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1、 B. Were going to play tennis. C. Were going by bus.(2)录音中有五组对话,听对话一遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 6. When is the girls birthday ? A. This Saturday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday.7. Where is Dave going tomorrow? A. To another country. B. To the mountain. C. To the countryside. 8. Who is having

2、a birthday party? A. Simon. B. Ben. C. Alice. 9. Whats the matter with Bill? A. He has a headache. B. He has a sore back. C. He has a fever. 10. Why cant Henry go out? A. He has to wash his clothes. B. He has to clean his room. C. He has to make dinner.(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答

3、案。11. Where is Mrs Brown? A. At home. B. In the supermarket. C. At the doctors. 12. Whats the matter with her? A. She has a sore throat. B. She has a headache. C. She has a sore back. 13. When did it start? A. Two days ago. B. Two weeks ago. C. Two hours ago. 14. What should she do? A. She should dr

4、ink water. B. She should stay in bed. C. She should see a dentist. 15. How often does she take the medicine? A. A day or two. B. Once a day. C. Twice a day. (4)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。16. What volunteer activity did Jack do last year? A. He gave an English speech. B. He helped

5、at the Olympic Games. C. He helped at the East Asian Games. 17. How long did Jack spend in hospital? A. Two days. B. Two months. C. Fifteen years. 18. What did people bring to Jack when he was in hospital? A. Some medicine. B. Flowers and presents. C. A lot of money. 19. Why does Jack like to be a v

6、olunteer? A. He wants to meet more people. B. He wants to be famous. C. He wants to help others.20. What does the writer think of a volunteer?A. Great. B. Bad. C. Terrible. 注意:请同学们翻到第卷,继续做第五大题听力填表二、单项填空(15小题,计15分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。21. Your cartoon books are very interesting. Where did you

7、 buy ? I want to buy , too.A. one; one B. them; it C. one; ones D. them; some22. _ I swim here ? Im sorry. Children _ swim alone here.A. Must; cant B. May; must C. Can; mustnt D.Cant; can23. The meat is delicious. Yes, but dont eat .A. too much; too much B. much too; too much C. too much; much too D

8、. much too; much too24. We need to a plan for the Clean-Up Day.A. catch up with B. come up with C. help out D. give out25. Im sorry I cant hang out with you this afternoon. Lets make it time.A. another B. other C. the other D. others 26. We cant be successful _ we keep working hard. I agree with you

9、.A. if B. unless C. because D. when 27. Lisa was so careless that she made many spelling _ in her homework.A. plans B. decisions C. grades D. mistakes28. Do you know if they _ swimming with us tomorrow? I think they will if they _ free.A. go; will be B. will go; are C. Go; are D. will go; will be 29

10、. Would you like to go for a walk with me after dinner? Sorry. I _ leave home _ my mother comes back.A. can;until B. will; without C. cant ; until D. wont; without30. _? I have a headache and I dont feel like eating anything.A. How are you B. What can I do for you C.Whats the matter with you D. How

11、do you like it31. How is your grandma? Shes fine. She used to TV at home after supper. But now she is used to out for a walk.A. watch ; go B. watching; go C. watching; going D. watch; going 32. Oh, I have no money. I have run _ it. A. out of B. out C. of D. out off 33. He looks unhappy? Lets _.A. ch

12、eer him up B. helped out him C. look him after D. angry with him34. The old man lives in the house, but he doesnt feel . A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; alone D. alone; lonely35. Can you come to my birthday party this weekend? . I have to look after my mother in hospital.A. Sure, Id lov

13、e to B. I agree with youC. Im afraid I cant D. Yes, I can 三、完形填空(10小题,计10分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。I am going to have a party tomorrow night. I promised my mother that she neednt do 36 for me. My friend Jane is coming, too. She would like to help me, 37 she cant. Because she has a p

14、iano lesson in the morning and in the afternoon she has to babysit her sister. So I will do everything by myself. I try to make 38 party a nice one.I sent invitations to my friends 39 . Now I am thinking about what I need to do tomorrow. Yes! I have to clean the room and do some shopping. I am going

15、 40 some food, drinks and fruit in the supermarket. I am going to make a shopping list 41 I go. I also have to decorate (装饰) the room. I need to do so many things, so I 42 see the movie Da Vinci Code after lunch. A terrible thing!The party begins 43 8:00 pm, so I must have dinner 44 . I am tired aft

16、er I finish 45 so many things and after dinner I can have a short rest.36. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything37. A. so B. and C. Because D. but 38. A. a B. an C. the D. /39. A. yesterday B. tomorrow C. tomorrow morning D. the day after tomorrow40. A. buy B. sell C. to buy D. buying41.

17、 A. after B. when C. how D. before42. A. can B. not C. cant D. never43. A. at B. in C. on D. with44. A. late B. early C. short D. quick45. A. do B. to do C. did D. doing 四、阅读理解(20小题,计20分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处或回答所提问题的最佳答案。AMr Lee is going to take his family on a trip to some other countries.

18、 His brother decides to go with them. Mr. Lees father is old so he wants to stay at home and takes care of the house.They are planning to take a train to visit New York first, and then go to Europe by ship. Theyd like to take buses or trains to visit some countries in Europe. Then they are going to

19、fly home.It takes them a long time to decide where to go, but Mr. Lee thinks they will have an interesting trip. They will go to England, France and Italy. Mrs. Lee is very interested in France because she is a French teacher. Mr. Lees brother can speak good Italian, so hes looking forward to the tr

20、ip to Italy.They also talk about how they are going to Europe. At first they want to fly there, because it is faster and can save more time. But Mr. Lees brother would like to take a boat trip and he thinks the children will enjoy it as well.46. How many people are going to the trip?A. Only one. B.

21、Two. C. Three. D. Over three.47. How are they coming back home?A. By plane. B. By train. C. By boat. D. By car.48. What will they do in Europe?A. Go sighting at the seaside. B. Learn some foreign languages.C. Do some shopping. D. Visit some different countries.49. How did they decide to go to Europe

22、 at last?A. By plane. B. By ship. C. By train. D. By train or by bus.50. From the passage, we can see that .A. their trip is not comfortable B. their trip is not very longC. they organize (组织) the trip well D. the cost of the trip is very low BDear Jane,I am going to have a dinner party at Garden Re

23、staurant on December 3rd to celebrate my grandmas 60th birthday. Its a great thing for our family. You are a good friend of my family, so my parents and I hope you can come. The party starts at half past six in the evening. There is going to be a small concert. A band is going to perform some popula

24、r and classical songs at first. Then two 11-year-old boys are going to have a talent show. Theyre going to show a special kind of dance. At around eight oclock that day, we will start our dinner. We can talk and laugh during the dinner. And then we are going to take some photos together. Every frien

25、d can get a red hat before leaving. I know you are always busy these days, but I hope you can make it.Yours, Dave51. Dave is going to have a birthday party for his .A. mother B. son C. grandmother D. grandfather52. A is going to perform some songs first.A. girl B. bot C. waiter D. band53. The dinner

26、 is going to start at about .A. 6:00 B. 6:30 C. 7:00 D. 8:0054. The writer tries to tell us .A. the activities of his birthday B. how to celebrate the partyC. their dinner D. how to take photos55. The underlined phrase “make it” means .A. keep healthy B. get on time C. feel better D. have fun CMary

27、had some troubles in her head, so she went to see the doctor. He was a new doctor, and did not know her. So he first asked her some questions. One of the questions was, “What is your age?”“Well.” Mary answered, “I dont quite remember, doctor, but I will try to think.” She thought for a while and the

28、n said, “Yes, I remember now, doctor. When I married, I was twenty-two years old, and my husband was thirty then. Now he is sixty, I know, and that is twice thirty. And so I am twice twenty-two. That is forty-four, isnt it?56. Mary went to see the doctor because _.A. she had a headache B. she had a fever C. she had caught a cold D. she couldnt think well57. At first the doctor _.A. a

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