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1、38.973No, Dad. 不,爸爸。40.356That isnt the problem. 那没问题。43.628My stomach has never hurt this much before. 我的胃从来没有疼得这么厉害。48.022Mr. Dinosaur sits up. 恐龙先生坐了起来。50.089He feels Dannys head. 他摸了摸丹尼的头,52.046Dannys head is hot. 丹尼的头很烫。54.138Youve got a bad fever, Son. 儿子,你发高烧了。56.553You are sick, arent you? 你

2、生病了,不是吗?58.682I will take you to the hospital. 我带你去医院。1:01.320But the hospital will be closed! 但医院可能关门了!03.734Its deep night! 现在是深夜!05.579No. The hospital is always open. 不,医院一直开着的。08.613Please dont cry, dear. 宝贝,别哭。10.557You will be all right. 你会没事的。12.773Dannys father gets dressed quickly. 丹尼的爸爸很快

3、穿好衣服。15.262He and Danny get into the car. 他和丹尼上了车,17.602They drive to the hospital. 开车去医院。19.757When they arrive at the hospital, Dannys father talks with a nurse. 他们到医院后,丹尼的父亲跟一位护士说明了情况。23.855She takes them to a small room. 她把他们带到一格小房间里。26.356Im Nurse Sara. 我是护士萨拉。28.176Dont worry. 别担心,29.415The do

4、ctor will see you soon. 医生一会就来。32.213Soon, the doctor arrives. 不久,医生来了。34.751Im Dr. Ling. 我是凌医生。36.708How are you feeling, Danny? 丹尼,你感觉怎么样?38.874Ive got a pain here. 我这里疼。41.408Hi! Im Dr. Ling. 嗨!我是凌医生。43.751Whats 45.394Look it up in a dictionary! 查字典!48.066He also has a fever. 他还发烧。50.706The docto

5、r feels Dannys abdomen. 医生摸了丹尼的腹部。53.088Danny starts to cry again. 丹尼又开始哭起来。55.674Im sorry. Danny. 抱歉,丹尼。57.386I know it hurts. 我知道疼。59.315Danny needs to stay in the hospital tonight. 丹尼今晚需要住院。2:02.592Ill stay with you, Son. 儿子,我会陪着你的。05.624Learning Tips 学习贴士:07.357Deep night: 深夜:08.940very late in

6、the night 夜里非常晚的时候11.731LETS DO IT!13.552On your way home from school, you see an old woman lying on the road.19.646You try to help her.21.625Make up a dialogue with a partner and act it out.UNIT 4 Stay Healthy Lesson 26 Where Is Danny?00.413UNIT 4 第四单元01.519Stay Healthy 保持健康03.004Lesson 26: 第二十六课:0

7、4.601Where Is Danny? 丹尼在哪?06.578THINK ABOUT IT!08.509How do you feel when you catch a cold?13.112What do your mother and father usually tell you to do when you catch a cold?19.665Look at the picture of Brian.22.127Whats wrong with him?23.843I dont know why Danny isnt in school today. 我不知道为什么丹尼今天没有上学

8、。27.516I dont know, either. 我也不知道。29.113Danny almost never gets sick. 丹尼几乎从不生病。31.756I cant remember the last time he missed school. 我都不记得他上次没来上学是什么时候了。35.399Im not feeling well today myself. 我今天感觉不舒服。37.922Whats wrong? 怎么了?39.206Ive got a cough. 我咳嗽,40.580My chest and lungs hurt. 胸腔和肺疼。42.446I cant

9、 breathe through my nose. 我鼻子不通气。44.850I think you have caught a cold. 我想你是感冒了。47.313I brought some chicken soup for lunch. 我带了些鸡汤当午餐。49.866You can have it. 你可以喝它。51.389I think chicken soup is medicine! 我觉得鸡汤是良药!54.002It always makes me feel better. 它总是能让我感觉好些。56.704Thank you, Dr. Jenny. 谢谢,詹妮医生。58.

10、361I will take that medicine three times a day! 我要一天吃三次那种药!01.033Im going to sneeze! 我要打喷嚏!02.452Ah choo! 阿嚏!03.571Bless you! 上帝保佑你!05.525PROJECT06.755DOCTOR-PATIENT ROLE-PLAY09.677Do you know what an 12.661An illness makes you feel sick.16.283When you are sick, you visit your doctor.19.954You are a

11、 22.340In small groups, study the illnesses.26.293Think: suppose you have one of the illnesses, what would you say to your doctor? 1:32.746Practise with the classmates in your group.36.564Next, join with another group.39.518Let one group be 44.675One by one, the 49.907Can the doctors guess the illne

12、sses?52.474A doctor helps you when you feel sick.UNIT 4 Stay Healthy Lesson 27 Good Food, Good health01.219UNIT 4 第四单元02.580Stay Healthy 保持健康04.860Lesson 27: 第二十七课:06.510Good Food, Good health 健康的食物,健康的身体10.186Here are the four food groups. 下面是四组食物13.500foods from grain 谷物类食物15.660Bread, noodles and

13、 rice are made from grain. 面包、面条和大米由谷物做成。18.979Cereal is also made from grain. 麦片同样是由谷物做成的。21.562Eating foods from grain gives you vitamins, minerals and fibre. 谷物类食物能为你提供维生素、矿物质和纤维。26.818bread 面包28.845fruit and vegetables 蔬菜和水果31.740fruit 水果33.210Fruit and vegetables are also a good source of vitam

14、ins, minerals and fibre. 蔬菜和水果也是很好的维生素、矿物质和纤维来源。38.778They help you grow and stay healthy. 它们帮助你成长并保持健康。41.851Is fruit different from vegetables? 水果与蔬菜不一样吗?44.769Yes, fruit is usually sweet, and vegetables are not. 是的,水果通常是甜的,蔬菜不是。49.446Potatoes are a very popular vegetable in North America. 土豆在北美是一

15、种非常受欢迎的蔬菜。53.544French fries are made from potatoes. 炸薯条就是由土豆做成的。56.729North Americans also love salad. 北美人同样喜欢沙拉。59.423Salad is made of fresh vegetables. 沙拉是由新鲜的蔬菜制作而成的。02.096What does 04.234It means 06.416A salad almost always has lettuce and tomatoes. 沙拉几乎总是有莴苣和西红柿。10.247It usually has carrots, c

16、abbage, onions and others. 通常有胡萝卜、卷心菜、洋葱和其它蔬菜。15.282Salad is made of fresh vegetables and fruits. 沙拉是由新鲜的蔬菜和水果制作而成的。20.350protein foods 蛋白质食物22.393Many people think that only meat and chicken have protein. 很多人认为只有猪肉和鸡肉才含蛋白质。26.046But other foods like fish, nuts, eggs, beans and tofu are full of prot

17、ein, too. 但其它的食物如鱼、坚果、鸡蛋、豆角和豆腐也富含蛋白质。32.575In China and in other East Asian countries, 在中国和其他东亚国家,35.540people often eat tofu, soy milk and other bean products. 人们经常吃豆腐、豆浆和其他豆制品。39.888They are all protein foods. 他们全是蛋白质食品。42.126Protein helps your body grow and stay strong. 蛋白质有助于你的身体成长、保持强壮。46.519To

18、fu and soy milk are all made from soybeans. 豆腐和豆浆都是由黄豆制作而成的。51.959calcium foods 钙类食品54.216Calcium is one of your bodys needs. 钙是你身体需要的一种物质。57.152It makes your bones and teeth strong. 它使你的骨骼和牙齿变坚硬。59.926Milk, cheese, butter and yogurt contain calcium. 牛奶、奶酪、黄油和酸奶含有钙。04.320But did you know that green

19、vegetables also have a lot of calcium? 但你知道青菜同样也含有大量的钙吗?09.868What is a balanced diet? 什么是均衡饮食?12.358Your 15.477To have a balanced diet, you need to eat some food from each food group. 为了均衡饮食,你需要从每组食物中选择一些食用。20.030A balanced diet will give you lots of energy! 均衡的饮食将使你精力充沛!23.856LET25.503Do you eat a

20、 balanced diet?27.965How about your classmates?30.235Fill in the chart below to compare the eating habits of you and your classmates.UNIT 4 Stay Healthy Lesson 28 Move Your Whole Body00.468UNIT 4 第四单元01.694Stay Healthy 保持健康03.307Lesson 28: 第二十八课:05.161Move Your Whole Body 活动你全身10.527Move your feet!

21、活动你的脚!12.576Move your feet!14.636Move your whole body. 活动你全身。18.611Move your feet!23.124The more you move your feet, 你越多活动你的脚,26.607The more healthy you will be. 你就会越健康。30.519Move your feet!34.576Move your arms! 活动你的胳膊!36.691Move your arms!38.597Move your whole body. 活动你全身。42.627Move your arms!47.12

22、1The more you move your arms, 你越多活动你的胳膊,50.613The more healthy you will be. 你就会越健康。54.543Move your arms!02.435Do you like to dance? 你喜欢跳舞吗?05.248When you dance, you move your whole body! 当你跳舞的时候,你的全身都在活动!09.298Heres another way to move your whole body! 还有一种活动全身的方法!12.477Skiing! 滑雪!14.215LET15.841Wit

23、h a partner, talk about how to stay healthy.20.444Report your ideas to the rest of the class.24.222Try using phrases like these:27.642If you want to be healthy, you should _.31.229If you dont _, you will _.34.051Dont _.UNIT 4 Stay Healthy Lesson 29 Dont Smoke, Please!01.090UNIT 4 第四单元02.406Stay Heal

24、thy 保持健康04.955Lesson 29: 第二十九课:06.605Don 请勿吸烟!09.561THINK ABOUT IT!11.182List some of the serious diseases in the world today.15.962Why do people get ill?18.926What should people do to stay healthy?22.932No Smoking, Please!25.609Danny still isnt in school today. 丹尼今天还是没来上学。28.480Hes been away for th

25、ree days now! 现在他已经三天没来了!30.910He must be ill. 他一定是生病了。32.393I hope he is better soon. 我希望他能快点好起来。34.261School is more fun when Dannys here. 丹尼在的时候,学校生活更有意思。37.117Im going to phone him after school. 放学后我要给他打电话。39.561I want to see how Dannys feeling. 我想知道丹尼感觉怎么样。41.786Are you feeling better, Brian? 你

26、感觉好些了吗,布赖恩?43.709Yes, thanks. 是的,谢谢。45.137I felt terrible on Monday and worse on Tuesday. 星期一我感觉很糟,可星期二更糟。48.735On Wednesday, I rested and drank plenty of water. 星期三,我休息,喝了很多水。52.195I feel well today. 今天我感觉好了。53.829What shall we write on our poster? 我们在海报上写些什么呢?56.013I would like to make a poster about smoking. 我想做一个关于吸烟的海报。58.622Did you know that our great grandfather had lung disease? 你知道我们的曾祖父患有肺病吗?02.453My father says he smoked. 我父亲说是因为他吸烟。04.541A lot of people would live longer if they d

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