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1、6、炉温均匀度 87、炉侧外壁温升 458、控温精度 19、控温方式 PID控制10、控温区数 1区11、空炉升温时间 2.5h三、使用条件1、室内使用; 2、周围没有导电尘埃、爆炸性气体以及能严重破坏金属和绝缘的腐蚀性气体;3、无明显震动和颠簸;四、结构简介RX3-65-12型箱式电阻炉(以下简称电炉)是周期作业式电阻炉,主要供一般中、小型金属或合金机件在低于650的空气中进行热处理加热之用。炉壳 炉壳采用型钢与钢板焊接而成牢固框架结构。 衬体炉衬为复合型结构,主体采用山东鲁阳的真空甩丝法生产的优质硅酸铝耐火纤维折叠块构筑,用标准的固定件及科学合理的镶装方法。纤维折叠块镶装前进行再次预压缩处

2、理,用专用不锈钢固定件固定在壳体上,炉衬总安装厚度为300mm,其中纤维折叠块安装厚度250mm,隔热层厚度为50mm。该结构具有低导热、低热溶优良的化学稳定性、热稳定性、抗热振性、优良的抗拉强度和抗腐蚀性。硅酸铝纤维最高耐温1200,固定件的材料选用不锈钢圆钢成型。衬体制作完成后,提高快速升温及保温的效果,最大限度提高炉子的热效率。炉底板采用耐热铸钢件,常用温度1200, 确保在使用中不变形、不氧化、不开裂,还可防止工件上的氧化物落到台车上砖槽内的电热元件上。电炉加热元件采用OCr27Al7Mo2耐高温电阻带,绕制成带状安装在炉两侧、后墙、底部、四个面上,牢固可靠、使用寿命长。电气控制 温度

3、控制主回炉采用PID、可控硅触发,上海国龙智能数显表控温,控温精度高,炉温平稳,温差波动小,和超温报警,双重控制,以自动控制为主,手动控制为辅,确保电炉安全可靠的正常使用。炉门装置 由炉门、炉门绞链机构和炉门压紧装置组成。炉门壳体由型钢与钢板焊接而成牢固框架,内用耐火纤维压制模块叠铺而成。炉门与炉门端墙、台车前端面之间的密封采用软性密封,有效地防止炉内热气外溢。 炉门的提升采用电动提升装置,主要由炉门架、炉门提升架、电动葫芦和滑轮等部分组成,炉门的升降主要是通过电动葫芦的正反转动来带动炉门的提升和下降。炉门提升电动葫芦上还配有刹车装置,可以有效地防止炉门在上升或下降时的惯性而产生的位移。炉门压

4、紧装置采用自重式结构,当炉门下降时,炉门利用自重通过滚轮在导轨上的斜面来压紧。此结构具有安全性能好、使用寿命长等优点。温控:温度控制采用多区段分区控制,采用上海国龙生产的智能数显温度控制器(TCW-32A),通过对其合理参数设定,可以达到每个温区最佳控制,利用其在线自整定功能,能计算出炉子的最佳PID参数,达到较为理想的温度稳定性。(1) 本系统分1区控制热处理炉温度和电机动作的连锁,各区温度超限设有报警装置。A、 根据工艺的要求,在智能仪表内设定升降温程序后,分配到各个温区控制。调用和编辑相应的工艺,向下级输信号,从上级仪表采集各区温度。B、 当打开总电源工作时,设备会根据智能仪表内所设定的

5、程序工艺正常对电炉实施控制。(2) 动力控制:控制执行系统采用大功率触发系统,配有散热器和全套风冷系统。同时配备有自动空气开关和快熔器作二级保护。各组电热元件设置电流表、电压表及电热元件的通断指示,具有通电连锁保护和安全接地措施,保证使用安全。炉门的升降,台车的进出全在控制柜完成,各动作之间都有可靠的电气连锁,并与电加热系统通电连锁保护。五、成套设备供应范围序号名称数量备注1炉体一套2传动系统炉门一套3加热元件电阻带4炉底板5温控系统6控制柜1只1800X600X400mm7电炉使用说明书1份8电炉使用合格证六、设备的质量标准、检测标准、测试手段质量标准:按国标JB 4311.3-91要求制作

6、,大于等于国家B级上标准。符合国标GB10067.1、GB10067.4技术条件。1、 检测标准:按国标GB10066.1、GB10066.4检验,安全符合GB5959.1和GB5959.4对电热设备的安全要求;设备符合TJ36和工业企业噪音卫生标准,噪音距离操作面1.5m以外85db。2、 测试手段:按JB4311.3-91中B级所列各项指标,参照GB10067.1、GB10067.4对各项参数进行检测。七、技术服务1、 售前服务:积极清楚答复需方各种咨询,真诚服务。2、 售中技术服务:在产品制造中,为使用户及时了解生产进度和处理问题,积极配合用户,定期以书面或电话向用户告之具体情况;在设备

7、现场,对用户设备操作人员进行技术培训,使被配训人员能熟练掌握设备的操作规程。3、 售后服务:按国家有关规定对产品实行“三包”,保用期为12个月,在质保期发生故障,免费提供配件及服务;在接到用户通知后,我厂承诺在48小时内赶赴现场,排除故障并交使用;在质保期满后一年内重复出现在质保期限内的故障仍属质保责任范围,并向用户优先提供优惠、优质的备件及各项修理服务;产品交货后,我厂销售部将指定专人负责设备使用情况,协助用户解决设备上出现的和可能出现的问题,实行产品定点终生服务制。八、主要原材料生产厂家厂家钢材马钢耐火砖江苏宜兴安徽明光上海合金厂电器正泰热电偶安徽天长智能仪表上海国龙升降机构常州九、电炉的

8、安装 本炉一般安装在地平面上,安装时考虑连接电热元件和装取热电偶的位置。 安装前必须了解及其熟悉说明书的内容兆欧表进行测量相与相、相与地之间的绝缘电阻应不低于0.5兆欧。 本炉的使用及维修保养本炉使用人员必须了解电炉及其配套设备(包括控制柜、仪表等)的构造及 其工作特性,同时亦应了解电气线路的布设情况。 在用户遵守电炉的运输、保管和使用规则的条件下,从制造厂发货日期起一年内,产品因制造质量不良而发生损坏或不能正常工作时,制造厂负责免费为用户修理或更换(易损件除外)。烘炉 在本炉安装完毕,投入使用之前,应对炉衬加热烘焙,除炉内的水份进行烘烤,室温-200烘烤8小时,200-400烘烤8小时,40

9、0-600烘烤8小时,对本设备搁置半年一上再使用时要是需要烘炉的。RX3-65-12 type high temperature box furnacesaybrightbookJiangsu Danyang anhing Industrial Furnace Technology Co. Ltd.2017 MayI. overview1200 C series of box type resistance furnace (hereinafter referred to as furnace) is a batch type furnace, mainly for small and med

10、ium sized metal or alloy parts used in heat treatment heating below 1200 degrees Celsius in the air, with uniform furnace temperature, simple structure, convenient operation, low energy consumption.Two, technical parameters1 、 rated power 65Kw+10%2 、 rated voltage 380V, 3 phase, 50Hz3, the maximum t

11、emperature of 1200 degrees (power adjustable)4, furnace size (length, width, height) 1200 * 600 * 400mm5. Heating element connection method Y6 、 furnace temperature uniformity + 87, the furnace side wall temperature is less than or equal to 45 DEG C8, the temperature control accuracy is 19 、 tempera

12、ture control mode PID control10, temperature control area 111, the heating up time is less than 2.5hThree, the use of conditions1, indoor use;2, there is no conductive dust, explosive gas and corrosive gases which can seriously destroy metal and insulation;3, no obvious vibration and bumps;Four. Int

13、roduction of structureRX3-65-12 type box type resistance furnace (hereinafter referred to as electric furnace) is a cycle operation type resistance furnace, mainly for medium, medium and small metal or alloy parts in less than 650 degrees Celsius in the air heat treatment heating.The shell of the fu

14、rnace shell is made of welded steel and formed a solid frame structure.The lining of the lining is a composite structure, and the main body is made of high quality aluminium silicate refractory fiber folding block produced by the vacuum spinning method of Shandong Lu Yang, which is made of standard

15、fasteners and scientific and reasonable mounting methods. Fiber folding block mounted again before the pre compression treatment, using special stainless steel shell is fixed in the fixed part, the total installed lining thickness is 300mm, which blocks the installation of Fiber Folding thickness mo

16、re than 250mm, the thickness of the insulating layer is 50mm. The structure has a tensile strength of low heat conductivity and low heat soluble chemical stability, excellent thermal stability, heat shock resistance, excellent corrosion resistance and. The aluminium silicate fiber has the highest te

17、mperature resistance of 1200 degrees, and the material of the fixing piece is made of stainless steel round steel. After the lining is finished, the effect of fast warming and heat preservation is improved, and the heat efficiency of the furnace is improved to the maximum.Furnace bottom with heat-re

18、sistant steel castings, the commonly used temperature are less than 1200, to ensure that in the use of non deformation, no oxidation, no cracking, but also can prevent the workpiece to oxide trolley electric heating element groove on the brick.The heating element of the electric furnace is made of O

19、Cr27Al7Mo2 high temperature resistance belt. It is made into strips and installed on both sides of the furnace, the back wall, the bottom and the four surfaces. It is firm and reliable and has long service life.Electric control temperature control main melted by PID, SCR trigger, Shanghai Liuzhou in

20、telligent digital display temperature control, high precision of temperature control, furnace temperature is steady, the temperature fluctuation is small, and over temperature alarm, dual control, automatic control, supplemented by manual control, and ensure the normal use of safe and reliable elect

21、ric furnace.The furnace door device is composed of a furnace door, a furnace door, a hinge mechanism and a furnace door pressing device.The door shell is welded by profiled steel and steel plate, and the solid frame is made of fireproof fiber pressing module. Soft sealing is adopted in the sealing b

22、etween the furnace door and the end wall of the furnace door and the front end surface of the trolley, so as to effectively prevent the heat from overflowing in the furnace.The door to enhance the use of electric lifting device, mainly by the door frame, door frame, electric hoist lifting pulley and

23、 other components, the lift door is mainly through the pros and cons of the electric hoist is rotated to drive the door up and down. The door hoist electric hoist is also equipped with a brake device, which can effectively prevent the furnace door from rising or falling inertia.The door pressing dev

24、ice adopts a self weight structure, and when the furnace door is down, the furnace door is pressed by the slope on the guide rail by self weight through the roller. The structure has the advantages of good safety performance and long service life.Temperature control: temperature control using multi

25、section partition control, using Shanghais Dragon production of intelligent digital temperature controller (TCW-32A), by setting the reasonable parameters, can achieve the optimal control of each temperature zone, using the online self-tuning function, can calculate the optimal PID parameters of fur

26、nace temperature stability, achieve the ideal.(1) the system is divided into 1 sections to control the temperature of the heat treatment furnace and the movement of the motor, and the alarm is equipped with the temperature exceeding the range.A according to the requirements of the process, after set

27、ting up the temperature rise program in the intelligent instrument, it is assigned to the control of each temperature zone. Call and edit the corresponding process, transfer signals to lower level, collect the temperature from the superior instrument.B when the power supply is turned on, the equipme

28、nt will control the electric furnace according to the program set in the intelligent instrument.(2) power control: the control and execution system adopts high power trigger system with radiator and full air cooling system. It is equipped with automatic air switch and fast fuse for two stage protect

29、ion. The electric heating element of each group is provided with a current meter, a voltmeter and an on-off indication of an electric heating element, and the utility model has the protective measures of electrified chain protection and safety earthing, and the use safety is guaranteed. The lifting

30、of the furnace door, the trolley in and out in the control cabinet, each action has a reliable electrical chain, and with the electric heating system chain protection.Five, complete sets of equipment supply rangeSerial number, name, quantity, remark1 sets of furnace2 transmission system, a set of furnace door3 heating element, a resistance belt4 sets of furnace bottom plate5 temperature control system6 control cabinet 1 1800X600X400mm7 electric stove instruction manual 18 use certificate of electric furnace 1Nine 、 installation of electric stoveThe furnace is generally installed on th

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