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1、E. the level of activity of the sympathetic nerve.4. Which of the following descriptions about the slow wave of smooth muscle of alimentary tract is wrong?A. It is the spontaneous depolarization and repolarrization B. It originate in the Cajal cell. C. After the nerves innervating the gut are cut, t

2、he slow wave still persist.D. It may be the pacemaker potential for smooth muscle.E. It cause directly the smooth muscle to contrat.5. Functional base of the autorhythmicity of the smooth muscle of gastrointestinal tract is CA. The action potential. B. The resting membrane potential C. The basic ele

3、ctrical rhythm (BER).D. The tonic contraction.E. the smooth muscle spontaneous contraction.6. The cause initiating slow wave is AA. A slow undulation of the activity of the Na+-K+ pump.B. A spontaneous depolarization and repolarization of cell membrane C. Na+-Ca2+ exchange. D. I k progressively atte

4、nuate decrementE. Ca2+ inflow7. Ionic base of the rising phase of action potential in smooth muscle of gastrointestinal tract is AA. inflow of Ca2+ and small amount of B. Na+ inflowC. Ca2+ inflowB. K+ outflow D. Cl- outflowE. Cl- inflow8. Which of the following descriptions about the innervation of

5、digestive organs is correct ? CA. Postganglionic fiber terminals of sympathetic nerve release acetylcholine (Ach)B. All postganglionic fiber terminals of parasympathetic nerve release AchC. After the external innervation of the gut are cut, the short reflexes may be completed.D. Activity of sympathe

6、tic nerve increases the movement of gastrointestinal tract.E. Activity of parasympathetic nerve inhibits the secretion of digestive glands.9. Which of the following descriptions about enteric nervous system is wrong ?A. The number of neurons in this intrinsic nervous system is almost equal to the nu

7、mber in spinal cord.B. It contains sensory neurons, motor neurons and intermediate neurons.C. It can complete a short reflex without the external innervation. D. It regulates the movement and glands secretion of gastrointestinal tract. E. It is not affected by the external innervation. 10. Which of

8、the following is not the function of HCl ?A. To activate the pepsinogen B. To kill bacteriaC. To stimulate the upper small intestinal mucosa to release secretin D. To promote absorption of the ferrum and calcium in the upper small intestinal.E. To promotes vitamin B12 to be absorbed 11. Which of the

9、 following descriptions about the secretion of the gastric acid is wrong?A. It is secreted by the parietal cells.B. The intracellular H+ is transported by proton pump into the canaliculus lumen. C. The omeprazole (奥美拉唑) inhibits strongly the secretion of gastric acid.D. When one H+ is secreted, one

10、HCO3- enters blood. E. HCl in gastric lumen do not affect the gastric secretion. 12. The location where the vitamin B12 to be absorbed is CA. Stomach B. Duodenum C. Terminal ileumD. Jejunum E. Large intestine13. The substance that activates the pepsinogen into pepsin is BA. EnterokinaseB. HCl and pe

11、psinC. HistamineD. TrypsinE. Chymotryosin14. Which of the following is not the function of gastrin DA. To promote the parietal cell to secrete HCl B. To promote the pancreatic acini to secrete digestive enzyme C. To promote the liver to secrete the bileD. To promote the absorption of fat acidE. To h

12、ave the trophic action to gastrointestinal mucosa 15. Which of the following inhibits the G cells from releasing gastrin BA. The intragastric food stretches gastric wall. B. The pH in the gastric antrum is below 1.5C. The intragastrioc peptones and the proteoses and peptides increaseD. The activity

13、of vagus nerve increasesE. The short reflex caused by stretch of food to the wall of gastric antrum16. The transport manner by which the parietal cells secrete H+ is AA. Primary active transport B. Second active transportC. Facilitated diffusion D. Simple diffusion E. Exocytosis17. After blocking th

14、e M receptors by the atropine, the change of the gastrointestinal tract is A. The secretion of digestive glands increases. EB. The slow waves lose C. The tonic contraction loses D. The peristalsis loses E. The tonic contraction and peristalsis weaken 18. Which of following substances do not increase

15、 the gastric secretion EA. GastrinB. Histamine C. acetylcholine D. Activity of vagus nerve E. Somatostatin 19. Which of following substance do not inhibit gastric secretion EA. Somatostatin B. Secretin C. Prostaglandins D. H2 receptor antagonist,E. Protein foods20. Which of the following description

16、s about the cephalic phase of gastric secretion is wrong? AA. It is pure nervous regulation. B. It involves conditioned reflex and unconditioned reflex. C. M receptors antagonists decrease gastric secretion in this phase. D. It can eliminated by cutting bilateral vagus nerves E. The secretion has hi

17、gh acidity, contains a copious amount of pepsin. 21. Which of the following descriptions about the gastric phase of gastric secretion is wrong? A. It is initiated mainly by the distention of food on gastric wall. B. It involves the vagus-vagus long reflex C. It It involves the short reflex of enteri

18、c nervous system.D. It do not involves the release and function of the gastrin E. The secretion has a low acidity, but its pepsin content is higher than that in the cephalic phase 22. One of mechanism by which HCl inhibit is CA. Intragastric HCl promotes G cells to release gastrin. B. Intragastric H

19、Cl inhibits D cells from releasing somatostatin.C. Intraintestinal HCl causes S cells secrete scretin D. Intraintestinal HCl inhibits duodenal mucosa from secreting bulbogastrone.E. HCl inhibits directly the parietal cells. 23. Movement type peculiar to stomach is BA. Tonic contraction B. Receptive

20、relaxationC. Migrating motor complexD. PeristalsisE. Mass movement24. After cutting the bilateral vagus nerves, the gastric receptive relaxation will AA. LoseB. WeakenC. Strengthen D. No change E. Weaken or strengthen25. Which of the following descriptions about the gastric peristalsis is wrong EA.

21、It is a cooperating movement of the longitudinal muscle and circular muscle B. It is one of the motivity of gastric empting C. It begin in the mid portion of the body of the stomach.D. It is about 3 times per minute.E. It does not partake in mixing, and grinding the stomach contents.26. Which of the

22、 following descriptions about the migrating motor complex is wrong AA. It is movement type peculiar to small intestine.B. It occurs on fasting periodC. It propagates from the stomach to the terminal ileumD. In humans, the MMC repeats every 75 to 90 minutesE. It inhibits the migration of colonic bact

23、eria into the small terminal ileum27. Which of the following inhibits the gastric empting DA. The long vagus-vagus reflexB. The locally short reflexC. Acetylcholine D. The enterogastric reflexE. Histamine 28. Which of the following promotes the gastric empting AA. The increased intragastric food vol

24、ume B. The stimulation of HCl to the duodenal mucosa C. The increased fatty content of the chyme in duodenum D. The increased osmotic pressure of the chyme in duodenumE. Secretin and gastric inhibitory peptide29. Which of the following descriptions about the gastric empting is wrong EA. Five minutes

25、 after the food enters stomach, the stomach begins to empty.B. Its direct driving force is the pressure difference between the stomach and the duodenum.C. Its motivity is the peristalsis and gastric tonic contractionD. The gastric emptying rate of fat is the lowest. that of saccharide is the fastest

26、, E. Acetylcholine inhibits gastric empting 30. The most important digestive juice in human is BA. Gastric juice B. Pancreatic juiceC. Bile D. Small intestinal juice E. Large intestinal juice 31. The most potent stimulus for secretin release from S cells in upper small intestinal mucosa AA. HCl B. P

27、rotein digestive productsC. Fatty acidD. Saccharides E. Efferent impulses of vagus nerve32. The most potent stimulus for CCK release from D cells in upper small intestinal mucosa B A. HClB. Protein digestive products C. SaccharidesD. Saccharides33. Factor causing the pancreas to secrete a large amount of bicarbonate and water is AA. Secretin B. Gastrin D. CCKE. Histamine34. The most important factor resulting in secretion of pancreatic enzymes is BB. CCKC. SecretinD. Gastrin E. Activity of vagus nerves35. Type of movement peculiar to the small intestine is EB.

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