糖果和蛋糕了。Thank you, Mum.谢谢妈妈。Happy birhthday to you.祝你生日快乐。Happy birhthday dear Amy.祝亲爱的艾米生日快乐。Act

23、ivity 3 Listen and say.活动3 听一听,说一说Can I have some soup, Mum?Now you can have some sweets and some cake.现在,那你可以吃糖果和蛋糕了。Happy birthday, Daming.生日快乐,大明。Unit 2 Happy halloween!第二单元 万圣节快乐Activity 1 Listen and chant.活动1 听一听,并说唱Trick or treat!不给糖果就捣乱。Give me a sweet.给我一颗糖。Happy Halloween!万圣节快乐。Here are your sweet

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