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1、PEP4sh习题将对话排序将对话按顺序编号,使其成为一段完整的对话。Xiao Ming, we have a new classroomHello, Li Hong. Li Hong, this is our new classmate-Peter.Its near the window.Its so big!Where is my seat?Nice to meet you, too. Hello, Xiao Ming. Nice to meet you.Lets go and have a look. Ok. Wow! Listen and circle the letter(红色字母为所

2、听到的字母)1) b d 2) C D 3) a e 4) B E 5) c e Look and write (按正确笔顺分步骤写出下列字母。)Look and write (按正确笔顺分步骤写出下列字母。) Listen and number ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Listen and write1听写字母。2按正确笔顺分步骤写出下列字母。Look, listen and match1. Mary 2. Mike 3. Tom 4. Bob 5. Lucy 听力内容:1. Mike likes computer game. 2. Lucy l

3、ikes music.3. Bob likes science.4. Mary likes painting.5. Tom likes sports. Read and match( )This is a girl. Her name is Betty. She has long yellow hair and small mouth.( )Sam has short black hair and big eyes. Hes tall.( )His name is Tim. He has short hair and big nose. Hes strong and tall.( )My fr

4、iend is Susan. She has short brown hair. Shes thin.帮字母兄弟排队 “叮铃铃”清脆的课间操铃声响过,字母兄弟们排好队准备做操了,可有几个淘气包还没有找到自己的位置,小朋友,现在就请你帮它们找到自己的正确位置。(请把每个字母对应的序号填到横线上) Writing practice仿照图中例句最少写出自己的两个好朋友的特征,然后念给大家听,并让大家猜一猜你写的是谁。 Look, write and actA: Good morning.B: _.A: Lets clean the classroom.B: Good idea. Let me_.A:

5、 Look at this schoolbag. Its nice. B: I have _, too. A: _?B: Its red, black and white.A: May I have a look?B:_A: Your schoolbag is heavy._?B: One pencil-case, two sharpeners, 10books.选字母组词圈出字母,看一看能组成哪些单词,写在四线格中。bedmwsfontkgopujlrqvchair 看图选择并连线为图中的人物选择所处的正确的房间。Where are they? 1.They are _.2. They ar

6、e _.A. in the kitchen. B. in the living room. C. in the bedroom.D. in the study.Look and choose1)You brush your teeth _.2) You talk with your friends _. 3) You cook meals _.4) You make the bed _.A. in the bedroomB. in the living roomC. in the bathroomD. in the kitchen 根据图示回答问题1. A: Where is the bag?

7、 B: Its_2. A: Where is the book? B: Its_3. A: Where is the ruler? B: Its _4. A: Where is the dog? B: Its_Trye ir false阅读对话,做是非题,对的写T,错的写F:Mum: Peter, lunch is ready.Peter: Coming. Whats for lunch, Mum?Mum: Some rice and eggs.Peter: I dont want any rice.Dad: Do you want any bread?Peter: Yes, please.D

8、ad: Here you are. With jam or butter?Peter: I want some butter. I dont want any6 jam. How about you, Dad?Dad: I want some butter, too.Mum: Now lets have dinner. Ill have the rice.( )(1)Peter问爸爸午饭吃什么。( )(2)妈妈说午餐吃米饭和肉。( )(3)Peter不想吃米饭,要吃面包。( )(4)Peter要果酱夹面包。( )(5)爸爸要奶油。( )(6)妈妈吃米饭。Read and choose1) What _ (do, would) you like, madam? A cup of tea.2) Would you like some _(milk, milks)?3) Id like two cups of _ (coffee, coffees), please.4) What would you like _ (to, for) dinner?5) Tea _ (and, or) coffee? Tea, please.说一说,填一填为图中的人物填上相应的单词,并大声读出来。

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