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1、To meet Babe Ruth,of course,was not 4.A.In America,Babe Ruth was as important as the President,and he was the most 5.C baseball player. The next day Johns father tried to tell Babe Ruth about the story of his son on the phone.Twenty-four hours later,when the boy 6.B in his hospital room,Babe Ruth wa

2、lked in.Young John could hardly 7.C his own eyes! The great baseball player sat down at Johns bedside,and said,“Kid,youve got to get well.Ive brought you a new American League baseball,8.B you must start throwing it.”For John this was the beginning of a new life.To 9.D doctors surprise,the boy walke

3、d out of the hospital on his own a few weeks later.He was able to live a healthy lifeall because of the 10.C of Babe Ruth.1.A.lookingB.playing C.talkingD.sitting2.A.never B.everC.always D.sometimes3.A.go B.make C.stop D.help4.A.easy B.lucky C.difficult D.successful5.A.favorite B.nervous C.famous D.d

4、angerous6.A.ran B.lay C.worked D.laughed7.A.see B.close C.believe D.breathe8.A.or C.though B.your C.her D.his10.A.story B.basketballC.present D.lifeCloze2We could all say that we have bad days as we go through life,but what does it take to have a really good day?I remember a day

5、 recently when I had to go to the 1.A for special tests because I wasnt feeling well and my doctor sent me to a specialist to try and find the cause of my illness.As I 2.D to the hospital,I was feeling sad and certainly wasnt on top of my game.As I got to the hospital,I began my 3.A for a parking lo

6、t.I finally found one not too far from the entrance to the hospital.As I got out and brought my change out of my pocket,I noticed a man looking a little 4.B standing in front of a parking meter(停车计时收费表)two cars away.He seemed to be searching his pockets for what I supposed were 5.C for the meter.Alt

7、hough I 6.D didnt feel that great,I thought that I should at least go over to him and find out if I could 7.A him.As I stood beside him,he turned to me looking worried.I asked him if he had a problem I could help with.He said that he had no coins at all because he was only thinking about visiting hi

8、s sick wife when he left his house.I reached into my pocket and 8.C out two dollars and gave it to him without saying a word.And,without waiting for a reply,I turned on my heel and said to him as I was walking away:“Have a good day.”The funny thing was that I felt a lot brighter,a small smile came t

9、o my face,and I seemed to walk just a little quicker.I was walking away when he called out:“Thank you so much.” You know,I didnt even 9.B him to say anything.He didnt have to say a word to me.It was simply enough to know that I had helped someone else who needed a little 10.C.Thats all it took to br

10、ing a smile to my face as I went on toward completing my own business.You know,it doesnt take much to help someone C.gym D.company2.A.walked B.ran C.rode B.plan D.design4.A.tired B.worried C.relaxed B.keys C.coins D.cards6.A.prob

11、ably B.suddenly C.finally B.understandC.follow D.join8.A.pushed B.made C.pulled D.sent9.A.mean B.expect C.make D.save10.A.courage B.patience C.hand D.guideCloze3The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly before the deadly disaster of the typhoon(台风).Bernadette Tenegra,a 44-y

12、ear-old high school teacher,was in her 1.B which was on the bank of a river.The Tenegra family stayed together in their shelter to 2.C the storm.They thought that the powerful storm would 3.D soon as it did in the past.So they were just hanging on there.But things didnt happen as they had thought,th

13、e water 4.B with a frightening speed and their wooden house fell down,5.A away the occupants(居住者),including Tenegras husband and her other daughter.They were able to struggle to 6.A,but the 6-year-old Tenegra was 7.C against the strong wind and water,along with sharp deadly debris(残骸).Bernadette 8.B

14、 her way to the child and was holding her and kept telling her to keep on.“I crawled(爬)over to her,and I tried to pull her up.But she was too 9.B and wasnt able to make it.It seemed she had already 10.C,” Tenegra said,crying.“I screamed but it didnt work.” The mother said 11.B that she would never f

15、orget the last words of her daughter before 12.D,“Ma,just let go,just let go.Save 13.C.I love you forever.”“Yolanda”,the super typhoon destroyed a great number of houses and buildings.The 6-year-old 14.D Tenegra lost her life.She has just seen a small part of this wonderful world 15.C that short lif

16、etime,while the whole world witnessed all the beauty of B.home C.building D.school2.A.leave B.stop C.avoid D.keep3.A.lost B.produce C.complete D.disappear4.A.raised B.rose C.lifted D.kept5.A.sweeping B.putting C.hiding B.warmth C.strength D.difficulty7.A.touching B

17、.beatingC.fighting D.preventing8.A.turned B.made D.created9.A.sleepy B.weak C.impatient D.careless10.A.given hack B.given awayC.given up D.given off11.A.excitedly B.sadlyC.angrily D.confidently12.A.arrival B.break C.choice D.death13.A.myself B.himself C.yourself D.herself14.A.alive B.lazy

18、ve D.lively15.A.above B.below C.during D.beyondCloze4The town of Pressure and the town of Pleasure were neighbors but they had nothing in common.Residents(居民)built walls to 1.C influence from the other town.In Pressure,everyone wanted to be the very best.When women gave birth,they would compete(竞争;比

19、赛)to have the baby with the loudest cry.There was violent competition in every aspect(方面)of life.Because 2.A was the symbol(象征)of success.People were always busy making money,with no time for relaxation.Some young people couldnt bear the intensity( 紧张)and chose to drink to escape(逃避).In Pleasure,the

20、 motto(格言)was:“If only you like it,do it.”People grew up without pressure and could do anything they liked.Children played computer games day and night.At school,teachers didnt care 3.D students came or not.Workers might sit around the office all day long drinking coffee and doing 4.A.Thanks to the

21、lack(缺乏)of regulations(规章制度),nobody worried about losing their jobs.It was pleasure that mattered.The computers they used were old ones from the town of Pressure.Some of the young were addicted(上瘾)to drugs(药物)5.C the emptiness(空虚)of their lives.Then,people in the two towns began asking themselves,“W

22、hat is life 6.B?” But,just before life in the two towns completely 7.B,there came a great personMr Reason.He went from door to door,talking with people and 8.D advice.People in Pressure learnt to be satisfied with what they had 9.C people in Pleasure began to make plans.They 10.B the walls between t

23、hem and built a road to connect the two.1.A.pick out B.put out C.keep out D.leave out2.A.wealth C.happiness D.pleasure3.A.what B.who C.where D.whether4.A.nothing B.somethingC.anything D.everything5.A.compared to B.thanks toC.because of a B.for D.to7.A.gave B.failed C.

24、lost D.saved8.A.following B.taking C.seeking D.giving9.A.when C.while D.since10.A.pulled off B.pulled downC.pulled out D.pulled upCloze5Once there was a lovely vegetable field with a very big tree in it.Both of the vegetables and the tree made the garden look wonderful.One day,the vegetables an

25、d the tree couldnt get on well with 1.C.The vegetables disliked the tree because they thought the tree didnt leave them enough 2.A by covering them with its thick leaves while the tree thought that the vegetables drank nearly all the water before it could reach him.The situation became worse and wor

26、se.One day the vegetables decided to 3.B all the water in the ground so that the tree would dry up.The tree fought back by refusing to offer the vegetables shade(树荫).Soon they both began to dry up under the hot sun.Neither of them expected that the gardener would stop 4.D his vegetable field because

27、 he thought it was 5.A to save the vegetables.When the gardener did that,the tree and the vegetables really felt how 6.C they were.There seemed to be no way to solve the problem.Then a small pumpkin decided to do something to change the situation.The small pumpkin did all he could to grow 7.B there

28、was little water and it was too hot.Finally,the gardener 8.D the growing pumpkin among the dying vegetables.9.A,he started to water the field again because he still wanted to make a(n) 10.C to win the beautiful pumpkin.At the same time,the tree and the vegetables were saved.Since then,they realized

29、that it was better to help each other than to fight,and they lived in harmony with other plants.1.A.other plants B.the gardenerC.each other D.the pumpkin2.A.light B.water C.air D.wind3.A.look up B.use up C.pick up D.put up4.A.picking B.growing C.planting D.watering5.A.hopeless B.important C.hopeful D.necessary6.A.angry B.hungryC.thirsty B.though C.but D.and8.A.watched B.knew C.harvested D.noticed9.A.Therefore B.However C.Besides D.Also10.A.decision B.idea C.effort D.chance

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