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1、 A. $540. B. $590. C. $600.3. What will the man lend to the woman?A. A ruler. B. A pair of scissors. C. A piece of string. 4. What is the man doing now?A. Sending money to New York.B. Borrowing money from the bank. C. Checking the money from New York. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.

2、 A postcard. B. A conference C. A city第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the boy decide to do after school?A. Listen to some songs. B. Attend a birthday party. C.

3、 Come to the girls house7. What kind of DVD has the girl got this time?A. A musical. B. An adventure. C. A comedy 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Who would the man like to head the new project?A. Adams. B. Rick. C. Jan 9. What does the man think of Jan?A. She is aggressive enough. B. She is difficult to get along

4、 with. C. She has rich working experience. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Hand her a hammer. B. Pass her a tool box. C. Hold a ladder. 11. What is Mr. King doing now?A. Working at the project site. B. Having a meeting. C. Laying the bricks. 12. What does the woman sugg

5、est the man do now?A. Mix the paint. B. Paint the wall. C. Have lunch. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What does the woman use to make the soup?A. Fresh tomatoes. B. Canned tomatoes. C. Roast tomatoes. 14. Who taught the woman to make the soup?A. Her aunt. B. Her friend. C. Her mother. 15. How does the woman m

6、ake the soup thick?A. She adds less water. B. She adds more tomatoes. C. She boils the soup longer. 16. What does the woman add to make the soup really good?A. Milk. B. Butter. C. Cream. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the speaker say about the hotel?A. It is in the center of the town. B. Its includ

7、ed in the cost of the trip. C. It offers private rooms for visitors. 18. What can people do on the second day?A. See a famous monument. B. Take a boat trip. C. Do some shopping. 19. Which place should visitors pay extra money to visit?A. The Eiffel Tower. B. The Louvre Museum. C. The Notre Dame. 20.

8、 On which day are the visitors free to do anything?A. The first day. B. The second day. C. The third day. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15个小小题:每小题题2.5分,满分37.5分)AWinter driving requires special attention to road conditions. Ice, freezing rain, and snow make the roads very dangerous. These conditions requi

9、res us to be extra careful when wedrive. However, weather conditions sometimes cause drivers to lose control of their cars, thuscausing accidents. If you are in a car accident, here are some tips from the ConnecticutDepartment of Motor Vehicle.If you are involved in an accident or collision in Conne

10、cticut, you must be prepared to act responsibly and in accordance with state laws. The following are some general guidelines and more specific requirements to follow in case of an accident.First, as a responsible driver, you must never leave the scene of an accident. It is essential that you provide

11、 any necessary help immediately following an accident. Leaving an accidentscene can result in having your driving privileges canceled or your license suspended.After stopping your vehicle, you should pull up as close to the accident as safely possible without blocking traffic. Take a moment to asses

12、s the situation, and do not panic. Be awareof the traffic situation, and any other potential danger such as fire.You should do your best to provide immediate assistance for other motorists, passengers or pedestrians that may have been injured in the accident. Take extra care whenattempting to move a

13、n injured person; if possible, wait for an ambulance to arrive. Call 911 toreport any injuries and call for medical assistance. You are also required by law to inform thepolice immediately in case of any accident that involves death, injury or property death.If you have been injured in a car acciden

14、t, it is important to stay calm. If possible, ensure that you are out of danger and not blocking any oncoming traffic. Call or wait for help, and dohot attempt to move if you are unable to do so. See Auto Accident Injuries for more information.If you hit an unattended(无人看守的) vehicle,you must make an

15、 effort to find the owner or driver,and follow these same procedures. If you are unable to locate the owner of an unattended vehicle, you are required to leave a note indicating your name and contact information, and a brief description of the accident.21. Which of the following is NOT true if you w

16、ant to be a responsible driver?A. You should remain at the spot if an accident has occurred.B. You should park your car away from the accident to avoid blocking traffic.C. You should offer medical aid with extra care before an ambulance comes.D. You should inform the police of any injury or death ca

17、used by an accident.22. What should you do if you hit an unattended vehicle but cant locate the owner?A. You should drive it to the roadside.B. You should wait for the owner to come.C. You should describe the accident to the policeD. You should leave a note with necessary information.23. What does t

18、he passage mainly want to convey?A. The methods to avoid a traffic accident.B. The handling measures after a traffic accident.C. The emotions you experience in a traffic accident.D. The consequences you will have after a traffic accident.BWhen faced with the decision to get out of bed or have a few

19、more minutes of sleep, which do you choose? Believe it or not, that decision could make a world of difference in the rest of your day.About 85 percent of Americans use an alarm clock to wake up in the mornings, according to sleep researcher Till Roennenber. And while there are no official numbers on

20、 snoozing (打盹), a quick survey of social media makes it clear that hitting the snooze button is a popular pastime.As to how the snooze button will affect your day, scientists have mixed opinions. Some scientists think people who hit the snooze button in the mornings are actually clever, creative and

21、 happy while some said that hitting the snooze button will ruin your life, or at the very least your day. I feel that hitting the snooze button has got to be one of the worst things that ever happened to human sleep,” researcher Jonathan Horowitz said. The chances of you snoozing and actually experi

22、encing a meaningful rest are close to zero.”According to some sleep experts, when hitting the snooze button,you are in fact confusing your body and mind, and throwing yourself into a deep state of being sleepy. The body needs some time to wake up, so, when returning to what will be a light sleep for

23、 a brief period of time, you are putting your body back into a sleep mode before waking it again. At that point your body wont know what it wants, resulting in a sort of half awaken state.If you really want to take advantage of an alarm clock, the key is to form a healthy sleep cycle. Focus your eff

24、orts on getting enough sleep each night and waking up at the same time each day so that when your alarm goes off you feel rested.24What can we infer about hitting the snooze button from Paragraph 2?APeople do it just for fun. BIt is a common practice.CPeople take it seriously. DIt is a bit childish.

25、25What do some sleep experts think of hitting the snooze button?AIt is meaningful in the long term.BIt makes people become lazy.CIt brings us a sense of satisfaction.DIt affects our body and mind.26Whats the authors suggestion on getting the best out of alarms?AForming a good sleep habit. BTrying to

26、 relax ourselves.CMaking use of willpower. DUsing an extra alarm.27What is the best title for the text?AWays to keep refreshed in the morning.BThe snooze button and peoples character.CShould you rely on the snooze button?DHow to avoid the light sleep mode?CVisa last year offered up to 50 small busin

27、esses a $ 10,000 reward to go cashless. Though it is still too early to know what will happen to the businesses that won the competition (Visa hasnot announced the winners yet) , the key arguments in favor of cash-abandonment are that itwould lead to more efficient service and carry a lower risk of

28、theft. A recentNew York Timesarticle covered restaurants in Manhattan thattake plasticonly, and supporters are lookingforward to an entirely cashless society.Doing away with cash may indeed sound appealing. Supporters often note that China has already gone further in this direction than the United S

29、tates. But a few drawbacks are obvious: Card companies such as Visa charge merchants high process fees,the riskof fraud balances out the lower risk of theft, older consumers may not wish to make thechange, and consumers will lose yet more privacy (large companies will have the ability totrack every

30、purchase made). Perhaps the less obvious one is that a cashless system will exclude the poor and the near-poor,for many poor people dont have credit cards orbank accounts.Conditions in the US are nowhere near suitable for entering a cashless society;too many people would be left behind. Your young f

31、riend may be happy to accept money via PayPal oranother app,your cafe may use an iPad instead of a cash register,but landlords in low-income areas still prefer money orders. Its convenient for consumers to charge, say, anouting to the nail salon-but when you add the tip to your credit card bill, it may never make it to the worker.

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