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1、t get love, no end of you and me.8、不要指望别人,有时候还是靠自己。t expect others, sometimes by yourself.9、你的女人不一般,一般女人没法比。Your woman is not generally, is no ordinary women.10、点点荣光数落了繁华,散不尽秋思。At the bustling little glory, for all thoughts.11、眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞。Eyes are raining for her, but for her umbrella.12、你贱或者不贱,

2、贱就在那里不增不减。You are cheap or not, and there is no increase in the base.13、爱情就是一粒沙子,没有多余的余地!Love is a grain of sand, there is no room for!14、安徒生的童话,终究也会败在现实中。Andersens fairy tale, after all, will be defeated in reality.15、当我再爱他人的时候,便是不爱你了。When I love others, I do not love you.16、与其开口又是争执,倒不如缄口不言。With t

3、he opening and dispute, rather than anything.17、如果回到过去,我们是不是会稍显狼狈?If we go back to the past, is not slightly embarrassed?18、陪着我好吗?像最初相识我当初未怕累。With me? I was not afraid of tired, like first met.19、我并不畏惧什么哪怕一直都是我一个人。I am not afraid of what has been a person of my.20、把泪水化成内心的爱,从脸颊滑落下来。Tears into the he

4、art of love, from the face down.21、放弃了所有青睐,等你个不确定的未来。To give up all the favor, and so you have an uncertain future.22、用无所谓的态度,过好随遇而安的生话。With indifferent attitude, good happy go lucky life.23、酒就像女人的肌肤一样,对温度非常敏感。Wine is like a womans skin, is very sensitive to temperature.24、人生里有太多时候,是形势毁了一段爱情。There a

5、re too many times in life, it is a situation that destroyed a love.25、原来最爱的人,也会在某一天爱上别的人。The original love, will be in a day to love someone else.26、我只是喜欢被你喜欢的感觉,而不是喜欢你。I just like the feeling that you like, not like you.27、秋叶飘落,可总少了陪伴的人,真有点失落。Autumn leaves fall, but less with people, really a littl

6、e lost.28、洒满天际的香槟,一不小心泛滥成了爱琴海。All over the sky of champagne, accidentally spread into the Aegean Sea.29、无论是离开还是相聚,总是那么的让人心痛。Whether it is to leave or get together, always so sad.30、当有一首歌符合现状,我就会让它单曲循环。When there is a song that is in line with the status quo, Ill let it be a loop.31、过度的爱情追求,必然会降低人本身的

7、价值。Over the pursuit of love, it will be necessary to reduce the value of the people themselves.32、时间在流逝,却发现自己失去了青春的激流。Time is passing, but found himself lost the torrent of youth.33、你没想象中那么恋旧,回忆唤不回你的温柔。You cant imagine so Lianjiu, calls no memories of your gentle.34、找一个安静的角落,去抚平自己心中的伤痛。Find a quiet

8、corner, to ease the pain in your heart.35、什么时候,我们喜欢上了安静,却又很怕寂寞。What time, we love the quiet, but also very lonely.36、悲伤不是我想要是结果,但却是我唯一的选择。I want to be sad, but it is my only choice.37、旧时光,好像泛黄的照片,珍藏在记忆的扉页。The old time, like yellow photos, in the title page of memory.38、幸福,如履薄冰,收起天真的笑脸,学会长大!Happy, ve

9、ry careful, put innocent smile, learn to grow up!39、笑了,自己还痴痴傻傻,等待一个不可能的梦。Laugh, he still wait, wait for an impossible dream.40、我爱的那个少年,笑起来很好看,可不是为了我。I love that boy, it is very nice to laugh, but not for me.41、除了你,我谁都不会爱。除了我,你谁都不许爱。Except you, I cant love anyone. Except me, you who are not allowed t

10、o love.42、爱是对的,错的是我们还没学会爱,就急着去爱。Love is right, wrong is that we have not learned to love, it is urgent to love.43、彻彻底底的被伤穿了,请你不要再说爱我这个词。Thoroughly hurt to wear, please do not say love me this word.44、只是想你了、只是想抱你了、只是却是你不在了。Just want you, just want to hold you, but you are not in.45、我宁愿成为你的困兽,这样;我就可以排

11、除万难。Id rather be your beast, so that I can overcome all difficulties.46、在纯真年代别太多感慨,把一切热爱尽情的盛开。In the pure time dont be too many regrets, all love to enjoy the full bloom.47、原来,不管我有多好,你都不要,一切只是打扰。The original, no matter how good I have, you do not, everything is only bother.48、从来快乐悲伤都自己横行,忘了自己也值得被关心。

12、Never happy sad are their own rampant, forget oneself also deserve to be concerned.49、无奈的是,两个人都在互相喜欢,可就是不敢告白。Helpless is that two people are in love with each other, but is not dare to confess.50、喜欢的太过,爱的太深,一时刹不住车,就成了恨。Like too much, love too deep, the moment can not stop the car, it became hate.51、

13、不合适的两个人,生活在一起的难度,大过再找一个。Two people are not appropriate, living together for a greater difficulty.52、时间很短,一分钟都不要留给那些你不在乎的人和事。Time is short, dont leave the people you dont care about a minute.53、窗前明月光,迷案一桩桩。举头玩淡定,低头问元芳。The window the moonlight, a pile of mystery. I play calm down ask Fang yuan.54、每一段爱

14、情都有一个浪漫的开头、和一个狗血的结局。Each section of love has a romantic beginning, and a cold end.55、世界上最远的距离,想你到痛彻心扉,却只能深埋心底。The furthest distance in the world, when you go to the pain, but only in the bottom of my heart.56、我已习惯了寂寞,或者说,我已经习惯了一个人的自由。I have been used to loneliness, or, I have been accustomed to a pe

15、rsons freedom.57、爱一个人感觉大概就是什么都会在意,又什么都可以原谅。To love a person is probably what will care, and what can be forgiven.58、究竟什么才算勇敢,是哭着要你爱我?还是笑着看你离开?What exactly is brave, is crying to want you to love me? Still smile to see you leave?59、如果有一天你离开了我,我一定会毫不犹豫地把你抢回来。If one day you leave me, I will not hesitat

16、e to bring you back.60、过去对我来说只不过是一场梦,醒了就醒了,淡了就淡了。In the past, it was just a dream, I woke up, and I was light.61、班主任,你可以否定我的现在,但你没资格评判我的未来。Class teacher, you can deny me now, but you are not qualified to judge my future.62、最难受的是我们已经分开了,可你还是在我的记忆中嚣张。The most uncomfortable is that we have separated, b

17、ut you still in my memory.63、世界上最幸福的事,就是有人对你耍流氓,一耍就是一辈子!The happiest thing in the world is that someone is playing a trick on you!64、后来的后来,我们都用让对方难过的方式证明自己正在被爱。Later, we all used to let the other side sad way to prove himself is being loved.65、帅哥,你知不知道你努力学习的时候,迷死人了,赶紧吃药!Guy, you know you dont know w

18、hen you study hard, you are dead, and take your medicine!66、原谅,不过是将遗憾悄悄掩埋;忘记,才是最深刻彻底的宽容。Forgive, but it is a pity to quietly buried; forget, is the most profound and thorough tolerance.67、习惯了浓妆艳抹、因为只有那样才不会有人看出莪是有多无助。The habit of make-up, because only that people would not see me is helpless.68、不可思议的

19、是,即使他令你心碎,你却依然用破碎的心爱着他。It is incredible that, even if he breaks your heart, you still love him with a broken heart.69、我宁愿放弃爱情,看着别人甜蜜,也不想让爱情来伤害到自己!I would rather give up love, looking at other people sweet, also dont want to let love to hurt yourself!70、失去要比得不到可怕的多的多,因为其中有个过程叫曾经拥有。To lose more than a

20、 terrible, because there is a process called once owned.71、我不能给你整个世界,但能把我的整个世界都给你,只要你需要。I can not give you the whole world, but can give me the whole world to you, as long as you need.72、在我的生命中,我需要的是有人让我觉得被爱着,而不是被利用了。In my life, I need someone to make me feel loved, not to be used.73、很多时候,心里明明不是那样想的

21、,却控制不了自己而说出相反的话。Most of the time, in the heart is not so, but can not control themselves and say the opposite.74、如果失去了你的爱,我在这世界上就象失去了灵魂的空壳再也找不到家。If you lose your love, I lose the soul of the shell couldnt get home in this world is like.75、有时候,人们之所以哭泣,并不是因为软弱,而是因为他们坚强了太久。Sometimes, people cry, not be

22、cause they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long.76、有些事情,明明是真的却没人相信;有些事情,明明是假的却那么逼真。Some things, obviously is true but no one believe; some things, obviously is false but so lifelike.77、惊艳了时光的让时光把他带走,温柔了岁月的让岁月把他留下来继续温柔。Amazing time to let the time to take him away, and the time of

23、 the years of gentle let him stay with his gentle.78、与其在无望的单相思中熬受着长期的痛苦,不如采取一种干脆爽快的行动。With no hope of unrequited love boil by long-term pain, it is better to take a simply refreshing action.79、不要妄想试图改变谁,因为谁也改变不了谁,只有,他愿不愿意为你改变。t try to change who you are, because no one else is.80、如果你喜欢的人不喜欢你,那么,就算全世界的人都喜欢你,还是会觉得很孤单吧。If you like people dont like you, so, even if the whole world like you, or will feel very lonely.

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