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1、届英语总复习unit8firstaid大纲版第二册2011届英语总复习:Unit8First aid(大纲版第二册)I单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器 高考须掌握的词汇:1blood 2contain 3electricity 4wounded 5suddenly 6expIain 高考须掌握的短语:1catch 2over 3in 4in 51ist 6in考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1dtown vt使淹死,淹没;溺死eg: The man drowned him self in the lakc那人投湖自尽。 The great nood d

2、rowned many houses那次大洪水把许多房屋淹没了。 The noise from the plane drowned her voice 飞机的噪音淹没了她的声音。用法拓展:be/get drowned被淹没/淹死 eyes drowned in tears眼泪汪汪 drown oneself(投河)自杀 a drowning man快淹死的人a drowned man一个淹死的人 drown oneself in work埋头工作特别提醒:drown可用于被动语态中。案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1 (典型例题 分).Be careful when cross ing the

3、 bridge, or you will fall into the water and get A. wounded B. hurt C. drowned D. injured考题1点拨:答案为c。根据fall into the water得知掉到水里会被淹死的,而其他三项表示受伤,与题意不符。句意为:“过桥时一定要小心,否则你会掉下去淹死的。”2wllness vt目睹目击。为作证 n目击者,证据 eg:At leastteen people witnessed the robbery至少有15人目睹了这次抢劫案。She wittnessed to seeing that man take

4、 the money她作证说看见那个人拿走了那些钱。 He was a witness of the aecident他是事故的目击者。用法拓展:witness+名词 目睹目击 witness to sth/dolng sth为作证 call sbto witness叫某人 作证witness that从句证明作证说特别提醒:wimess当“目睹目击”讲,后直接接名词作宾语;当“为作证”讲时,后接介词to后才接名词或动名词作宾语。考题2-1 ( 典型例题 分 ) How can you prove that you arent connected with this accident? I h

5、ave two A. judges B. friends C. witnesses D. facts考题2-2 (典型例题 分 ) The girl witnessed the man burst into the bank on a dark night last week. A. to see B. seeing C. to seeing D. having seen考题21点拨:答案为c。根据句意可知此处应填入“证人”。句意为:“你怎么证明你与此事故无关?“我有两个证人。”考题22点拨:答案为C。witness当“作证,证明”讲后接介词to,再接动名词/名词作宾语。,句意为:“那个女孩作

6、证说她看见那人在上周一个漆黑的晚上闯入银行。”3respond vi回答应答,回应eg: She didnt respond to my question她没有回答我的问题。 He hasnt responded to the treatment yet他经治疗后尚未有起色。相关链接:response n回答。回应 responder n响应者 responslble adj有责任的 responsibility n责任,职责用法拓展:respond+to对回答对有反应,对有作用 respond+that从句 回答说respond to a letter回信 give/make no resp

7、onse to对不予回答 in response to回答回应 take thc responsibility fo r担负起责任 be responsible for对负责任 特别提醒:respond当“回答回应”讲时,后常与介词to连用。respond比answer更正式。考题3-1 ( 典型例题1 分 ) The govern-ment has to public pressure and dropped the proposal. A. answered B. got C. accepted D. responded考题3-2 (典型例题1 分) Our efforts resul t

8、ed failure. I feel Im also responsible it. A. in; to B. from: to C. in; for D. from: for考题31点拨:答案为D。answer后不接to,故选D。句意为:“政府已在公众压力下放弃了这一建议。”考题32点拨:答案为c。result in“导致,结果”,be responsible for“为负责”,为固定搭配。句意为:“我们的努力以失败告终我感到我也应时此负责任。” 二、重点短语4keep/bear一in raind记住eg:There is one thing that you must always kee

9、p in mind有一件事你要永远牢记。 You must keep in mind that he is much younger than you 你要记住他比你小很多。用法拓展:learnby heart记住 havein mind考虑,想做特别提醒:keep/bear一in mind后面可以接名词作宾语。也可以接从句作宾语。考题4 (典型例题 分)Unfortunately, when she was buying the clothes for him, she didnt the fact that he had gained some weight. A. keep on min

10、d B. fix in mind C. keep. in mind D. put in mind考题4点拨:答案为c。keepin mind的宾语是the fact,putin mind“使记起,提醒”。句意为:“很不幸,她买那件衣服给他时,她忘记他胖了一点的事实。5in honor of为了向表示敬意为庆祝,为纪念eg: We built this temple in honor of a great man 我们建这座庙是为了纪念一位大人物。 The party was held in honor of Miss Abby 这次晚会是为了纪念艾比女士而举行的。用法拓展:feel it an

11、 honor to do sth感到干是荣幸的事 It is an honor for sbto do sth对某人说干是荣幸的事情 be honored for因被尊敬feel honored for为感到荣幸特别提醒:honor可以作动词,也可作名词用。honor用作可数名词时表示“光荣的事,荣幸的事”。考题5 (典型例题)Washington, a state in the United States, was named one of the greatest American presidents. A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor o

12、f D. by means of考题5点拨:答案为A。in favor of赞成,支持”by means of通过方式”,instead of“作为的替换”,而in honor of “为了纪念”正合题意,故选A。6in case of假使,以防eg: In case of fire,ring the alarm ring万一失火的话,请按警铃。 Wed better insure the house in case offire这房子我们最好投保以防火灾。用法拓展:in case以防万一(后接从句),可用作副词短语单独用。 in case of万一,以防(后接短语) in that case

13、(若是)那样的话 in any case无论如何,在任何情况下 in no case无论如何都不,在任何情况下决不特别提醒:in case引导从句可以表示条件,但不表示目的。in no case“在任何时候决不”放在句首时,句子使用倒装。 eg:ln no case do we give in任何时候我们都决不投降。考题6 (典型例题)He set out very early he missed the early bus. A. so that B. in case C. in case of D. since考题6点拨:答案为B。根据题意:他出发很早以免误了早班车。so that“目的是

14、”,in case of万一,以免”,后接名词或动名词,in case“万一,以免”,后接从句,符合题意。故选B。三、重点交际用语7学习表示职责的情态动词:shouldmustought to,have to eg: You should never use ladders on a wet floor你不应该在湿地上使用梯子。 You mustnt move someone if he is badly hurt 如果一个人伤得厉害你一定不要移动他。 (1)must:have to must表“必须,应该”,否定式must not(mustnt)表“不应该,不许可不准禁止”等意思。 eg:

15、Your homework I/lUSt be handed in before the class is over你的作业必须在下课之前交上。 You must not take the books out of the reading room你不准把书带出阅览室。 must没有时态变化,一般用于现在时,但有时也可表过去的情况。 must可用来表推测,表“一定,必定”,用在肯定句中。 eg: He must be in the classroom now他现在一定在教室里。 must be doing sth一定正在做某事(对正在进行的动作的推测) must have done sth一定已经做了(对过去事情的推测)eg: He must be wai。ting for us noW他现在一定在等我们。He must have seen the film他一定看过这部电影。 have to表“必须,不得不”,在这个意义上接近must。但must表示的是说 话人的主观

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