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1、 邢学东 日期:2007年12月12日Reviewed by: Huang Xingyun Date: December 26, 2007审核: 黄兴运 日期:2007年12月26日Evaluated by: Wang Hailian, Zhu Daoping, Tian Wenli评审: 王海莲 朱道平 田文利 Approved by: Liu Fashu Date: January 5, 2008批准: 刘法书 日期:2008 年1月5 日2008-1-8 Issued发布 2008-1-8 Implemented实施SEPCO III Electric Power Constructio

2、n Corporation山东电力建设第三工程公司1 Procedure purpose程序产生目的 The procedure is prepared to standardize the EPC project quality management, to ensure that the EPC project satisfy the contract requirements, to ensure that project quality management run through the whole process of project management and to ensur

3、e the continuous improvement of quality management of the company. 为规范EPC项目的质量管理,确保公司EPC项目满足合同要求,保证项目质量管理贯穿项目管理的全部过程,促进公司质量管理水平的持续提升,特制定本程序。2 Applicable scope of the procedure程序适用范围The procedure is applicable to the quality management of the undertaken EPC projects of the company.适用于公司承建的EPC项目的质量管理。

4、3 Procedure performer程序执行者3.1 Chief (deputy) engineer is responsible for the settlement of quality management and major quality problems.公司总(副)工程师:负责公司质量管理工作及重大质量问题的处理。3.2 The Technology Center is responsible for the operation of the quality management system and responsible for the settlement of qu

5、ality accidents.技术中心:负责质量管理体系的运行,负责组织质量事故的处理。3.3 The Overseas Business Department is responsible for the project design quality control and responsible for the quality control during the material transport process.海外事业部:负责项目设计质量控制,负责物资运输过程中的质量控制。3.4 The Equipment Supervision Department is responsibl

6、e for the quality control during the equipment supervision process.设备监造部:负责设备制造过程中质量控制。3.5 The Material Management Department is responsible for the purchasing quality management.物资管理部:负责采购质量控制。3.6 The Project Department is responsible for the site construction quality management and responsible for

7、 the establishment of two-level quality management network headed by the chief engineer.项目部:负责现场施工的质量管理,建立项目总工责任制的二级质量管理网络。4. Procedure text程序正文4.1 Quality control at the phase of project planning: the quality planning shall be carried out within the scope of the project contact according to the con

8、tracted scope and characteristics of the project. The quality plan shall be prepared as per EPC Project Planning Control Procedure. 项目策划阶段的质量控制:在项目合同条件下,根据项目承包的范围和特点进行质量策划,编制质量计划。具体执行EPC项目策划控制程序。4.2 Quality control during the design process: the primary design documents shall be prepared for design

9、review and the construction drawing design or detailed project design documents shall be prepared. EPC Project Design Process Control Procedure shall be executed.设计过程的质量控制:编制初步设计文件,进行设计审查,编制施工图设计或详细工程设计文件。具体执行EPC项目设计过程控制程序。4.3 Quality control during the purchasing process: quality control of the pur

10、chased equipments shall be executed as per EPC Project Equipment Supervision Control Procedure; the quality control of the purchased materials shall be executed as per EPC Project Material Purchasing Management Procedure.采购过程的质量控制:采购设备的质量控制执行EPC项目设备监造控制程序;采购材料的质量控制执行EPC项目材料采购管理程序。4.4 Quality control

11、 during construction施工阶段的质量控制4.4.1 Quality plan:质量计划: Project Department shall prepare the project implementation quality plan before startup of the project, which shall be referred to in external quality assurance and internal quality control after approval. The project quality plan is pr

12、epared by the Director of Project Engineering Department and approved by the chief engineer of the project.项目部应在项目开工前编制项目实施质量计划,经审批后作为对外质量保证和对内质量控制的依据。项目质量计划由项目工程部主任组织编制,项目总工批准发布。 project quality plan shall reflect the quality management and control requires during the whole process from t

13、he resource use to the final quality inspection and test of the project.项目质量计划应体现从资源投入到完成工程质量最终检验和试验的全过程质量管理和控制要求。 References for the preparation of project quality plan shall include: 项目质量计划的编制依据应包括:1)Various index and acceptance criteria stipulated in the contract合同中规定的各项指标及其验收标准2)relevant

14、laws, regulation, technical standards and criteria相关法律、法规及技术标准、规范3)quality management system documents and requirements of the company公司的质量管理体系文件及要求4)overall design of project construction organization项目施工组织总设计4.4.1.4 The project quality plan shall include:项目质量计划应包括下列内容:1) quality target, quality in

15、dex and quality requirements of the project;项目的质量目标、质量指标、质量要求2)quality management organization and duty of the project项目的质量管理组织与职责3)quality assurance and coordination of the project项目的质量保证与协调4)standards, criteria and regulations of the project项目应执行的标准、规范、规程5)measures taken to realize the quality tar

16、get and quality requirement实施项目质量目标和质量要求应采取的措施6) Quality inspection and control measures: the project grade inspection and assessment form shall be prepared before the startup of the project to clarify the items inspected respectively by the contractor, the Project Department, the owner (supervisor)

17、 and to identify the control measures to achieve the quality standard.质量检验和控制方法:在开工前编制项目分级验评表,并明确由分包商、项目部、业主(监理)实施检验验收的项目;明确实现质量标准的控制方法。4.4.2 Quality training质量培训The quality management personnel in the Project Department and the contractors place shall be trained periodically about the procedure, st

18、andard, quality inspection and control measures to improve the quality control level of quality personnel at all levels, which shall be executed as per relevant training procedures.定期对项目部和分包商质量管理人员进行规程、规范、质量检验和控制方法等知识的培训,提高各级质量人员的质量控制水平,具体执行相关培训程序。4.4.3 Quality control质量控制4.4.3.1The project quality

19、control shall cover all input information, requirements and effectiveness of the project to ensure the correctness and effectiveness of the project quality.项目的质量控制应对项目所有输入的信息、要求和资源的有效性进行控制,确保项目质量输入正确和有效。 Project Department shall organize the technology disclosure before the construction to

20、 understand the technical, quality and criteria requirements in the design purpose and design documents.项目部在施工前组织设计交底,理解设计意图和设计文件对技术、质量和标准的要求。 Project Department is responsible for urging the contract to establish a quality system and responsible for the inspection and supervision of the o

21、peration to ensure that the site construction requirements are satisfied.项目部负责督促分包商建立质量体系,并检查、监督其有效运行,确保满足对现场施工工艺质量的要求。 The project quality control includes the quality control of the contracted project. The Project Department supervises the quality management of the contractor according to t

22、he contract.项目部将分包工程的质量纳入项目质量控制范围,按合同的约定监督分包商的质量工作。 The special engineer (special manager) of the Project Department supervises the quality during the construction process, identifying and controlling the special process and key procedures and keeping the records. The quality records produced

23、 during the project implementation process shall be identified, collected, preserved and archived in accordance with relevant provisions.项目部专业工程师(专业经理)对施工过程的质量进行监督,对特殊过程和关键工序进行识别与质量控制,保持质量记录。按规定对项目实施过程中形成的质量记录进行标识、收集、保存、归档。 The quality management personnel (quality assurance engineer)of the P

24、roject Department are responsible for the inspection, supervision, assessment and evaluation of the implementation of the project quality plan, and responsible for the validation of implementation and the issue of reports. In case of any problem, defect or failure, the quality analysis meeting shall

25、 be held to make corrective measures.项目部质量管理人员(质保工程师)负责检查、监督、考核、评价项目质量计划的执行情况,验证实施效果并形成报告。对出现的问题、缺陷或不合格,应及时召开质量分析会,并制定纠正措施。4.4.4 Quality supervision and acceptance check质量监督与检查验收4.4.4.1The Project Department urges the project contractor to carry out the quality check of the items accepted by the con

26、tractor according to the item acceptance grade classified in the quality plan.按项目质量计划中划分的工程项目验收等级,由分包商自行验收的项目,项目部督促工程分包商及时进行质量验收。 The special engineer (special manager) carries out the quality check of the items accepted by the special engineer (special manager) of the Project Department acco

27、rding to the item acceptance grade classified in the quality plan. And the record shall be filled according to EPC Project Document and Record Management Procedure.按项目质量计划中划分的工程项目验收等级,需要项目部验收的项目,项目部专业工程师(专业经理)实施项目验收,并按EPC项目文件资料与记录管理程序的规定填写记录。 the projects requiring the participation of the

28、 owner, the special engineer shall apply the owner for quality acceptance check after the check of the special engineer. Technical materials required shall be provided.需业主参与现场见证的项目,项目部专业工程师验收合格后申请业主进行质量验收,并提供验收所需的技术资料。 projects which are not checked shall not be continued; the hidden proje

29、cts shall not be hidden. The construction projects unchecked or failing the check shall not be considered as completed construction projects. 未按规定检查验收的项目,不得转接下道工序;隐蔽工程不得隐蔽。未经验收和质量不合格的施工项目不能列为完工的施工项目。4.4.5 The quality control during adjustment and trial operation shall be carried out as per EPC Proje

30、ct Adjustment and Trial Operation Management Procedure.调试及试运行质量控制执行EPC项目调试及试运行管理程序4.4.6 Quality control and failure control:质量问题和不合格品控制: for quality problems occurred during construction, the Project Department shall issue Quality Notice to the responsible party to urge the implementation o

31、f corrective measures and close the project.对施工过程中出现的质量问题,项目部出具质量通知单,并发给相关责任方,督促相关责任方整改并关闭。 As for failures found through the check, Failure Control Procedure shall be executed.对验证中发现的不合格品,按不合格控制程序处理。4.4.7 Settlement of quality accidents质量事故处理4.4.7.1 Classification of quality accidents质量事故的分类:a)quality accidents are classified into major quality accidents and common quality accidents.质量事故分为重大质量事故和一般质量事故。b) The major quality accidents shall cover one of the following:重大质量事故:凡符合下列条件之一

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