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版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Global warming课下作业 新人教版选修6doc文档格式.docx

1、1.tend vi.趋向;易于;照顾vt. 照顾;护理2.range n. 种类;范围3.widespread adj. 分布广的;普遍的4.average_adj. 平均的5.circumstance_ n. 环境;情况6.contribution n. 贡献7.quantity n. 量;数量8.advocate vt. 拥护;提倡;主张二、阅读单词1.phenomenon n. 现象2.random adj. 胡乱的;任意的3.subscribe vi. 同意;捐赠;订阅 vt. 签署(文件);捐助4.trend n. 趋势;倾向;走向5.flood n. 洪水;水灾6.glance v

2、i. 看一下;扫视n. 一瞥7.electrical adj. 电的;与电有关的8.presentation n. 显示,演出三、拓展单词1.pollution n.污染;弄脏pollute vt.污染polluted adj.被污染的2.tendency n.倾向;趋势tend vi.趋向;照顾 vt.照顾;3.oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量opposed adj.反对的;对立的4.consequence n.结果;后果;影响consequent adj.随之发生的;作为结果的consequently adv.因此;所以5.state vt.陈述;说明statement n.

3、说明;说法;表白 6.existence n.生存;存在exist vi.存在existing adj.目前的;现在的7.economy n.经济;节约economic adj.经济的economical adj.节约的 8.consume vt.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完consumer n.顾客会积累1.“环境,情况”名词家族circumstance环境;environment 环境,自然环境surroundings (周围的)环境/事物condition 状况,情况situation 形势,情况2.与“灾难”有关的名词集锦flood 洪灾drought 旱灾disaster 灾难catast

4、rophe 大灾难earthquake 地震tsunami 海啸3.与“电”有关的单词荟萃electrical adj. 电的;electricity n. 电;电流electric adj. 电的;电动的electronic adj. 电子的electrics n. 电路electrician n. 电工;电学家4.后缀ation必备名词集锦presentation 显示,演出reformation 改革,革新invitation 邀请modernization 现代化organization 组织preparation 准备会应用用所给词的适当形式填空1.At first he was o

5、pposed (oppose) to the scheme,but we managed to argue him into accepting it.2.Waste water from the factory is the main cause of the pollution (pollute).3.It was stated that the president made a statement announcing new policies to deal with the new situation.(state)4.Many people do not believe the e

6、xistence of the ghosts.Some young children doubt whether there exist all kinds of ghosts in the world.(existence)5.The air conditioners of this type consume too much electricity.Many consumers complain about this.(consume).核心短语识记e_about发生;造成2.subscribe_to 同意;赞成;订购3.quantities_of 大量的4.go_up 上升;增长;升起5

7、.result_in 导致6.be_opposed_to_ 反对;与对立7.even if 即使8.keep on 继续9.on the whole 大体上;基本上10.on behalf of 代表一方;作为的代言人11.put up with 忍受;容忍 long as 只要13.and so on 等等1.“动词up with”结构的短语一览put up with忍耐;忍受;熬过keep up with 与同步;跟上catch up with 跟上(强调动作)end up with 以结束come up with 提出;想出2.“”短语集萃as long as

8、只要;和一样长as far as 就而言;远到as well as 和;又,(除之外)也as good as 和几乎一样(差不多)as much as 尽可能多的,差不多;多达as many as 和一样多;as soon as 一就会应用选用上表左栏短语填空1.Even_if we fail,we can learn from those failures.2.His illness resulted_in his failing to attend the class yesterday.3.I can _put_up_with the house being untidy,but I h

9、ate it if it s not clean.4.So_long_as_we work harder at our lessons,well catch up with others sooner or later.5.Ill never understand how it came_about that you were late three times a week.6.On_the_whole,the time the students devote to the games in the Internet cafes has a great effect on the study

10、in the school.7.On_behalf_of everyone here,I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.8.The farm grows various kinds of crops,such as wheat,corn,cotton and_so_on.经典句式分析背诵仿写句型公式1:There is no doubt that.“毫无疑问”,that引导同位语从句。 教材原句There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is

11、human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问,地球是在变暖,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致的,而不是一种无规律的自然现象。句型仿写There_is_no_doubt_that the increase in demand leads to the rise in prices.毫无疑问,需求的增长导致了价格的上涨。句型公式2:even if/though “即使;尽管”,引导让步状语从句。教材原句Even if we start reducing

12、 the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在未来几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。句型仿写The teacher inspires his students to give their opinions actively even_if_they_are_different_from_his_own.老师鼓励学生们在课堂上积极地发表自己的看法,即

13、使看法与他的不同。句型公式3:so/as long as “只要”,引导条件状语从句。教材原句It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it if not,turn it off!只要你在使用电器设备,你可以让它开着,如果不用就把它关掉!句型仿写So/As_long_as_we_dont_lose_heart and keep on trying,we are sure to get over difficulties,and achieve our aims.只要我们不失去信心,继续努力,我们一

14、定能克服困难,实现目标。.语篇填空回顾补全热诵阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Compared to other natural changes(change),the temperature of the earth is rising rapidly.So how has this come about and does it matter? All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fos

15、sil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to_produce(produce) energy.When huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide are_added (add) to the atmosphere,more heat energy tends to be_trapped_(trap) in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.It was a scientist called Charles Keeling,who made a

16、ccurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.The attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely (complete) different.Some think that the trend which increases (increase) the temperature would be a catastrophe.Others are opposed(oppose) to this view and believe tha

17、t we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air.核 心 词 汇1.quantity n.量;数量;数目The problem begins when we add huge _quantities_of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.(教材原句)当我们向空气中排放大量的多余的二氧化碳的时候,问题就开始了。We can offer you a better price if you can buy it in_quantity.如果你能大量购买,我们能给你

18、一个更好的价格。As a result of destroying the forests,a large quantity of desert has_covered (cover) the land.由于破坏了森林,大量的沙漠覆盖了陆地。名师指津“a quantity of 名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数;而“quantities of 名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。2.oppose vt.反对;与(某人)较量(1)oppose (ones) doing sth反对(某人)做某事(2)opposed adj. 反对的;be opposed to (ones) doing sth 反对(某

19、人)做某事(3)opposite n. 相反的人或事物adj. 相反的;On the other hand,there are those,like George Hambley,who _are_opposed_to this view,believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air.(教材原句)在另一方面,还有一些人,像科学家乔治汉布利,反对上面的观点,他们认为我们不必担心空气中会有高含量的二氧化碳。The parents strongly opposed their daugh

20、ter going (go) there alone.父母极力反对女儿单独去那儿。Good habits always lead to high efficiency,while bad ones bring the opposite.良好的习惯总是产生较高的效率,而坏的习惯则相反。名师指津(1)oppose后跟表示动作的词作宾语时,后面要用动名词形式。be opposed to结构中,to是介词,其后也要用动词的ing形式。(2)表示反对的其他表达:disagree with,object to,be against 等。3.consequence n.结果;影响(1)as a conseq

21、uence/resultin consequence因此;结果as a consequence/result ofin consequence of 因为的缘故 (2)consequent adj. 作为结果的; 随之发生的consequently adv. 结果They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences(consequent).(教材原句)他们预测任何变暖的情况不会很严重,对环境的影响也不会太坏。As_a_consequence_of human activities l

22、ike cutting down bamboos,the pandas are lacking in food source.由于像砍伐竹子这样的人类活动,熊猫缺少了食物来源。Consequently (consequence),she understood it and became interested in Chinese traditional culture.结果,她明白了并且对中国传统文化产生了兴趣。4.range n.种类;范围;幅度;界限v.(在一定范围内)变动;变化;排列(1)a wide range of 一系列in/within range 在射程以内;在范围内beyon

23、d/out of range 在射程外;在范围外 (2)range 在范围内变动;包括由到之间的各类事物range between.and. 在和范围内变动It will make plants grow quicker;crops will produce more;it will encourage a_greater_range_of animalsall of which will make life for human beings better.(教材原句)它使植物成长更快,庄稼产量更高,还会促进动物种类的增多所有这些都能改善人类的生活。The price of

24、the house is so high that it is well beyond/out_of_our_range.这栋房子的价格太高了,远远超过了我们能承受的范围。He has a number of interests,ranging (range) from playing chess to swimming.他的爱好很多,从下棋到游泳。5.average adj.平均的;普通的;平常的 n.平均数;一般水准v.平均为;计算出的平均数(1)an average of平均有(后跟数词)(2)on (the) average 平均起来above/below (the) average

25、在平均水平以上/以下The greenhouse effect gives the earths surface the average_temperature of 15.(教材原句)温室效应导致地球表面的平均温度达到15。Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000,an_average_of 40,000 per year.去年毕业时就有驾照的学生数量已达到二十万,平均每年四万。Last year was the warmest year on record,wi

26、th global temperature 0.68 above_(the)_average.(2015重庆卷单选)去年是有史以来最暖和的一年,全球温度比平均值高出0.68 摄氏度。6.advocate vt.拥护;主张n.提倡者;拥护者advocate sth/doing sth主张(做)某事advocate that.(should) do sth 主张;提倡做某事an advocate of 的提倡者However,I still think people should _advocate_improvements_in the way we use energy today.(教材原句

27、)然而,我依然认为人们应该提倡改进我们今天这种使用能源的方式。Many experts advocate reducing (reduce) the amount of childrens homework and also advocate that children (should)_be_given (give) more free time.许多专家主张减少孩子的作业量,提倡给孩子更多的自由时间。7.result in 导致result from由造成;因而产生as a result 结果as a result of 由于的结果They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that _has_resulted_in this increase in carbon dioxide.(教材原句)他们还赞同下述观点:正是由于越来越多的燃烧化石燃料导致了二氧化碳的增加。As we all know,his success resulted from his hard work.众所周知,努力工作使他取得了成功。The exam

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