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1、45Ainsist Bbelieve Csucceed Dfail46ATherefore BMoreover COtherwise DHowever47Aaccording to Bregardless of Capart from Dinstead of48Aback Bfurther Caside Daround49Aregain Breflect Creview Drespond50Asuggests Bmakes Churries Dallows51Ahold Brecord Corder Dpace52Ato Bwith Cfor Dabout53Airregularly Bhab

2、itually Cconstantly Dunusually54Acarry Bput Cbuild Dtake55Arisky Beffective Cmeaningless Dfamiliar【答案】36-40 ABDCA 41-45ACBDC 46-50 DABAD 51-55 BDCCB【解析】【文章综述】文章主要谈论了人脑记忆的衰退及如何预防记忆衰退。解析:36A Awhere哪儿Bwhen 什么时候Cthat Dwhy为什么;记不清把钥匙放在哪里了。where 引导一个状语语从句。37B Aimproves 提高 Bfades褪色;衰老 Crecovers恢复Dfalls降落;随着

3、年龄增长,大脑衰老。38D AIf 如果;是否BUnless 除非COnce一旦DWhile当时候;虽然,然而;虽然表面上看起来没什么,但是危害很大,前后位转折关系。39C Airregular 不规则的;无规律的Blimited 有限的Cdamaging有破坏性的;有害的Dpositive积极的;这种精神能量的缺失会给我们带来有害的影响。40A Apersonal 个人的Bpsychological 心理的Cmental 精神上的Dphysical身体上的;这种精神能量的缺失会给我们的职业、社交还有个人带来有害的影响。41A Ait turns out that “原来,其实”Bit fin

4、ds out that“本文发现”Cpoints it points out that“指出”Dfigures it figures out that“本文发现”; 越来越多的精神学家们都表示,大脑其实跟肌肉一样需要练习运动。这里给出的是神经科学的结论,因此选择it turns out that。42C Aconnection 联系Bresponses 回应Cworkouts锻炼Dassociations协会;上文出现exercise,同义词再现,故选C。43B Astyle 风格 Bfunctions 功能Ccircumstances环境Datmosphere氛围;正确的智力运动能极大地提高

5、我们最基本的认知功能。44D Asteps步骤Bcondition 条件Cconsequences结果Dprocess过程;思考是大脑神经连 接必要的过程。45C Ainsist坚持Bbelieve相信Csucceed成功Dfail失败;不及格;be succeed in doing sth.46D ATherefore 因此BMoreover 而且,此外COtherwise否则DHowever然而;前一句强调的是智力是与生俱来的(inherited),而后一句则认为是可以通过脑力活动(mental effort)会有所波动,两句意义明显相反,故正确答案为D。47A Aaccording to

6、 根据;Bregardless of不管,不顾;Capart from除之外; Dinstead of代替;智力可以根据脑力活动得到提升或出现波动。48B 考察短语take a further step采取进一步措施.49A Aregain 恢复;重新获得 Breflect反映Creview复习Drespond回答;根据前文improve and,and前后两词保持一致,改善和恢复精神清晰度。50D Asuggests建议Bmakes使Churries快Dallows允许;这个网络课程允许你系统地改善你的记忆力和注意力51B Ahold 举行Brecord记录 Corder命令Dpace踱步;

7、这个培训课程还可以跟踪学习进度,并且给予详尽的信息反馈。Keep pace 与with搭配,keep record of 记录;故选B。52D关于你的表现作出详细的反馈,故选D。53C Airregularly 不规则地Bhabitually习惯性的Cconstantly不断地Dunusually异乎寻常的;更加重要的是,它会不断地调整并升级有关训练游戏。54C Acarry on 执行Bput on 穿上,增加Cbuild on 在基础上增加,构建Dtake on 呈现;它会经常调整并升级有关训练游戏,以促进脑力的不断增加。55B Arisky 冒险的Beffective有效的Cmeanin

8、gless 无意义的Dfamiliar熟悉的;有效的锻炼需要你增加阻力和改变你的肌肉。【精准解析】高三英语日积月累训练之完形填空(难题2)【题文】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The professor stood before his class of 30 senior biology students,about to pass out the final exam“I have been privileged to be your 41 this semester,and I know how ha

9、rd you have all worked to 42 for this testI also know most of you are 43 to medical school next fall,”he said to them“I am well aware of how much 44 you are under to keep your GPAs up,and because I know you are all 45 of understanding this material,I am prepared to 46 an automatic B to anyone who wo

10、uld 47 not to take the final”The relief was audible(听得见的)as a number of students jumped up to 48 the professor and departed from classThe professor looked at the handful of students who 49 ,and offered again,“Any other takers? This is your last 50 ”One more student decided to 51 Seven students remai

11、nedThe professor closed the door and took attendanceThen he 52 the final examThere were two sentences typed on the 53 :“54 ,you have just received an A in this classKeep believing in yourself”I 55 had a professor who gave a test like thatIt may seem like the easy 56 of grading exams,but its a 57 tha

12、t any teacher in any discipline(治学严谨)could and should giveStudents who dont have 58 in what theyve learned are B students at bestThe same is 59 for students of real lifeThe A students are those who believe in what theyre doing 60 theyve learned from both successes and failures41Ainstructor Bcolleagu

13、e Crelative Dprincipal42A1ook Bcall Cprepare Dsend43Aover Boff Cout Dback44Apressure Bcontrol Cthreat Dguidance45Afond Bafraid Ccapable Dworthy46Areport Bsuggest Cintroduce Doffer47Apretend Bprefer Cdeserve Dhappen48Athank Bscold Cpunish Damuse49Astopped Bremained Cgathered Dsucceeded50Aopportunity

14、Beffort Cgoal D1esson51Aflee Bvote Cgo Dexist52Ahanded out Bput down Cset aside Dpicked up53Adesk Bpaper Ccomputer Dblackboard54ACheers BThanks CHeavens DCongratulations55Anever Bonce Coften Dever56Acause Bway Cdesign Dstructure57Ahelp Bmark Ctest Dreward58Aenergy Binterest Cpatience Dconfidence59Ap

15、otential Btrue CimpossibleDwrong60Abecause Balthough Cwhen Dunless【答案】41A 42C 43B 44A 45C46D 47B 48A 49B 50A 51C 52A 53B 54D 55A 56B 57C 58D 59B 60A【文章综述】本文主要叙述了一个教授在考试之前给学生们说退出考试的学生会自动得到一个B,大部分学生都松了一口气并离开了考场,只剩下七名学生仍然坚持考试,他们都得到了A。不管你学到多少知识,但坚持是最重要的,必须明白自己正在做的什么事情。41A名词辨析。A导师;B同事;C亲戚;D校长。故选A。42C动词辨析

16、 A看;B呼唤;C准备;D发送。根据前文的final exam判断选C。43B副词辨析。A越过,结束;B离开;C出去;D回来。根据上下文判断应是学生们即将毕业离开学校,故选B。44A名词辨析 A压力;B控制;C威胁;D指导。根据下文的keep your GPAs up,故判断选A。45C形容词辨析。A喜欢的;B害怕的;C有能力的;D值得的,应得的。根据前文的叙述,说话人认为学生们应该能理解这些资料,故判断选C。46D动词辨析。A报告;B建议;C介绍;D提供。根据前文的she had lost everything in a big fire判断选D。47B动词辨析。A假装;B更喜欢,更愿意;C

17、值得;D发生。根据下文的not to take the final,故判断选B。48A动词辨析。A谢谢;B责备;C惩罚;D指控,控告。根据前文这些学生不想参加考试,故谢谢教授这么做,故判断选A。49B动词辨析。A停止;B留下,仍然;C聚集;D成功。根据前文这些应该是留下的学生,故判断选B。50A名词辨析。A机会;B努力;C目标;D教训。根据句意选A。51C动词辨析。A逃跑;B投票;C走;D留在这里。根据前文的more判断选C。52A 动词短语辨析。A分发;B放下,写下;C放在一旁;D捡起,拿起,开始做。53B名词辨析。A课桌;B试卷;C计算机;D黑板。54D名词辨析。A欢呼;B谢谢;C天堂;D


19、准解析】高三英语日积月累训练之完形填空(难题3)It is dark now when I begin my early morning walk in the woods. And now that autumn has marched into winter, darkness persists well beyond my 6 a. m. start time.Paths have become familiar after years of hiking. But rocks and tree roots have magically appeared from previously

20、_36_ ground.Certainly I hit my toe against or _37_ on some unseen barriers. Fallen branches from last nights storm _38_ in wait. Layers of autumn leaves create a false floor through which my trusting footsteps _39_. Sometimes a piece of moon donates some _40_ to the mystery path. But when skies are

21、dark, there are no _41_ clues for where I step.My very first night hike was during summer camp on a warm August night in the woods. Our leader _42_ bright flashlights so we would not scare away the night creatures we hoped to find.“See with your _43_,” the leader told us over and over again._44_, th

22、at advice took effect. With _45_ and courage, it didnt take long before our feet became _46_ to the grounds textures(质地) and irregularities. Toes learned to _47_ for barriers before trusting full weight on feet. Holes and dips in the ground were detected in _48_ of possible fall.But mistakes _49_ ha

23、ppen. My foot gets caught on a trip and I fall. Since the pace is _50_, there is little damage except to pride. Once _51_, I pause to feel the firmness of earth beneath me.On my way home, as dawn _52_ day, I think about how similar night hikes are to journeys through life.The same rules often _53_ for both: slow down, concentration, “see” with new senses and dont be _54_. Although the path is full of _55_ hidden barriers, fal

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