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1、纠正,矫正;消除(弊病等)n治疗;疗法;对策,措施9curious adj.好奇的10dangerous adj.危险的11decade n十年;十年期12decide v决定,决断;判决;下决心13decision n决定14deed n行为;事迹;行动15defend vt.防守;保卫;辩护16delay v&n拖延,延迟,延期;延误,耽搁17deliberately adv.故意地,蓄意地,存心地18describe vt.描写,叙述,描述19design vt.设计,策划n设计,布局;图案,图样,样式20destroy vt.破坏,毁坏21determine vt.决定;影响;确定22

2、determined adj.有决心的,意志坚定的;果断的23different adj.不同的,有差异的24dig v挖(洞、沟),掘25digest v消化,领会26direction n方向;方位;指示27dirty adj.脏的;卑劣的28disappointment n失望;沮丧29discover vt.发现30disturb vt.扰乱;打扰;使焦虑31draw v绘画;绘制;拉,拖;提取,领取(金钱);吸引;引起32dream n&vt.梦,梦想写一写1convenient adj. 2correct v adj. 3cost v n 4courage n 5cover n v

3、 6crazy adj. 7crowd n vt. 8cure vt. 9curious adj. 10dangerous adj. 11decade n 12decide v 13decision n 14deed n 15defend vt 17deliberately adv. 18describe vt. 19design vt. 20destroy vt. 21determine vt. 22determined adj. 23different adj. 24dig v 25digest v 26direction n 27dirty adj. 28disappointment n

4、 29discover vt. 30disturb vt. 31draw v 真题感悟Passage1(2020全国卷)As a businesswoman, I care deeply about my customers. But like anyone for whom you feel affection, _1_ can also drive you mad. Theyll come rushing in, _2_ their handbags been stolen. Theyll _3_ that they left it in the changing room, create

5、 havoc (混乱) and then _4_ it had been in their car all the time. Theyll have out half the _5_ in the shop, and want the only style you dont have left in a _6_ colour. I do know how upset the shop staff can get, but I try to persuade them to keep _7_.I remember the first really _8_ customer we had at

6、Covent Garden. She was _9_ absolutely everything, nothing was right and I was rather _10_ that she became a “regular”. After a while, she _11_ for the way she behaved at the beginning. She had split up with her husband the week before, was living in a flat _12_, and since shed found it too much to c

7、ope with (应对), shed taken it out on _13_ people.That taught me a valuable _14_ and I pass it on to the people who _15_ in the market. Dont take it _16_. If a customer is rude or difficult, just think “Maybe shes had a row with her husband. Maybe her childs not _17_.” Always water it down and dont le

8、t your ego (自我) get _18_. If you do, you wont be able to _19_ it and the whole thing develops into an unpleasant scene and that _20_ everyones day.篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者遇到了一位难缠的顾客,一开始对每件事都不满意,结果居然成了常客。最后这位顾客和作者的交流让作者学到了宝贵的一课。1A.shopkeepers Bcustomers Csalespersons Dreceptionists答案:Bshopkeeper “店主”;custo

9、mer “顾客”;salesperson “售货员”; receptionist “接待员”。根据上文“I care deeply about my customers”可知,作者是生意人,因此此处指的是顾客让自己抓狂。故选B。2A.saying Bpretending Cguessing DreplyingA根据下文“their handbags been stolen”可知,此处是指说的内容,应用say。故选A。3A.agree Bpromise Cimagine DswearDagree “同意”;promise “承诺”;imagine “想象”;swear “发誓”。顾客冲进作者的店

10、里,信誓旦旦地说自己的包是忘在了更衣室里。故选D。4A.forget Bdecide Cdiscover DassumeC根据下文“it had been in their car all the time”可知,顾客一开始说包忘在了更衣室,最后发现(discover)包一直在他们自己的车里。故选C。5A.foods Bcatalogues Cbelongings DgoodsDfood “食物”;catalogue “目录”;belonging “所有物”;goods “商品”。根据后文“in the shop”可知,此处指的是商店里的商品。6A.particular Bdifferent

11、Cmatching DnaturalA根据上文“the only style you dont have left in a”可知,顾客试了店里一半的商品,结果想要的只是那种颜色特别(particular)但没有存货的款式。7A.fighting Bsmiling Cwaiting DchangingB根据上文可知,一些顾客有一些很不合理的要求和行为,面对这种情况,虽然店员会很沮丧,“但是”一词表示转折,与“沮丧”一词情感色彩相反,结合选项,B项“微笑”符合句意。8A.generous Bpolite Ccareless DdifficultD根据下文“nothing was right”可知

12、,这位顾客很难缠。9A.curious about Bdispleased with Cpatient with Duncertain aboutBcurious about “好奇”;displease with “对不满意”;patient with “对有耐心”;uncertain about “对不能肯定”。根据下文“nothing was right”可知,这个顾客对一切都不满意。10A.relaxed Bdelighted Csurprised DembarrassedC根据上下文可知,这位顾客对一切都不满意,但是居然成了“常客”,这让作者感到很惊讶。11A.searched Ba

13、rgued Cprayed DapologizedD根据语境可知,顾客一开始很难缠,对一切都不满,结果后来成了常客,她开始为自己一开始的行为道歉。apologize for “为某事道歉”。 chance Bby herself Con purpose Don dutyBby chance “偶然”;by herself “独自地”;on purpose “故意地”;on duty “值班”。根据上文“She had split up with her husband the week before, was living in a flat”可知,女顾客和丈夫分居了,因此现在是独

14、自住在一套公寓里。13A.rude Bsuch Cother DlonelyC根据上文“since shed taken it out on”可知,她难以应对这样的压力,于是决定把气撒在其他人身上。other people “其他人”。14A.lesson Btrick Cskill DtradeAlesson “课程,教训”;trick “诡计”;skill “技能”;trade “贸易”。根据下文作者的感悟可知,这件事让作者学到了宝贵的一课。 Bshop Cmeet DquarrelA根据下文“in the market”可知,是指在市场上工作的人。16A.kindly B

15、secretly Cpersonally DcasuallyC根据下文“Always water it down and dont let your ego (自我)”可知,此处作者想说的是不要太在意这些事。短语take it personally “在意,把这些放在心上”。17A.ready Baway Cup DwellD根据上文“Maybe shes had a row with her husband”可知,此处列举的是顾客家中有不好的事情发生的情况。18A.out of sight Bin the way Cbehind the scene Dabove the lawBout of

16、 sight “看不见”;in the way “妨碍,挡道”;behind the scene “幕后”;above the law “凌驾于法律之上”。上文作者提到不要太在意一些粗鲁或难缠的顾客的言语或行为,要淡化这种不好的情绪,即不要让自己的自我妨碍了自己。19A.stress Bexpect Chandle DblameC句意:如果你这样做了,你将无法处理它,整个事情发展成一个不愉快的场面。本段内容主要是在说明如何处理粗鲁难缠的顾客的问题。20A.ruins Bmakes Cstarts DsavesA根据上文“the whole thing develops into an unpl

17、easant scene and that”可知,一旦事情发展成不愉快的场面,那么最终只会毁(ruin)了每个人的一天。Passage2Ecotourism involves people traveling to beautiful but environmentally sensitive places. Such trips are _1_ carried out with an experienced guide. Over recent years, this type of travel has been steadily gaining _2_ as more people se

18、arch for new travel experiences.Ecotourism has many benefits. First, all the _3_ spent by the tourists is used to _4_ the important environmental spots they visit. Second, it helps _5_ to better understand the environment, thereby _6_ their knowledge of the world. Furthermore, this style of travel i

19、s also more _7_ of the local culture.Compared to _8_ tourists, ecotourists use energy more efficiently, save water and produce less rubbish by finding ways to _9_ it. These behaviours have a _10_ and lasting effect on the local environment.Two things are needed to make ecotourism a(n) _11_. First, i

20、t should be done in small groups. And second, because it requires considerable effort, both ecotourists and locals must be _12_ in their commitment to improving the environment.Green travel provides local people with jobs in parks, _13_ and shops. One great achievement of ecotourism has been the _14

21、_ of illegal hunting. Former hunters can now work as guides to help keep the animals _15_ in their natural surroundings. Green travel also _16_ local peoples quality of life, especially childrens.Peru is one country using ecotourism to promote respect for the _17_. Its now able to take better care o

22、f its rainforests because of a(n) _18_ on more sustainable (不破坏生态平衡的,可持续的) travel. _19_ this, local peoples living standards have improved. Many others are now following Perus _20_ and using ecotourism to preserve their environment for the future generations.本文是一篇说明文。近几年生态旅游越来越受到大家的青睐,文章重点陈述了生态旅游的好处

23、。1A.finally Busually Csuddenly DroughlyB这样的旅行通常在有经验的导游的帮助下进行。故B项正确。2A.pleasure Bsatisfaction Cpopularity DfreedomC根据下文“more people search for new travel experiences”可知,更多的人寻求新的旅游体验,所以这种旅行受到大家的欢迎。故C项正确。 Btime Cenergy DeffortA根据下文“is used to _4_ the important environmental spots they visit”可知,

24、游客所花的钱被用于重要的生态景点。故A项正确。4A.pollute Bprotect Cpurchase DexploreB根据语境并结合选项可知,生态旅游中游客所花的钱被用来保护生态景点。5A.scientists Bhunters Cguides DvisitorsD生态旅游有助于游客更好地了解自然环境。故D项正确。6A.approving Bconfirming Cenriching DsupportingC根据上文“better understand the environment, thereby”可知,生态旅游帮助游客更好地了解自然环境,因此丰富了他们的知识。7A.respectf

25、ul Baware Cuncertain DindependentA根据上文可知,生态旅游帮助游客了解自然环境,这对当地的文化是一种尊重。be respectful of sth “尊重某物”,故A项正确。 BcuriousClazy DnormalD根据语境可知,此处指与平常的游客相比,生态旅游的游客能更有效地使用资源、节约用水等。9A.use Brecycle Ccopy DrestrictB根据语境可知,他们想办法循环利用资源,目的是减少垃圾的产生。10A.challenging Bdisappointing Cpositive DriskyC根据上文及下文“lasting

26、 effect on the local environment”可知,这些行为对当地环境有积极持久的影响。11A.success Badventure Ctool DsymbolA根据下文提到的两点可知,人们需要做到这两点才会让生态旅游成功。12A.polite Bsincere Cdoubtful DgratefulB根据下文“their commitment to improving the environment”可知,承诺改善环境的态度应该是真诚的。13A.mines Bfactories Cschools DhotelsD结合选项可知,生态旅游给当地人提供了在公园、酒店和商店工作的

27、机会。14A.ban Bresult Cdecline DappearanceC本段列举了生态旅游的好处。根据下文“Former hunters can now work as guides”可知,以前的狩猎者现在可以当导游,所以生态旅游的一个成就是减少了非法狩猎行为。15A.close BsafeCfriendly DactiveB根据上文可知,生态旅游使非法狩猎行为减少了,以前的狩猎者现在当导游,这样有助于保证动物的安全。16A.influences Bexamines Cbalances DimprovesD根据最后一段中的“local peoples living standards

28、have improved”可知,生态旅游也改善了当地居民的生活质量。17A.environment BlawCeconomy DhostsA根据下文“following Perus _20_ and using ecotourism to preserve their environment”可知,秘鲁利用生态旅游来提高人们对环境的尊重意识。18A.effect Btheory Cfocus DdiscussionC根据语境可知,此处指秘鲁将重点放在可持续旅游上。19A.But for BAccording to CIn spite of DIn addition toD根据语境可知,此处指除了能更好地保护雨林之外,生态旅游还有一个优势,即提高了当地人的生活水平。20A.example Brule Cadvice DtraditionA根据语境可知,

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