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专题17 任务型阅读 考点4 综合任务第02期中考英语真题分专题训练全国通用教Word下载.docx

1、 Theyre chatting with everyone in their own room.Technology helps us get important information in no time. In areas where bad weather is a problem, we can get warnings from our phone. Our local radio or TV station can give information about where to get help or what to do to keep our family and home

2、 safe. Technology is our friend!1题完成句子;2、3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下第四段的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。36. In the old days before computers, people _to get information.37. How can a student correct his mistake while writing on the computer?38. Why should students save their writing in time on the computer?39. _40. _【答案】36.

3、 read books and newspapers 37. He can just remove or cut it. / By removing or cutting it. 38. Because it may stop working suddenly. 39. Technology helps us get important information in no time. 40. 当学生在写字的时候,他们能够与朋友们在另一个窗口讨论。文章大意:本文通过有电脑之前和有电脑之后人们在查找信息、写字、交流方式等方面的一些对比,指出科技带给我们便利,是我们的朋友。36. read book

4、s and newspapers 【解析】根据第1段中“In the old days before computers, to get information, people read books and newspapers. ”可知在有电脑之前的日子里,人们通过读书和读报来获取信息。故答案为read books and newspapers。37. He can just remove or cut it. / By removing or cutting it. 【解析】根据第2段中“Now? If a student makes a mistake, he can just remo

5、ve or cut it.”可知用电脑写字时,学生们可以通过删除错误来纠正它。故答案为:He can just remove or cut it. / By removing or cutting it.38. Because it may stop working suddenly. 【解析】根据第2段中But they should save their writing in time on the computer because it may stop working suddenly.可知学生们必须及时保存原因是电脑很可能突然停止运转。Because it may stop work

6、ing suddenly.39. Technology helps us get important information in no time. 【解析】第4段主要介绍科技让我们更及时地接收信息。第一句为总领句,后边为实例列举。Technology helps us get important information in no time.【解析】考查英译汉。while当的时候;students学生;are writing正在写字;they他们;can能够;discuss with friends与朋友们讨论;in another window在另一个窗口。最后根据汉语语言习惯翻译整个句子

7、。当学生在写字的时候,他们能够与朋友们在另一个窗口讨论。Passage 2(2020 牡丹江、鸡西地区)Most of us have made an exercise plan, but only a few can follow it. WebMD (an American website) has listed the following tips for making exercise a habit in your life. 1. Do activities you enjoy. Remember, theres no rule that says you have to go t

8、o a sports centre or buy equipment like swimming suits. Many types of activities, such as pushup (俯卧撑), can be done whenever it is rainy or snowy. 2. Exercise after work. Dont go home first. Few people are so motivated (有动力的) that they will go out again and exercise after they go home and change clo

9、thes.3. Exercise even when you are tired. Tiredness is not an excuse. While exercising, you breathe deeply and your body makes better use of the oxygen (氧气) exchange. Then, you will feel energetic. 4. Notice that you are better than before. Its great when your clothes fit better, you can lift heavie

10、r things or take exercise longer. Theres something good too, like getting a good nights sleep or thinking more clearly.5. Walk with a pedometer (计步器)Not everyone can start out with 10,000 steps a day. Use a pedometer, and find out your daily steps. And then, try your best to walk 300 extra steps eac

11、h day. Finally, you can reach 10,000 steps a day.Complete the summary of the passage above with one word for each blank.According to WebMD, there are some easy ways to make exercise a habit. First, when you do activities you enjoy, such as pushup, you dont have to consider _66_ conditions. Second, t

12、he best way is to exercise before going home because most people are unwilling to go out again and exercise after _67_ clothes at home. Third, keep on exercising even though you feel tired. Thats because taking a _68_ breath will help your body make better use of oxygen exchange. Moreover, pay atten

13、tion to your _69_ in exercising, like losing some weight, exercising longer, etc. Finally, walk with a pedometer and find out your daily steps. Then, increase the number of steps day _70_ day. Your goal of 10,000 steps a day can be achieved.【答案】66. weather 67. changing 68. deep 69. progress 70. by这是

14、一篇说明文,文章就如何使运动成为自己生活中的习惯提出了五点建议。66. weather【解析】句意:首先,当你做一些你喜欢的活动,比如俯卧撑时,你不需要考虑天气状况。根据第二段“Many types of activities, such as push-up, can be done whenever it is rainy or snowy”很多类型的活动,比如俯卧撑,都可以在下雨或下雪的时候做。可知首先,当你做你喜欢的活动时,比如俯卧撑,你不需要考虑天气状况weather conditions。故答案为weather。67. changing【解析】句意:第二,最好的方法是在回家前锻炼,

15、因为大多数人不愿意在家里换衣服后再出去锻炼。根据第三段“Dont go home first. Few people are so motivated that they will go out again and exercise after they go home and change clothes”先不要回家,很少有人有这样的动力,他们会在回家换衣服后不再出去锻炼。可知第二,最好的方法是在回家前锻炼,因为大多数人不愿意在家里换衣服后再出去锻炼。after是介词,后接动名词changing。故答案为changing。68. deep【解析】句意:那是因为深呼吸能帮助你的身体更好地利用氧

16、气交换。根据第四段“Tiredness is not an excuse. While exercising, you breathe deeply and your body makes better use of the oxygen exchange”疲劳不是借口运动时,你深呼吸,身体能更好地利用氧气交换。可知第三,即使你觉得累了也要坚持锻炼。这是因为深呼吸有助于身体更好地利用氧气交换。原文是you breathe deeply,此处用形容词 deep修饰名词breath。故答案为deep。69. progress【解析】句意:此外,注意你在运动中的进步,比如减肥,运动时间更长等等。形容

17、词性物主代词your后面用名词。根据第五段“Notice that you are better than before. Its sleep or thinking more clearly”注意到你比之前更好了。当你的衣服更合身的时候,你可以举起更重的东西或者锻炼更长时间。也有好的事情,比如睡个好觉或者思考得更清楚。可知此外,注意你在运动方面的进步,比如减肥、锻炼更长时间等等。此处用名词progress表示“进步”。故答案为progress。70. by【解析】意:然后,每天增加步数。根据最后一段“Not everyone can start out with 10,000 steps a

18、 day. Use a pedometer, and find out your daily steps. And then, try your best to walk 300 extra steps each day. Finally, you can reach 10,000 steps a day”不是每个人都可以从每天10000步开始。使用计步器,记上你每天的步数。然后,尽力每天多走300步。最后,你可以一天走10000步。可知然后,每天增加步数。你每天走一万步的目标是可以实现的,此处用短语day by day表示“逐日,每天”。故答案为by。Passage 3(2020 绥化市)T

19、he Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character from the famous Chinese story Journey to the West. He has excited the children of China for many years. He is wonderful because he helps weak people. The Monkey King has a magic stick. He uses it to fight bad people. He can make the stick big or sma

20、ll. He can sometimes make the stick so small that he can put it in his ear. When he sees bad people, he thinks of ways to fight them. He can turn himself into different animals and objects. But unless he can hide his tail,he cant make himself a human. Children all over the world love the Monkey King

21、.根据短文内容,结合生活实际完成下列各题。86. 单词释义(请在文中找出与下面英文释义相符的单词)known by a lot of people _87. Do you want to have a magic stick like the Monkey Kings?_.88. What do you think of the Monkey King?I think he is_(答出两种即可)【答案】86. famous 87. Yes, I do./Yes. No, I dont. / No. 88. brave and clever / smart/ kind/ helpful本文介绍

22、了西游记里面孙悟空这个角色,他帮助弱势群体,用他的金箍棒去和坏人斗争,全世界的孩子都喜欢孙悟空。86. famous【解析】known by a lot of people表示“许多人都知道”,与文中单词famous“著名的”的词义相符,所以空格处填famous。故答案为famous。t. / No.【解析】我也想有一个像孙悟空的那种的金箍棒,所以空格处填Yes, I do./Yes。我不想有一个像孙悟空的那种的金箍棒,所以空格处填No, I dont. / No。故答案为Yes, I do./Yes。No, I don【解析】根据he helps weak people“他帮助弱势群体”及W

23、hen he sees bad people, he thinks of ways to fight them“当他看到坏人时,他想出很多办法去与他们作斗争”,可知,孙悟空是勇敢的,聪明的,善良的和乐于助人的,所以空格处填brave and clever / smart/ kind/ helpful。故答案为brave and clever / smart/ kind/ helpful。Passage 4(2020 镇江市)Friends bring joy and fun to our life. To most of us, its always easy to make friends

24、but hard to go on one more step closer to our friends. The tips below will help you. Be yourself with your friendsSometimes your friends may find out that your true personality is completely different from what they thought it was. In order not to make them lose trust in you, find some proper time t

25、o tell them what you really often do and like to do. And they may understand you. Get through the difficult times with small tricksPeople never know what kind of chocolate they are going to taste. It is true of life. When your friends taste the bad one, why not tell something funny about yourself, l

26、ike Am I like a round ball? Hearing this, your friends may be happy again. The best friends may not always agree with each other and even have few words for days. Some small tricks like telling jokes or calling him or her nickname(绰号) may help you get along with your friends better. Find proper ways

27、 to communicate warmlyThere is no doubt that people like to communicate with their close friends as often as possible. Remember those special days in your friends lives. Sometimes you book a table to help celebrate your friends birthday, but when you call her, she tells you her birthday is not that day. Dont make it happen and remember the exact da

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