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1、Lesson 1A Listen and number. 听和标数。Hi, children. Look at these famous people. 你好,孩子们。看这些名人。They did great things. Do you know any thing about them? 他们做了很伟大的事。你们知道有哪些吗?He was a poet. He write many famous poems. 他是个诗人。他写了很多有名的诗。One of his famous poem is In the Quiet Night. 其中一首叫静夜思。This is Hans Christi

2、an Andersen.这是安徒生。He was Danish. He was a writer and wrote stories for many children. 他是丹麦人。他是一名作家,给孩子们写了很多故事。I like his story The Ugly Duckling. 我喜欢他的童话丑小鸭。This is Xu Beihong. He was Chinese. 这是徐悲鸿。He was a painter and good at painting horses. 他是一个画家,非常擅长画马。This is Thomas Edison. He was American. 这

3、是托马斯爱迪生。他是美国人。He was an inventor. He invented a lot of things. 他是一个发明家。他发明了很多东西。Very good. 非常好。Do you know anything about this man?你知道关于这个人的什么?NO. 不知道。This is Jean-Henri Fabre. He was French. 这是法布尔。他是法国人。He was a scientist and study insects. 他是一个科学家,专门研究昆虫。He is famous for his book named The Book of

4、 Insecks. 他以他的书昆虫记著名。Lesson 2A Look, listen and number. 看,听并标数。Joy: Hi, Sam. Come and look at these pictures.你好,萨姆。来看看这些照片。Sam: OK. Whos that man?好。那是谁? Hes Thomas Edison. He is very famous. 他是托马斯他非常有名。 Why is he famous?他为什么有名?s famous for his inventions. He invented a lot of things. 因为他的发明。 Whos th

5、is man? What did he do?这是谁?他做了什么? He is Jean-Henri Fabre. He was a French scientist.他是法布尔。他是法国科学家。Hes famous for studying insects. 他以研究昆虫著名。 Who is your favourite famous person, Joy?乔伊,你最喜欢的名人是谁? Its Hans Christian Andersen. 是安徒生。He was a Danish writer. Hes famous for writing stories. 他是丹麦作家。他以写童话著名

6、。I like to read his stories. 我喜欢看他写的童话。Lesson 3A Lets read. 一起读吧。Helen Keller was born in America in 1880. 海伦凯勒1880年生于美国。When she was very young, she got very sick.她小时候生了一场很重的病。After that, she could not hear, speak or see. 那之后,她听不见、说不了,也看不见。Helen worked very hard. 她非常努力学习。She learned how to read, wr

7、ite and talk. 她学习如何读、写和说话。When she was 20, she went to university. 她20岁时去了大学。She is famous for writing many books and helping the deaf and blind. 她以写作和帮助盲聋人士著名。Isaac Newton was a famous scientist.牛顿是著名的科学家。He was born in England in 1642. 他1642年生于英国。When he was a child, he was very quiet. 当他还是小孩的时候,非

8、常安静。He was always thinking about things. 他总在思考东西。One day he was reading a book under an apple tree. 一天,他在一棵苹果树下读书。He saw an apple fall from the tree. 他看到一个苹果从树上掉下来。He thought, Why do apples fall? What makes them fall?他想:“为什么苹果会掉下来?什么让它们掉下来?”He was the first person to find out why. 他是第一个思考为什么的人。Ouch!

9、 I dont like falling apples!噢!我不喜欢掉下来的苹果。Lets Spell 一起拼读吧。A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。tion station 车站 transportation 交通 dictionary 词典ture picture 图片 furniture 家具 temperature 温度B Listen, underline and repeat. 听,划线并重复。transportation 交通furniture 家具nature自然station 车站culture 文化future 未来dictionary

10、词典action 行动picture 图片condition 情景C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。1.It is good to use a dictionary when you do not know a word. 不认识单词的时候查字典很好。2.A: What do you want to be in the future?你未来想当什么?B: I want to be an English teacher. 我想成为一名英语老师。D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。In the dictionary is a picture, 字典里是一

11、张照片,A picture of some furniture. 一些家具的照片。I have a question about the picture. 关于照片我有一个问题。What is inside the furniture?家具里有什么?Fun Time 欢笑时间A Good to know. 了解一下。Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452. 达芬奇生于1452年。He is famous for his paintings. 他以他的绘画著名。We can only see 15 of his paintings today. 他的画作现今只有15

12、幅存世了。The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. 蒙娜丽莎是他的世界名作之一。He is also famous for his brilliant pictures of the human body and animals. 他也以他精美的描绘人类和动物的作品著名。These drawings were very accurate. 这些画作都非常精细。Da Vinci really wanted to understand how our bodies work.达芬奇真的想探索我们的身体是如何运作的

13、。He is also famous for inventing things. 他也以发明著名。For example, he invented a helicopter and a tank.比如,他发明了一架直升机和坦克。He designed a beautiful bridge in 1502. 1502年他发明了一架美丽的桥。The bridge was finally made in 2001, almost 500 years later!大桥最终于2001年建造完毕,晚了将近500年。Many people say that he was the cleverest pers

14、on in the history of the world. 许多人说他是世界历史上最聪明的人。Do you agree?你同意吗?C Lets sing. 一起唱吧。He was a famous man. 他是一个名人。Yes, he was. 是的,他是。He was an American. 他是一个美国人。He was an inventor. 他是个发明家。His name was Thomas Edison. 他名叫托马斯He was an English man. 他是一名英国人。He was a scientist. 他是名科学家。His name was Sir Isaa

15、c Newton. 他名叫牛顿。He was a Chinese man. 他是个中国人。He was a great poet. 他是个著名诗人。His name was Li Bai. 他名叫李白。s Check 一起检查吧A Listen and match. 听和匹配。Hi, Im Lily. Im going to tell you about my favourite person. 你好,我是丽丽。我要告诉你有关我最喜欢的人的事。Li Bai. He was a Chinese poet. 李白。他是个中国诗人。He wrote many famous poems. 他写了很多著

16、名的诗。Im Joy. My favourite famous person is a Danish writer. 我是乔伊。我最喜欢的名人是个丹麦作家。He wrote many famous stories like The Ugly Duckling. 他写了很多有名的故事,比如丑小鸭。His name is Hans Christian Andersen. 他名叫安徒生。Hello, I am Binbin. 你好,我是彬彬。My favourite famous person is a woman. 我最喜欢的名人是个女性。She was from America. 她来自美国。S

17、he helps many blind and deaf people. 她帮助许多盲聋人。Her name is Helen Keller. 她名叫海伦凯勒。Hi, my name is Bill. 你好,我叫比尔。d like to tell you about my favourite famous person. 我想告诉你有关我最喜欢的人的事。He was a famous Chinese artist. 他是个非常有名的中国艺术家。He painted beautiful horses. 他画了很多美丽的马。He was XuBeihong. 他是徐悲鸿。m Yaoyao. 你好,

18、我是瑶瑶。My favourite famous person is American. 我最喜欢的名人是个美国人。I like him because he invented many things. 我喜欢他,因为他发明了很多东西。m sure you know him. 我保证你知道他。Yes, he is Thomas Edison. 是的,他是托马斯Story Time 故事时间J.K. Rowling J.K.罗琳J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books. J.K.罗琳是哈利波特的作者。When she started

19、 writing, some people said the books were bad. 她刚开始写书的时候,一些人说她写得的不好。Twelve companies said they didnt want them, but she didnt stop writing. 12家公司说他们不想要,但是她没有放弃。Later, she sold 11 million books in one day!之后某一天,她卖出了1100万册。It is impossible to live without failing at something 人生是不可能没有失败的 -J.K. Rowling

20、 J.K.罗琳Michael Jordan 迈克尔乔丹Michael Jordan is one of the most famous basketball players in the world. 迈克尔乔丹是世界上最有名的篮球选手之一。When he first went to his high school, he couldnt play on the school team. 刚进高中时,他没能进校篮球队。They said he was too short!他们说他太矮了!Later, he said that not getting on the team was good.之

21、后,他说他进不去队伍挺好的。It made him work harder and become a better player. 这让他更加努力,最终成为一名更好的运动员。I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. 在我的职业生涯中曾错过九千次投篮。I have lost almost 300 games.我输了将近三百场比赛。I have failed over and over and over again in my life. 我人生失败了一次又一次。And that is why I succeed. 那是我成功的原因。-Mi

22、chael Jordan 迈克尔Thomas Edison 托马斯Thomas Edison was not a good student at school. 爱迪生在学校不是一个好学生。He couldnt hear very well and was too active. 他不太听话,而且太淘气。His teacher didnt like him and said that he was too stupid to learn. 他的老师不喜欢他,说他太笨了。He only went to school for three months! He went home and studi

23、ed with his mother. 他只上了三个月学!他回家和他妈妈一起学习。At last, he became a famous inventor, inventing more than 1,000 things.最后,他成为有名的发明家,发明了超过1000种东西。I have not failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that do not work. 我没有失败。我只是想出了一万种无效的方法。-Thomas Edison Ludwig van Beethoven 贝多芬When Beethoven was young, he was not v

24、ery good at music. 贝多芬年轻的时候,他不擅长音乐。His teachers thought that he would never be successful. 他的老师认为他不会成功。Beethovens father did not agree. 贝多芬的爸爸不这么认为。He became his sons teacher, and Beethoven became a famous composer, or writer of music.他成为了儿子的老师,贝多芬成为了一个有名的作曲家。There is something else special, too. 还有一些特殊的事。He wrote some of his music when he was completely deaf!他完全聋的时候还写了一些曲子!Beethoven can write music, thank God, because he cant do anything else!贝多芬可以写歌,感谢上帝,因为他不能做其它任何事情!

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