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本文(3套打包科教版五年级上册英语期末检测试题含答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、3套打包科教版五年级上册英语期末检测试题含答案解析第一学期期末教学质量检测五年级英语试题(卷)考生注意:本试卷满分10分,考试时间60分钟。考生一律用中性笔或国珠笔答卷,不能使用红笔答春。一英汉互译(20分)( )1.France A.超市( )2.apairoftrousers B.强壮的( )3.uncle C.儿童公园( )4.supermarket D.两双袜子( )5.chopsticks E.地图( )6.strong F.叔叔,伯伯( )7.sweepthefloor G.一条裤子( )8.twopairsofsocks H.法国( ) I.扫地( )10.childr

2、enspark J.筷子得分|评卷人 二、选出划线部分读音不同的一项(10分)( ) B.rice C.sit( ) B.why C.many( )3.A.home C.clock( ) B.pig )5.A.use B.bus C.music三、单项选择(20分)( )1.Canyou _mecookthemeal? A.helps C.helping( )2.Usethefork_yourlefthand A.for B.on C.with( )3.Mysisterlookstall-thin A.or

3、B.but C.and( )4.Weofteneatnoodlesanddumplingsin_. A.theUSA B.China C.Australia( )5.They_toobigforhimA. look B.looks C.looking( )6.Youcantakeabus_thebusstop. B.on )7.Momis_coffeeThat,sherfavorite. A.drinking B.drink C.drinks( )8.Welcome_ourhotel. A.for C.on( )9.-Howmucharethey?-_. A.i

4、ts100yuan.B.Theyare100yuan C.Hereyouare( )10.Shelooksbeautiful_thereddress. B.on C.for四、选择正确的一项补全句子(10分)1.Look_(in/at)theclockonthewall.2.Thereisashop_(behind/between)the schoolandthepark.3.Myfavoritefoodis_(drink/hamburgers).4.She_(speak/speaks)English.5.Canyou _(cleans/clean)thewindows?(陕西旅游)

5、五年级英语期末试题第2页(共4页)五、给下而的问句选择正确的答语(10分)( )1.WhatcanIdoforyou?( )2.Whatcanyoudoathome?( )3.Howcanwegettothehospital? ( )4.Whoistheyoungmaninblue? ( )5.Wheredoyoucomefrom A.Wewanttobuyat-shirtforourchild B.IcomefromtheUSA C.Youcantakeabusandgetoffatthehospital D.Heismyuncle. E.Icanhelpmymothercookthemea

6、ls.6、选择正确的一项补全对话(10分)A_.B:Yes?CanIhelpyou?A:Isthereasupermarketnearhere?_-B:Yes.A. _?B:Goalongthestreetandyoucanseeahospitalontheleft._.A:ThankyouB:_.A.I wanttobuysomefruitsB.Thesupermarketisbehindit.C.Excuseme.D.YouarewelcomeE.Canyoutellmethewaytothesupermarket?七、连词成句(注意大小写和标点符号,10分),fast,she,

7、very,can(.) _2. would,please,pass,me,spoon,you,the.(?)_3. time,have,good,a(!)_4.helpful,very,are,you( .),Dputer,many,games,too(.)_八、阅读短文并选择(10分) MyuncleSamisyoung.HecomesfromtheUSA.He istall.Helooks verystrong.Heisblack.Helikessportsverymuch.Basketballishisfavorite.HespeaksEnglish.AndHecanspe

8、akalittleChinese.Weoftenplaygamestogetherathome.( )1.MyuncleSamis_. A.old B.young C.short( )2.Hecomesfrom A.theUSA B.theUK C.France3._ishisfavorite. A.Football B.Basketball C.Reading4.Hecanspeakalittle_. A.English B.Chinese C.French)5.Weoften_togetherathome. A.playcomputerB.playbasketball C.playgame

9、s 五年级英语答案:1HGFAJ BIDEC2CCACB 3BCCBA 2.between 3.hamburger 4.speaks 5.clean5AECDA6CAEBD71.She can ran very fast.2. Would you please pass me the spoon.3. Have a good time!4. You are very helpful.5. Dont play too many computer games.八BABBC第一学期期末教学质量检测五年级英语试题(卷)考生注意:本试卷满分10分,考试时间60分钟。考生一律用中性笔

10、或国珠笔答卷,不能使用红笔答春。一英汉互译(20分)( )1.France A.超市( )2.apairoftrousers B.强壮的( )3.uncle C.儿童公园( )4.supermarket D.两双袜子( )5.chopsticks E.地图( )6.strong F.叔叔,伯伯( )7.sweepthefloor G.一条裤子( )8.twopairsofsocks H.法国( ) I.扫地( )10.childrenspark J.筷子得分|评卷人 二、选出划线部分读音不同的一项(10分)( ) B.rice C.sit( ) B.why

11、 C.many( )3.A.home C.clock( ) B.pig )5.A.use B.bus C.music三、单项选择(20分)( )1.Canyou _mecookthemeal? A.helps C.helping( )2.Usethefork_yourlefthand A.for B.on C.with( )3.Mysisterlookstall-thin A.or B.but C.and( )4.Weofteneatnoodlesanddumplingsin_. A.theUSA B.China C.Australia

12、( )5.They_toobigforhimB. look B.looks C.looking( )6.Youcantakeabus_thebusstop. B.on )7.Momis_coffeeThat,sherfavorite. A.drinking B.drink C.drinks( )8.Welcome_ourhotel. A.for C.on( )9.-Howmucharethey?-_. A.its100yuan.B.Theyare100yuan C.Hereyouare( )10.Shelooksbeautiful_thereddress. A.

13、in B.on C.for四、选择正确的一项补全句子(10分)1.Look_(in/at)theclockonthewall.2.Thereisashop_(behind/between)the schoolandthepark.3.Myfavoritefoodis_(drink/hamburgers).4.She_(speak/speaks)English.5.Canyou _(cleans/clean)thewindows?(陕西旅游)五年级英语期末试题第2页(共4页)五、给下而的问句选择正确的答语(10分)( )1.WhatcanIdoforyou?( )2.Whatcanyoudoat

14、home?( )3.Howcanwegettothehospital? ( )4.Whoistheyoungmaninblue? ( )5.Wheredoyoucomefrom A.Wewanttobuyat-shirtforourchild B.IcomefromtheUSA C.Youcantakeabusandgetoffatthehospital D.Heismyuncle. E.Icanhelpmymothercookthemeals.7、选择正确的一项补全对话(10分)A_.B:Yes?CanIhelpyou?A:Isthereasupermarketnearhere?_-B:Ye

15、s.B. _?B:Goalongthestreetandyoucanseeahospitalontheleft._.A:ThankyouB:_.A.I wanttobuysomefruitsB.Thesupermarketisbehindit.C.Excuseme.D.YouarewelcomeE.Canyoutellmethewaytothesupermarket?七、连词成句(注意大小写和标点符号,10分),fast,she,very,can(.) _4. would,please,pass,me,spoon,you,the.(?)_5. time,have,good,a(!)_

16、4.helpful,very,are,you( .),Dputer,many,games,too(.)_八、阅读短文并选择(10分) MyuncleSamisyoung.HecomesfromtheUSA.He istall.Helooks verystrong.Heisblack.Helikessportsverymuch.Basketballishisfavorite.HespeaksEnglish.AndHecanspeakalittleChinese.Weoftenplaygamestogetherathome.( )1.MyuncleSamis_. A.old B.yo

17、ung C.short( )2.Hecomesfrom A.theUSA B.theUK C.France3._ishisfavorite. A.Football B.Basketball C.Reading4.Hecanspeakalittle_. A.English B.Chinese C.French)5.Weoften_togetherathome. A.playcomputerB.playbasketball C.playgames 五年级英语答案:8HGFAJ BIDEC9CCACB 10BCCBA 2.between 3.hamburger 4.speak

18、s 5.clean12AECDA13CAEBD141.She can ran very fast.6. Would you please pass me the spoon.7. Have a good time!8. You are very helpful.9. Dont play too many computer games.八BABBC五年级上学期英语期末考试试题(含答案)一、根据26个字母的前后顺序,写出字母(大小写一起)。(共10分)Aa 1. Cc 2. Ee 3. 4. Hh Ii 5. 6. LI Mm 7. Oo 8. Qq Rr 9. Tt Uu 10. Ww Xx Y

19、y Zz二、请在括号内写出正确的阿拉伯数字。(10分)1. thirteen three ( ) 2. one fourteen ( )3. fifteen six ( ) 4. two sixteen ( )5. seven eight ( ) 6. ten ten ( )7. eighteen four ( ) 8. nineteen six ( )9. nine four ( ) 10. twenty two ( )三、将下列单词与其汉语意思连线。(10分)math 体育 listen 美术PE 音乐 art 科学music 课 speak 听lesson 数学 do 说Chinese

20、语文 science 做四、根据汉语意思,选择正确的英文翻译。(10分)( ) 1. 你们在英语课上做什么?A. What do you do in an English class? B. What do you do in a Chinese class?( ) 2. 我们说说唱唱。A. We speak and sing. B. We listen and sing.( ) 3. 那太好了!A. Thats bad. B. Thats great. ( ) 4. 这里有一支钢笔。A. Theres a pen here. B. Theres some books here.( ) 5.

21、晚安!A. Good morning! B. Good night! 五、根据汉语意思,补全单词。(10分)( ) 1. p_n(钢笔) A. e B. s C. i( ) 2. t_cher(老师) A. ea B. es C. is( ) 3. nine_(九十) A. ty B. ly C. vy( ) 4. pen_1(铅笔) A. li B. ci C. ni( ) 5. hun_ed(百) A. dt B. rd C. dr六、选择正确答案,填在题前括号里。(20分)( ) 1. Good afternoon, Miss Liu. _, Kate.A. Good morning B

22、. Good afternoon C. Good night( ) 2. Look _ the living room. There is a TV.Yes, and it is a big TV.A. in B. on C. at( ) 3. There _ two sofas and four armchairs in the room.A. is B. are C. be( ) 4. _ a new table.A. Heres B. Whats C. There are( ) 5. How many students _ in your class? There are four.A.

23、 are B. is there C. are there( ) 6. How _ books do you have? I have ten books.A. many B. much C. some( ) 7. _ subjects do you like best?I like English and music best. A. How B. What C. Which( ) 8. I like art.I like art, _.A. too B. to C. two( ) 9. Can you write them?Yes. I _.A. do B. can C. am( ) 10

24、. This is _ new home.A. I B. my C. me七、选出下列单词中不同类的一项,将其序号填入题前括号里。(10分)( ) 1. A. subject B. music C. art( ) 2. A. there B. here C. a( ) 3. A. apple B. fruit C. orange( ) 4. A. TV B. computer C. like( ) 5. A. listen B. sixty C. speak八、情境搭配。(20分)( ) 1. Happy New Year! A. Happy New Year!( ) 2. Whats the

25、 time? B. Its 8:15.( ) 3. Do you like bananas? C. Yes, I do.( ) 4. Which class are you in? D. Im in Class Four Grade Five.( ) 5. Whos this girl ? E. Shes my sister.( ) 6. Hows the weather today? F. Its cloudy.( ) 7. Open it and see. G. Thank you.( ) 8. This is for you . H. OK.( ) 9. How are you? I. Im from China.( ) 10. Where are you from? J. Fine, thank yo

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