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1、15. review n. 复习;回顾;16. gradually adv. 逐步地,渐渐地; 词根grade n. 阶段,阶级;等级17. accurately adv. 正确无误地,准确地;精确地;如实 accurate adj. 精确的,准确的;正确无误的词根:cur 1. =run,表示跑,发生,快速做; 2. =care,表示关心accurate正确无误的;准确的,精确的 (ac再+cur关心+ate的再关心,弄精确为止)18. accumulate vt.& vi. 堆积,积累 ac 再+ cur关心 + mul增加 + ate的19. responsibility n. 责任;职

2、责 (responsen.回答,响应,反应+ibility表名词n.责任, 职责)spons=promise, 表示承诺,允诺同根词adj. responsible for,to应负责的;可靠的;责任重大的response n.回答,响应,反应+ible能的adj.for,to应负责的;20. content n. 内容;(书等的)目录;满足;容量 (con聚在一起的此+ ten 拿住的+t,n.ten 1. =hold,表示拿住,握住,支撑 2. 挽留同根词adj. discontent不满的 (dis不+content满足的n.不满,不满足 adj.不满的)22. fluent adj.

3、流畅的;流利的;液态的 副词fluently23. relax v. (使)轻松;放松lax=loose,表示松24matter v. 要紧,有重大影响in the matter of 至于,关于,在方面the British are given pre-eminence in the matter of tea.在用茶方面英国人享有杰出地位。25. pace n. 速度(网络),一步;(pace步,通过 n.一步;速度,节奏 v.慢慢地走)pace =pass through,表示步,通过26guarantee n. 保证,担保;27Success n. 成功, successful adj

4、. 成功的,successfully adv. 成功地Phrases and Expressions1. by far 大大地;得多 更;尤其;到目前为止by far the most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language.最为重要的因素在于你花多少时间浸泡在外语之中。This is better by far. 这个好多了。 That is by far the best choice. 那是最好的选择。2. be immersed in 沉浸于3. relate to 涉及;与相关 it mea

5、ns spending time enjoyalbly on whatever relates to the language you are learning. 而是说要多花时间心情愉悦地学习任何与所学语言相关的东西。4. get used to 习惯于;适应 you will get used to the language. 你就会习惯于这种语言.5. focus on 集中(注意力,精力)于He focused his mind on his lessons. 他把心思集中在功课上。All eyes were focused on him when he came in. 他进来时大家

6、都注视着他。6. build up (使) 扩大;增多 It is easier to pull down than to build up. 拆房容易盖房难。7. run into 偶然遇见;碰到 He has run into trouble in his job. 他的工作遇到了麻烦。8. take responsibility for 对负责Take responsibility for your own learning. 对自己的学习负责9. take control 控制;掌控;掌管He used brute force to take control. 他靠暴力获得了统治权。1

7、0. feel like 摸起来像是,有的感觉;想要做某事Do you feel like going to a movie? 你想看电影吗?11. sit back 舒舒服服地坐好 向后靠着坐;袖手旁观 Get on with the workthis is no time to sit back. 好好干活,现在可不是坐着休息的时候。12. make sure 确保,Go and make sure of the place and time. 去把时间和地点弄清楚。Text B1 :comparison n. 比较,对照;语比喻;比较级 compare to,with比较;to把比作 (

8、com共同+par平等+e平等的放在一起比较)2 :tense n. 语时,时态;tens=stretch,表示伸展,趋向 同根词tensible 可伸长的 (tens伸展,趋向+ible能的adj.可伸长的)3:preposition n. 介词;前置词 prep.4:normally adv. 通常地,在正常情况下 (normal标准的+ly地adv., 通常地)norm=rule/norm,表示规则,规范 normal adj. 正常的5:precise adj. 精确的;确切的 (pre在前的,预先+cise切预先切好的精确的)6:creative adj. 创造性的,有创造力的;(c

9、reatev.创造,建立+ive的adj.有创造力的7:enhance vt. 提高,增加;改进 (en加强+han=high高+cev.提高, 增强 v.提高)8:completely adv. 完全地;彻底地;complete adj completion n. 完成,结束9:exclude v. 把排斥在外clud=close,表示关闭 include 包括 clue 线索11: shun n vt. 避开,回避;避免12: relegate vt. 使降级;使降职;(re反+leg法律+ate表动词反法律的人被放逐)13: cheesy adj.(质量)低劣的;下等的 cheese n

10、. 奶酪14: receptive adj. 乐于接受的; reception n. 接待;欢迎;招待会;接待处15: frustrating adj. 产生挫折的,使人沮丧的,令人泄气的 Its frustrating to have to wait so long. 要等这么长时间,真令人懊恼。16: medium n. 媒介;手段,方法 (medi中间+um中间物,媒介)17:profoundly adv. 极大地;深刻地 pro 很多,found 发现+ ly,发现很多,深刻18:melodic adj. 悦耳的;优美动听的19:grateful adj. 感激的,感谢的 (grate

11、=grat感激+ful多的,for感激的;感谢的)-ful1. 表形容词,有的;充满的 2. 表名词,满,量 I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. 我非常感谢所有老师的帮助。20:stubbornly adv. 倔强地,固执地,顽固地 stubborn adj. 顽固的,固执的21:ignore v. 忽视,对不予理会 She said her husband ignored her. 她说丈夫不关心她。22:community n. 社区;群体 (commune公社+ity表名词community社

12、会,社区)muni= 表示服务,职责,社区,公共 com表示“共同”23:majority n. 大多数;复数:majorities24:tongue n. t 舌头,喙;语言,方言;演说25:isolated adj. 孤独的;孤立的 isolate vt. 使孤立 (i=in+sol单独+ate表动词使孤立)26:realize vt. 意识到;理解 realization n. 认识,领会 (real真实,现实+ize表动词v.认识到, 了解, 实现, 实行)后缀:-ization表名词,由-ize+-ation组成,化或发展过程27:immediately adv. 立即,马上 mid

13、itli immediate adj. She answered almost immediately. 她几乎立刻就回答了。28:translate v. 翻译;解释 词根late=bring out,表示拿出,带出,放 trans 表示变换,交换29:credibility n. 可靠性,可信性 credit n. 信誉,信用 bility表示动作,性质,状态30:plain adv. 十足地;绝对地plain=flat,表示平坦,明白31:corny adj. 陈词滥调的 ,老生常谈的;陈旧的 corny jokes. 老掉牙的笑话32:pick-up n. 调情; (名词词组) pic

14、k-up line 花言巧语 How to be a pick-up artist? 翻译:怎样才能成为调情(把妹)达人?pick up 动词词组: 捡起;获得;收拾33:tastefully adv. 高雅地;有品位地;雅致地 taste 味道;味;味觉;品味 The room is tastefully furnished. 屋里摆设得很雅致。34:undeniably adv. 不可否认地,无可辩争地 deniable adj.可否认的,可否定的35:refinement n.优雅;有礼貌;有教养 refine vt. 提炼;改善;使高雅 re表示“再”36:coed n.(男女同校大学

15、中的)女大学生Phrase And Expressions1:make sense 有道理;有意义 This sentence doesnt make any sense. 这个句子没有意义2:hear out 听某人把话说完She needed him to hear her out and render advice. 她需要他把话听完并提出建议。measuring stick 量尺; 标准 This is an inadequate measuring stick. 那样是不适当的!takefor granted 认为是理所当然的Dont take his help for grante

16、d. 不要认为他的帮助是应该的get the most out of 获益最多;充分利用excludefrom 把排斥在外Forgive me. You and your sister l must exclude from this. 原谅我,当然你和你姐姐除外。make an effort 尽力;努力More and more persons are make an effort to quItsmoking currently.目前越来越多的人正在尽力戒烟。be struck by 被所打动;迷恋某人(某物)sell oneself short 低估;轻视;小瞧(自己)10:setapa

17、rt 使与众不同;使突出His intelligence set him apart from the other boys in his class他的才华在班上的男孩中很突出11:be dying to do 渴望;极想 去做某事Unit 2 A Path to FollowText A Cracked or Perfect: We Can Make a Difference!cracked adj. 有裂缝的;破裂的 crack 裂纹复数:cracks 过去式:cracked过去分词:cracked 现在分词:cracking 第三人称单数:cracksbearer n. 持票人;送信人

18、;搬运工人pot n. 罐;容器;陶盆pole n.物极点,顶点;地极;杆子deliver vi.递送;传送 He delivered them the goods.他给他们送来了一些货物。portion n. 一部分port =part/divide,表示部分,分开stream n. 河流,小河,溪master n.硕士;(男)主人;大师accomplishment n. 成就;成绩 accomplish vt.完成;达到(目的);imperfection n. 不完美;缺点,瑕疵 adj. 完美的;miserable adj.悲惨的;令人痛苦的;非常难受的 词根:miser=wretche

19、d,表示可怜的 (miser可怜的+able可以的adj.痛苦的,悲惨的)12:perceive v. 将理解为;将视为;认为 (per全部+ceive抓全部抓住发觉)ceive=take/hold/seize, 表示拿,抓,握住13:bitter adj. 令人不快的;使人悲痛的 a long and bitter dispute 漫长的激烈争论bitterness n. 苦味;痛苦;愤愤不平14:apologize vi. 道歉,认错; I apologize for being late. 我为自己的迟到致歉。15:load n. 负荷;负担;装载;工作量 反义词unload 卸货;去除

20、负担16:flaw n. 瑕疵,缺点;错误 指结构或组织上的缺点,如破裂之处。用作比喻意义时,指品格上的缺陷compassion n. 怜悯,同情;恻隐之心pass=feeling,表示感情trail n. 小路;小径reply n. 回答,答复; (re回+ply折折回去答复)decorate vt. 装饰;装潢,布置 decoration 装饰品grace v.为增色;为锦上添花;装饰grat=pleasing,表示感激,高兴moral n.寓意,教训;教益being n.存在;生物;人;要素,本质be ashamed of 为感到羞愧,惭愧 ashamed adj. 惭愧的,羞耻的;难为

21、情的There is nothing to be ashamed of. 没有什么可难为情的。 the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfection and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.破陶罐因为自己的瑕疵而羞惭难当,为只能完成一半的工作而痛苦不堪。leak out 渗漏,泄露; leak vi. 漏出;透露fell sorry for 怜悯;同情 I feel sorry for you. 我为你感到惋惜。

22、take notice of 注意,注意到,理睬t take any notice of him; he is kidding around. 别理他,他不过是在胡闹。cheer up 振作起来; 使变得更高兴 Cheer up, Becky, and lets go on trying. 贝基,打起精神来!我们再去试它一试。”take advantage of 利用; 欺骗,占的便宜Take advantage of low-season airfares. 利用淡季飞机票价。Text B A Priceless lesson in Humilityhumility n. 谦逊,谦虚hum

23、= earth , 表示土,地 lity是抽象名词后缀sightseeing n. 观光,游览sigh t= vision, 表示眼光;观察,看treasure n. 金银财宝;宝藏;珍宝 trea 可靠的,镇店之宝+sure 确信,fellow adj. 同伴的;同类的unfortunate adj. 不幸的,倒霉的; fortunate adj. 侥幸的,幸运的;panhandler n. 乞丐;叫花子folk n. 人们;民族;家属 folk song 民歌elderly adj. 上了年纪的;过了中年的;较老的 与older 差不多extend v. 延伸;舒展;展开(尤指手臂或腿)r

24、eflex n. 反射动作;本能反应;loose change n. (口袋或包里随身带的)零钱 pin money 零花钱prejudice n. 成见,偏见,歧视assume v. 假定;假设; (as加强动作+sume拿,取拿住认为是假定,sume=take,表示拿,取incident n. 事件,发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的) 偶然事件 (in进入+cid落下+ent掉进来的事件)reawaken v. 勾起,唤起,再次引发(感情、回忆等)re awake ncore n. 核心(信念、价值、原则等),精髓; (cor心脏,一致+en.果核, 中心, 核心)reaffirm vt.

25、 重申;再次确定 re再次 + affirm 肯定,证实immigrant n. (外来)移民,侨民 migrate vi. 迁移,移往;移动no-nonsense adj. 简单直接的;言简意赅的;不说废话的roofer n. 修理(或盖)屋顶的工人cashier n. 出纳员 cash 现金mechanic n. 技工,机修工,汽车修理工;机械师 machine n. 机械;机器humble adj.(级别或地位)低下的;卑微的 (hum土,地+ble接近地面低下的)eventually adv. 终于,最后;终究( eventual adj.最后的,结局的,最终的+ly表副词adv.最后, 终于)busboy n. 餐馆勤杂工witness v. 当场看到;目击(多指罪行或事故) wit n. 机智;才智self-induced adj. 自己诱导的,(疾病、问题等)自己造成的take / go on a trip 旅行 Mom, may I go on a trip to Beijing? 妈妈,我可以去北京旅

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