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Unit 1 Madame CurieWord文件下载.docx

1、 例如: The family are at table. 全家正在吃饭。 At that time France and Prussia were at war.那时,法国和普鲁士在打仗。 2.It has nothing to do with it at all. 这和你目前的研究毫无关系。1 主语it 指上面提到的the talk on cancer, 而介词with 后面的it 指your present research2 to have something/ nothing/ anything /a lot to do with 意思是与/跟有/没有/有什么/有很大关系 , 相当于

2、to have some /no /any /a lot of connection with.例如:The crash of the airplane had something to do with the weather.飞机的失事与天气有关.Dont have anything to do with those people.不要跟这些人有什么瓜葛. 3.I am not sure whether to go to the one about accident. 是否去听有关意外事故的报告,我还不一定哩。 1)I am (not ) sure后面跟从句,表示“对某事有(没有)把握”,或

3、 “对某事(不)肯定”。在这一用法中,主语必须是人。例如: We are not sure whether they would come or not. 我们不能确定他们是否会来。 Im quite sure that I left the key on the desk. 我确实把钥匙落在书桌上了。 I am not sure what we should do next. 我不能确定下一步该怎么办。 2)one在这里是代词,代替前面的speech注意代词one (ones)只能代替可数名词,它的所有格为ones。它若被this, that, these, those修饰时可以省略one(

4、s)。 4.How did you find the talk this morning? 你觉得今天上午的讲座怎样? 此句型是Howfind 意思是“你对觉得怎么样?”用来征求对方对某 事的看法和意见。动词find后面常跟用形容词作宾语补语的复合宾语结构, -How do you find the film? 你觉得这部电影怎样? -I found it very moving. 我觉得这电影很感人。 在英语口语中征求对方意见常见的有下面句型: What do you think of / about? Tell me what you think about? How do you lik

5、e?5Have fun. (Enjoy yourself)祝你愉快! fun为不可数名词,在这表示“乐趣”,“有趣”, 又如: What fun!(=How enjoyable!) 6.She will go over the answers.她将检查这些答案。 go over 作“检查”,“审阅”解。 After you finish the test, go over it again to look for mistakes. 作完试卷后要再检查一遍以免有错误。7.Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of ra

6、dium.居里夫人作为镭元 素的发现者,将永远被人们所怀念。1) Madame 读作m d m或m da:m 来自法语,用法与Mrs.相同,此处是“夫人”之意。2) remember在此处的意思是“怀念”,“纪念”,“铭记”。(=keep in mind ,not to forget) 例如:Abraham Lincoln will be remembered as one of the greatest leaders by American people.亚伯拉罕林肯作为最杰出的领袖之一,将永远被美国人民所怀念。 Her kindness will always be remembered

7、 by us. 我们将永远记住她的好意。8. When she was young, she became interested in physics and read as many books as she could on the subject.她年轻时就对物理感兴趣;并尽可能多地阅读有关物理学方面 的书籍。 1)become interested in 意为“对感兴趣”。 和它近义的词组还有 have/take / show/ feel / find interest in 产生/表现/感兴趣 上面词组中的interest为名词 2)在as as这个结构中,第一个as是副词,修饰它后

8、面的形容词或副词; 第二个as是连词,用来连接后面的词组或句子, 例如: Write as clearly as you can. 尽量写清楚些。 Answer the question as loud as possible. 尽可能大声地回答问题。 9. She had very little money to live on, ate very little and was always cold in winter. 她的生活费很少,吃得很少,冬天还经常挨冻。 动词不定式to live on作定语,修饰名词money。 这里不定式是由不及物动词构成的,它与被修饰的词是状语关系。 这样该

9、不及物动词后面要有必要介词。Give me a piece of paper to write on. 给我一张纸,未写字 There is nothing to worry about 没有什么可担心的。 He is a good comrade to work with.他是一位可与之共事的好同志。 10.Not long before another scientist had found that uranium gave off rays. 不久前另一位科学家发现了铀能够发出射线, give off 是“散发”,“发出”的意思。 Roast ducks give off a deli

10、cious smell. 烤鸭散发出极香的味道。 Boiling water gives off steam.沸腾的水发出水蒸汽。 11.There was a certain mineral, which was even more radioactive than uranium. 有一种矿物质,它具有的放射性甚至比铀还强。 1)certain是形容词,是“某个”,“某种”解。表达了并不十分确切地知道“某人” 或“某事”之意。Her daughter is working in a certain hospital in Beijing. 她的女儿在北京某家医院工作。Under certa

11、in conditions,water becomes ice. 在一定条件下,水可以变成冰。 2)在which引导一定语从句中,副词even修饰了句中形容词比较级more radioactive. 3)可用来修饰比较级的副词和短语还有:much, far , even ,still , a little, a great deal, by far 等 Lets work harder to win still greater success. 让我们更加努力工作以取得更大的成功。 12.In 1898 she discovered the first of these new radioac

12、tive minerals which she named “polonium” in honour of her motherlandPoland 1898年,她发现了第一批这种新的放射性矿物质,为向她的祖国波兰表 示敬意。她把这种矿物质取名为“钋”。 介词短语in honour of意思是“为了纪念/尊敬某人(某事)。” 例如: We celebrate Teachers Day on September 10th every year in honour of our teachers. 我们每年九月十日庆祝教师节,向教师表示敬意。 13.They devoted all their h

13、ours to working in their laboratory. 他们把全部时间投入了实验工作。 devote to 意为“奉献,致力于,专心于”,特别要注意.“ to”为介词,而不是 动词不定式符号。 Mr Jackson devotes his attention to the study of Chinese. 杰克逊先生专心致志地研究汉语。 As a young man, Marx devoted himself to the revolution cause. 当马克思还是个青年的时候,就献身于革命事业了 14.We must work, and above all we m

14、ust believe in ourselves. 我们必须工作,尤其重要的是我们必须对自己有信心、 1)above all 是插入语,意思是“首要的”,“尤其是”。 Never waste anything, but above all, never waste time. 任何东西都不可浪费,尤其不可以浪费时间。 2)believe in “信赖”,“信任”,“相信之存在”,“信仰”,“相信有价值”,之意。后接名词或代词,但不能接从句。I wonder why a lot of people believe in God.我奇怪为什么很多人信上帝。We believe in Harry.

15、He is an honest man.我们信任哈里,他是个诚实的人。注意believe和believe in 在意思上的不同believe sb./ sth意思是相信某人所说的话或某事的真实性。believe后接名词,代词,从句或带不定式的复合结构We believe that what he said is true. 我们相信他所说的话是真实的。 Do you believe the story to be true?你认为那故事是真的吗? 15.It looked like ordinary salt,but was one million times more radioactive

16、 than uranium. 看起来它就像普通的盐,而它的放射性却比铀要大一百万倍。 times名词,在这里表示倍数,下面介绍四种倍数表达法:1 A+be+倍数+as+形容词原级+as+B. Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。2 A+be+倍数+比较级+than+B. Asia is three times larger than Europe.亚洲的面积比欧洲大三倍3 A+be+倍数+the size / length /height /depth/width+of +B Asia is four times the size

17、 of Europe.4 The size /length / height /depth /width+of +A+be +倍数+that of B. The size of Asia is four times that of Europe. 要注意用time表示倍数时,一般只限于基数在内的三倍或三倍以 上;若表示两倍可用副词twice或形容词doubleTen is double five. 十是五的二倍。 16.She refused to treat these discoveries as though they belonged to her, 她不同意把这些新发现看作是属于她自

18、己的东西1) as though = as if 是连词词组,意为“好似”,“就好像”,引导方式状语从句或表语从句,从句通常用虚拟语气She loves the child as though he were her own.她爱这个孩子,就像是她自己的儿子一样。They spoke as if they had known about it.听他们说话的口气,好像他们已经知道这件事了。但注意as if / though 从句在与些动词,如look, smell, taste, sound连用时,可用陈述语气。It sounds as if someone is knocking at the

19、 door. 听起来好像有人在敲门。2) belong to 是个短语动词意为“属于”;“为所拥有。” Who does this bike belong to? 这辆自行车是谁的?3) share sth. with sb. 和某人分享Premier Zhou shared the joys and sorrows with the people. 周总理与人民同甘共苦。 17.Polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb. 钋用来引爆原子弹。 set off 用作及物动词,意为“使爆炸 / 爆发,”“使某人开始作某事。The bomb could b

20、e set off by the slightest touch. 只要轻轻一碰,炸弹就可能爆炸。 The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there. 加利福尼亚发现了黄金,使得人们蜂拥前往。 set off 还可用作不及物动词,意为“出发”。 I have to set off at 7:00 every morning in order to get to the office on time. 为了准时到达办公室,我每天早晨7点就得动身。 18. Radioactive matter is dangerous

21、to work with because it has a bad effect on the blood. 从事放射性物质工作是危险的,因为它对血液有不良影响。 have effect on是“对有效,”“对产生影响”的意思,effect可以被any/great/much/no /some/ little等词所修饰。 Punishment does not have much effect on the boy. 惩罚对这个孩子没起太大的作 用。 Did the medicine have any effect on you? 这药对你有效吗? 三、口语操练 Showing certaint

22、y and uncertainty 常用句型 Perhaps Ill go to that party tonight. Maybe it was useful for some people. I am not sure if / whether I have no doubt that he is coming tomorrow. Im quite sure that there is going to rain this afternoon. He may (not)go to the movie tonight. What do you think is likely to happe

23、n? It is (not)likely to blow hard later this afternoon. Do you think its possible that it is going to be a close match.? I dont think so. (I think so.)示范引证 Dialogue Peggy: Im terribly sorry, Im late, Miss Olson. My alarm clock must have gone off. Miss Olson: I see. I do apologize. It doesnt matter.

24、Dont worry about it. These things might happen sometimes. Actually we havent begun our class. Im sure it wont happen again. Will you please hand in your homework before we begin our class? Im sorry, Miss Olson. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to bring it here. I am quite sure you didnt do it on

25、purpose. I hope youll be more careful next time. 四、语法精析 复习定语从句 本单元主要是复习定语从句,通过第三课的3组练习Practice (3-5)熟练掌握做定语从句的技巧。做好定语从句的关键在分析好定语从句中所缺少的成分;关联词在定语从句中作什么成分。1The rays _Marie studied were called “radioactive rays”.该定语从句Marie studied 中少studied 的宾语,表示物的作宾语的关系代词是that或which。因为作宾语的关系代词可以省略,所以该空也可不填词。2The inst

26、itute _Marie studied had very little equipment.该定句从句Marie studied 中少studied的地点状语。所以该空要填关系副词where. 五、词语储存 1.doubt (v.): feel uncertain; not believe; not be sure 怀疑, 不相信 它有下面几种用法: 1)接名词或代词作宾语 I doubt the truth of it. 我怀疑这种事的真实性。 I doubt its correctness. 我对其正确性有所怀疑。 He says he can cure me, but I still doubt him. 他说他能治好我的病,但我不相信。 2)在否定句和疑问句中接that引导的宾语从句 I dont doubt that Chinese diet is the healthiest in the world. 我相信中国的饮食是世界上最健康的饮食。 Do y

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