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1、12.The Temple13.Lycidas14、 Samson Agonistes15、 Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners16、 The Pilgrims Progress17、 Absalom and Achitophel18、 Annus Mirabilis19、 Paradise Regained20、 The Hind and the Panther1、 Anglo-Saxon conquest happened in the 5th century、 2、 The first Englishmen are Anglo-Saxons、

2、3、 The history of English literature began with Anglo-Saxon settlement in Britain、 4、 Beowulf is the most important specimen of Old English literature、5、 The main stories of Beowulf are based on the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes、 6、 Beowulf presents an all-round life picture of the t

3、ribal society、 7、 The use of alliteration, metaphors, understatements strong stresses and predominance of consonants is a notable feature of Beowulf、8、 The first known religious poet in England is Caedmon、 9、 When we talk about the Old English prose the first name that comes into our mind is Venerab

4、le Bede、 10、 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is Alfred the Greats most important contribution to the Old English prose literature、11、 The Norman Conquest brought the body of customs and ideals known as chivalry into England、12、 After the Norman Conquest, the knightly code, the romantic interest in women t

5、enderness and reverence paid to Virgin Mary were reflected in English literature、 13、 The prevailing literary form in the feudal England was the romance、 14、 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the culmination of the romances about King Arthur、15、 William Langland wrote about social discontent and pr

6、eached the equality of men and dignity of labour、16、 Piers Plowman describes the narrators dream visions、 17、 Chaucer is acclaimed not only as the father of English poetry but also as the father of English fiction、 18、 The Romaunt of the Rose, the most popular poem of Middle Ages, was one of Chaucer

7、s translations from French、 19、 Being one of the forerunners of modernism, Chaucer praises mans energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life、20、 One of Chaucers great contributions to English poetry is his introduction of French poems to English poetry、31、 The keynote of English Renaissance was hum

8、anism、 32、 Elizabethan poetry is remarkable for its variety, freshness, youthfulness and its romantic feeling、 33、 One of the great contributions made by Thomas Wyatt to English poetry is the introduction of the sonnet、 34.Henry Howard is credited with introducing the blank verse into English poetry

9、、35、 Three cycles of sonnets were produced in the Renaissance period、 The first one is Astrophel and Stella、 36、 The Faerie Queene contains six stories about the adventures of knights, who are made to be allegorical characters by Edmund Spenser、37、 The dominating thoughts of The Faerie Queene are na

10、tionalism, humanism and Puritanism、 38、 It is likely that when writing Hamlet Shakespeare borrowed something from The Spanish Tragedy、 39、 When Shakespeare wrote King Lear and Macbeth, he mainly relied on Holinsheds Chronicles、 40、 In writing plays, Ben Jonson insisted on adherence to the three unit

11、ies、 ine IILCrarure of41、 The literature of the Revolution Period is different from the literature of Elizabethan Period、42、 The works of the Metaphysical Poets are characterised by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form、 43、 The poems by the Metaphysical poets are full of farfetched concei

12、ts、44、 John Milton wrote the finest pastoral elegy in English, Lycidas, to memorialise the tragic death of a Cambridge friend and classmate、45、 The stories of Paradise Lost were taken from the Old Testament、 46、 Paradise Lost was written in blank verse、47、 Miltons poetry is noted for sublimity of th

13、ought and majesty of expression、 48、 In The Pilgrims Progress, the allegorical narrative is based on the idea of a journey、49、 In describing the Vanity Fair, Bunyan draws a satirical picture not only of London at the time of the Restoration but of the whole bourgeois society、 50、 Drydens greatest wo

14、rk of literary criticism is An Essay of Dramatic Poesy、T 1、 After Anglo-Saxon conquest, seven small kingdoms appeared in Britain and later they were combined into a united kingdom named England、F 2、 Anglo-Saxon literature is exclusively a prose literature in oral form、T 3、 English poetry in the Angl

15、o-Saxon period falls into two groups: non-religious and religious、T 4、 Beowulf is the oldest surviving epic in the English language、T 5、 Beowulf reflects how people in the tribal society fought against nature、F 6、 Caedmons legendary life story is described by Bede in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle、F 7、 H

16、istoria Ecclesiastica describes how religion was introduced and spread in England、T 8、 Venerable Bede is the first scholar in English literature and has been regarded as the father of English learning、F 9、 The Ecclesiastical History of the English People is the best monument of the Old English prose

17、、T 10、 Cynewulf took his poetical subject matter partly from the church liturgy, but more largely from the homilies of Gregory the Great、F 11、 After Norman Conquest, three languages were used in England、 They were French used by the Normans, Latin used by scholars and clergymen, and English used by

18、Anglo-Saxons、T 12、 The knight is described as the central character in the romance that is devoted to the church, the king and a fair lady、F 13、 The cycle of romances about Rome mainly deals with the exploits and adventures of Charles the Great, King of the Franks and Emperor of the West Empire、F 14

19、、 Geoffrey Chaucer was a scholar, a lawyer, a businessman and a courtier, who shared all the stirring life of his age in his writings、F 15、 Chaucer intended to write about 100 tales told by the 30 pilgrims in his masterpiece、T 16、 The portraits of the 30 pilgrims drawn by Chaucer in the Prologue of

20、The Canterbury Tales supply a miniature of the medieval English society、F 17、 Being a rebel of the society of his time, Chaucer affirms mans right to pursue happiness and opposes the dogma of asceticism、F 18、 Chaucer made a great contribution to making the dialect of London the foundation of modem E

21、nglish speech and establishing English as the literary language of the country、F 19、 The 15th century has traditionally been described as the prosperous period in English literature、T 20、 Le Morte dArthur reflects the social scene of the transitional period when feudalism was dying and capitalism wa

22、s rising、T 21、 English literature of the Revolution Period witnessed a conflict between the two antagonistic camps、F 22、 The Revolution Period is also called Puritan Age、 In this period literary works show much romantic ardour、T 23、 Cavalier Poets mostly wrote about the flitting joys of life and exp

23、ressed the spirit of pessimism、T 24、 In Miltons life and literary career the two dominant historical movements: Renaissance and Reformation combine and receive their most intense and intelligent expression、T 25、 Many critics have noted that in Paradise Lost the picture of God surrounded by his angel

24、s resembles the court of an absolute monarch, while Satan and his followers bear close resemblance to a parliament、F 26、 Samsons miserable blind servitude among his enemies, his agonising longing for sight and freedom, and the last terrible triumph are all allusions to Satans story、T 27、 John Milton

25、 is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry、T 28、 Since its first appearance, The Pilgrim s Progress has been the most widely read book and one of the most popular pieces of Christian writing that have appeared in English、T 29、 In The Pilgrims Progress, the figures and

26、 places which the hero meet with on his joumey stand for the various experiences thatl、 Portia2、 Hamlet3、 Volpone4、 John Falstaff5、 Henry V6、 Iago7、 Shylock8、 Doctor Faustus1、 What are the characteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature?Anglo-Saxon literature is almost exclusively a verse literature in or

27、al form、 Most of its creators remain unknown、 It is written down long after its composition、 Two groups of poetry are found in Anglo-Saxon period、 Before Christianity was introduced, there was pagan poetry、 The representative is Beowulf、 After the introduction of Christianity, Christian poetry appea

28、red、 The representatives are the poems composed by Caedmon and Cynewulf、 Prose arrived later than poetry、 It appeared in about the 8th century、 Venerable Bede and Alfred the Great are famous prose writers of that period、2、 Briefly tell the story of Beowulf、The story of Beowulf consists of two parts、

29、 The first deals with the heroic deeds of Beowulf through describing how Beowulf fights against the monster Grendel, and finally kills him and his mother、 The second part celebrates the heroic spirit and bravery of Beowulf through describing his fight against a fire dragon that has done a lot of des

30、truction to his kingdom and people、 Beowulf dragon and dies a heroic death、3、 What are the writing features of Beowulf? 1) Beowulf is a pagan poem though it has Christian flavour that the monastery scribe gave it when he wrote it down、 It is the result of pagan civilisation、 It shows an all-round pi

31、cture of the tribal society、 2) It uses a lot of strong stresses、 Each line has four stresses, with two in each half line、 3) Alliteration is much used、 Three stresses of each line are made more emphatic through the use of alliteration、 4) Metaphors and understatements are much used in the whole poem、4、 What is the theme of Beowulf?Beowulf indicates how the people in primitive society conquer the disasters and misfortunes that nature makes for human beings、 Beowulf, the hero of the story stands for mans energy and power, and mans indomitable spirit and

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