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本文(国际商会见索即付保函统一规则 URSG4581992版精品文档18页Word下载.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

国际商会见索即付保函统一规则 URSG4581992版精品文档18页Word下载.docx

1、其目的在于扩大学生的知识面,引导学生关注社会,热爱生活,所以内容要尽量广泛一些,可以分为人生、价值、理想、学习、成长、责任、友谊、爱心、探索、环保等多方面。如此下去,除假期外,一年便可以积累40多则材料。如果学生的脑海里有了众多的鲜活生动的材料,写起文章来还用乱翻参考书吗? 编号458 1992观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则,有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角度多层面地进行观察,保证每个幼儿看得到,


3、,朗诵自编的一首儿歌:“蓝天高,白云飘,鸟儿飞,树儿摇,太阳公公咪咪笑。”这样抓住特征见景生情,幼儿不仅印象深刻,对雷雨前后气象变化的词语学得快,记得牢,而且会应用。我还在观察的基础上,引导幼儿联想,让他们与以往学的词语、生活经验联系起来,在发展想象力中发展语言。如啄木鸟的嘴是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。 INTRODUCTION引言These Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (ICC Publication No.458) result from the work of the

4、ICC Joint Working Party of members representing the Commission on International Commercial Practice and the Commission on Banking Technique and Practice, and also from the work of the Drafting Group set up to finalize the text. The Rules are intended to apply worldwide to the use of demand guarantee

5、s, that is, guarantees, bonds and other payment undertakings under which the duty of the guarantor or issuer to make payment arises on the presentation of a written demand and any other documents specified in the guarantee and is not conditional on actual default by the principal in the underlying t

6、ransaction.见索即付保函统一规则(国际商会第458号出版物)是国际商会国际商业惯例委员会和银行技术与惯例委员会联合工作组以及为最后定稿而设立的起草小组的工作成果。本规则旨在于全球范围内适用于见索即付保函,也就是保函、保证或者其他付款承诺,在该承诺项下,当提交书面的付款要求以及保函所规定的其他单据后担保人或者出具人即有义务进行付款,而不以基础交易中被担保人是否实际违约为转移。Demand guarantees differ from documentary credits in that they are properly invoked only if the principal h

7、as made default. However, the guarantor, like the issuer of a documentary credit, is concerned not with the fact of default, but only with documents. 见索即付保函与跟单信用证的区别是,只有当被担保人违约时,支用见索即付保函才是适当的。但是,如同跟单信用证的开证人一样,担保人仅仅处理单据,而不考察事实上是否发生了违约。Standby credits are already governed by the Uniform Customs and Pr

8、actice for Documentary Credits (UCP) (1983 Revision NO. 400). They have developed into all-purpose financial support instruments which are used in a much wider range of financial and commercial activity than demand guarantees, and regularly involve practices and procedures (e. g. confirmation, issue

9、 for a banks own account, presentation of documents to a party other than the issuer) that are in frequently encountered in relation to demand guarantees and that ally standby credits more closely with documentary credits. Accordingly, while standby credits are technically within the definition of a

10、 demand guarantee, it is expected that issuers of standby credits will continue to use the UCP, which are both more detailed and more appropriate to the particular requirements of standby credits.备用信用证业已由跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP)(1983年版,第400号出版物)来调整。它已经发展成为一种全能的金融支持工具,较见索即付保函更为广泛地应用于金融和商业活动中,并且经常涉及到见索即付保函很少遇到的

11、做法和程序(例如,保兑、为银行自身开立、向开立人以外的一方提交单据),从而使得备用信用证更类似于跟单信用证。因此,虽然备用信用证在技术上属于见索即付保函的定义范围,可以预见的是备用信用证的开证人将继续使用UCP,因为就备用信用证的特别需求而言,UCP更为详细和适合。These Rules do not apply to suretyship or conditional bonds or guarantees or other accessory undertaking under which the guarantors duty to pay arises only on actual d

12、efault by the principal. Such instruments are widely used but are different in character from demand guarantees and are outside the scope and purpose of these Rules.本规则不适用于有条件的保证或者其他从属性的承诺,在该承诺项下担保人仅在被担保人实际违约时才承担付款义务。上述担保工具被广泛地使用,但是在性质上与见索即付保函不同,不属于本规则调整的范围和目的。These new Uniform Rules have been intro

13、duced because the 1978 ICC Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees (Publication No. 325) did not gain general acceptance. The new Rules reflect more closely the different interests of the parties involved in a demand guarantee transaction. However, since Publication No. 325 continues to be used to som

14、e extent, it will be retained in force for the time being so as to be available for those who may wish to use it in preference to the new Rules. The future of Publication No. 325 will be reviewed at a later date in the light of experience.之所以制定本套新规则,是由于1978年国际商会合同担保统一规则(第325号出版物)未获得普遍接受。这一新规则更准确地反映了

15、见索即付保函交易所涉各方的不同利益。但是,由于第325号出版物继续在某些范围内适用,因此,该出版物在现时仍然有效,以便能够适用于那些更愿意使用该规则的当事人。第325号出版物的未来将根据其使用情况在将来予以重新评估。The Beneficiary受益人The beneficiary wishes to be secured against the risk of the principals not fulfilling his obligations towards the beneficiary in respect of the underlying transaction for wh

16、ich the demand guarantee is given. The guarantee accomplishes this by providing the beneficiary with quick access to a sum of money if these obligations are not fulfilled.受益人希望就被担保人在基础交易中不履行义务的风险获得见索即付保函所提供的保障。见索即付保函实现了这一目的,当基础交易中的义务未获履行时,受益人可以迅速获得一笔款项。The Principal被担保人Whilst recognizing the needs o

17、f the beneficiary, the principal can expect on the grounds of equity and good faith to be informed in writing that, and in what respect, it is claimed he is in breach of his obligations. This should help to eliminate a certain level of abuse of guarantees through unfair demands by beneficiaries.在认可受

18、益人的需要的同时,基于公平与诚信的考虑,被担保人有权获得关于其被称违约及违约事由的书面通知。这在一定程度上有助于消除受益人通过不正当的索偿对保函的滥用。The Guarantor担保人For these Rules to apply, the guarantee should not stipulate any condition for payment other than the presentation of a written demand and other specified documents. In particular, the terms of the guarantee

19、should not require the guarantor to decide whether the beneficiary and principal have or have not fulfilled their obligations under the underlying transaction, with which the guarantor is not concerned. The wording of the guarantee should be clear and unambiguous.适用本规则时,见索即付保函除了规定提交书面的付款要求和其他指定的单据外,

20、不得规定其他任何付款条件。特别是,见索即付保函的条款不得要求担保人判断受益人和被担保人是否履行了他们在基础交易项下的义务,因为这与担保人是无关的。保函的措词应当清楚和明确。The Instructing Party指示方The new Rules recognize the existing widespread practice whereby an instructing party may forward to the guarantor instructions received from or on behalf of the principal and counter-guaran

21、tee such instructions.新规则认可了指示方向担保人转递被担保人或其代表发出的指示,并就该指示提供反担保这一普遍存在的实务做法。General其他The ICC wishes to encourage good demand-guarantee practice which is equitable to all concerned, and believes that these Rules will result in a fair balance of interests, recognizing the rights and obligations of all pa

22、rties. Compared with the ICC Rules published in 1978, these Rules incorporate a major change in favor of beneficiaries in that they are no longer confined to guarantees which require the presentation of an arbitration award or other independent documentary evidence in support of any demand. However,

23、 guarantees which do require such evidence are still within the scope of these Rules. These new Rules also incorporate provisions relating to counter-guarantees.国际商会希望鼓励对所涉各方都公平的良好的见索即付保函惯例,并且相信本规则通过认可各方的权利和义务,将会较好地平衡各方利益。与1978年出版的国际商会规则相比,本规则有利于受益人的一项主要变化是,不再要求所有保函项下受益人索偿时必须提交支持其要求的仲裁裁决或者其他独立的证明单据。

24、但是, 如果保函要求提交此类证明,这也仍然在本规则的适用范围内。本新规则还加入了有关反担保函的规定。It is a characteristic of all guarantees subject to these Rules that they are payable on presentation of one or more documents. The documentary requirements specified in demand guarantees vary widely. At one end is the guarantee which is payable on s

25、imple written demand, without a statement of default or other documentary requirements. At the other end is the guarantee which requires presentation of a judgment or arbitral award.适用本规则的所有见索即付保函的一个特点是在提交了一份或多份单据后获得付款。见索即付保函规定的单据要求差别很大。有的见索即付保函在提交了简单的书面付款要求后即予以付款,而不需要违约声明或者其他单据要求。有的见索即付保函则要求提交判决或者仲

26、裁裁决。Between these two extremes lie various intermediate forms of guarantee, such as guarantees requiring a statement of default by the beneficiary, with or without an indication of the nature of the default, or the presentation of a certificate by an engineer or surveyor. All these fall within the s

27、cope of the new Rules.在这两类极端的见索即付保函中间存在各种中间形式的见索即付保函,例如要求由受益人出具违约声明,指明或者不指明违约性质的保函,或者要求提交由工程师或者检验员出具的证明的保函。所有这些保函都属于本新规则调整的范围。However, the interests of the beneficiary must be balanced against the need to protect the principal against an unfair claim on the guarantee. The ICC considers it reasonable

28、 to provide that in accordance with principles of equity and fair dealing a demand should be in writing and should at least be accompanied by a statement by the beneficiary that, and in what respect, the principal is in default, and Article 20 so provides. A party who wishes to avoid or alter even t

29、his requirement is free to do so but must take the deliberate step of excluding or modifying Article 20 by the terms of the guarantee. However, Article 20, when read with Articles 2 (b) and (c), 9 and 11, also makes it clear that guarantors are not concerned with the adequacy of any statement of bre

30、ach. The documents must, of course, appear to conform to the guarantee, so that where a non-conformity is apparent on the face of the documents the beneficiary is not entitled to payment. Moreover, these Rules do not affect principles or rules of national law concerning the fraudulent or manifest ab

31、use or unfair calling of guarantees.但是,在保护受益人利益的同时,也需保护被担保人免受保函项下不正当的索偿的侵害,这二者需要平衡。国际商会认为,依照平等和公平交易原则,规定索偿要求应当采用书面形式且应当至少随附由受益人出具的关于被担保人违约及其违约事由的声明是合理的,本规则第20条对此作了规定。连这一要求都希望回避或者改变的一方有权如此行事,但是必须通过在见索即付保函中有意识地采用条款来排除或者修改第20条的内容。但是,第20条与第2条(b)和(c)款以及第9条和第11条一道,也清楚地表明担保人与任何违约声明的适当性无关。当然,单据必须在表面上与见索即付保函

32、一致,当单据表面上存在不一致时,受益人即无权获得付款。另外,本规则并不影响国内法律关于欺诈性的或者明显的滥用或者不正当支用保函的原则或规则。Like the UCP, these new Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees apply where expressly incorporated into the guarantee and depend for their success upon their use by the international business community. The ICC, through its National Committees and

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