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1、It is well known that(提出观点)The truth of it is self-evidentNo one can deny(观点的理论依据)Therefore,(证明观点的正确性)Many examples can be found to prove(提出事实)Take as a typicalexample(具体的例子)Furthermore,(其他相关的事实)It goes without saying that(这一观点在日常生活中的体现)Then,(重申观点的正确性)There is no doubt that(得出结论)In addition,(总结全文)【常

2、用句型】1引入部分 1)It is generally believed thatFirstlySecondlyThirdly 2)It is a factuniversally acknowledged thatThe first reason is thatWhats more, Most important of all, 3)It goes without saying that, Obviously,Besides, 2例证部分 1)To see this more clearly,lets take,as an illustration 2)A good case in point

3、 is 3)Perhaps the most wellknownimportantstrikinginteresting example is【参考范文】Public Speaking It is well known that the ability of public speaking is of great importanceThe truth of it is self-evidentNo one can deny that a person who can speak fluently in public will take advantage of it in almost ev

4、ery industryTherefore,co11ege students must be bold enough to speak in public Many examples can be found to prove the importance of public speakingTake the Gattesburg Address as a typical examplePeople gathered there understood the great thought of their President after listening to his speechFurthe

5、r more,the American were greatly encouraged as well with the confident words from Mr. Lincoln It goes without saying that we may express our thought to others through public speakingThen,those who agree to the ideas of our speech will give us their full support,There is no doubt that we can also enc

6、ourage others who feel grey with our inspiring public speakingIn addition,to own the ability of public speaking will help us achieve more in our careers【例2】For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “Can A Good Name Bring Us Good Luck? the first sentence has alr

7、eady been written for you. You should write in 100120 words,and base your competition on theoutline given in Chinese below: 1很多人认为一个好名字给人带来运气; 2也有人持不同意见; 3我的看法。 选择对比型:辨析两种对立观点。Different people have different views onIt is held by someBut it is held by OthersThose who hold the first opinion thinkIn t

8、heir view,In contrast,others thinkThey argue thatAs for me,I agree withto Admittedly,Furthermore,Finally, In conclusion, 1引入部分 1)has become a heated topic among people todayOpinions vary from person to person 2)There is no consensus of opinionsmuch disagreementan argument among people concerningover

9、as toon 3)Nowadays,people are divided on the question as to whether 2陈述观点部分 1)Some people suggestthinkmaintainbelievehold the opinionarguefeel that 2)HoweverButYetNeverthelessWhile other people hold a different point of viewThey insist that3)However,other people prefer that【例3】For this part,you are

10、allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic“The Damage of Public Facilities”You should write in 100120 words.and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1公共设施破坏严重的问题亟待解决; 2解决办法有哪些; 3你的看法。 问题解决型:分析问题,找出成因,提出解决办法。 With the developmentimprovement of(铺垫),(某一问题)It is n

11、ecessary that(关注解决现象引出的问题很必要)On the one hand,(理由一)On the other hand,(理由二) Therefore,how to(承上启下句,要解决的问题)is worth paying attentionFirstly,(办法一)Secondly,(办法二)For example,(举例解释解决办法-)Thirdly,(办法三)In other words,(阐明解决办法三)In fact,the ways to(解决问题的办法多种多样)are countlessIts time that(强调解决问题时不可待) 1问题陈述部分 1)Now

12、adays,has become a serious problem we have to face 2)Todayhas become an important issue 3)Recently,the problem ofhas arousedcaptureddrawncaught worldwide attention 2原因分析部分 1)The reasons can be listed as followsFor one thingFor another 2)There are several reasons for this problemFirst,Second,Finally,

13、 3)There are a variety of reasons for this phenomenonOne important reason isWhats moreTo make things worse3问题解决部分1) People have figured out many ways to solve this problemFirstlySecondlyFinally2)By doingwe can not onlybut also3)It is high time that we figured out ways to deal with the problemHere ar

14、e a few examples of some of the measures that might be taken immediately 【例4】F0r this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic“Reading Books”You should write at least 100120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1现在读书的人没有以前多了; 2读书能增添乐趣,丰富经历,增进知识。 观点论证型

15、。 It is true that(指出普遍存在的观点)However,(谈不同的观点)I think(提出自己的观点,即文章的论点)(过渡句,转向观点的论证,根据情况选择具体的词)can be listed as follows Firstly,(论证理由一)Secondly,(论证理由二)For example,(举例具体说明理由二)Thirdly,(论证理由三)A case in point is that(举例具体说明理由三) It goes without saying that(转折句,提出执行该观点时应注意的事项)There is no doubt that(得出结论)In co

16、nclusion(总结全文)二图表作文模拟试题【例I】For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic“Ownership of Mobile Phones”You should write in 100120 words,and base your composition on the chart and the outline given below: 1使用手机的人越来越多; 2增多的原因; 3它也有弊端。 现象阐释型。 (概括性词语。最近出现的总体现象)has become

17、a common part of peoples lifeAnd(题目要求讨论的具体现象)has always aroused the greatest concernWhat impresses us most is(现象的具体表现)The reasons(现象或现象带来的结果,为下文分析产生的原因做铺垫)are variedAmong the various reasons,(原因一)plays an important partThat is to say,(具体说明原因一)What is more,(原因二)For example,(举例说明原因) When talking about

18、(作者要讨论的现象),(作者的看法)On the one hand,(支持看法的理由一或说明看法的第一个方面)On the other hand,(支持看法的理由二或说明看法的第二个方面)In brief,(总结) Use of Mobile Phones Using mobile phones has become a common part of peoples lifeAnd the tremendous growth of student use of mobile phones has always aroused the greatest concernWhat impresses

19、 us most is that,in 2005,the number will reach up to 30 million,a great increase compared with that of 2000 The reasons why mobile phones are widely used are variedAmong the various reasons the decreasing price of mobile phones plays an important partThat is to say,more people can afford a mobile ph

20、oneWhat is more,people have found mobile phones very convenientThey can get in touch with each other whenever and wherever they likeFor example,people can get the latest news and information as well as conveniently contact friends around the world When talking about disadvantages and problems existi

21、ng in use of mobile phones,I think that improper use of mobile phones is the point we must pay attention toOn the one hand。unwanted messages from unknown sources bring recipients bad effectsOn the other handthey are even used for ill purposesIn brief,its advantages outweigh its disadvantages 【例2】 Fo

22、r this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic“Advantages and Disadvantages of ExaminationsYou should write in 100120words,and base your composition on the chart and the outline given below: 1关于考试有两种不同观点; 2我的观点。 说明利弊型:本题型要求学生针对某一事物或某一现象从正反两方面分析它的优缺点,然后表明自己对该事物或现象的看法常见

23、的命题方式为: 1某事物或现象; 2该事物或现象的优缺点; 3我的态度或看法。 There are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of(某一事物或某一现象)Some people think(某优点)While,on the other hand,some object that (某缺点) As for me,I think(对优点的说明)However,(对缺点的说明) In sum,(总结) 1陈述事物优点部分 1)There are several advantages in The firstbiggest

24、 advantage is that 2)The advantages ofcan be seen as followsFirstBesides 3)is playing an increasingly important role in peoples lives.For one thing For Another 2陈述事物缺点部分 1)However,just like anything else,has its negative side as well 2)In the meantime,we can not ignore the disadvantages of 3)However

25、,the negative aspects ofare also apparent(obviousevident). To begin with To make matters worse Worst of all 3表示利大于弊 1)As to me,I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 2)Anyway, I still holdhas more advantages than disadvantages. 3)But for me,I think what is more important is its positive

26、side. Advantages and Disadvantages of Examinations There are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of examinationSome people think examination is the only best way to test how examinees have mastered what they have studied,and it is the only measurement for examiners to select the st

27、udents they needWhile,on the other hand,some object that examination cant measure how the students have really studiedThey say it can do nothing but burden the students As for me,I think for both examiners and examinees,the examination can show what and how much the examinees have masteredThe result

28、s of examinations are just like mirrors for both of the two sidesThrough examination the examinees can check their work and get aware of which aspects they have not done well,so that theyll make much improvement in their workAs far as examiners are concerned,they can not only know how they have stud

29、ied but also find out what they still dont know or what they havent mastered wellThus,they will be inspired to put into greater efforts to improve their studying method so as to make greater progressHowever,too many examinations are surely a burden to both the examiners and examinees In sum,the examination does more good than harm to both examiners and examineesWe must take a correct attitude toward it,taking full advantages of it and avoiding its disadvantages

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