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1、 哈哈我第一局先和张珂瑾斗,由于我太急于求成,第一盘就败在她手上。 我就这样旗开得胜了。 “哎”我情不自禁地叹了口气,其次盘、第三盘我全力以赴、用心致志最终反败为胜,获得了女子第一名,我喝彩起来。通过这件事,我明白了做事要胆大心细,镇静冷静,不能急于求成,那样做什么都能圆满胜利。3.急求一篇能吸引同学对五子棋的爱好的发言稿 博弈是东方文化生活的重经组成部分,它不但不同于一般的消遣嬉戏,还影响和陶冶着人们的道德观念、行为原则、审美趣味和思维方式。琴、棋、书、画并称中国四大传统艺术形式,成为一种具有丰富内涵的文化形态。“弈”中的恬淡、豁达、风雅、机灵和军事、哲学、诗词、艺术共聚一堂。黑白之间,楚河

2、汉界内外,棋艺带来的启悟和内涵被无限拓展,棋盘之外的天地被融合为一,成为中国棋文化的最大特点之一。方寸棋盘,还具有磨炼人的意志,陶冶人的情操,兴奋民族精神的作用。 围棋和象棋是中华民族才智和意志的结晶,是中华民族优秀的传统文化遗产,包含了中华五千年悠久的历史和厚重的文化沉淀。 可以和同学们谈谈棋文化与棋精神,可能他们还不是很懂,但是个人觉得很有必要。4.急求一篇能吸引同学对五子棋的爱好的发言稿 琴、棋、书、画并称中国四大传统艺术形式,成为一种具有丰富内涵的文化形态。 黑白之间,楚河汉界内外,棋艺带来的启悟和内涵被无限拓展,棋盘之外的天地被融合为一,成为中国棋文化的最大特点之一。可以和同学们谈谈

3、棋文化与棋精神,可能他们还不是很懂,但是个人觉得很有必要。5.一篇关于引见五子棋的英语演讲稿 将中文译成英语Gobang historyBackgammon, also known as beads, and even five sons, the Japanese call it five stones, (five head and , speed beads), the English called it Gobang , mo - r phion Renju or FIR (Five In A Row abbreviation) , is a very well-known Chine

4、se folk kind of an old chess. According to legend, it originated in the period of four thousand years ago, Emperor Yao, but also a long history of more than chess. Some legends, the first popular backgammon minority areas, gradually evolving into the future and the descendants of generations of ches

5、s throughout the open. Backgammon easy to learn and understand, so many people under the Go Go and many people will not be under the under the backgammon.Cultural and historical information about early backgammon and chess are similar because of the ancient game of chess with backgammon and chess ar

6、e the same. According to by Shan Hai Jing and reads: Hugh Yu Yan mountain of stone, the name of God chess sets, like quail eggs colored and the text . Li Shan cited San Guowei Handan Chun Art by in the saying: chess game, aspect of the seventeen, two hundred eighty-nine together, white and black pie

7、ces, the one hundred and fifty. 2O century and the early 50s, looking in Hebei Han tombs unearthed cultural relics are in the board there is one stone seventeen. Xintangshu Limi Biography middle way side if the chess game, a round if the pieces. Dynasty, People will board on the lane that the Ping b

8、etween lanes that the squares of a chessboard, or cell. Game Theory Mean:Ran out of a chessboard on which they fail to materialize, the business side squares of a chessboard, but between , referring to the chess also.As for the reasons chess, chess Road, also recorded in history books, eat three squ

9、are meals a day and do no work, hard carry indeed! Player does not have peace, whom I still have almost Yin (The Analects of Confucius). Tim care about chess silent way, while the choice for the acute and jen to all, meaning you can observe, Li is able to change the energy and wisdom; letter is to g

10、rams, five gentlemen who know Sri Lanka. The end for chess can carry on wordsSong), fascinating chess, chess fascinating. Song read Qu Qu Qing Song of Commerce Thirty in the saying, of around dusk, the people still coming off. Wen Huan prescribing Bureau, who has been re will of. According to legend

11、, the Song Dynasty show a Jiaozhao division between man and man named Sima Guang under similar backgammon. Sima Guang not keep the appointment in a hurry, so Zhao Shi Xiu restless. As a result, Zhao Shi show left a poem about:Every family apricot season rain, the grass frog ponds everywhere, some do

12、 not come over at midnight, knocking pieces off the firepans free.In ancient times, backgammon and chess chess compared with similar though, but the dismount is completely different. As the Ci Hai in the said, backgammon is a chess game. Chess and Go the same. Two games, taking turns Now, the first

13、of five children together into a monk for the win. As people have to backgammon as with five sub- Pente , perhaps from the history books, Sun and Moon, such as combination, the five-star, such as Pente ( Han ).Backgammon is easy to learn, but it is esoteric complicated. After generations in history

14、thousands of years to maintain vitality backgammon, it is not only rooted in China, and has long been out of Asia, to the world.Which month in which backgammon which at spread abroad, is still a mystery. However, according to Japanese historical documents that the Chinese ancient backgammon is sprea

15、d from China to Korea (DPRK) and later spread to Japan. Until AD 1688-1704 Yuan Lu Japanese era, backgammon was introduced to Japan, which was mainly aristocratic family in the palace and the popular end of the Yuan Lu, from Kyoto, since this was known as the five head hit, Five The game began to fl

16、ourish in private. Whether warrior, monk advocates, farmers, and so can participate in this activity. to 32 years of Meiji (AD 1899), after a public sign name, Pente the name was formally established down. From this, the Pente this activity through continuous improvement. The important rule reforms

17、include: 1899 prohibited black and white sides to the Double Three; 1903 provides that only the black side against holding the first take the Double Three 1912 stipulates that if forced to go into the Black double three 。6.求一篇下五子棋的作文,少点的 哈哈哈,你败了吧!”听到这声音,或许你不晓得是怎样回事,但我很明白。原来,我家的“五子棋高手”老爸在和妈妈较量呢,最终还是老

18、爸胜了。 为了战胜老爸,我就缠着爸爸教我学走五子棋。没想到,他开心地答应了。爸爸给我讲解了五子棋的走法和一些技巧,我就开头本人练习,并打算在一星期以后向爸爸挑战。 七天六天五天四天一星期过去了。万事俱备,只欠东风。最终等到竞赛的那一天。竞赛开头了,爸爸执黑先走,连出妙招。我也不甘示弱,用心致志,对黑方绽开“围追堵截”。黑白双方进行了一场混战,相互缠绕,你中有我,我中有你。只见爸爸一会儿脸色凝重,眉头紧锁。一会儿哈哈大笑,得意洋洋。 战役进行到后期,整个棋盘上黑白相间,密密层层,使人看得眼花缭乱。这时,我发觉我的棋子已经连成三个,假如再放上去一个,爸爸就输定了。我暗自祈祷:“老天保佑,爸爸千万别

19、观察”。正在爸爸兴奋的时候,我趁他一不留神将我的白子构成了一个打算胜败的“四连星”。爸爸只好拱手认输,连连唉叹:“骄兵必败,骄兵必败啊!好小子我倒小看你了,没想到,你也是一个“五”林高手啊!” 7.棋场如战场 人生就是一局棋,我们每时每刻走的是不同的路,本人就是一军主帅,正邪之事被楚河汉界分两边,无论本人手中快车巧马,侍卫丞相,必需要做到攻守自若,首尾呼应,切勿急躁,否则一招走错误天下。 象棋竞赛当然是一种体育竞技项目,但我们不只要本着公正,更要把“友情第一,竞赛其次”的放在首位。希看大家能通过此次竞赛活动,赛出友情,赛出风格,在竞赛中不断呈现当代高校生的优良作风,听从裁判裁决,呈现出名流风度

20、,淑女气味,使竞赛有条不紊的进行下往,继而使大赛达到*,给每个人留下深刻难忘的印象,展现同学们聪慧才智和随机应变力量,向社会展现我们青年人的强健英姿。8.五子棋与人生作文 五子棋与人生经过了一场一开头就已定输羸的棋盘中,我的心思豁然开朗,感悟到人生的启迪。 昨天下午,我闲着无事便在院子的树荫下与李爷爷下起了五子棋。李爷爷已经七十多岁了,下棋的水平在我们院子里小出名气。 我自然就不敢放松警惕,李爷爷却是一副泰然自如的样子。仿佛胜卷在握。 他悠闲地喝下一口茶,一手拿着一枚棋子慢吞吞地放下去。我却与李爷爷截然相反,额头紧沁汗珠。 手中的一枚棋子一直握在手中,不知从放到哪个位置才好。经过一小时的激烈“

21、战役”,李爷爷占了上风,我明明晓得本人确定会输,只是“战役”时间长短的问题,可我仍旧很努力坚持。 李爷爷却笑着说:“我不客气啦!”于是在我的意料之中羸完了我最终一颗棋子。李爷爷笑着说:“我羸了。 我垂头丧气地低下头说:“是的,我输了。”李爷爷摸摸我的头说:“别泄气!你的坚持很让我观赏,但是你从开头就以一种肯定会输的态度与我“对战”。 就难羸我。做什么事都要信念,以一种不自信的心态去做事很难胜利,以一种自信的心态对待,不肯定会失败。 人生就是如此。我终于是弄明白了”。 他又拿起茶杯,渐渐地品着茶。我似懂非懂地点点头说:“那我们再下一盘?”不了。 你要记住,棋可以重下,但人生之棋不行能再重来的!”

22、这次下棋让我懂得了许多。人生如棋,假如稍不当心走错了一步,就会影响本人的一生。 我们正处在学习阶段,肯定要把这颗棋子放在最佳的位置上,为以后的成功打好基础。9.下五子棋写一篇作文,请大家帮忙 我想和妈妈下一盘五子棋,妈妈是五子棋高手,下棋找高手嘛!妈妈同意了。 第一局,我执黑,妈妈执白。我先把黑子放到了棋盘的最两头,妈妈把她的白子放到我黑子的上边。 我挨着黑子右边又放了一个子,妈妈在右边堵住我的路,我又往下进展我的势力,挨着黑子往下放,想连成一条线。妈妈又堵我的路。 我乐观组织阵线,妈妈围追堵截。最终我们打了个平棋,棋子全用完了。 其次局,妈妈始终想把她的棋连成五子,我围追堵截,我有三个子已经连成一条线了,两头都没棋,妈妈没发觉,我暗暗兴奋,把我的子啪的一声跟那三个子连成线了,妈妈堵了一头,我在另一头放了一个子,五个子连成一条线,就像一排威猛雄壮的士兵! 第三局,我特别乐观地组织阵线,但是由于慌着取胜,连妈妈的棋都不看了,结果妈妈有一步好棋我没发觉,输了!我想:下一场我要看好妈妈的棋。 孙子兵法说:知己知彼,百战不贻;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼不知己,每战必败。 这句话太有道理了! 第四局,我看好了妈妈的棋,绞尽脑汁,赢了! 第五局,我全力以赴,又赢了! 五局三胜,我是冠军。

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